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Are we really leaving Path of Fire behind?

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> Ah, this again. People read guides and cheese their way trough content that is supposed to be done by everyone and wonder when they run out of it.

> Unpupolar opinion (often more a fact) and surely not true for a good junk of players, but reading the same old stories over and over why PoF was done so fast and then remembering to read stuff like "I took days off and had energy drinks and Dulfy open".


> PoF is beautiful to me, I can't stand HoT that much in comparison. Even the feeling of being trapped in a green nightmare instead of open spaces with a sky and stars as well as a **real** night in PoF due to the higher contrast. I am glad no Charrcopter and no zombie plants are running around. Deadeye is a part of PoF, so it's basically the reason why I am spending more money on the game. But then, I play like 10 hours / week and thus enjoy the game more than many people apparently.


> Excelsior.


I mean, it's an mmorpg. A large portion can play way more than 10 hours a week and do so.


Using the "I don't play much, so the content lasts longer, so it's not an issue" is not a good thought process. If there is no content or reason to play because they finish with "regular" mmorpg play hours (and again, 10 hours is nothing for a large population of mmorpg players, thats like a weekend of playtime lol) people will just move onto other games which can keep their interest for longer through content that progresses them somehow.


I think a *ton* of people said POF was lacking content at the start and that hasn't changed at all. Theres basically no replay value in these maps. Even with your 10 hour a week schedule, if you have been playing since launch, you could *easily* be **done** with POF by now. Which is nuts for an MMORPG! You don't and didn't see people getting done with WoW's latest xpac within a month or two.


Everything I do in game now (wvw, fractals, spvp, raids) are majority base game or HOT. I basically only go to Istan when I feel like doing the meta. The only other time I go to POF zones now is when a daily pops up for a bounty or vista or something.


Which is a shame because as you stated the maps are amazing and beautiful to be in but I can't justify spending time there because it's not worth my time in any regard for any meaningful progression. It's not like GW2 is so beautiful I'd prioritize playing in those zones either; if I wanted that I would play a different game entirely.


> @"dolcolax.1268" said:


> how is it a levelling zone? i thought its a level 80 map?



They play like core tyria zones. There is no reason to return. You go through the story, random open world events that give mediocre rewards appear, etc. They're basically much prettier and better designed core maps. Effectively they are just leveling maps. How often do you return to Iron Marches now-a-days? That's about how often I visit the Desolation.

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> @"Ceridwen.6703" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > > Does anet really think players enjoy to repeat the hearts daily?

> > > I don't understand why they stay with this daily heart reset system, very annoying...

> >

> > There were a huge amount of ~10 players who wanted daily hearts to be a thing and Anet wanted to satisfy them.


> Repeatable hearts aren't an issue. Having to repeat them to gain access to a vendor you've already gained access to previously, however, _is_ a problem. I'd say the vendor should remain open from initial heart completion, but they should offer a daily shiny for repeat heart completion.


They actually do have a daily thing because the Trader Keys are limited to 5 purchase a day although I see no reason to do the ones in the main PoF areas since they have the same limit as Istan but cost more. I remember the limit being 25 in the main areas before but it seems they nerfed it down to only 5 recently or maybe it is just an inconsistency between different heart vendors in the main area.


> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> PoF is beautiful to me, I can't stand HoT that much in comparison. Even the feeling of being trapped in a green nightmare instead of open spaces with a sky and stars as well as a **real** night in PoF due to the higher contrast. I am glad no Charrcopter and no zombie plants are running around. Deadeye is a part of PoF, so it's basically the reason why I am spending more money on the game. But then, I play like 10 hours / week and thus enjoy the game more than many people apparently.


> Excelsior.


They way things looks comes down to personal preferences so that is pointless to discuss. That aside. Also some people play the game to play and not stand around and stare at the scenery. For standing around and staring at the scenery there are probably much better options. Like the one where you fly around the universe.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > Rewards don't mater too much to me. I just find HoT more fun. Of course, my case is probably the exception, since most people seems to value rewards a lot.


> Personally, I must be able to justify doing an event in some way. There simply must be an ample reward or chance at a big payout. I am sure the majority feels this way, when you consider the popularity of the events mentioned.


