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Game plan to keep players when CU launches?


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I have my doubts about CU and Crowfall, but I hope they're good. Not only because I'd like to see one or both of them as a viable option, but because legit competition for GW2's WvW means Anet needs to step up their game, and that's good for GW2 players. I'm always in favor of competition in the marketplace.

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This is me speaking out of my ass because I know very little about CU, but I can tell you this about GW2:


I've taken breaks from this game since I started playing, almost as much as 8 months right after HoT release. I came back because the gameplay is, unquestionably, fantastic and because even though I was gone for a while, when I returned my gear was still useful. Yes the metas shift and there is inbalance, but the lack of gear treadmill in this game makes it so your PvP / WvW experience is not diminished due to gear; your success depends mostly on your build and your actual skill at using it.


I've been spoiled by this game in a way; I can't fathom switching to an MMO if it requires me to grind repetitively in order to be competitive in the PvP aspects of the game.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > If you think gw2 has balance issues, you should see a Mark Jacobs game at launch.


> Old Mark Jacobs had a farm

> E-I-E-I-O

> And on his farm he had a stun

> E-I-E-I-O

> With a cc here

> And a stun stun there

> Here a cc, there a stun

> Everywhere a cc stun

> Old Mark Jacobs had a farm

> E-I-E-I-O


Here's 1 related to Runescape:


Old Markdonalds had a farm


And on his farm he had Pay2Win


With a Spin2win here

And an RNG Skinner box there

Here's some gambling , there's a cosmetic item

Everywhere the MTX

Old Markdonalds had a farm



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> From the wiki... “The inspiration for World versus World came from Dark Age of Camelot's realm vs. realm battles.”, and we now know CU, the successor to DAoC, will be launching sometime in 2019... So... I have to directly ask if there are any plans to make sure interest is high, and retention numbers stay strong, for WvW in the future?



As a three year Backer of Camelot Unchained, and an active poster on their forums.. You, sir, frankly.. have no idea what you are posting about. You just took stuff from the CU website and plopped what you wanted on the forums. If your post was designed as an advertisement for CU, the developer has asked players not to promote the game until 1.) the Alpha is finished, and 2.) the Beta 1, which for a lot of games is still an Alpha, is started and worked on.


CU is NOT a successor to DAoC. Mark Jacobs,, who created and sold DAoC, has repeatedly stated that It cannot be, as that would violate the copywrite EA has on DAoC.


CU is a niche game, designed to appeal to hardcore, RvR players. GW2 has appeal to the mass, casual players that CU is not even trying for.


There will be no instances. The Depths, later in your post is to more of a contested end game zone and will not be available til at least one expansion after the game launch.


As much as I would like to disagree point by point. There is no point.. MJ plays GW2 also. I already sent him a link to this post. If he wants to say something, he knows the devs here and can cover it himself.


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> @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > From the wiki... “The inspiration for World versus World came from Dark Age of Camelot's realm vs. realm battles.”, and we now know CU, the successor to DAoC, will be launching sometime in 2019... So... I have to directly ask if there are any plans to make sure interest is high, and retention numbers stay strong, for WvW in the future?

> >


> As a three year Backer of Camelot Unchained, and an active poster on their forums.. You, sir, frankly.. have no idea what you are posting about. You just took stuff from the CU website and plopped what you wanted on the forums. If your post was designed as an advertisement for CU, the developer has asked players not to promote the game until 1.) the Alpha is finished, and 2.) the Beta 1, which for a lot of games is still an Alpha, is started and worked on.


> CU is NOT a successor to DAoC. Mark Jacobs,, who created and sold DAoC, has repeatedly stated that It cannot be, as that would violate the copywrite EA has on DAoC.


> CU is a niche game, designed to appeal to hardcore, RvR players. GW2 has appeal to the mass, casual players that CU is not even trying for.


> There will be no instances. The Depths, later in your post is to more of a contested end game zone and will not be available til at least one expansion after the game launch.


> As much as I would like to disagree point by point. There is no point.. MJ plays GW2 also. I already sent him a link to this post. If he wants to say something, he knows the devs here and can cover it himself.



I don’t care if you want to go point by point, because the real point is that Anet needs to step up their game. You flagging whomever makes zero difference to the spirit of this thread.

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There can't be any plan "to keep players when CU launches". These are very different games, despite having some similar features. CU is designed as a RvR game from nothing, including the engine. Would be unfair to expect ArenaNet to compete with CU.

But WvW can still live on, despite "competition" from other games (not just CU). WvW can still be a beginner RvR mode. Should just focus on being good at that, nothing more.


One can play many games, it's not one or the other. Or play none, and stick to one, but that doesn't mean nothing else, but subjective preference. Just play the one(s) you find more fun. These fights over which game is better are very stupid. We all know what we like more, but that doesn't mean we are right. If you want pizza, don't ask for tacos, and know that there is other food as well.

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> @"Tiawal.2351" said:

> One can play many games, it's not one or the other.

In the case of CU, it really is.


Again, if its still using the dated and obsolete method of subscriptions which **force** players to play a certain amount of hours a month to get "their moneys worth", people *will* make a choice for one or the other. Very, very few are gonna play both GW2 and CU at the same time just because both are fun. They are going to choose one or the other. You only have so many hours.


Its like saying if you want pizza today, well then you can buy pizza, but you're paying for tacos as well whether you eat them or not.

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> @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> CU is a niche game, designed to appeal to hardcore, RvR players. GW2 has appeal to the mass, casual players that CU is not even trying for.


> As much as I would like to disagree point by point. There is no point.. MJ plays GW2 also. I already sent him a link to this post. If he wants to say something, he knows the devs here and can cover it himself.



