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broken damage numbers

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > 2018 - people still complain about mesmer's instagib, something that exists since the game was released.

> > > >

> > > > Easier to complain than take time to correct/make adjustments to their game play, learn map awareness, etc

> > >

> > > A proper mes burst from stealth gives zero reaction time.

> >

> > Yeah they have less than 3 seconds to get to you and set up said burst. If you’re practicing map awareness there’s very few points you can’t see them coming. The problem is that most people don’t pay attention to the map.


> You can chain 2 stealths together for 6 seconds. Also 1v1 and going stealth you can still easily burst someone 100-0 b/c the stealth removes the visual tells. What this does is allow the mesmer to make sure all his shots line up at the right time along with his instant stun. The video evidence we have here shows the mesmer being off on his timing. Properly timed it would actually look like the thief burst we saw later


5 seconds. Prestige is 3 and Signet is 2, no one is really running decoy now that it doesn’t get a cd reduction.

You still have a giant flying purple sword that you see. The problem isn’t the burst. It’s fine. The synergy between confounding suggestions and MoD is the issue but if you have stun breaks, stab, or passives that proc invulns then it’s not a problem. Even if Anet were to change MoD and CD, make some over the top animation for GS2, people would still complain just like they’ll complain about thief.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > 2018 - people still complain about mesmer's instagib, something that exists since the game was released.


> Easier to complain than take time to correct/make adjustments to their game play, learn map awareness, etc


Because mesmer could always burst and follow it up by being invuln for 10s, always had the same mobility as thieves with a bunch of extra instant ports + leaps, and NEVER had to actually manage their number of clones available!! Mesmers ALWAYS had unlimited free clones like they do currently!


I remember the days when Helseth used to say "only scrubs worry about clone production and setting up a burst, the best memsers just press this one button and have their burst set up for free! And don't worry if you miss your instant burst...you have like 10 other ways to drop that big damage with a single keypress!" /s

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > >

> > > > > core FA took skill

> > > >

> > > > No, it never did.

> > >

> > > You're unfortunately wrong. Core FA was one of the very few professions that required execution (fighting games term), due to the sheer amount of button presses that you needed to pull off in less than a second. It's not straightforward as mesmer, because ele has multiple burst paths, and they aren't really damaging unless masterfully lined up.

> > >

> > > With that said, it's not incredibly difficult, but when compared to other classes in gw2, it was up there among the harder ones.

> > >

> >

> > Muscle memory, especially within the constant of instant, ranged damage vs enemies without similar capabilities (which was always the ideal and sought-after match-up), does not comprise any sort of "fighting game execution." Those games feature combat with everything in full view and with adequate tells and cool down frames. FA has never had any of those. The best way to use it is to ambush from off screen, press every button, and invuln/line of sight away in case something goes bad. It's a joke compared to any sort of competitive fighting game consider how muscle memory requires 0 brain, and anyone can do it with a modicum of practice.


> Ok now name other classes in gw2 that required any as much "modicum of practice" as FA core. Press every button? Maybe in wvw with the overinflated damage, but in spvp to even kill people or overcome matchups you had to combine your lackluster single target damage into barrages of 5-7 abilities at a time consistently, to do any sort of damage. To this day I can't phoenix -> lightning flash -> arcane blast -> air attunement -> air 2/3 ( and 4 if s/d) (6 key presses in 0.5 seconds, along with perfect mouse positioning).


> You're talking about matchups when I'm solely talking about complex sequences of button presses with a very limited window to pull off.


> Ambush? Unless perfectly lined up, core FA never 100-0'd people in spvp. Do we even play the same game? 0 brain? Lol.


Razor you usually rub me the wrong way, but as an ele main I agree.


FA core struggles to squeeze out any damage and if you have any semblance of brain to understand when and where their cooldowns are up and when they traits go off they get dicked down hard.


I never enjoyed FA, it's ele sad attempt to have some offensive build that relies heavily on, once again, traits. If they would actually fix scepter and make it workable, I'd be more willing to think positively of the build, but scepter is just all types of ew. I'd do core d/d Ellen just because dagger is just doing more than scepter.