I have a simple but effective means of giving myself justification for doing PoF...just pick someone I don't like or hate(irl) and then presume what ever event/bounty I'm killing is either protecting that person or is that person....viola, problem solved. But then again I don't particularly care for the HoT maps either.


For those that complain about the mobs, original release Orr was 10x worse, and it doesn't take much to find areas you can just hang around without getting attacked, but most people today don't have those kinds of skills anymore...spatial awareness is lost art.

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> PoF is beautiful to me, I can't stand HoT that much in comparison. Even the feeling of being trapped in a green nightmare instead of open spaces with a sky and stars as well as a **real** night in PoF due to the higher contrast.


I think that sums up the divide in the playerbase.


It's an MMORPG and it's supposed to about fun and engaging gameplay + content.


But there's a part of the community that logs on just to run around on mounts and enjoy the scenery.


We're not really playing the same game, hell, you aren't even playing the game.

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Adventuring and exploring the environments on my many uniquely-fashioned characters is rewarding to me, not loot.


However, it's disappointing that, in the PoF maps, the enemy population density, aggro range and respawn rate make it so I am unable to enjoy this exploration due to being unable to appreciate the beautifully-crafted environment. This is why I am sad that I cannot bring myself to even explore Domain of Vabbi, let alone work on acquiring the griffon mount or play through the new story seasons and added maps as the enemy density, respawn rate and aggro range cause any of my time spent in the PoF areas to be unrewarding to me.

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PoF revived the game for me, so much so that that I've been genuinely surprised to see so much negativity about it. Absolutely loved the story (finally getting to really be the main character after all this time!), enjoying exploring the maps, enjoying working my way towards a griffon. Mount traversal is fun and I've still got tonnes of achievements and stuff I want to complete from the expansion so no doubt I'll be in the PoF maps for a while yet. And yes, I actively 'play', despite the condescension of many in this thread who think actually playing PvE for fun = 'standing around looking at scenery' . . .


Though I agree I'd generally like to see Anet come back to existing maps more often and embellish/evolve existing content more routinely as part of the living world format. New maps are nice, but ad infinitum? I do miss how, say, Living World S1 encouraged us to revisit old areas by introducing new events, enemies and other elements to them, even if they weren't always permanent. At the moment, the format is more Expanding World than Living World, with the situations of old maps never changing from the status quo.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > PoF is beautiful to me, I can't stand HoT that much in comparison. Even the feeling of being trapped in a green nightmare instead of open spaces with a sky and stars as well as a **real** night in PoF due to the higher contrast.


> I think that sums up the divide in the playerbase.


> It's an MMORPG and it's supposed to about fun and engaging gameplay + content.


> But there's a part of the community that logs on just to run around on mounts and enjoy the scenery.


> We're not really playing the same game, hell, you aren't even playing the game.


I find the gameplay in PoF to be much more engaging and fun than in HoT. I wouldnt .ind seeing mobs buffed in PoF however.

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> @"dolcolax.1268" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > > I definitely still enjoy the maps very much and the small metas or bounty trains. And i happen to enjoy HoT as well for different reasons. People are exaggerating a lot on their criticism. Especially the comment about this being not a full expansion because of this is pretty unfair and unreasonable.

> > >

> > > You can never really win with this community. It is too diverse to satisfy and we tend to have our pitchforks ready at a moments notice. It helps to keep the devs on their toes but the criticisms do become unfair or exaggerated sometimes.

> > >

> > > Some preferred HoT some the PoF more relaxed situation. Challenge and long term farming give re-playability but turns people off if they want a bit of relaxed gameplay. I think the ideal would be a mix of PoF and HoT maps for re-playability. For example the ideal would be to have most maps relaxed with Istan-like metas and 1-2 HoT like map wide metas maps. That way you can have enough options for both crowds. Also i would like to see some legendaries more tied up to the PoF map farming. This would give some nice incentive to come back and revisit. But maybe that is planned for later.

> > >

> > > I would say that Istan it starting to get to that direction so i supposed Anet already tries to fix the replayability flaws of the PoF metas.

