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Repeatable heart quests - Something for core game?


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I enjoy the core game very much. It's a shame you can't re-do all the heart quests like in PoF though.


I know some people are not too keen on this since it gives them the feel their job is never done. Maybe that could be solved by giving once done hearts a different color or something.


I'd have at least one or two characters rotate the same map till max level. Or just rotate a combination of maps.


Anyone else out there in favor of infinitely repeatable heart quests for the entire game??



1. Unlocked vendors should stay unlocked!

2. Hearts should be differently color coded after initial completion.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> Anyone else out there in favor of infinitely repeatable heart quests for the entire game??

In favor? No. The best I can offer is: I'd prefer to see ANet offer other content.



Originally, I would be actively against this. I'm okay with a few hearts that have multiple completion methods. They are fun for me once (or not even that much, if we're talking about Lake Doric). One of my favorite parts of HoT maps is: no hearts.


And when re-introduced for LS3, they were worse. You had to finish all the hearts on the same day or you'd have to repeat them all, for map completion. Partial progress wasn't kept. It turned a slightly-unfun aspect of map completion into a chore. For me, at least.


Since then, ANet has removed the worst mechanics: map completion progress is kept, there's a different icon for undone, repeatable today, and done-recently, and even partial heart completion is held over after reset.


However, I still prefer dynamic events, event chains, triggered mini-dungeons, and every other sort of content over hearts. Hearts require you to remain in an area to complete it. They literally include requirements like "kill 10 ~~rats~~ skritt" — that got old in single player RPGs. They are repetitively repetitious [sic]. Progress is often arbitrary, with some (e.g. in Lake Doric) requiring a lot more effort than others: sometimes doing events in the area helps move them forward, often not; often killing is the quickest method (making lots of hearts nearly-identical to each other).


In short, I'd prefer to see ANet spend their effort on other types of content. Hearts, to me, are the dullest aspect of exploration.

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I am in favor of this. I mostly play open world explorable zones nowadays.


Sometimes I just want to go back to the world and just revisit old content, I just want to play around in Queensdale or Plains of Ashford. And when I do go back, I hit a wall where there is just no point to going back. By giving infinite hearts, this open up +25 explorable zones to play with.


One important thing that ANet has to know before giving infinite hearts is that these hearts need to give rewards that is what takes away their replayability. To fix this, give +25 trade contract to PoF maps and karma potions for open world maps.


> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> No thanks, but do replace the PoF repeatable hearts with rewarding events please.


I disagree. The problem with events only is that they are on a timer. Rewarding events can be fun; but If there was events only, then there will be a wall where there are no more events to do until the next timer. Hearts alone are also grindy and tedious alone but it gives players something to do. I believe Hearts and Events together should work together side by side. Events as a distraction of the grind and Hearts as a goal.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> I enjoy the core game very much. It's a shame you can't re-do all the heart quests like in PoF though.


> I know some people are not too keen on this since it gives them the feel their job is never done. Maybe that could be solved by giving once done hearts a different color or something.


> I'd have at least one or two characters rotate the same map till max level. Or just rotate a combination of maps.


> Anyone else out there in favor of infinitely repeatable heart quests for the entire game??


This is a joke, right?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > Anyone else out there in favor of infinitely repeatable heart quests for the entire game??

> In favor? No. The best I can offer is: I'd prefer to see ANet offer other content.


> ****

> Originally, I would be actively against this. I'm okay with a few hearts that have multiple completion methods. They are fun for me once (or not even that much, if we're talking about Lake Doric). One of my favorite parts of HoT maps is: no hearts.


> And when re-introduced for LS3, they were worse. You had to finish all the hearts on the same day or you'd have to repeat them all, for map completion. Partial progress wasn't kept. It turned a slightly-unfun aspect of map completion into a chore. For me, at least.


> Since then, ANet has removed the worst mechanics: map completion progress is kept, there's a different icon for undone, repeatable today, and done-recently, and even partial heart completion is held over after reset.


> However, I still prefer dynamic events, event chains, triggered mini-dungeons, and every other sort of content over hearts. Hearts require you to remain in an area to complete it. They literally include requirements like "kill 10 ~~rats~~ skritt" — that got old in single player RPGs. They are repetitively repetitious [sic]. Progress is often arbitrary, with some (e.g. in Lake Doric) requiring a lot more effort than others: sometimes doing events in the area helps move them forward, often not; often killing is the quickest method (making lots of hearts nearly-identical to each other).


> In short, I'd prefer to see ANet spend their effort on other types of content. Hearts, to me, are the dullest aspect of exploration.


I don't think one had to complete all the Repeatable Renown Hearts in one day for map completion. One Heart per day for however many days, would work as well, as long as you remembered which Hearts had already been done. What would be lost, though, was partial completion of an individual Heart at reset; it's nice they changed that.


I'm ambivalent toward Repeatable Renown Hearts...anywhere. Thus...


Good luck.

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I'd not enjoy this in the least.


Personally speaking, I find it *very* frustrating in PoF (and a lot of Living Story content) to have to go back to the place, repeat the grind of unlocking a heart, and go and buy that thing I meant to buy before the last reset (be that any amount of time ago). I like that we can repeat the heart for more rewards, but I dislike having the vendor functionality locked behind doing it again and again and again.


