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Legendary armor is MIA

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I've been looking for someone, anyone to have Legendary armor to see if it's worth the time.


I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.


Or maybe it's that I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time and that there are hundreds of suits out there but I keep looking the wrong way.

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check the raid lobby. Plenty of of players may also just have transmuted their legendary armor.


But in general, you are right. Not many players go for legendary armor.


93% of all accounts registered on gw2efficiency dont have a single piece of legendary armor and that includes legendary armor from pvp and wvw.

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And we can safely assume that the players who are registered on gw2efficiency belong to the more committed side of the playerbase. Those players are more likely to play regularly, do high level content and care about figures.


If we had numbers for all players, the percentage of legendary armor owners would be even smaller.


You can watch screenshots and videos made by players of legendary armor to see how it looks like. Personally, I don't like it enough to go for it. And I would certainly not get medium armor, which my favourite class uses. Then you have inconvenient stat changing on them. My guess is that mesmer has the most use for stat switching. You can play tank, condi, support, maybe even go for healing a bit. A lot of different stat combinations to play with. Why would I ever need armor stat switching for my thief?


I say inconvenient because right now, it's much faster and more convenient to just have a second armor set in your inventory. I really doubt that any mesmer who does raids changes the stats and runes on legendary armor from boss to boss. They'll just double-click the items of a second set that already has the desired stats and runes and be done within a few seconds. You can even do that between encounters in fractals much faster than selecting stats on every piece of legendary armor. And for trinkets you have to do it like this anyway.


I might be tempted to go for legendary armor if Anet implemented build templates.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I've been looking for someone, anyone to have Legendary armor to see if it's worth the time.


> I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.


> Or maybe it's that I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time and that there are hundreds of suits out there but I keep looking the wrong way.


Nah ppl skin it over because 2/sets are nothing amazing and the third dyes like crap. I also never see ppl with gild fractal weapons does that mean nobody runs them either?

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On EU servers there's usually at least 1 person in LA wearing it. I also saw someone in Malchor's Leap with a set yesterday, but I only noticed because I saw the draw animation, otherwise it just looked like normal armour because they had it dyed entirely black which hides most the details. Someone in my guild has 3 sets - one of each weight. But considering a lot of the people asking for legendary armour before it was released wanted it for the stat change option rather than whatever they imagined the skins would look like, and we've only got 1 skin per armour weight which is never going to appeal to everyone I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of legendary armour in the game has been transmuted.


But legendary armour was always going to be a niche thing. Raids themselves only appeal to a small part of the playerbase, which Anet knew when they started - that's why they're developed by a small team and we've continued to get other kinds of PvE content alongside it. They set out to make a game for casual players so they knew not everyone would want to raid, but if they can have it there as an option for the people who do without having to stop development in other area why shouldn't they? Same with legendary armour - they said when it was released they'd only be doing 1 set of skins because it wasn't worth the time and effort it took to make lots of them, but they wanted one for the people who did want it.


But you could say the same about anything in the game. What percentage of the playerbase regularly plays PvP (excluding rigged matches to get the dailies done)? Or WvW? Or actually enjoys jumping puzzles and does them for fun? How many bother to go for the really expensive/difficult mini pets? Or achievements that cost hundreds or thousands of gold? How many bothered to do all the achievements to get luminescent armour - was that a waste of time and money for Anet too? If you tried to focus only on the stuff that the vast majority of players want to do and are able to complete you'd have very little game left and I suspect a lot of people would find it quite boring.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> And we can safely assume that the players who are registered on gw2efficiency belong to the more committed side of the playerbase. Those players are more likely to play regularly, do high level content and care about figures.


> If we had numbers for all players, the percentage of legendary armor owners would be even smaller.


> You can watch screenshots and videos made by players of legendary armor to see how it looks like. Personally, I don't like it enough to go for it. And I would certainly not get medium armor, which my favourite class uses. Then you have inconvenient stat changing on them. My guess is that mesmer has the most use for stat switching. You can play tank, condi, support, maybe even go for healing a bit. A lot of different stat combinations to play with. Why would I ever need armor stat switching for my thief?


> I say inconvenient because right now, it's much faster and more convenient to just have a second armor set in your inventory. I really doubt that any mesmer who does raids changes the stats and runes on legendary armor from boss to boss. They'll just double-click the items of a second set that already has the desired stats and runes and be done within a few seconds. You can even do that between encounters in fractals much faster than selecting stats on every piece of legendary armor. And for trinkets you have to do it like this anyway.


> I might be tempted to go for legendary armor if Anet implemented build templates.


