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Bought Game in 2012 -- Want Reduced Prices on Expansions

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I purchased the Guild Wars 2 Collectors Edition and got the head start. Heart of Thorns was released with a $59 price tag, and gave GW2 base game with it. Path of Fire released at $29.99. Most people here are familiar with expansion packs and their prices. I started in the MMO scene with Everquest. I purchased EQ2 CE, and continued in up to the first expansion. I quit after that (moved and didn't have time to play) and then moved on to Guild Wars 1. After that, I played WoW, STO, and even SWToR. Now GW2.


Players aren't punished for buying expansions. I buy the expansions because I support the company and enjoy the game. If other players buy the expansion and get the base game that means more people on core maps and the expansion. But hey, with HoT we got a few perks for being existing players, mostly due to the fallout of the pricing and what not.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:


> Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).


Pretty sure I said, "Most of us," not "All of us." In fact, I know I did since you quoted it. Ahem. Might be in your best interest to read what a poster wrote before you try to put them on blast in the future.


But congrats on having the resolve not to buy anything. I'd lose my mind without my endless harvesting and salvaging tools alone. ?

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I saw the sign up front offering to pay the first month of utilities to new renters. I've been living here for 5 years. Where is my free month of utilities?


Though, I suppose you could leave and get a new apartment and get the free month of utilities?


For that matter, you could stop playing your old account and make a brand new account and pay only $29 for PoF and play with your friends?


![](https://i.imgur.com/wwQB227.png "")


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I'm a newish player 150 days or so and I envy the veterans. I would be happy to pay full price if i could start the story with the old lion's arch. And although most have said that season 1 wasn't that well implemented, I expect it was still better than a short fragmented video. And as a new player I had to pay for seasons 2 and 3 which were really good and worth it to me for the extra story.

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Apparently the OP also doesn't realize that even though the base game is F2P, that option doesn't provide all the same benefits as owning the game, leaving out certain functions. Also, just buying the PoF expansion is only ~$30, so unless he wants HoT, which based on his post his new friends did not purchase he's only spending the same ~$30 as his new friends are(i.e. he already owns the base game and all it's functions, should his friends want the same functions in the core game they're still going to have to purchase it, just not at the same ~$59.99 price tag). Furthermore, should he have just logged into the game to unlock seasons 2(3 if he had bought HoT) then he wouldn't need to purchase those either. There's more but you get the point.

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> > @"EdgarMTanaka.7291" said:

> > > @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> > > Its poor business practice to go that game you payed 60 dollars for we're gonna make free and kitten you guys for buying early we're all about the new players kitten the old

> >

> > If you where truly an old player I bet you wouldn't complain. You are just a player who bought the game and haven't played it for years. I bought GTA1 when it came out on PC, but now they are giving it out for free! It's madness I say! I bought the game for my parent hard earned money and now they are letting new players download it for free!


> just gonna post what I said in the comment above. Its not that it went free its that they released expansions and did nothing to show appreciation to the individuals who happened to fork over the money early.



what games release expansions and give discounts to existing players? I am truly asking. I only really play this game I don't have enough time for more in my life and don't keep up on other games.


Do other companies actually offer the type of discount to expansions for existing players you seem to be asking for? If so how much and what games?

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > Um . . . you didn't support the company. You left. You want to discuss how much money we who stayed paid into the gemstore for various items instead? I can assure you, for most of us, it's _a lot_ more than one-hundred and ten dollars. And that doesn't include the expansions.

> >

> > Otherwise, welcome back to the game. ;)


> Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).


he didn't speak for everyone or even use that word. He said things like "most of us".


He is not speaking for you as you are not in the group he is referring to so why are you upset exactly?


I am not clear even how your statement applies to this thread?


This is a really simple math...


if you don't want to spend x ... don't


if you do then spend it.


I can promise you that Anet doesn't care at all about the topic in this thread and most likely will not change the practice they are already using unless their bottom line really starts to suffer.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:


> > Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).


> Pretty sure I said, "Most of us," not "All of us." In fact, I know I did since you quoted it. Ahem. Might be in your best interest to read what a poster wrote before you try to put them on blast in the future.


> But congrats on having the resolve not to buy anything. I'd lose my mind without my endless harvesting and salvaging tools alone. ?


I read you but I still wanted to remark that fact.

Btw I couldn't resist to those tools too xD

I buyed them too, but converting gold to gems, not buying them.


> @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > Um . . . you didn't support the company. You left. You want to discuss how much money we who stayed paid into the gemstore for various items instead? I can assure you, for most of us, it's _a lot_ more than one-hundred and ten dollars. And that doesn't include the expansions.

> > >

> > > Otherwise, welcome back to the game. ;)

> >

> > Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).


> he didn't speak for everyone or even use that word. He said things like "most of us".


> He is not speaking for you as you are not in the group he is referring to so why are you upset exactly?


> I am not clear even how your statement applies to this thread?


