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Any new Mount features planned or desired in the future?


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this is just a thread to discuss any new features desired for mounts. or to talk about upcoming features teased or confirmed (none that i know of)

personally i only want 2 things

1) first person mount riding.....because i mean....why is this not already a thing?

2) the ability to have a friend ride your mount with you. in order to accomplish this i would assume it would simply be a matter of having the passenger player spectate the mount driver player. in addition to a character model being present on the mount.


now if course i am not talking about a mount that can have multiple people ride on it. such as the ditched dolyak mount concept. while that is cool i think that riding a griffon with a friend would be infinitely more fun of a concept and would add a whole new level of fun to the game. especially for new players.

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I'd like to see a content where 1 could ride the mount (can be a temporary mount you can only use during missions) like an elephant and the others can use their skills while being a passengers.


I can imagine a canyon mission where the driver need to navigate and the other players are sniping down the the enemy NPCs before they overwhelm the group.


In the open world I don't think it will ever be implemented unless they limit the passengers to those person's who actually owns PoF. Giving free ride in the open world to people not owning PoF is not acceptable for this business model.

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Anet don't do teasers or hint at future releases because everything they say is taken as a sacred promise that each person's interpretation of the teaser will be implemented exactly as they imagine it in the near future and any deviation from that is a gross betrayal of players trust that can only be rectified by refunding everyone who bought the latest expansion, giving out free gems, and a personalised apology from Mike O'Brien.


Ok that's a _slight_ exaggeration, but still the nearest they come to hinting at future plans is releasing short teaser trailers a few days ahead of a full trailer for the next release, because giving information further in advance tends to backfire. (Look at all the people who complained about how long it took for them to add precusor crafting, then asked for everyone to get a refund on HoT because it wasn't implemented in the way they expected.)


But one thing I'd really like is an underwater mount. Something that can pull you along faster when you're underwater and maybe have a movement ability like the griffon where it pulls you up to the surface quickly. That might have to only work out of combat to stop it being an easy escape, but it would still be useful.

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I honestly wouldn't like underwater mounts or shared mounts. I sincerely hope they ignore such requests and instead of adding fluff features like that, they add things like more mount races - especially flying griffon races (not just time trial). I would like these to be fleshed out and added to older and low level zones.


Personally, I'd really like some sort of race betting too, using gold and ectos so as to avoid getting a higher rating.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Anet don't do teasers or hint at future releases because everything they say is taken as a sacred promise that each person's interpretation of the teaser will be implemented exactly as they imagine it in the near future and any deviation from that is a gross betrayal of players trust that can only be rectified by refunding everyone who bought the latest expansion, giving out free gems, and a personalised apology from Mike O'Brien.


> Ok that's a _slight_ exaggeration, but still the nearest they come to hinting at future plans is releasing short teaser trailers a few days ahead of a full trailer for the next release, because giving information further in advance tends to backfire. (Look at all the people who complained about how long it took for them to add precusor crafting, then asked for everyone to get a refund on HoT because it wasn't implemented in the way they expected.)


> But one thing I'd really like is an underwater mount. Something that can pull you along faster when you're underwater and maybe have a movement ability like the griffon where it pulls you up to the surface quickly. That might have to only work out of combat to stop it being an easy escape, but it would still be useful.


The dream of the Ecco the Dolphin MMO would come one step closer!

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> @"BaconReaper.5719" said:

> I heard that there was development that went into a mount that could carry a 5 man party or something, although it was scrapped. Rather than changing how 1 person mounts work, just create a multi-person mount, like an elephant or something.


Wizard101 has multi-player mounts

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Anet don't do teasers or hint at future releases because everything they say is taken as a sacred promise that each person's interpretation of the teaser will be implemented exactly as they imagine it in the near future and any deviation from that is a gross betrayal of players trust that can only be rectified by refunding everyone who bought the latest expansion, giving out free gems, and a personalised apology from Mike O'Brien.


Yeah, Mike. I'm still waiting on that apology!



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I want new mounts.


Shouldn't be that hard to design one, no? Think of all the money to be made in cosmetics!


I presume the problem are the masteries tied to the mount and special abilities. Just give me a horse, a dolphin (underwater mount anyone?) and something that can go underground.

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Some random ideas:

1. Spider mount. Has 2 charges similar to Druid's touch, but short range. The mount will attack to any wall or ceiling after the first shot.

2. Aquatic mount, some coral-shark thing. The mobility would probably be like the raptor leap.

3. First person you are already mentioned but I'd love it as well. But I'd also love to see the back of the mounts head, but make that optional for people who'd find it obtrusive.

4. Enable the raptor and jackal, with zero endurance, in older instances. (Why? They have no passive vertical mobility, and no horizontal advance without endurance, making map breaking impossible)

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