Actually recently it became more convenient to have legendary since arc can now stat-, infusion- and rune-swap it. But I never did it for the QoL, in fact I've said many times it's vastly overrated. And I still think so, given the huge cost. But I nevertheless made all 3 sets because... why not?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> On EU servers there's usually at least 1 person in LA wearing it. I also saw someone in Malchor's Leap with a set yesterday, but I only noticed because I saw the draw animation, otherwise it just looked like normal armour because they had it dyed entirely black which hides most the details. Someone in my guild has 3 sets - one of each weight. But considering a lot of the people asking for legendary armour before it was released wanted it for the stat change option rather than whatever they imagined the skins would look like, and we've only got 1 skin per armour weight which is never going to appeal to everyone I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of legendary armour in the game has been transmuted.


> But legendary armour was always going to be a niche thing. Raids themselves only appeal to a small part of the playerbase, which Anet knew when they started - that's why they're developed by a small team and we've continued to get other kinds of PvE content alongside it. They set out to make a game for casual players so they knew not everyone would want to raid, but if they can have it there as an option for the people who do without having to stop development in other area why shouldn't they? Same with legendary armour - they said when it was released they'd only be doing 1 set of skins because it wasn't worth the time and effort it took to make lots of them, but they wanted one for the people who did want it.


> But you could say the same about anything in the game. What percentage of the playerbase regularly plays PvP (excluding rigged matches to get the dailies done)? Or WvW? Or actually enjoys jumping puzzles and does them for fun? How many bother to go for the really expensive/difficult mini pets? Or achievements that cost hundreds or thousands of gold? How many bothered to do all the achievements to get luminescent armour - was that a waste of time and money for Anet too? If you tried to focus only on the stuff that the vast majority of players want to do and are able to complete you'd have very little game left and I suspect a lot of people would find it quite boring.


And yet, making legendary armor with a unique skin was such a massive task, that even anet had to admit that it wasn't really worth it and they won't make anymore legendary armor pieces.


So, it's a difference between making a luminescent reskin, that just has on single color, or 3 sets of legendary armor, that has to look unique, with animations and collections etc and then only 1% of your playerbase gets to enjoy your work.


It's just a waste of resources. They could've instead just made fractal armor, something at least 30-40% of the players could've enjoyed. But oh well, they needed the uber reward for the 1% of raiders.

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I think the problem with the Envoy armor is the combat mode. Otherwise it wouldn't have taken nearly as much time. So they aren't likely to add another skin with the same feature. That being said, you're vastly overestimating the commitment of players to FotM. Judging by the WvW legendary armor, a FotM one would require effort and dedication on par with the raid one. And it would end up being crafted by pretty much the same players who now own one or more Envoy skins.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> ...That being said, you're vastly overestimating the commitment of players to FotM. Judging by the WvW legendary armor, a FotM one would require effort and dedication on par with the raid one. And it would end up being crafted by pretty much the same players who now own one or more Envoy skins.


I really don't think so. Fractals are much more approachable for players. Unfortunately, I have no numbers that would tell us how many people play fractals and raids and how many do both. gw2efficiency shows the percentage of all registered players who got the legendary backpack for example, but it doesn't allow multiple selections for achievements or skins unlocked and shows a Venn diagram.


9.4% of registered players have Ad Infinitum unlocked. I cannot tell how many players unlocked legendary armor because there is no unique identifier associated with it, like a title (you only get one when you made all armor weights). There are more indicators, like how many players got Legendary Insights? Looks like 50% of players have zero LIs. How many players got the Professor title for completing the fractals junk item collection (which takes a few weeks of playing fractals)? It's almost 55%.


A lot of players play fractals and never set foot into raids. Of course there is an overlap, but it is not the same subset of players. I rarely join raids, I have only 13 LIs, but I play fractals every day, and as far as I know, I'm not unique. You can easily and quickly do a fractal run, but not a raid run, and many people simply have limited time for playing. The tiered system in fractals allows newbies to just go ahead and play. There is a high entry barrier for raids, you cannot simply walz in and play them whenever you have time.


I'm pretty sure that a lot of people who never bother to raid for legendary armor would do it in fractals.

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I didn't meant fractal armor as in "legendary fractal armor". I just mentioned it as an example, how the time of the devs, making the legendary sets could've been used in a much more efficient way, for example by making unique fractal armor skins that could've been aquired by all players that play fractals (like fractal weapons for example).


We could've also got several new and unique living world armor sets instead of raid legendary armor skins or really whatever you can imagine could've been done during the time needed to make legendary raid armor skins for 1% of players.