> >

> > I'm sorry, but it isn't about not being able to win with regards to what the playerbase wants.

> >

> > They made five huge maps. Beautiful and vibrant maps which channelled Guild Wars 1. They gave us mounts and filled us with visions of exciting escapades together through the desert.

> >

> > What the maps ended up being were levelling zones. They're essentially low level starter maps that only really offer a very ambient and slow easy experience.

> >

> > This is boring for long term players. If you enjoy this kind of content, if you just want to do mindless heart events... I hope you see that you're being unfair and damaging by asking for content like this. Go to Caledon Forest and stay there. The whole world is full of casual and ambient activities like this. Don't make the end game into starter zones...


> how is it a levelling zone? i thought its a level 80 map?



It plays EXACTLY like a core tyria zone. (Not talking about the fact that they were designed for mounts)


The only reason for playing on these maps is to LEVEL your mastery rank up with pof exp, to get the new hero points, mastery points, to do all the hearts so you can buy the different mounts and many ppl also wanted the map completion.


Then there are some skins you can get by doing certain achievements. But many ppl didn't liked the skins, were done very quickly with those collections or don't like to do collections at all.


Right now many if not most players have as much reason to play on the new PoF maps as they have to play in the core tyra leveling maps.


The only thing I can think of to solve this without having to come up with a map wide meta for every map and basically redo the entire zone would be:

- add an optional and selectable Hardcore instance to these maps,


where a single hard mode pof zone rotates on a weekly basis through the 5 different maps (so you don't scatter ppl all across the game and empty other maps). Get the rewards in, up the enemy count, make them hit like trucks make all big events spawn twice as fast, whatever. Make heavy use of the already existing anti farm system where you get diminishing returns for farming at the same spot for a certain amount of time.

They could also tie it to the lore where King Joko focuses his attacks on a certain region with elite forces and performes a ritual to strengthen his awakened, or something like that.


This would lead to many burned out Istan or RIBA players going on a crusade in Elona, to get all the gold they can find. Something many of the long term GW2 players would really enjoy. A not so completely mindless way of making good gold in a beautiful new environment that was also designed for the mount usage.

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> Imo, if PoF didn't add mounts it would've been the worst expansion I've ever seen for an MMORPG.


> - Story was quite decent for an MMO

> - Mounts are super cool

> - Environmental map design was good


> Other than that, everything else was bad or non existent


> - No replayability at all

> - Still only a short story experience

> - No engaging quests, events or anything that would carry the lore or story outside of the few main story missions

> - No new big metas or world bosses added

> - Super lame repeatable heart system was once more reused

> - Very few new armor/weapon sets and skins

> - No new legendaries

> - No mount skins available through PoF collections

> - Not much or nothing at all in terms of fractals or dungeons or PvP modes or WvW maps (literally, what's the longterm aspect of this expac?)

> - Mastery system as progression system, to make up for the lack of raising the level cap has gotten even more useless, to a point where Anet should go back to the drawing board and ask themselves if there's not any better solution to make masteries a longterm goal with some use in the game and not something you only care for 5 days after an release

> - No new races or classes

> - No major class overhaul with an expac


> With PoF I've got 2 weeks of fun. We got an awesome new mechanic with mounts, that gives the entire game a new touch. We got new elite specializations to play for the next two years.


> But other than that, PoF felt like a bundle of LS episodes, all we basically got besides mounts was story and 5 maps. If you didn't like vanilla or HoT you should really not buy PoF, because you'll be sooner as you might think back to playing the old content for the next years.


Well put

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> @"AlexVv.3965" said:

> I deleted the game today. It's not even boredom, but already exasperation.


Is your HD too small or something? I still have FFXI installed on my system. I think the only reason to even bring up the prospect of uninstalling is to make your point seem like it has more weight or something? In an era where installing a 30gig game takes maybe a couple of hours, this detail holds very little weight anymore.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> I definitely still enjoy the maps very much and small metas or bounty trains. And i happen to enjoy HoT as well for different reasons. People are exaggerating a lot on their criticism. Especially the comment by some about this being not a full expansion because of this is pretty unfair and unreasonable. PoF has a lot of things to do. IT has just less incentive to repeat thing 100 times over.


