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Increasing level cap


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I agree with OP. Being lvl 80 forever is boring. Same with never needing new gear, since the best skins come from the gemshop and not from the content


> The is conflating unrelated things together. New gear does not mean new item skins. This is already blindingly obvious given that the game has has items that use the same skin but span many levels since launch.

yes, that is why we need new higher stat gear in steady intervalls since all the good skins come from gemshop

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > Well, if you want my thoughts on the matter

> >

> > #HELL NO#

> >

> Why don't you come out of your shell and tell us how you really feel? (laugh) Seriously, I do agree. No thank you on increased levels. The power creep is bad enough already.


There are two things that ANet could do to make me immedietly quit the game entirely: raising level cap, and introducing a subscription fee. The later is far more forgivable as, if I were to get a good raise, I might consider coming back.

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Fuck no, if you enjoy that then there's **literally any other MMO**. I play Gw2 specifically because it's above this pointless gear invalidation. Not to mention it literally would change nothing, most players have Level-Up Tombs stacked up for days, so everyone would be instant level-cap.


Leveling is not this game's main focus of progression, it's really just an introduction to this game.

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And if the player level cap is increased, then so has the monster you fight level cap got to be increased, which then means your legendary weapons are junk as newer better weapons will be needed to fite the upmarket monsters, and then where does it stop.

Players at lv 100 will now be asking for Lv 110 as new level cap.

WOWs original lv cap was L60, and its now 110 , almost double.


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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> And if the player level cap is increased, then so has the monster you fight level cap got to be increased, which then means your legendary weapons are junk as newer better weapons will be needed to fite the upmarket monsters, and then where does it stop.

> Players at lv 100 will now be asking for Lv 110 as new level cap.

> WOWs original lv cap was L60, and its now 110 , almost double.



Actually legendaries would be fine. Ascended on the other hand would become obsolete.


It doesn't really matter though, if such a stupid decision(because was it's a waste of resources to do something so pointless) is made then it's time to pack up and move on anyway.

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we should increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> In my opinion always being lvl 80 is very boring and having to level up again at 80 can be fun I think (in form of elite zones e.g).

> Also armor should either be adjusted or newly crafted. I don’t have a problem to craft all new ascended sets… I enjoy the process of progression a lot.

> What do you think?




One of the defining features of this game is the lack of endless power grind introduced with every new expansion or update.

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we should increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> In my opinion always being lvl 80 is very boring and having to level up again at 80 can be fun I think (in form of elite zones e.g).


If you do not want to make an asian-grinder out of GW2, the time you need for 20 lvl is completely irrelevant. Counting my Spirit Shards (and masteries), my active chars made together several thousand levels (over 8k shards) so far.


What remains is all the problems a higher level cap generates.


So: **NO**, only disadvantages for no gain.

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I do NOT want the level cap to be increased!

I am happy with lvl80 cap. I do not want to grind gear and levels again.

I enjoy unlocking new Mastery abilities, and I enjoy finding hero points to unlock new elite specs. Horizontal progression is meaningful progression too me because it is all optional and I like to progress by choosing what ability I want to unlock next while playing the game.


The big reason why I dont want level cap increase is because it is vertical progression. Meaningless progression. All it does is resets everyone back to the common power, and introduces higher stats on new equipment all over again. I dont play this game to increase stats, I play it to learn new abilities and to use those abilities to explore more.


That is my opinion and thoughts. This is the only MMORPG that has done character/account progression right I feel. I would have No other MMORPG to turn too if this game turns out to become a WoW clone. I will buy new expansion pack for new experiences, new mastery abilities, to do new things in new maps, but not redo my gear and levels from scratch again. Just no! -__-

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If playing at lvl 80 is "boring", then increasing the lvl cap to 100 would alleviate the boredom for just a few hours (or not at all for the many people with stacks of ToK). Then playing at lvl 100 will be equally boring. If you are of that mindset, then it's probably time to take a break and/or find a new game.

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It's not going to happen. ANet has mentioned more than once that they'd like to focus more on horizontal rather than vertical progression. That is why they introduced the mastery system as opposed to a level cap increased. It's also their way of avoiding the endless gear treadmill that other MMO's have, which is one of their selling points and something a lot of players appreciate.


