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Pof vs Hot


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Hello all ! today i want to get everyone's input on on what they think about what pof vs hot !


startin with my opinion (MINE) sorry for bad english or grammar my main language is french.


now that pof has been out for a bit , all i think when i play is how awesome Hot was , when it came out at 1st i thought it was just ok with all the mastery grinding and (wall) between each story missions the huge size map vertically and annoying to navigate at 1st . the hot map were big and small at the same time its hard to explain , it felt more alive with all the meta and such ,all the collections you could go for . the replayability was just off the roof in hot .


now pof is a great expansion , its just so different than Hot i miss the map activeness , the meta, i feel even if there was metas all over in pof it would still feel empty as the maps are soo huge. they added mounts wich was probably the best bet they ever made as a company , people wanted them and most people are crazy for customization for those wich in the end is a nice way to get money to work on more content from a business stand point its so well executed . you feel it in game the amount f effort that was put into making the mounts , the animations are amazing it feels like you are riding it for real , so kudos really.


i never played guild wars 1 , i know i know i now understand i should have . its what annoyed me the most in pof is that its made of old gw1 lore and so forth, most gw1 vets will hate me for that but if you never played gw1 you dont give a F about who is palawa joko! its vaguely explained in gw2 that i had to wiki it to understand more .


i'll be honest here i like never go in the pof maps anymore, i think they are boring (i said it) most of the new elite specialisation are really great tho!


wich brings me to wish for a ground in between for the next xpac i know its a long way from now still. but a middle ground between pof and hot in my opinion would be amazing . i know the living story season 4 might have some of the best maps yet to come as we are anxiously waiting the next episode .


so what do you guys/girls think ?


please keep it civilized as im sure developpers will glady hear us out on this



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> @"Zexall.6305" said:

> now pof is a great expansion , its just so different than Hot


For me, that is what is great about each and both. They are both very different and yet familiar. They are suitable for different things, and I gravitate towards one or the other at any given point depending on what I feel like doing at the time.


I have a character that is slowly doing map completion in PoF now. I have 3 characters of my 9 who have completed it. HoT, on the other hand, I have 3 characters that have completed it, but don't really have a desire to do any more, save for maybe getting on some HP trains. My other 6 characters did trains in HoT until they had enough points to get the new elite specs before venturing off into PoF (though in many cases, I didn't or haven't tried the new specs out yet before proceeding into PoF with them). HoT is, of course, great for the metas. I still enjoy AB quite a bit, do it daily. VB is a great overall experience once you get used to the map. All of it's events and the night meta are all really interesting and fun. I struggled with TD, never learned the meta well. DS was a fun meta, and I don't know why I don't do it any more, to be honest. I also played a lot through all the LW3 maps, getting ascended stuff for everyone and then maxing out my 1000 high collections with all the currency from each zone. Still play Bloodstone Fen because I really like the gliding combat.


I like doing the PoF treasure maps in Desert Highlands when the event is up. I enjoy picking away at the achievements in all the zones, and many of the events are fun. I always enjoy a good escort, and it seems like there's always one or two more people who join in along the way. I was working on my 100 Djinn kills in Elon and did it near an HP and helped out every time someone came by to do it.


I do wish PoF had a little more incentive to organize for the metas that are there, as I don't think I'll ever finish that armor collection achievement.

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I like PoF and hate HoT more than I can put into words. I don't like to play based on a shedule.

Oh you would like to get some HP's? Too bad, now you have to do the Meta and then you have to find a group because there is no way you could ever solo this HP.

You actually want to do a meta now? Sorry bud, you'll have to wait an hour. What was that, you need something for your Legendary that is not tradable and locked behind a meta that lasts 2hours, is boring as kitten, requires no skill whatsoever and limited to that one region you'll never enter unless you need that meta? Boy do I have something for you.


Yeah, HoT has a lot of replayability, because there is no way around it weather you like it or not... We should've just lured primordus into Maguuma and have him turn it into another wasteland so we never have to do those boring metas again. But man HoT really is a nice challenge for a change, finally I can stand in one spot and press 1 for 15 Minutes straight granted I run from A to B every once in a while for some arbituary mechanic that doesn't really have anything to do with what I'm capable of. GREAT!


PoF isn't perfect either but at least it doesn't force me to shedule my entire playtime according to some timers just so that I can get the loot I want (because there isn't any specific loot in PoF that you could possibly want).


What I prefer about PoF is that there is a lot more you can do solo or in small groups and the metas are at least a tiny bit more fun (although that might be due to the fact that I haven't grinded them to death yet).


I'd like to see an expansion where we actually have to explore, with lot's of hidden secrets that are actually rewarding if you manage to find them, hidden challenges and all that stuff - but think of a way to make them less predictable so that you can't just check dulfy and finish everything within a few days by following a guide... Make it more engaging, maybe an NPC's roaming through a huge map or something like that (Yes I know about Guild Missions).