As for legendary armor, I think in its current implementation it:

- has not a wide audience that is willing/capable of acquiring it

- has not much use outside of the type (or level of difficulty) of the content that is already needed to acquire the armor in the first place

- offers, unlike the legendary weapons, no real choice in looks

- shouldn't be used as an excuse for not offering something basic as a build template system with stat swapping or whatever. Sometimes I get the feeling that the devs try to halfass the stat swapping system for the few ppl that have legendary armor and then call it a day for the rest of the community and tell them to go for legendary armor when they want that feature


Imo, it's just a flawed concept, from whatever point of view you look at it.

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I feel stupid, as I was about to answer to OP that why don't s/he ask players how legendary pieces look like stat-wise... I feel stupid because only just like 5 mins ago I realized that in GW2 people don't talk about legendary pieces because of their stats, but because of their skins :open_mouth:


Personally, I am planning to get PvP/WvW asc pieces and upgrade them to legendary at some point to get a stat-swappable armor. I never even thought how they look like, or how PvE legendary armor look like, as I am anyways going to transmute the pieces, probably several times. But:


> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Then you have inconvenient stat changing on them. My guess is that mesmer has the most use for stat switching. You can play tank, condi, support, maybe even go for healing a bit. A lot of different stat combinations to play with. Why would I ever need armor stat switching for my thief?


> I say inconvenient because right now, it's much faster and more convenient to just have a second armor set in your inventory. I really doubt that any mesmer who does raids changes the stats and runes on legendary armor from boss to boss. They'll just double-click the items of a second set that already has the desired stats and runes and be done within a few seconds. You can even do that between encounters in fractals much faster than selecting stats on every piece of legendary armor. And for trinkets you have to do it like this anyway.


Yeah. I have found GW2's build swapping so laborous and error-prone (especially because you notice your errors in traits, runes, and such only too late, when in combat), that I am more willing to run mediocre hybrid builds than optimize builds to content. In general this means that I mainly run PvE content in WvW roam builds. I have placed my big hopes to legendary stat-swapping, but of course you are right: build swapping is not just about swapping stats, but also other things like traits, weapons and such. And because of that, it is basically the same if you double-click new pieces from inventory or right-click pieces to choose stats, it really does not help much.


Why to switch armor stats on Thief? Maybe you have condi-DPS and power-DPS builds? Maybe some balance patches move the pendulum to other side, and you want to follow that swing? On my druid-ranger, I have hoped to be able to tune the stats depending on the team and my role - I think most times I run pretty offensive stats, but in some groups it might be nice to boost support stats (healing power and especially concentration).


> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> I might be tempted to go for legendary armor if Anet implemented build templates.


> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> A wild guess - legendary gear would be much more popular if Anet implemented build templates (that support legendary gear stat swapping).


Oh please Anet, could you hear this? Could you make a life bit more easier related to builds: professions already have pretty nice flexibility, but because of gears (stats, runes, sigils, weapons, etc) you can not enjoy that, but you are stuck to one build, or in some cases maybe two or three :/

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > ...That being said, you're vastly overestimating the commitment of players to FotM. Judging by the WvW legendary armor, a FotM one would require effort and dedication on par with the raid one. And it would end up being crafted by pretty much the same players who now own one or more Envoy skins.


> I really don't think so. Fractals are much more approachable for players. Unfortunately, I have no numbers that would tell us how many people play fractals and raids and how many do both. gw2efficiency shows the percentage of all registered players who got the legendary backpack for example, but it doesn't allow multiple selections for achievements or skins unlocked and shows a Venn diagram.


> 9.4% of registered players have Ad Infinitum unlocked. I cannot tell how many players unlocked legendary armor because there is no unique identifier associated with it, like a title (you only get one when you made all armor weights). There are more indicators, like how many players got Legendary Insights? Looks like 50% of players have zero LIs. How many players got the Professor title for completing the fractals junk item collection (which takes a few weeks of playing fractals)? It's almost 55%.


> A lot of players play fractals and never set foot into raids. Of course there is an overlap, but it is not the same subset of players. I rarely join raids, I have only 13 LIs, but I play fractals every day, and as far as I know, I'm not unique. You can easily and quickly do a fractal run, but not a raid run, and many people simply have limited time for playing. The tiered system in fractals allows newbies to just go ahead and play. There is a high entry barrier for raids, you cannot simply walz in and play them whenever you have time.


> I'm pretty sure that a lot of people who never bother to raid for legendary armor would do it in fractals.


It's not about the numbers, it's about persistence. Have you seen how much time does it take to make a WvW legendary set? I have. It's a LOT. Yes, many players play fractals. But very few play them so much. We're not talking about few weeks. We're talking about months of **active **play. WvW set takes that much, raid set takes that much, a hypothetical FotM set would take that much as well.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I've been looking for someone, anyone to have Legendary armor to see if it's worth the time.