And, to put it bluntly, it was this very policy that attracted a lot of players to GW2. Subverting it for the status quo would simply alienate their current fanbase. Not every game has to be the same, or cater to the same audience.

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It is not necessary. Increasing level cap is in the end just an illusion. It's higher numbers and the 'novelty' of being 'stronger' vanishes the day you hit the higher level cap. Also, people aren't willing to invest again time to craft new equipment. Especially in GW2 where you want to have multiple ascended sets to play different roles. This is gone, we are in a new era and this is not an MMO anno 2002.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:


> I can answer that. The point of levels in any RPG (MMO or not) is to not overload a new player and to provide progression for the character. If you were to just start at level 80, not only would you get no sense of progression and growth, but anyone who hadn't already been playing the game would have a ton of abilities that they have no clue what to do with, or even how they work. Leveling provides an excellent framework to introduce more abilities as a player gets familiar with the ones they already have, leading to better use of the skills and an overall higher skill average. Is it perfect? No. It's possible to level 1-80 with only auto-attacking, but that's the player's choice to purposely avoid actually learning anything.


This is already happening with the insta-level granted by ANet. Just lurk around on the GW2 reddit and see how many new players ask how things work after they've boosted to 80 and don't know what to do or how their character's mechanic work.


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It is just a number, IMO.

However, we have to be very careful, since there are a lot of people who DO PLAY FOR NUMBERS. I can't for my life understand them, but they are there, whining about ap caps, wishing for level grinding, demanding bigger numbers on their scores, NOW...


The top level being 80 slightly bothers me, as it is not a "round" number like 100. But I will always prefer smart, interesting horizontal progression over mindless grind vertical progression as it happen on most other games. No thanks.


What about this:

They add a whole skip-able section just before the current level 1, where you only have to grind and grind for 20 levels with untrained skills until you reach the beginning of the personal story. Then you begin the normal play at level 20, and all the subsequent levels gets displaced, so the cap becomes 100 without adding any superior level.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> It is not necessary. Increasing level cap is in the end just an illusion. It's higher numbers and the 'novelty' of being 'stronger' vanishes the day you hit the higher level cap. Also, people aren't willing to invest again time to craft new equipment. Especially in GW2 where you want to have multiple ascended sets to play different roles. This is gone, we are in a new era and this is not an MMO anno 2002.


Exactly, its new era so why do people keep thinking about how WoW did stat increases?


We could revamp it completely.


So at level 90, you got 1000 *less* hp than at 80 - and level 90 mobs hit for 2x damage.


At endgame level 100 - the most difficult level - you get a permanent -25% power/condi buff and 4000 less hp than at 80. Mobs also hit for 4x damage.


Also level 100 ascended gear would equal level 80 yellow gear.


See? New levels can work.

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we should increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> In my opinion always being lvl 80 is very boring and having to level up again at 80 can be fun I think (in form of elite zones e.g).

> Also armor should either be adjusted or newly crafted. I don’t have a problem to craft all new ascended sets… I enjoy the process of progression a lot.

> What do you think?


What for? Level 80 can be reached easily with tomes, won't be different with lvl 100 either. I would agree with some hard to achieve masteries etc but lvl cap is just simply pointless. GW2 is beautiful because you don't have to grind mindlessly to enjoy it.

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Ive played MMO’s (vrious ones) for over 10 years now and i hated that i had to level up again, and and the health of my characters got stupidly high.

Now the questing and story of the xpacs and mmo’s i played i loved.


This is why i love GW2.. i get to 80 doing stories and living worlds and now 2 xpacs to go. Im enjoying the game, im not looking at my level to see how much further till the real game starts (most mmo’s with level caps raising with very xpac)


BTW so eone said this but if they raise it youll get bored of the new level soon after. The game isnt about level as much as a jounery, a story you are in and helping others

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we should increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> In my opinion always being lvl 80 is very boring and having to level up again at 80 can be fun I think (in form of elite zones e.g).

> Also armor should either be adjusted or newly crafted. I don’t have a problem to craft all new ascended sets… I enjoy the process of progression a lot.

> What do you think?


NO. Just stop it... NO.

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