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Players who rise to a challenge will adore HoT. For anyone else there's PoF.


> I havent found either expansion to be particularly challenging.


Yes yes how impressive. In terms of navigating the environment for the first time, and needing to be more careful with stronger enemies, you would probably have grounds to argue that it's challenging, especially to a player who isn't on top of their game.


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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Players who rise to a challenge will adore HoT. For anyone else there's PoF.

> >

> > I havent found either expansion to be particularly challenging.


> Yes yes how impressive. In terms of navigating the environment for the first time, and needing to be more careful with stronger enemies, you would probably have grounds to argue that it's challenging, especially to a player who isn't on top of their game.



Nothing impressive. I just dont consider challenge being a measure of difference between the two. Both have foes that are stronger than the core game. I expect that those who find HoT to be challenging might have considered PoF a challenge had it come out first.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Players who rise to a challenge will adore HoT. For anyone else there's PoF.

> >

> > I havent found either expansion to be particularly challenging.


> Yes yes how impressive. In terms of navigating the environment for the first time, and needing to be more careful with stronger enemies, you would probably have grounds to argue that it's challenging, especially to a player who isn't on top of their game.



I think you misused word challenging. Tedious or annoying are words you're looking for here.

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HoT was better. It actually felt like you crashed in a jungle and were on a campaign to kill a dragon. The difficulty helped. I also like elite specs from HoT more, but that is probably just a personal bias. PoF feels like an extended LS3 episode with expansion elements (elite specs, mounts, etc).

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I think both expansions, content-wise are both pretty solid. HoT was more of a "hard-mode" release, and it paid off. PoF is more of a relaxed, exploration-based expansion, and it's fun as well.

The problem is that even though PoF has it's fair share of repeatable content. The investiment vs reward curve for PoF events is badly balanced. The cost for items in PoF is too high, and the rewards for each event too low, which discourages people from repeating the content. That's what HoT did well. HoT metas are big and on a timer, but they do have good rewards, and you might waste one hour at a meta, but you know you'll come out of it with something. PoF not so much. It requires dozens of bounties for a single reward to be obtainable in PoF.

Contrast this with HoT Maps where doing any event will land you "keys" which in turn will land you plenty of that map's currency. You can pretty much buy any one reward from a Map vendor after doing a single meta phase. Can you say the same in PoF?

And that's the big issue with PoF. It, like HoT before, needs a Reward review pass to make the content engaging.


For the next expansion, i'm hoping they build a gradient.

1-2 Initial maps, akin to PoF maps (heavy focus on exploration and hearts)

1-2 Midling maps with a Verdant Brink/Dry Top/Auric basin like meta (still allows for exploration on one phase, then has a more dedicated meta phase - Night time/Sandstorm/Octovine)

1-2 Hard/Meta maps like DS, TD or SW. Maps with big emphasis in a multi-lane meta event and preparation for it, with higher difficulty but higher reward as well.


This can also easily be translated into the logic and story progression, first few maps are relatively "peaceful areas" just outside the influence of the enemy (Kralkatorrik?), as you progress through those, you'll encounter more and more resistance, which leads to the medium difficulty maps, and as you get closer to the centre of the enemy's influence you need to participate in harder battles to get to the core of it (just like Dragon Stand).

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > Players who rise to a challenge will adore HoT. For anyone else there's PoF.

> > >

> > > I havent found either expansion to be particularly challenging.

> >

> > Yes yes how impressive. In terms of navigating the environment for the first time, and needing to be more careful with stronger enemies, you would probably have grounds to argue that it's challenging, especially to a player who isn't on top of their game.

> >


> I think you misused word challenging. Tedious or annoying are words you're looking for here.


Heh maybe. I'm patient - I didn't find them tedious, although I can understand why someone would. I liked that it rewarded you with deeper knowledge of map traversal.


There's a guy I always see running HP groups in Tangled Depths, and he's done it so much he knows the map inside out, he knows all possible routes and shortcuts. I like that aspect.


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HoT has more detailed maps, they have a floor, middle and a ceiling. They were more difficult to navigate than the traditional maps at first but once you learned then it was hard not to appreciate the amount of design and time that went into creating them. PoF maps are similar to that of the vanilla GW2. In terms of exploration, its not as in depth as HoTs. But I think the PoF maps are more visually pleasing than those in HoT.


PoF has a better story than HoT imo.

HoT has a better sense of progression of your character with the mastery system. I didn't get the same feel while leveling mount skills.

HoT also has better map events. PoF meta events are non existent, except for desolation and the recently added map in daybreak.

PoF has bounties which are definitely fun to do.

Both xpacs have well thought out elite specs. Its hard to say which one is better.

HoT has a better musical score.

PoF introduced better inventory management with unidentified items (yay no more minor/major sigils and runes)

HoT was more balanced pvp wise, PoF is just a mess.


I personally think PoF is a better xpac, but I can't help but to feel that Anet put more passion in creating the HoTs xpac.


