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This Game Desperately Needs An Item for Skipping Hearts!!!


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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> PvP/WvW think us PvErs are just horrible because we don't want to do that content for a Gift of Battle. But here you are complaining about doing PvE content when you already have PvE content you can skip with reward tracks.


I don't think you should have to do WvW if you don't want to in fact I'd prefer that you didn't. I can't skip map completion with reward tracks.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> PvP/WvW think us PvErs are just horrible because we don't want to do that content for a Gift of Battle. But here you are complaining about doing PvE content when you already have PvE content you can skip with reward tracks.


I know plenty of wvw players that would be delighted to be able to sell Gifts of Battle on the TP so you don't have to do it.

Also, wvw world completion was a thing. It was removed because pve players didn't want to do it. So why not give players that have already done all the stupid boring hearts a way to buy repeats with karma, gold, badges, gem or whatever else?

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > Everything should just have a price on it so the game is the best game as long as you can pay to remove those specific annoyances you have with it.


> This is basically what I think. Let people pay to cut out as many of the things that they find boring as possible so they can just do the things that they actually enjoy doing.


My post is mostly sarcastic though.


Plus I doubt hearts , whilst boring, will ever be skip-able. If not just for the fact of providing contrast for the more fun tasks. Filler content does serve a purpose that most people don't even realize. When I go to a map without any hearts, there is a lack of background noise or ambiance or just that little bit of hustle and bustle that provides a little bit of permanence that events can't as they basically leave empty spaces. Just NPCs that do have something to say but other than that don't provide you with any tasks will mostly get ignored and don't provide that similar effect.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> 80 - 90% of the Hearts in Core can be completed in roughly 5 minutes, the rest in probably 10 minutes max, if that...is it really that boring you can't spare 5 minutes of your time?


Wouldnt that be 5 minutes times over 300 hearts? 1500 minutes. 25 hours. I wouldnt buy a bypass, but I can understand wanting to avoid 25 hours of something that one doesnt enjoy.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > Everything should just have a price on it so the game is the best game as long as you can pay to remove those specific annoyances you have with it.

> >

> > This is basically what I think. Let people pay to cut out as many of the things that they find boring as possible so they can just do the things that they actually enjoy doing.


> My post is mostly sarcastic though.


> Plus I doubt hearts , whilst boring, will ever be skip-able. If not just for the fact of providing contrast for the more fun tasks. Filler content does serve a purpose that most people don't even realize. When I go to a map without any hearts, there is a lack of background noise or ambiance or just that little bit of hustle and bustle that provides a little bit of permanence that events can't as they basically leave empty spaces. Just NPCs that do have something to say but other than that don't provide you with any tasks will mostly get ignored and don't provide that similar effect.


But I'm not arguing that maps shouldn't have hearts. I'm simply asking that I be able to pay to skip them. If people still want to do them then that's fine with me.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > 80 - 90% of the Hearts in Core can be completed in roughly 5 minutes, the rest in probably 10 minutes max, if that...is it really that boring you can't spare 5 minutes of your time?


> Wouldnt that be 5 minutes times over 300 hearts? 1500 minutes. 25 hours. I wouldnt buy a bypass, but I can understand wanting to avoid 25 hours of something that one doesnt enjoy.


Worth pointing out that that's per character. Every additional character would be another 25+ hrs of boring content that you've already done. For me it gets more painful every time I start over with a new character.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > PvP/WvW think us PvErs are just horrible because we don't want to do that content for a Gift of Battle. But here you are complaining about doing PvE content when you already have PvE content you can skip with reward tracks.


> I know plenty of wvw players that would be delighted to be able to sell Gifts of Battle on the TP so you don't have to do it.

> Also, wvw world completion was a thing. It was removed because pve players didn't want to do it. So why not give players that have already done all the stupid boring hearts a way to buy repeats with karma, gold, badges, gem or whatever else?


Yes I remember doing map completion only when my home had a certain color. And it took weeks sometimes months to get the right area. So since I have all the badges of honor, why not just let me buy them again? And I'd love to sell my gifts of exploration!

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > PvP/WvW think us PvErs are just horrible because we don't want to do that content for a Gift of Battle. But here you are complaining about doing PvE content when you already have PvE content you can skip with reward tracks.


> I know plenty of wvw players that would be delighted to be able to sell Gifts of Battle on the TP so you don't have to do it.

> Also, wvw world completion was a thing. It was removed because pve players didn't want to do it. So why not give players that have already done all the stupid boring hearts a way to buy repeats with karma, gold, badges, gem or whatever else?


No, WvW exploration was not removed because PvE players asked for it.


It was removed because they added a new WvW map and removed the old maps. This meant that if they kept WvW map completion then people who had started but not finished when the maps were swapped out would have to redo all those maps, which would be unfair to them. In addition, at that time they said they were going to rotate among the maps and they were thinking of making even more new maps which means that more people would get caught with maps unfinished and have to do the new maps in addition to the maps they had partially done. Again, unfair and extra work for those individuals.