> I think this is an example of being so restrictive that people don't care to try. With that in mind, it's a waste of ANET developers time and money to roll-out something that is of so little use to the masses.


> Or maybe it's that I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time and that there are hundreds of suits out there but I keep looking the wrong way.


The legendary armor looks TERRIBLE. I wouldn't mind getting it for the convenience of stat-swapping. But I'd immediately skin it over with the gemstore "exemplar's attire" (i.e. best outfit in the game).


More to your point, OP... I disagree. There NEEDS to be some reward to incentivize raids. And legendary armor just barely (sort of) fills that role. It's in no way a "waste of ANET developers time and money" to invest resources in some of their most dedicated and profitable players.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Legendary armor, all weights, is some of the least attractive work in the history of the franchise in my opinion. I would not be surprised if the majority of those who pursue it end up reskinning.


Light and Medium, yeah.


But I friggin' love my Heavy.

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In general, we shouldn't expect all that many people to have legendary armor.


> @"Wanze.8410" said:

> check the raid lobby. Plenty of of players may also just have transmuted their legendary armor.


> But in general, you are right. Not many players go for legendary armor.


> 93% of all accounts registered on gw2efficiency dont have a single piece of legendary armor and that includes legendary armor from pvp and wvw.


The L-armor option for WvW & PvP was added in August of 2017. A full set takes _a minimum of_ 7880 tickets. Those reaching the ticket cap would need 22 weeks to earn 7880 tickets. Tickets were introduced in June of 2017: there have been 36 weeks since then, so even people who maxed each week & hoarded all their tickets would barely have enough to afford 1.5 sets. However, the same sort of people who could do that had already invested in Warbringer, the legendary back that requires 2800 claim tickets (1.6% of GW2/E users have finished the backpack. An addition 0.6% have completed the exotic precursor; a total of over 5.1% have bought the 'fine' piece of the collection.)


In other words, there simply hasn't been enough time for lots of people to earn enough to afford WvW L-armor. Consider also that there aren't all that many hardcore WvWers: only about 15% of the GW2/E stats have rank 500 or above. The median rank is 41, i.e. over half of all GW2/E stats come from folks with a WvW rank below 50 — none of those people are going to have any chance of seeing WvW l-armor anytime soon.


More interesting is how many people have killed at least one raid boss. As a proxy, let's use "Siege the Stronghold," the achievement earned from finishing the easiest raid encounter. (Or, to be fair, the one that nearly everyone agrees to be the easiest.) According to GW2/E, 26% of registrants have reached that milestone. And 10.2% of people have completed Envoy Armor I (the first collection to obtain any raid armor) and 7.0% have completed Envoy II.


So plenty of people seem to be going for legendary armor, but because it's a long, long term goal, not a lot of people have completed it.



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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> It's not about the numbers, it's about persistence. Have you seen how much time does it take to make a WvW legendary set? I have. It's a LOT. Yes, many players play fractals. But very few play them so much. We're not talking about few weeks. We're talking about months of **active **play. WvW set takes that much, raid set takes that much, a hypothetical FotM set would take that much as well.

Raids in that are in a far better situation than other modes (and yes, certainly better than potential fractal legendary armor would have been as well). Why? because they are on a week lockout. You do a full clear once per week, and you're done. In comparison, for WvW you would need to play practically wvw only for the whole week (or have a really high wvw rank, which means you have been playing WvW almost exclusively for the past years). That means, that raiders for their set need may need a lot of weeks, but far less _hours_.



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I'm at 4 of 6 legendary on my mesmer. It really does come in handy to stat swap on the fly. I would have had enough for a full set already, but have been replacing my pve ascended trinkets with wvw mist trinkets, cause they can be stat swapped as well. The ability to stat swap is maybe more of a convenience thing, but it is nice.

That said, I am a long way from starting my legendary set for my ranger.

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> @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> you only need 1 legendary armor set for 3 professions, imagine how expensive it would be to swap stats each time you swap your character...

The full QoL effect can only be seen if you have a legendary set on _each_ of the characters that might need to use different builds. Especially on those that move between pve and WvW. If you had to move the set between characters, you might as well change between ascended sets.



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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> Why to switch armor stats on Thief? Maybe you have condi-DPS and power-DPS builds?


I actually have a condi thief build in addition to my power DD. I just created another character for it ^^ Since both builds have not much in common when it comes to gear, traits and skills, I thought, why not create a new character and make it a condi thief? Now I can just switch characters if I need to, it's faster and much more convenient than switching stats, gear, traits and skills.

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