> **Suggestion to ANet Krewe**:

> Would it be possible to update all repeatable Renown Hearts such that, after the next/first time is completed, the vendor remains available? This would allow players to still repeat the heart's objectives for more Karma, Coin, and Experience, but without the penalty of losing the vendor if they cannot afford (or do not purchase) an item during the time the vendor is available.


I agree with other posters that more variation in repeatable content would be very welcome (be that mini-dungeons, jumping puzzles, events, larger metas, etc.), but with hearts serving as "side-quests," I feel we cannot eliminate them completely -- just make them more seamless. Or perhaps in the case of repeatable ones, eliminate them from the Map Completion requirements -- kind of like how Mastery Points function.

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Oh wow... don't you people ever see a movie twice (or more) or re-read a book?


If a heart changes color when you done it once and remains repeatable for those that do like to repeat enjoyable content for XP i fail to see the problem with that.


I do agree that an unlocked vendor should stay unlocked though. From an RP point of view that vendor already knows you and will remember you helping him/her. From a 'more help would be appreciated' point of view you should be able to redo the quest the next day for an XP reward i think.


It's not like you HAVE to repeat it.. just that the possibility exists for those that do like to re-read their book or watch their movie more than once.


How odd that so many people seem to be doing so much stuff they really dislike.



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I really wouldn't mind having them become repeatable. But I do have to agree that having the vendor become locked every day is one of the things I like least about the repeatable hearts in PoF and the newer Living World maps. So, if they come up with a way to keep the vendor always available after you've unlocked it once, then I'd be all for making all hearts repeatable.

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There was a time when I would have said absolutely, yes. But that was when I only played my one, main character. Now that I am doing map completions on alternate characters (for the keys, mainly) I am repeating all the heart quests. It is fun to replay some of the unique and special ones, and a pain in the butt to do some of the others.


But it makes one thing clear: yes, you can ALREADY repeat your favorite heart quests any time you like. Just not on the same character.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> Oh wow... don't you people ever see a movie twice (or more) or re-read a book?

Sure, if they actually good and not a waste of time and effort, nor re-watch or re-read every day to access the the additional scenes , nor do I have to re-watch them to buy something.


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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> locking vendor as well is just poor game design.


Right, I completely forgot about that annoyance.

Yes, please don't lock the vendor after initial completion. I can visit them whenever I want in core maps, why lock their services in LS3 and PoF maps? (Yes, of course, the fact that the hearts are repeatable changes the underlying mechanics. But if the game knows enough to change the icon for me, surely it can change the vendor access, too.)

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So long as the heart can be colored in and not empty like the recent hearts. And the vendor isn't locked. I hop between characters a lot, it's confusing enough not knowing which hearts I've done in the expansions and Seasons. Though my response leans towards no. I want to max every character I own, I already repeat them countless times.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> I enjoy the core game very much. It's a shame you can't re-do all the heart quests like in PoF though.


> I know some people are not too keen on this since it gives them the feel their job is never done. Maybe that could be solved by giving once done hearts a different color or something.


> I'd have at least one or two characters rotate the same map till max level. Or just rotate a combination of maps.


> Anyone else out there in favor of infinitely repeatable heart quests for the entire game??


If they could just make it so that repeatable hearts didn't change anything other than adding the ability to perform the task and receive the reward once per day, I would have no problem with them. I'm not sure why it seemed like a good idea to lock the vendors behind repeatable hearts or make the objective pointer completely useless because it will always point to a repeatable heart!


That seems to be par for the course with this development team: Expect the inexplicable! Dumping the popular HoT event structure entirely for Tyria 2.0? Nerfing confusion and then replacing it with torment because it no longer works? Repeatable hearts that force you to repeat them and block the function of the objective pointer? That's just what we do 'round here, son!


They are a talented team. Don't get me wrong. They bring us some really great stuff! But that just makes odd choices like these stand out that much more. It's disappointing, especially for things like this which players have complained about for some time. Here was your chance to do it the right way and you simply copy/pasted the same annoying design. It's disappointing.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> I enjoy the core game very much. It's a shame you can't re-do all the heart quests like in PoF though.


> I know some people are not too keen on this since it gives them the feel their job is never done. Maybe that could be solved by giving once done hearts a different color or something.


> I'd have at least one or two characters rotate the same map till max level. Or just rotate a combination of maps.


> Anyone else out there in favor of infinitely repeatable heart quests for the entire game??


I wanted ways to repeat hearts in a way to enhance the player experience with bonus content but I'm not a fan of how they did it with LWS3/4 and PoF. The basic merchant should stay unlocked but I'd rather see the player character rewarded on repeat rather than just allowing the player access to the merchant again. Unlocking the merchant again is not a very good incentive to repeat. They could give map rewards, free map wide WP usage or map wide speed boons for the day, etc.

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Please no. The LWS3 maps and PoF maps are enough...more than enough. Only reason people redo them anyways is for extra currencies or re-unlocking whatever vendor they need, which gets annoying/tedious with time. In addition, with the exception of collection items or certain chef items, most heart vendors in core Tyria don't offer anything making them worth the trouble of doing again and again to keep unlocking them.

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