Edit: there were 4 days between the [announcement of no more WvW map completion](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/changes-to-world-completion/) and the [announcement of the new desert borderlands.](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/essential-elements-of-the-new-borderlands/)



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I don't mind doing the hearts for map completion. I do, however, mind having to redo them, just to use the vendor. I don't go back to zones for this reason. There are some things I may want, but I dislike being made to something I have completed, over and over again. Reminds me of grinding rep in WoW.....

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Grind is a deliberate and necessary function in all MMOs, as its the only way to provide enuf content to keep the players from complaining that they have done everything.

The hearts are necessary to try and maintain some kind of population in the lower level maps , so that the game doesnt look like an abandoned wasteland.

If the aim of this thread is that I want to make more legendary weapons without having to the grind needed to make the first one , then simply buy them from the TP.

Asking for buyable items simply for the purposes of skipping the steps needed to make some upmarket item is just pay 2 win.


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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Grind is a deliberate and necessary function in all MMOs, as its the only way to provide enuf content to keep the players from complaining that they have done everything.

> The hearts are necessary to try and maintain some kind of population in the lower level maps , so that the game doesnt look like an abandoned wasteland.

> If the aim of this thread is that I want to make more legendary weapons without having to the grind needed to make the first one , then simply buy them from the TP.

> Asking for buyable items simply for the purposes of skipping the steps needed to make some upmarket item is just pay 2 win.



I don't use legendary weapons I craft and sell them. Map completions are the major bottleneck for legendary crafting and hearts are the major bottleneck for map completions.


What I'm asking for is not p2w. It's pay for convenience. There is no competitive advantage gained from map completion and they already have pay for convenience items in the game.

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Doing all parts of map completion is part of the cost of making a Legendary. If doing hearts are removed then that would leave wps, points of interest, hero points and vistas. The map completion part of making a Legendary would be trivialized and the effort cheapened. The only way that something like this should be allowed is if you got no map completion rewards or Gift of Exploration for doing so. You might as well go ahead and ask for paying for map completion entirely if you’re going to ask for paying for hearts. Spend X gems and get your Gift of Exploration from the gem store. The ultimate convenience, because that’s all that matters, amirite?

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> You might as well go ahead and ask for paying for map completion entirely if you’re going to ask for paying for hearts. Spend X gems and get your Gift of Exploration from the gem store. The ultimate convenience, because that’s all that matters, amirite?


I'd be fine with that too. Maybe add an item for hearts and an item that just lets you full complete a map. Make the second more expensive than the first and watch the gem sales go through the roof.


EDIT: Gems for gifts of exploration would be great too btw. Or make them tradeable whatever.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > You might as well go ahead and ask for paying for map completion entirely if you’re going to ask for paying for hearts. Spend X gems and get your Gift of Exploration from the gem store. The ultimate convenience, because that’s all that matters, amirite?


> I'd be fine with that too. Maybe add an item for hearts and an item that just lets you full complete a map. Make the second more expensive than the first and watch the gem sales go through the roof.


Amazingly enough removing effort from getting something, besides the effort of opening up your wallet and typing in your credit card number, is not best for the game. Making the Gift of Exploration all or part of a credit card purchase instead of an ingame accomplishment cheapens it and cheapening it damages the game. It makes Legendary weapons less of an ingame accomplishment, where ingame accomplishments are necessary for the health of the game, both to keep people occupied and logging on and to keep respect for the game and its goals. I’m sorry if you’re bored but your personal boredom is not a reason to harm the game by removing effort and lessening the Legendary weapons.

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May I suggest to the OP and others of his opinion, that if they don’t want to do map exploration that they collaborate with someone who has Gifts of Exploration and make it a joint effort to craft Legendaries rather than asking for ANet to sell parts of game completion. You can try this site, [Guild Wars 2 economy](https://www.reddit.com/r/gw2economy/). They have buyers and sellers of GoE there.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > You might as well go ahead and ask for paying for map completion entirely if you’re going to ask for paying for hearts. Spend X gems and get your Gift of Exploration from the gem store. The ultimate convenience, because that’s all that matters, amirite?

> >

> > I'd be fine with that too. Maybe add an item for hearts and an item that just lets you full complete a map. Make the second more expensive than the first and watch the gem sales go through the roof.


> Amazingly enough removing effort from getting something, besides the effort of opening up your wallet and typing in your credit card number, is not best for the game. Making the Gift of Exploration all or part of a credit card purchase instead of an ingame accomplishment cheapens it and cheapening it damages the game. It makes Legendary weapons less of an ingame accomplishment, where ingame accomplishments are necessary for the health of the game, both to keep people occupied and logging on and to keep respect for the game and its goals. I’m sorry if you’re bored but your personal boredom is not a reason to harm the game by removing effort and lessening the Legendary weapons.


We've been able to buy gen 1 legendary weapons with a credit card since launch, you know that right? The weapons themselves have always been tradeable.


EDIT: The demand for them has always been strong despite this so perhaps you don't actually know what's "best for the game."

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