Yeah hes pretty cool guy

I wish our old gg , could mention/support him or any other idle game such as Crowfall

Would be higly appriciated :)

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:


> Again, if its still using the dated and obsolete method of subscriptions


I really love subscriptions, had enough of cash shop monetization tricks. Including "skin" only items, F2P whining & RNG boxes...


And yes, most will pick one or another, whichever is more what they want.


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> @"Tiawal.2351" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:


> > Again, if its still using the dated and obsolete method of subscriptions


> I really love subscriptions, had enough of cash shop monetization tricks. Including "skin" only items, F2P whining & RNG boxes...


> And yes, most will pick one or another, whichever is more what they want.


... is there any subscription MMO that *doesnt* also have a cash shop and/or RNG boxes?


Even if CU hasnt announced one yet, I am absolutely certain it will have one sooner or later. Its simply too easy money.


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IMO CU is abit overhyped, it will have massive mechanics that is for sure but combat and gameplay will not be that impressive IMO, i might be super wrong...


The mmo that is pure WvW on pve is ashes of creation, if u dont wanna pvp even role players or guild can get their own building tavern etc and contribute to the node and city of that faction, IMO might end in a overall better game than CU, overall as in for more dispersed kind of player genra.




the next 4-5 years in mmo will be quite intresting we will see the pvp sanbox genra maturing wich are games with alot of space to envolve, and wil be interesting to see how the stale themeparks will respond due their limited player interaction/control.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> The mmo that is pure WvW on pve is ashes of creation, if u dont wanna pvp even role players or guild can get their own building tavern etc and contribute to the node and city of that faction, IMO might end in a overall better game than CU, overall as in for more dispersed kind of player genra.

Unfortunetly its subscription as well last I checked so doomed to failure along with CU. Oh and it has an ingame cash-shop too because *of course*.


But hey maybe we should just subscribe to *both* games and play GW2 at the same time? One can play many games, it's only like paying for a new copy of GW2 each month until you dont want to pay any more and they cut your access.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > The mmo that is pure WvW on pve is ashes of creation, if u dont wanna pvp even role players or guild can get their own building tavern etc and contribute to the node and city of that faction, IMO might end in a overall better game than CU, overall as in for more dispersed kind of player genra.

> Unfortunetly its subscription as well last I checked so doomed to failure along with CU. Oh and it has an ingame cash-shop too because *of course*.


> But hey maybe we should just subscribe to *both* games and play GW2 at the same time? One can play many games, it's only like paying for a new copy of GW2 each month until you dont want to pay any more and they cut your access.



Yeah the subscription model it sounds to that m8 be like it is an error as well cause may scare alot of potential consumers, but maybe it is the best suited for them.


Nah, i think Gw2 is done for me, ill just installign when the new WVW gameplay hits and will be temporary like anything in this game :expressionless: , ill be just an merer observer so ill just subscribe for one in future, man the balance and class design here.. it is just that bad...

It t stayed to much static envolving the toons powers manipulating(lies) the players players towards and awfull gameplay, rather than a comunity sense of evolution or well designed teamwork in a competitive level, the lack of all that that made lots of players burning themselves with the game with the low effort redudancy and w/o and meanign behind them.

Well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ each one to is own.


Project TL looks neat as well, actually theres alot of alternatives, maybe a bit to many and yet so may will fail, theres always the lack of game depth gameplay like gw2 game, or some game with good overall depth and lots of good mechanics but ends to much clunky in execution.


I am yet to see a game that can do both.


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WvW as a game mode has needed competition for years. No wonder the old core playerbase have mostly quit, because the new content has been lacking aswell as any kind of balancing, but even new players aren't enough and they get bored too.


It needs a overhaul of the current populations, I'm not sure you can make it more competitive scoring wise, but we'll see.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > Prefer to see it at launch, and not debate over a speculative game. D:


> Ok, but development takes time and it’s a bad move for Anet to wait until CU launches to start thinking about making strong improvements and changes... CU is going to be the only strong RvR challenge to GW2 WvW,


No, there is another.............



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I didn't read any replies just the OP. But games have done complete 180's from beta to launch. SWTOR promised a massive sandbox style mmorpg and what we got was gw1 set in star wars galaxy.


CU could easily decide to drop an incomplete game, killing it as soon as it's released.


I want CU to be successful but I won't back it. And I'll only play it a month or two after release. Too many times have games been a huge let down. Haha

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"davidiven.9408" said:

> > lol ash of creation, that game will be kitten in large scale pvp cuz of unreal engine 4


> Project TL(lineage remade) was using gw2 engine and they had to drop it and go for unreal4 engine as well.


Maybe Ncsoft ask Arenanet to send some1 that is knowlegable with the engine to help them , and they refused :P

The conversation i believe went something like this :

You own the rights of the engine....but whatever idea we wanted to implant GW2 we had to cut it down to be implanted in other games first .

Then some yelling and then some kisses and then Amazon shows up in with a whip ...:P



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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"davidiven.9408" said:

> > > lol ash of creation, that game will be kitten in large scale pvp cuz of unreal engine 4

> >

> > Project TL(lineage remade) was using gw2 engine and they had to drop it and go for unreal4 engine as well.


> Maybe Ncsoft ask Arenanet to send some1 that is knowlegable with the engine to help them , and they refused :P

> The conversation i believe went something like this :

> You own the rights of the engine....but whatever idea we wanted to implant GW2 we had to cut it down to be implanted in other games first .

> Then some yelling and then some kisses and then Amazon shows up in with a whip ...:P




project TL exist cause nscsoft and testers felt that lineage eternal failed, the gw2 engine was (is) limited to a damage 111 output gameplay nothing more, in terms of mechanics wise is a complete gutted game engine w/o much space for progression.

Wich imo is was made nsoft ending eternal and start TL cause they wanted to make stuff that was not simple possible on gw2 engine.



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