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> Mesmer/thief stay overpowered under the justification they require time investments to learn to extract their potential.

> I think rewarding people with god-tier classes for spending a bit of time to learn their class is a bit overkill though.


I don't see that much skill in using power mesmer with gs, it is like doing always the same oneshot burst rotation, and if it fails just disengage and try it again without much effort, just a spammy profession same as scourge, maybe just a tiny bit harder.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > 2018 - people still complain about mesmer's instagib, something that exists since the game was released.

> >

> > Easier to complain than take time to correct/make adjustments to their game play, learn map awareness, etc


> Because mesmer could always burst and follow it up by being invuln for 10s, always had the same mobility as thieves with a bunch of extra instant ports + leaps, and NEVER had to actually manage their number of clones available!! Mesmers ALWAYS had unlimited free clones like they do currently!


> I remember the days when Helseth used to say "only scrubs worry about clone production and setting up a burst, the best memsers just press this one button and have their burst set up for free! And don't worry if you miss your instant burst...you have like 10 other ways to drop that big damage with a single keypress!" /s


10s invul after each burst... ? Sir ...show me de wae pleaze

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > 2018 - people still complain about mesmer's instagib, something that exists since the game was released.

> > >

> > > Easier to complain than take time to correct/make adjustments to their game play, learn map awareness, etc

> >

> > Because mesmer could always burst and follow it up by being invuln for 10s, always had the same mobility as thieves with a bunch of extra instant ports + leaps, and NEVER had to actually manage their number of clones available!! Mesmers ALWAYS had unlimited free clones like they do currently!

> >

> > I remember the days when Helseth used to say "only scrubs worry about clone production and setting up a burst, the best memsers just press this one button and have their burst set up for free! And don't worry if you miss your instant burst...you have like 10 other ways to drop that big damage with a single keypress!" /s


> 10s invul after each burst... ? Sir ...show me de wae pleaze


Never said 10s for EACH burst, but 10s overall:


2s for dodges (b/c mirage dodges are 1s not 3/4 like everyone elses), 3s for blurred frenzy, 7s for distortion (4s from distortion, 3s from the clone mirage cloaks). Also, the weakness and interrupt spam. Old mesmer had just 3s distort and 3s blurred, but getting 3 clones for that 3s distort took management and planning, it usually ended up closer to 2. Also, dodges on old mesmer had to be conserved in order to set up clone bursts (b/c they gave clones).


Oh did I mention, dodges on mirage don't break offensive pressure OR HAVE ANY ANIMATION... so rather than watch the player you have to watch his skill bar to know when he dodges (while under heavy pressure do to extremely or no CD burst)!!! What a terrible design!



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> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I saw a Mesmer instagib a Ranger then I saw a Thief instagib a Mesmer... It's almost like a game of "Rock, Paper and Scissors".....

> >

> > So all I can think of now is:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/W2xIWTA.jpg "")

> >


> This is just stupid. This game has 9 professions and there is only 5 spots on a team. For this to be a workable strategy basically every player would be competent on every class and build so they could see what the other side was playing and switch to counters.. And this game was not suppossed to be rock, paper scissors. Show me any kind of quote from A-net that shows they believed this was supposed to be a hard counter type game? It was a ridiculous claim but the way they sold this was basically play what you want almost every profession will be able to fill multiple roles. The idea that a build should just faceroll because the other team doesn't have anyone playing what counters it is ludicrous.


I like your way of thinking, I should be able to pick up a Renegade and beat everyone with no counters, I should be able to play P/P thief with no counters, I should be able to play a Magi Druid with no counters, I should be able to play a Burn Guard with no counters, everyone should just die to what ever build I play right?


Lets start by removing all Reflections so ranged has no counter, then we'll remove all condition cleanses so they don't have a counter either. While we're at it, lets remove protection and lower the toughness value to 0, we don't need that either and give everyone 10 health, this way, there's no such thing as a counter, a Spirit Ranger will smash a well played Holosmith, this will be called "balance"....