> You can never really win with this community. It is too diverse to satisfy and we tend to have our pitchforks ready at a moments notice. It helps to keep the devs on their toes but the criticisms do become unfair or exaggerated sometimes.


> Some preferred HoT some the PoF more relaxed situation. There are many people that actually really prefer the PoF simplicity. Challenge and long term farming give re-playability but turns people off if they want a bit of relaxed gameplay. I think the ideal would be a mix of PoF and HoT maps for re-playability. For example the ideal would be to have most maps relaxed with Istan-like metas and 1-2 HoT like map wide metas maps. That way you can have enough options for both crowds. Also i would like to see some legendaries more tied up to the PoF map farming. This would give some nice incentive to come back and revisit. But maybe that is planned for later.


> I would say that Istan it starting to get to that direction so i suppose Anet already gets it and tries to fix the replayability flaws of the PoF metas.


And posters wonder why I criticise people's criticism so much. You're right, people exaggerate far too much and will complain about the minutest of issue without regard to the context.


That said, I'm not defending PoF. As some said, there may be issues with rewards and some mob density, but that isn't a problem with PoF but rather GW2 as a whole. Mob density has been a problem since HoT and rewards have always been underwhelming, but since its the current year, it's always easy to deflect the blame away or toward whatever the flavor-of-the-month topic is.

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With PoF delivering **SO** little... I'm seriously beginning to question whether the buy-to-play model is sustainable/viable for an MMO. Before GW2, I played WoW. And before WoW, I played Everquest. And I'm just not able to adjust to the snail's pace of development in this game compared to the other two. In EQ and, and WoW, you could hardly keep up with the pace of development unless you treated it like a full time job with overtime.


In this game there's **so** little to do that they actually created special titles for people willing to repeat the same old content, from five years ago, thousands of times... e.g. "fractal god." It's almost like an admission that "we have nothing new for you to do. So we'll allocate our scant resources to rewarding you for endlessly repeating old stuff." And then in raids... people have to create little games (like low-manning, and speed-running) to amuse themselves with boring old encounters they've done hundreds of times already.


How might this all have been different if Anet had a regular monthly income from subscription fees? How much **better** would this game have been if Anet could crank out new content at the pace of Blizzard or Verant/SOE? I would have happily paid for that. But, as it stands, I can tell you two things for sure:


1) I would never play another BTP game like this. and..

2) If I knew what a content drought I was in for, I never would have even started playing this one.

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> @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

> With PoF delivering **SO** little... I'm seriously beginning to question whether the buy-to-play model is sustainable/viable for an MMO. Before GW2, I played WoW. And before WoW, I played Everquest. And I'm just not able to adjust to the snail's pace of development in this game compared to the other two. In EQ and, and WoW, you could hardly keep up with the pace of development unless you treated it like a full time job with overtime.


> In this game there's **so** little to do that they actually created special titles for people willing to repeat the same old content, from five years ago, thousands of times... e.g. "fractal god." It's almost like an admission that "we have nothing new for you to do. So we'll allocate our scant resources to rewarding you for endlessly repeating old stuff." And then in raids... people have to create little games (like low-manning, and speed-running) to amuse themselves with boring old encounters they've done hundreds of times already.


> How might this all have been different if Anet had a regular monthly income from subscription fees? How much **better** would this game have been if Anet could crank out new content at the pace of Blizzard or Verant/SOE? I would have happily paid for that. But, as it stands, I can tell you two things for sure:


> 1) I would never play another BTP game like this. and..

> 2) If I knew what a content drought I was in for, I never would have even started playing this one.


Well in the face of optional grind, people tend to not do it. In the face of a gear threadmill they feel like they have to and thus feel (falsely?) entertained.


There's lots in this game to keep you busy, but it just feels alot more pointless because its not doped with psychological manipulation to do so.



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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

> > With PoF delivering **SO** little... I'm seriously beginning to question whether the buy-to-play model is sustainable/viable for an MMO. Before GW2, I played WoW. And before WoW, I played Everquest. And I'm just not able to adjust to the snail's pace of development in this game compared to the other two. In EQ and, and WoW, you could hardly keep up with the pace of development unless you treated it like a full time job with overtime.