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PoF all the way.


First, **Deadeye** rekindled my love to the game as if you throw a full bottle of charcoal lighter onto a camp fire.

Then it has a **bright, dry environment**. For some reason, I don't like the damply, high humidity green/cave/brown levels of HoT. (Not that I hate those, but I like it more).

In PoF I encounter less **mapping errors/mistakes** that prevent Deadeye from being played properly. That includes sudden "out of range mob regeneration"* and less "Invalid path to target".

**In HoT,** I could not use my profession, because **dashing myself off a cliff just because of Daredevil fighting style** is very annoying.

So far, I have yet to find the way to Rata Novus. While I admire the mapping quality, what's the point when I gotta look up stuff on the internet (which I did not. Yet. It's against my principles). HoT is not too complicated, it's **annoyingly complicated to navigate,** and the easing of travel is put behind a long mastery path. Eh, what?

**I like the enemies a bit better.** First I thought walking cacti are a shot on Final Fantasy, but the Choya are strangely adorable. Even though, more living beings would be nice, and less zombies or robots.

**The Springer.**

**High contrast post-processing** turns nights into real nights: My Asura blends into darkness when it turns night, and the Ghostly Outfit does not have the weird eye socket problem there.


HoT? Well, it had **Rox.** She's a cute cat for real.




*On a platform were 2 Mordrem. One I could take down easily, the other one was "out of range" and gets health regeneration. This inconsitence is annoying. Out of 6 enemies, I can attack like A, C, D and F. B and E for some reason not.

Later I got stuck with my dashes and shadowsteps because, apparently, tiny rocks, pebbles and mushrooms can truncate my skills, making that dangerous environment even more deadly, but that being very one-sided and frustrating. L

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I love both but if I had to choose I would say hot is better. Not by much though. I would only say hot is better because there are metas. And hps took groups to do instead of individually in pof. I did like 5 characters to get all elites by myself in pof. Where as hot is group content. Honestly I wish arenanet made pof harder so we could do more group content. Pof did great with mounts however I think mounts messed up jumping puzzles. And hope that sooner or later they make it so you can’t use mounts anywhere near the jumping puzzle.


However pof makes questing more fun and faster. But to me mordremoth as much as I first hated him. Killing him again in the story is much more fun then Balthazar. Me and a friend killed Balthazar on first try vs mordremoth taking forever to kill. And needing almost a full party.


Hopefully arenanet will make maps harder so we can do groups instead of being alone. But if I had to choose which was hard and sweating and annoying but great at the finish and great at metas and hps. It’s hot. But pof is better for if you want to solo.

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There's no doubt HoT is still far more popular (or at least populated) than PoF. That pretty much says it all, assuming people play the content they enjoy - that's what games are for, right? PoF is a great expansion, with great zones, but even vanilla has more replayability. I'd love for ANet to fill out the PoF zones with big metas.

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HoT is lightyears better than PoF! I got bored of PoF 2 weeks after release because it feels like a single-player game. It doesn't have many metas and the available ones are not worth doing. I'm an MMORPG fan and GW2 is an MMORPG, HoT was a step in the right direction thanks to open world meta events but solo players (who shouldn't even play MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER games) complained and Anet listened (unfortunately), so we got this solo borefest in an MMORPG. It's sad. Only good thing in PoF is mounts and story but I only play HoT content and don't even touch PoF, bounties are boring and the metas are not fun and not rewarding at all.

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I think HoT didnt make a good initial impression wit me. I got HoT after coming back into the game to check out PoF. I didnt get HoT at launch because it was too expensive (it cost more than the price of GW 2 vanilla) and the glider concept didnt gel with me. On first few days of playing HoT I think they made it too difficult to progress into the content by requiring the player **level** up basic mysteries to get anywhere. Things such as gliding/mushroom jumping/updraft shouldve been given to players by default. This would make it so theres a way to get to all maps without levelling up/unlocking mastery points. Instead it felt like a contrived mario brothers experience that I wasnt expecting in a mmo. The first map combined with all the tiny raptors running around instant killing you if you didnt have heavy aoe made verdant brink an unpleasant first experience. I still think they made mastery points too hard to aquire in HoT as I still havent unlocked all of them even though I done it rather easily in PoF.


Apart from this I like wide open space and exploration better than jumping puzzles so PoF takes it in terms of map design. Where it lags behind is in meta event that provides decent reward comparable to auric basin and dragon strand. I also didnt like the introduction of mounts and would preferred it they just let a player respawn where they die.

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I think all maps and expansions have their own charm. I can play the heck out of Silverwaste one day and run event chains on Verdant Brink the next. I also love to bury myself in the core maps on a new character for days on end. Same goes for PoF. I play it when i feel like it, just like all the rest.


The great thing in GW2 is, imo, that you don't have to level beyond 80. It makes the game grow wider and bigger with every 'expansion'.


I really hope they'll never let go of that concept, ever.

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