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Anyone notice an increase in hackers?


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Anet could made a video on "How to spot a Hacker and report them"

too bad... the one that made the video on the revelation of hacks and exploits got flamed by pvp streamers or the little old scorpy can make a video on how to spot one so he can take a piss on the piss generated by the wannabe samaritans

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We see mesmers flying from outer wall to lord (dragonband ops dragonbags guild), but the worst is guilds / servers create chars to active Emergency Way point, Defenses, stolen golens, see if stay contested, enter in squad to spy. (JQ and Yaks stay doing this a lot, like Dragonbags, ops Dragonbands.) To me this is the same who uses hack, cheat or dirty game. Unfortunately ANET does not do anything about hacking even with complaints, and dirty game servers and guilds do not generate consequence or punishment.

SAD I came back after 4 years out of the game and they continue using the same cheats. The same servers to be THE TOP SERVERS!

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> @"Norbe.7630" said:

> Anet could made a video on "How to spot a Hacker and report them"

> too bad... the one that made the video on the revelation of hacks and exploits got flamed by pvp streamers or the little old scorpy can make a video on how to spot one so he can take a kitten on the kitten generated by the wannabe samaritans


That youtube dude used the 300% speedhack vs the streamers , to draw attantion .

He got banned for using , and moeaned about it in his youtube video.

The report system works :P

Thats proof :P


If you capture them with a video , ppl will be banned faster , raher than w8ing for more reports to that specific person .... to avoid solo-only-reports-abuse-trolls .... in the CASE OF FLYING OR MOVING 300% ....

and in secrecy ppl will multiply for other things ,,,


baka x2

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The hacks are rampant, just not always blatantly visible. This week we have JQ and YB in our matchup. YB has a guild that likes to endless tap red keep (it's just 1-4 people ever). That part we like in that it gives people something to do that is more like Benny Hill and a change from our regular pace. However, when you stomp dead the gold player and his friend, who from over 2k range, resses him while running even further away, it's kind of bogus. Search and rescue does not work on fully dead, stomped players from 2k+ range with no LOS...yet, they seem to know how to do that.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> The hacks are rampant, just not always blatantly visible. This week we have JQ and YB in our matchup. YB has a guild that likes to endless tap red keep (it's just 1-4 people ever). That part we like in that it gives people something to do that is more like Benny Hill and a change from our regular pace. However, when you stomp dead the gold player and his friend, who from over 2k range, resses him while running even further away, it's kind of bogus. Search and rescue does not work on fully dead, stomped players from 2k+ range with no LOS...yet, they seem to know how to do that.


Ya. It's lag. /s

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > The hacks are rampant, just not always blatantly visible. This week we have JQ and YB in our matchup. YB has a guild that likes to endless tap red keep (it's just 1-4 people ever). That part we like in that it gives people something to do that is more like Benny Hill and a change from our regular pace. However, when you stomp dead the gold player and his friend, who from over 2k range, resses him while running even further away, it's kind of bogus. Search and rescue does not work on fully dead, stomped players from 2k+ range with no LOS...yet, they seem to know how to do that.


> Ya. It's lag. /s


Yeah, I feel bad for those BOZ guys, they always lag. Not sure how they fight 4 vs 1 so well with all their "lag". They lag so bad that even 1200 range skills used against them from melee range says "out of range". I feel bad for them.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > The hacks are rampant, just not always blatantly visible. This week we have JQ and YB in our matchup. YB has a guild that likes to endless tap red keep (it's just 1-4 people ever). That part we like in that it gives people something to do that is more like Benny Hill and a change from our regular pace. However, when you stomp dead the gold player and his friend, who from over 2k range, resses him while running even further away, it's kind of bogus. Search and rescue does not work on fully dead, stomped players from 2k+ range with no LOS...yet, they seem to know how to do that.

> >

> > Ya. It's lag. /s


> Yeah, I feel bad for those BOZ guys, they always lag. Not sure how they fight 4 vs 1 so well with all their "lag". They lag so bad that even 1200 range skills used against them from melee range says "out of range". I feel bad for them.


Lol, I didn't mention it in my previous thread about those people jumping over briar gate but this is one of them. We had repeatedly killed them over and over and I guess they got mad and started using hacks/exploits. Just so you know what kind of people you are up against.

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Norbe.7630" said:

> > Anet could made a video on "How to spot a Hacker and report them"

> > too bad... the one that made the video on the revelation of hacks and exploits got flamed by pvp streamers or the little old scorpy can make a video on how to spot one so he can take a kitten on the kitten generated by the wannabe samaritans


> That youtube dude used the 300% speedhack vs the streamers , to draw attantion .

> He got banned for using , and moeaned about it in his youtube video.

> The report system works :P

> Thats proof :P


> If you capture them with a video , ppl will be banned faster , raher than w8ing for more reports to that specific person .... to avoid solo-only-reports-abuse-trolls .... in the CASE OF FLYING OR MOVING 300% ....

> and in secrecy ppl will multiply for other things ,,,


> baka x2


Are you sure he got banned for using speedhack or when he bought gold to get a point across?

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> I stopped reporting the speed hackers a long time ago, nothing gets done anyway. Why waste the time.


As I said before. Your reports aren't going unheeded. Anet might have a flag on them and they're queued for the next wave. Not reporting them = they have less attention to them. Their bans come in waves, to make it harder for the hack authors to troubleshoot their hacks.


> @"johnnymiller.5968" said:

> Whats really disappointing is when your own side appears to be cheating. Two towers captured today, without a single wall or door taken down by siege.