If you like it or not, balance IS "rock, paper, scissors." - You don't want Rock beating paper and scissors, you NEED something to be able to beat Rock, this is simple logic and a well known metaphor that *most* people are familiar with.

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> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> This is just stupid. This game has 9 professions and there is only 5 spots on a team. For this to be a workable strategy basically every player would be competent on every class and build so they could see what the other side was playing and switch to counters.. And this game was not suppossed to be rock, paper scissors. Show me any kind of quote from A-net that shows they believed this was supposed to be a hard counter type game? It was a ridiculous claim but the way they sold this was basically play what you want almost every profession will be able to fill multiple roles. The idea that a build should just faceroll because the other team doesn't have anyone playing what counters it is ludicrous.


I think you are sort of misunderstanding. You have to look at gw1 to see why they went into the direction they did with classes filling multiple roles. Basically, without a monk you couldn't pvp. So if you couldn't find one, you might be waiting for along time to find a player who was good at monking. So they removed the limitation of having to rely on a healer by making it so that all professions could be self sustainable. Nearly all professions are capable of filling different roles: Tank, healer, dps and support. But whether or not they are good as another class filling that role is a different topic.


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> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I saw a Mesmer instagib a Ranger then I saw a Thief instagib a Mesmer... It's almost like a game of "Rock, Paper and Scissors".....

> >

> > So all I can think of now is:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/W2xIWTA.jpg "")

> >


> This is just stupid. This game has 9 professions and there is only 5 spots on a team. For this to be a workable strategy basically every player would be competent on every class and build so they could see what the other side was playing and switch to counters.. And this game was not suppossed to be rock, paper scissors. Show me any kind of quote from A-net that shows they believed this was supposed to be a hard counter type game? It was a ridiculous claim but the way they sold this was basically play what you want almost every profession will be able to fill multiple roles. The idea that a build should just faceroll because the other team doesn't have anyone playing what counters it is ludicrous.


While you are correct, nobody here will ever support the idea of a compacted class base with a high skill ceiling. The people who take GW2 PvP seriously only think within the confines of anet's misguided and damaging designs.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Life is tough for any reapers doing spvp.


> If I have someone say their a reaper in ranked I know that myself or the ele I run with is going to have to carry them. Any necro spec outside Scourge is a death sentence and scourge is too unless there’s two or a FB with them.


I agree that Reaper needs some help, but with a lot of practice they can definitely be an asset to their team. I play GS reaper exclusively, and usually top damage. I am only low plat though. https://ibb.co/bLXhNx


I will say that I run wells, though, and it's one of the few builds that is viable for Reaper and only on maps where the cap point is about the size of a well. May the lord have mercy on the souls of any Reapers in Foefire with wells...


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Im not gooing to comment much about this post really tbh ,talking to you directly BJ now,I feel that this post was made with the best of intentions and the base ideology of it i agree upon .It's only sad /weird to see that you used xx amount of clips which arent actually showing those broken dmg numbers the topic was on about.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > 2018 - people still complain about mesmer's instagib, something that exists since the game was released.

> > > >

> > > > Easier to complain than take time to correct/make adjustments to their game play, learn map awareness, etc

> > >

> > > Because mesmer could always burst and follow it up by being invuln for 10s, always had the same mobility as thieves with a bunch of extra instant ports + leaps, and NEVER had to actually manage their number of clones available!! Mesmers ALWAYS had unlimited free clones like they do currently!

> > >

> > > I remember the days when Helseth used to say "only scrubs worry about clone production and setting up a burst, the best memsers just press this one button and have their burst set up for free! And don't worry if you miss your instant burst...you have like 10 other ways to drop that big damage with a single keypress!" /s

> >

> > 10s invul after each burst... ? Sir ...show me de wae pleaze


> Never said 10s for EACH burst, but 10s overall:


> 2s for dodges (b/c mirage dodges are 1s not 3/4 like everyone elses), 3s for blurred frenzy, 7s for distortion (4s from distortion, 3s from the clone mirage cloaks). Also, the weakness and interrupt spam. Old mesmer had just 3s distort and 3s blurred, but getting 3 clones for that 3s distort took management and planning, it usually ended up closer to 2. Also, dodges on old mesmer had to be conserved in order to set up clone bursts (b/c they gave clones).