> >

> > In this game there's **so** little to do that they actually created special titles for people willing to repeat the same old content, from five years ago, thousands of times... e.g. "fractal god." It's almost like an admission that "we have nothing new for you to do. So we'll allocate our scant resources to rewarding you for endlessly repeating old stuff." And then in raids... people have to create little games (like low-manning, and speed-running) to amuse themselves with boring old encounters they've done hundreds of times already.

> >

> > How might this all have been different if Anet had a regular monthly income from subscription fees? How much **better** would this game have been if Anet could crank out new content at the pace of Blizzard or Verant/SOE? I would have happily paid for that. But, as it stands, I can tell you two things for sure:

> >

> > 1) I would never play another BTP game like this. and..

> > 2) If I knew what a content drought I was in for, I never would have even started playing this one.


> Well in the face of optional grind, people tend to not do it. In the face of a gear threadmill they feel like they have to and thus feel (falsely?) entertained.


> There's lots in this game to keep you busy, but it just feels alot more pointless because its not doped with psychological manipulation to do so.




Yea I know... jump through whatever hoops you've got to jump through to rationalize it. But 90% of the stuff people do in this game is years old; and they've done it dozens to hundreds of times before. I'm still in disbelief that they actually created the latest fractal-titles to reward people for grinding out hundreds of repeats of the same, five-year-old encounters..


But yea... you're right. I could go kill Tequatl or do a Dragon's Stand meta for the sheer joy of it... If only I was smart enough to break the conditioning of linking reward with effort!! :'( :'( :'(

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> @"Stevieboy.4192" said:

> If I had known that the Griffon mount that I paid for in the expansion was this hard to get, I wouldn't of got PoF in the first place.

> Soloing the story is not what I call fun.

> I have opened the other mounts, wasn't easy but I expect that...

> Why does the Griffon have to be hidden behind hours of long grinding story?

> I paid for it right?

> Why isn't it unlocked like the others?

> Hearts?

> Bragging rights I assume.

> This is why PoF gets my back turned to it and I head off back to the jungle...

> At least until the game I'm downloading finishes...


LOL, hard to get? I did it in two 2-3 hours sessions in on one or two days. Sorry, but you really seem the kind of super casual gamer, that expects you can get everything within 10mins of play...


Anyway, many valid points for PoF. They failed again unfortunately. The maps are very well designed and beautiful but once you explored them there's simply nothing else to do aside from some collections. There is no real replayability etc. They also said it is all about content in PoF. What content? There is nothing else than those 5 maps. No new dungeons, no fractal, no raid no new WvW or PvP stuff. It's beyond ridiculous (yeah more with living world came ofc.) Compare it to a WoW or a Final Fantasy expansion they have actually the triple or quadruple amount of content and features. Lots of new dungeons, raids, classes or races which entertain you for months. But in PoF you simply had 1-2 weeks and you're literally done with it.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"AlexVv.3965" said:

> > I deleted the game today. It's not even boredom, but already exasperation.


> Is your HD too small or something? I still have FFXI installed on my system. I think the only reason to even bring up the prospect of uninstalling is to make your point seem like it has more weight or something? In an era where installing a 30gig game takes maybe a couple of hours, this detail holds very little weight anymore.


With anger, after another disconnect during spvp:)

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If the design goal of the PoF maps was to be more in line with central tyria maps then there needs to be 3 or 4 times the amount of events and many of these should be event chains. Compare the amount of events in any central Tyria map with the amount of events in the PoF maps. Events shouldnt be substituted with bountys. The problem with bountys is that since they are initiated by players they make the world less dense and alive. Also world bosses, not on every map but there should be about 1 good one for every 3 or 4 new maps. Things like Amalla dont count as world bosses either, world bosses are things like tequatl. I dont have to search for events in a central tyria map, but this problem exists in PoF maps. Id rather have a map feel too busy than not busy enough. We also need more connections between old and new maps, I want to be able to walk from bloodstone fen all the way to istan. Also istan is not nearly as dense as it needs to be, and is not a good model for future lw4 maps. Having a dedicated area where a big meta happens only worked in HoT because HoT populated those areas with other events (namely auric basin and td, ds is good but ds type maps should only be made on occasion if the concept is really solid)

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I generally enjoy the PoF maps, but I have noticed that they tend to be less populated than others. (For example, the Desolation always seems to be near-deserted whenever I visit it, aside from the occasional bounty train running through. It's a struggle to get enough people to do the metas.)