> This is a really simple math...


> if you don't want to spend x ... don't


> if you do then spend it.


> I can promise you that Anet doesn't care at all about the topic in this thread and most likely will


I'm not upset at all, maybe it's because english is not my mother language and i chose the wrong words giving the wrong idea, I simply wanted to point out an aspect.

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I don't mean to dump more on, but you get out of a game what you put in. You put little into the game and you'll get little out of it.


Time = more explored areas and get better playing each profession to explore more areas

Real money = Gems (and all they are able to buy)


Your fun level is independent. Some days I feel like playing 12 hours straight while other I log in only to move the daily counter.

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But, you bought the game at the time, and got access to everything the game had before any expansions, 3-4yrs of content, and you left. That was your fault. Not Anets. You can’t then demand a discount because you paid X money 4-5years ago. That’s like asking a hairdresser for a discount on a cut/blowdry because you had 1 cut when the shop first opened. I think you know where you’d be told to go.


The Core game, is valued at zero (hence free to play access). This is because time has passed, and it makes it easier for new players to get into the game, who then usually purchase at least one expansion.


If you want a discount, you can use the code GW2FRIENDSHIPS until the 7th of March to get 25% off Path of Fire, you can then add HoT when you go through the store checkout.

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> I bought the game initially when it first came out for the whopping price of 59.99. I didn't play long because the group I was playing with moved on to something else. But recently a new group of friends decided to try the game out and they bought the Path of Fire DLC for 29.99. I hopped back on with them thinking that there must be a lower priced upgrade option for players who had the audacity to support the company at the release date or even a reward for being one of the early players who forked over 60 dollars. That is not the case at all I must pay the full price for the game meaning that in order for me to get the full content on the game I will have to have invested 110 dollars compared to the brand new player who only pays 50. Why would you mock the players who invested early, it is beyond me.


My friend, but there is an actual reward for old players haha, check your mail, by now you should already have the fifth birthday gift and with them comes the luminous weapon set, skins that a newer player like myself can only dream of :)

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In regards to the topic at hand, i really wouldn't go as far as to say that they ''punish old players'' i can't really blame this player's stance tho, after all, the game was advertised as a ''one time purchase'' that any further content down the line would be free, _that is a fact that everyone in this thread seems to blatantly ignore_, so it's no surprise to me this player expects compensation in some shape or form...


Just to be clear, i agree with many of the counterpoints and i don't mind having to get the short end of the stick if that spells prosperity for this game and its community, however i can't truly blame people being mad and feeling...how should i put it? "_entitled_", since they were promised something and they didn't uphold such claims in the end, without even the slightest compensation...


Those are my two cents and have a nice day everyone...


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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> Its poor business practice to go that game you payed 60 dollars for we're gonna make free and kitten you guys for buying early we're all about the new players kitten the old


Except this is an MMO and you purchased the original game years ago. This is how WoW does it and I'm sure many other players in the industry.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Thats right. I didnt buy the game all those years ago to play the game. I did it to support the company. Therefore I "deserve" a discount.


> But wait.... the expansions are on discount right now.


> So you want a discount on top of the original discount because you made some purchase half a decade ago?


Discount right now means discount for everyone. Not just original purchasers.


Perhaps it a case of: it’s not enough for me to be sitting in first class on a flight. I have to know that everyone else is sitting in coach.


I’m honestly surprised at how much complaining there is around paying for things in this game. It is the cheapest game I have played in what it gives you. All other mmos I played were more expensive in subscription fees alone. And some of them still had a cash shop. Even so, I’ve never seen so much complaining about having to pay for a product or for content as in this game.



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> @"Alledzebu.1037" said:

> In regards to the topic at hand, i really wouldn't go as far as to say that they ''punish old players'' i can't really blame this player's stance tho, after all, the game was advertised as a ''one time purchase'' that any further content down the line would be free, _that is a fact that everyone in this thread seems to blatantly ignore_, so it's no surprise to me this player expects compensation in some shape or form...


> Just to be clear, i agree with many of the counterpoints and i don't mind having to get the short end of the stick if that spells prosperity for this game and its community, however i can't truly blame people being mad and feeling...how should i put it? "_entitled_", since they were promised something and they didn't uphold such claims in the end, without even the slightest compensation...


> Those are my two cents and have a nice day everyone...



The game is a one-time purchase. The content that was available via the launch release purchase and much more that was added since is still playable. There was never a promise that all future "content down the line" would be free.

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I think the players who bought the base game should have at least some lasting benefit from it compared to those who get it later. So even the extra char slots are given to those who have bought the expansions only? seems to be the case after further reading of the thread: if you buy HoT you get everything that is included in the base game. That imo is not the right move. What if you got the base game+all expansions you get all 9 character slots but if you didnt get the base game you only get 5? that to me seems a decent enough difference to reward the early players and not drastically affect the late comers.

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