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What to do against Deadeyes?


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Looking for some strategies to deal with deadeyes, right now they feel incredibly oppressive in my games. All of my usual marauder builds can be pretty much 100% from stealth with Death's Judgement->Three Round Burst and if I manage to not instantly die they can usually restealth and break combat even after using Death's Judgement thanks to Shadowmeld so I can't even get on to them to kill them unless they don't see me coming. Any advice would be appreciated.



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I usually shadow step with my ele and dispense with the CC's. I also do a 2 or 3 count before dodging/using a evade skill if they stealth. (Trying to bait out a burst by staying in a spot)


Now if I don't see them in the first place, then I'm screwed. Or need fast reflexes to pop in a dodge roll/evade.

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Daredevil basically hard-counters deadeye because of the mobility vs the lack there-of, and the ability to evade several extra times, making them less likely to be hit by the heavy burst. Also, as far as DJ goes, it takes about a second and a half to fire, is loud, and it puts a laser from the Deadeye to you, that can be seen even if he is in stealth. Alternately you should keep in mind sources of reveal, and reflect, that are available to your class if able. Yes, their elite can cleanse reveal, but for instance Dragonhunter has a pulsing Reveal trap, which can't be countered so easily, or there are traps available in WvW... And like I said reflects, which can punish them for pressuring you. If a P/P deadeye, a single reflect is often enough to kill them. Also know where your sources of Protection are... can easily be enough direct damage reduction to save your life.


They definitely have tools available to stealth, but they actually DON'T have as powerful tools to **escape**, so if they re-stealth they'll probably be near the same area they entered. Marauder doesn't make much difference for deadeye survivability because of how papery thief is at its core, so most will be running berserk, since a Deadeye running Marauder won't be one-shotting much of anything. This means they have less than 14k hitpoints and will melt fast under pressure.

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What prof are you playing? As sword/d weaver, i'm generally targetted first at mid since DE shoots me from stealth while i'm busy dealing with other uglies. And I have no stealth, no ranged pressure, no reflects, no blocks, no stab, no invulns, no passiveass saver, and just a couple of poor gap closers. Also squishiest class out there, so i'm an easy target. If i notice him targeting me (sound, mark, laser) I take cover ASAP and LOS him as long as needed. Don't be afraid to disengage, it is better than being dead or having a teammate trying to revive you and get bursted. I deal with him as soon as he switches target. Once you know there's a riffle DE in opposite team, never lose sight of his movements. Conditions do wonders against them generally, if you can catch them and pressure them enough some may shadow refuge or nearby stealth away, do not hesitate to make it their resting place. If they go stealth or you ignore their exact position, take cover, if they kneel, get to them as quick as possible, and CC burst them. Look out for higher grounds, they will most of the time position themselves above the battlefield from safer spots. If you manage to down one, just let him bleed while watching the minimap and focusing on your rotation. Always keep him in check, and hit him some more if he tries to heal. If there is a fight nereby, I usually join the fight but get back to hit him more If I see he's trying to heal. If you can, don't kill them, make them suffer.


They're not unbeatable, they have many weaknesses (aoes, cc, conditions), but from a balancing perspective, I find it unhealthy that any class can most of the time OS one other from long range stealth, with better engaging/disengaging tools. I have a hard time against any ranged pewpewspam spec but remember it is a team based game, call target focus on DE or any ranged damage dealer if you have trouble with. I just wish I could do as much damage at hugging range as they can from 900-1500 range, and I wish people were not so tunnel visioned on scourges.

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I have problems with deadeyes just in wvw, or maybe the one i found were all cheaters, perma stealth really and visible only a fraction of a second and insane disengage abilities... why in sPvP they are not this strong?


Best advice is to tell your teammates, guys we have an enemy deayeye people focus it so in a matter of seconds he is dead.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> I have problems with deadeyes just in wvw, or maybe the one i found were all cheaters, perma stealth really and visible only a fraction of a second and insane disengage abilities... why in sPvP they are not this strong?


> Best advice is to tell your teammates, guys we have an enemy deayeye people focus it so in a matter of seconds he is dead.

Because you actually have time limits in sPvP. Sitting in stealth for long periods of time is also generally counter-productive since games are won by capturing objectives and killing opponents.


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If everyone is aware of them they are easy kills the vast majority of the time or you can just chase them away. Almost every class has defensive cooldowns or movement skills all it takes is one or two people on your team with awareness and you should kill them over and over again. Sure once in awhile they can and will sandbag you but most of the time they should be free kills.

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> @"Poobah.6254" said:

> Looking for some strategies to deal with deadeyes, right now they feel incredibly oppressive in my games. All of my usual marauder builds can be pretty much 100% from stealth with Death's Judgement->Three Round Burst and if I manage to not instantly die they can usually restealth and break combat even after using Death's Judgement thanks to Shadowmeld so I can't even get on to them to kill them unless they don't see me coming. Any advice would be appreciated.


> Thanks.


Thief who plays Deadeye isn't thief. It's so easy to counter it...but yeah, you need one fast or ranged class to kick him. But in general...deadeye is for dead thieves only. Love to see opponent playing this lame profession.

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Dedicate a D/P Thief to shutdown.

Dedicate a S/D Thief to shutdown.

Dedicate a Pulm Impact Daredevil to shutdown.

Dedicate a shatter Mesmer to shutdown.

Dedicate a Core Burnguard to shutdown (Judge intervention mandatory)

Dedicate a Dragonhunter to shutdown.

Focus them. Remind team to watch for deadeye, call target.


Longbow Ranger.

Power Rev.

Literally any damaging AOE.


You will have a problem if you are:


Necro without Staff.



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> @"cursE.1794" said:

> D/P thief beats the crap out of deadeye.

For a P/P deadeye, this is definitely the case. Rifle dead eyes can actually put up a good fight or escape if they choose since they have such strong access to stealth. The removal of mark’s reset has also helped them out on extended fights against other thieves since they can hide until malice stacks up and then 1-shot.


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