For me, I would say that the biggest annoyance factor about the PoF maps would be the mob density/aggro distance. PoF maps are usually PACKED with enemies, and a lot of them tend to aggro onto you at much bigger distances than core/HoT enemies do. Raise your hand if you've ever been fighting a group of choya/hyenas/sand sharks and then you suddenly get ambushed by a Forged/Awakened patrol coming from behind you, and then before you can finish dealing with THEM a Hydra/Djinn shows up. The end result is that you're usually just rushing madly from one safe zone to the next with your mount, instead of taking your time to admire the scenery or talk with NPCs.

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I finished the story on my main.

100% all the maps.

Completed the collections I wanted (Funerary, spec weapons etc).

Got me a Griffon.


Honestly, I see no point in going back now. Meanwhile I’m constantly back doing both VB and AB metas (heck, even the occasional TD and DS) in HoT because the great rewards (Amalgamated Gemstones, ya’ll!) and social events.


Not having these map-wide metas in PoF will be it’s undoing. I said so back at launch of the exp pack and I’ve only grown more certain as time has moved by.

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> @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

>In EQ and, and WoW, you could hardly keep up with the pace of development unless you treated it like a full time job with overtime.


I'm sorry, but that doesn't exactly spell "Fun" to me. Always being overwhelmed by yet-to-do content if you don't force yourself to play the game 24/7? If that were the case with GW2, I would have quit long ago. But then again, I'm only a filthy casual :#


> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> I finished the story on my main.

> 100% all the maps.

> Completed the collections I wanted (Funerary, spec weapons etc).

> Got me a Griffon.


> Honestly, I see no point in going back now. Meanwhile I’m constantly back doing both VB and AB metas (heck, even the occasional TD and DS) in HoT because the great rewards (Amalgamated Gemstones, ya’ll!) and social events.


> Not having these map-wide metas in PoF will be it’s undoing. I said so back at launch of the exp pack and I’ve only grown more certain as time has moved by.

Hopefully, they'll add some meta-stuff to PoF before it dies from loneliness.

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Yeah more Jedi Mind Tricks to con players into wasting their time on repeatedly farming these events. Its a literal fucking poker machine and you are playing with your free time. The best estimates for infusion drops are one in ten thousand which would make sense as it's the only way to economically inflate the value of these items to such extreme levels.


So there are three hundred and sixty five days in a year. You can shoot for the Egg Sac once a day. Do you really want to be conned into spending that much time repeating the same shit that you can't possibly be having fun with after the fiftieth time, hoping for some magic RNG miracle?


Literally a million dollar jackpot lottery ticket is what $10? Okay well that's about 30 minutes min. Wage where I live. Guess what these events take 30 mins. See the similarity? It's not a coincidence.

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> @"Esquilax.3491" said:

> Yeah more Jedi Mind Tricks to con players into wasting their time on repeatedly farming these events. Its a literal kitten poker machine and you are playing with your free time. The best estimates for infusion drops are one in ten thousand which would make sense as it's the only way to economically inflate the value of these items to such extreme levels.


> So there are three hundred and sixty five days in a year. You can shoot for the Egg Sac once a day. Do you really want to be conned into spending that much time repeating the same kitten that you can't possibly be having fun with after the fiftieth time, hoping for some magic RNG miracle?


> Literally a million dollar jackpot lottery ticket is what $10? Okay well that's about 30 minutes min. Wage where I live. Guess what these events take 30 mins. See the similarity? It's not a coincidence.


Not really important but you can actually do TD every two hours.


And well, some people really like the excitement that they could get lucky from a drop. The chances are extremely low, but they're there. Honestly it's because the end game is all about hoarding massive amounts of gold. What else is there to do?


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