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Noticed a Severe Drop in Player Ability at T4 Lately...

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It's always hit or miss when it's come to pug. Especially if you didn't fill at least 1 support role.


I pug fractal t4 almost everyday with dps. Sometimes people are super self-competant we clear it smoothly even without support. And sometimes people are so bad 2-3 guys always go down everytime Nightmare boss use groundstomp attack.

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I got the same feeling, so much that I stopped doing T4s with my farm account 3 days ago, after watching people getting downed at MAMA and Siax for 40 minutes (I then left the group). In the last days I only do fractals with guild mates and additional pugs. I know it's random and nothing has changed really, but I got frustrated enough that I need a break from pugging.


The pugs we get in were pretty good though, but we usually fill druid, chrono and warrior and just need dps.

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I write always only "T4 dailies" in lfg, because I want relaxed teammates and not some speedrunners.

In the last two weeks of doing this my group filled within literally a few seconds.


- I had not a single complete fail at T4 fractals.

- In most cases we didn't wipe on a single boss in any of the daily fracs.

- In many cases there joins still a druid or a chrono or even both, so that we run in what would be considered meta composition.

- In half of the cases the group stayed also together to do all daily recs.


What made me a bit angry though is ppl joining my T4 daily grp and then immediately change the desc to "chrono, druid heal" or something like that. Funny enough, most of the time the person that changed the desc left the group almost instantly after changing the desc, Idk why, so I just changed it back to make the group fill instant again.


I didn't play cms in the last few days, so Idk if something happened there, but I had personally no real problems with T4 pugs lately.

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My recent T4 groups have been worse than usual last few days. I spent 2hrs on the standard T4 dailies today and my group strugged with cliffside/swampland. Yesterday I had a group struggle with uncategorised lmao. Usually I get both recs/dailies done in 1.5hrs with randoms. I dont know why the past few days have been so horrible, and in same week Ive been with groups who demolished T4s + recs in 1hr with no downs at all.

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> What's up with this?


> Did something change? I used to have excellent pug groups every night, now they all fail...


Yes, something changed - CMs were introduced. Experienced players now play in t4+cm groups and naturally the average skill level of "pure" t4 groups dropped down as a result.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > RNG.

> Sounds like the reason. Haven't noticed any significant difference lately.



Some nights RNG nets you a Shout-heal Warrior with Banner of Tactics running through Molten Boss and Molten Furnace with you, some nights you get a group of tryhards with enough game sense to sacrifice minor DPS for major group utility.


Some would say PUG nights are like a box of chocolates.

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Like above post said, i always advert [Meta Only] and my t4s ALWAYS consist of druid, utility chrono, BS and 2 DPS (not necros) this CAN take a little longer to fill than just.. "chill t4" but sometimes its filled very quick, cause the people with the alike mindset join. You'll have some players join without reading the LFG, at that point ill politley ask if they got any of the role(s)... If they dont say anything/expect to get by.. Well thats why we got the kick button xd.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > RNG. My group had a pretty good engie.


> that's not RNG...


Technically, no, there's no "random number generator" supplying players to LFG.

On a practical basis, however, there's little difference, since you only have control over the phrasing of your advertisement, not who joins (nor whether they paid any attention to what you wrote). For any given couple of weeks, a person might be extremely unlucky in what sort of folks join their teams (or what sorts of teams they join). So from a human-feeling point of view, it's hard to demonstrate the difference between what we see and "random."


That is to say, it #feels-bad-man in the same way that getting unlucky rolls feels unlucky.


Or to save time, "RNG."



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> @"Blood.5607" said:

> Like above post said, i always advert [Meta Only] and my t4s ALWAYS consist of druid, utility chrono, BS and 2 DPS (not necros) this CAN take a little longer to fill than just.. "chill t4" but sometimes its filled very quick, cause the people with the alike mindset join. You'll have some players join without reading the LFG, at that point ill politley ask if they got any of the role(s)... If they dont say anything/expect to get by.. Well thats why we got the kick button xd.


Why no necros, we're dps too you know....

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I myself have stopped playing the game practically except for Raids. There is just nothing new to do and the balance is so bad that I practicallly say "there's a Balance Team?"


> @"reikken.4961" said:

> unless of course you're calling the players on LFG NPCs. in which case, that is a pretty good jab


At times, it feels like NPCs would be more effective.

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> @"Blood.5607" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> > > Why no necros, we're dps too you know....

> >

> > That was a good one.


> +1 to this. In fractals? No you aren't. Sorry.



necros condis are all like 20 seconds long. not so good for clearing adds

and power builds are all weak


If dagger auto is going to keep the target limit of 2 that other class's daggers have, it needs the dps that the other classes have. And skill 2 or 3 needs to be replaced with something that's a dps increase over autoing.

also increase pve shade power damage by like 50%. and idk what for reaper, but more group pve buffs

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