If I knew someone on my team was cheating, I would report him. As someone who has dealt with cheaters both from a player perspective and prior, a serveradmin perspective, I believe in the "play fair or don't play at all" mantra. I suggest you do the same and tag cheaters on your team. Because not only is it bad, it makes your team look bad, too.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> i am sure if they got enough evidence they do ban people.


I'm not sure about that having played many NCSoft titles their games went down exactly because of RMT, botting and scripts like these. they didn't do much about it.


> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Is there a cheat going around that acts that all of your skills are on a permanent 20% faster cooldown? Seen a few people who seem to be able to pump a lot more dmg since everything is ready again 20% faster.


I too think I've spotted something suspicious, but it's very hard to say since that kind of stat modification would probably be invisible. Making yourself immune to CC based on the video we all saw can still show a toon "twitching" whilst moving with Cripple, but in this case, only a patch could be the answer. I'm afraid they don't do it, as it would require significant amount of new code to be written.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> The program which shall not be named has over 40,000 downloads.


> Forty thousand


> An epidemic needs to be treated differently than a single incident.

But everyone says wvw is dead, wouldnt 40,000 players hacking and having fun be well populated?


Where is everyone?!

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > The program which shall not be named has over 40,000 downloads.

> >

> > Forty thousand

> >

> > An epidemic needs to be treated differently than a single incident.

> But everyone says wvw is dead, wouldnt 40,000 players hacking and having fun be well populated?


> Where is everyone?!


You are forgetting PvP

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > The program which shall not be named has over 40,000 downloads.

> > >

> > > Forty thousand

> > >

> > > An epidemic needs to be treated differently than a single incident.

> > But everyone says wvw is dead, wouldnt 40,000 players hacking and having fun be well populated?

> >

> > Where is everyone?!


> You are forgetting PvP


And pve


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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> I would love to see some replies from ArenaNet about the cheating reports. The only replies I see are thread locks when players post information about players who they accuse of cheating.


It's kept on the DL with good cause, we advertise for it here.

But if you pay attention, you'll notice full-time players suddenly _losr interest_ for months at a time.

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ill just copy paste so you wont go on the site


Punkbuster for MMOs?

PunkbusterOrcI’d like to link to a Blog I found last week called The Greenskin. It’s a Blog and comic pretty much all about Warhammer. I believe it was Snafzg (the head orc there) who wrote an interesting article on whether or not you would support anti-cheat spyware running with WAR. Along with his well written look at such a scenario, he includes data collected from a few future WAR players. The results of said poll do not surprise me. It was evenly split yes/no with an equal third saying “meh”. But Snafzg’s idea does stir up a few thoughts in my mind regarding the future of MMOs and anti-cheats.


Cheaters are everywhere. Label them hackers, exploiters, or whatever, they’re still cheaters. The two most notorious and, to me, outright displays of cheating were in DAOC and WoW. In DAOC there were radar hacks that allowed people to find exactly where you were. In WoW they had everything from radar to programs that would play the game for you and get you to level 60 within 3-4 days. I’m sure there are plenty more things out there that I am oblivious to but these things alone are bad enough. There will be cheaters in WAR – you can count on it. Would you support a more proactive approach to catch these cheaters?


World of Warcraft uses Warden; a program that runs in the background and searches your comp for anything ‘bad’. Should WAR and every MMO out there for that matter adopt similar programs? I referenced Punkbuster in the title of this post because the FPS side of gaming has been plagued with the worst sort of cheaters far longer than MMOs have been. Punkbuster is similar to Warden in that it searches for hacks and cheats but it’s a far more blatant “in your face” approach. When you join a game it not only verifies your CD key but it keeps a log of where you have been and what you did in-game. (For a more detailed list of what Punkbuster does visit their features section) It’s well designed enough to take pictures of what your game looks like and it sends them to be reviewed to server admins – so yes, they could see if you are using radars or map hacks, etc.


Would you support a program that ran in the background designed to search out cheats and hacks if it had no negative impact on game or system performance? I would. It would have to be a guarantee though that this program searches for NOTHING else and I would have to be 100% satisfied that it would not impact my gameplay in any way. I have nothing to hide but I’m also cynical. I don’t trust people until they have earned my trust. Privacy is important and who’s to say that someone won’t step beyond their bounds with such a tool? As The Greenskin noted, Blizzard encrypted Warden to make it less detectable. Who knows what they could be doing. /insert shifty eyes


Implementing a Punkbuster type approach to stop cheating could go a long way in MMOs. It removes the question as to whether or not a company is proactively doing something about cheating. It also removes a great deal of doubt as to whether or not that group of 8 people just stumbled upon you or if they used a radar (notice I didn’t say all doubt. I still question whether or not these programs can detect ALL hacks.)


I don’t like cheaters but I do like my privacy. Having to choose which is more important to me… making sure cheaters get caught or keeping my privacy intact… It’s something to think about.

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wow that is over 10 years old!

if you by linking this want to ask the question whether we would like such a background programm or not - that depends on the programm for me.

aside from the points already mentioned in the text it is also important what it will actually do, cause for instance in BnS many people got banned for using 3rd party software because they got flagged for the drivers of their gaming keyboards, while still many bots were in the game. stuff like that shouldnt happen. however you plan to detect cheaters unless you gaming experience is more defined by ensuring you are not cheating then playing actually the game, there will allways be ways to bypass it all and cheat regardless. for me most important is that i can play a game without having to bother about cheats, currently i very rarely see cheaters. either there are just a few or i dont happen to run into them or their attempts to cheat doesnt help them, so i dont notice. either way i am fine with the current state of the game regarding cheaters as i dont feel affected much by cheats.



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