> Oh did I mention, dodges on mirage don't break offensive pressure OR HAVE ANY ANIMATION... so rather than watch the player you have to watch his skill bar to know when he dodges (while under heavy pressure do to extremely or no CD burst)!!! What a terrible design!




idk who even upvote this bs tbh :D

frenzy 3s oh my ,distortion clearly gives 4s no matter what you did and always spawn 3 mirrors wherever you need them on your path to retreat !:DDDDDDDDDD

you should have mentioned traited signets gives mesmer distortion+ signet that recharge it with mimic! suddenly evade uptime would be like 30-40 seconds ,nerf everything asap!


while we at this thing , everyone from anet forgot to include core guardian in list for nerfs , because its inevitable to happen later

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> @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/LSolezx.png "")

> well i did get rekt by a oneshot mesmer with 21k hp. i just died in 1 sec...they should put 1/2 cast time on f skills of any mesmer., or even better 3/4. or put restrictions.



What I'm looking at is the time stamp. When people say you died in 1 second, other players tend to jump on you and say no you didn't! It actually takes xx amount of seconds to respond!


The screenshot is alarming and only shows what anyone with common sense knows: Damage is out of control. Guardians base health is 11k. So within one second you got hit for twice the amount of the lowest tier health. If that is not broken, then what is? Health is suppose to represent the amount of chances you have before you are defeated. Against Mesmer you only have one chance until you are defeated.


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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > 2018 - people still complain about mesmer's instagib, something that exists since the game was released.

> >

> > Easier to complain than take time to correct/make adjustments to their game play, learn map awareness, etc


> A proper mes burst from stealth gives zero reaction time.


Can confirm this. Was playing a ranked match yesterday on my rev. Walked up the slope at Kyhlo towards the side node when a mesmer 100-0 me in like 0.1 seconds from 1200 range. Ahh, what a lovely feeling

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> @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/LSolezx.png "")

> well i did get rekt by a oneshot mesmer with 21k hp. i just died in 1 sec...they should put 1/2 cast time on f skills of any mesmer., or even better 3/4. or put restrictions.



Or maybe you learn to dodge mirrorblade.

You got hit by mirrorblade twice, meaning you had enough time to react even after the first hit. If you would have pressed dodge after the first mirrorblade hit neither the shatters nor the bouncing second hit would have dealed dmg to you.

Considering now that mirrorblade itself has a huge animation it's absoulty your fault to not react in time. Even when the burst is out of stealth, torch 4 got an animation as well.


You guys are just extremly spoiled by PoF and even by HoT where you can play super inaccurately without getting punished.

You just aren't used anymore to play properly, to mindgame and to react and dodge important skills with short casttimes.

I see firebrands, druids, prot holos and chronos running around, facetanking everything but being alive.


Once upon a time you had to evade skills like mirrorblade, pindown, necro fear mark, eviscerate, phoenix and even sigill proccs on a 9s cd. If you failed to dodge it, it was your safe death. You are just not used to proper and accurate gameplay anymore. Spoiled by easy and extremly forgiving speccs.

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/LSolezx.png "")

> > well i did get rekt by a oneshot mesmer with 21k hp. i just died in 1 sec...they should put 1/2 cast time on f skills of any mesmer., or even better 3/4. or put restrictions.

> >


> Or maybe you learn to dodge mirrorblade.

> You got hit by mirrorblade twice, meaning you had enough time to react even after the first hit. If you would have pressed dodge after the first mirrorblade hit neither the shatters nor the bouncing second hit would have dealed dmg to you.

> Considering now that mirrorblade itself has a huge animation it's absoulty your fault to not react in time. Even when the burst is out of stealth, torch 4 got an animation as well.


> You guys are just extremly spoiled by PoF and even by HoT where you can play super inaccurately without getting punished.

> You just aren't used anymore to play properly, to mindgame and to react and dodge important skills with short casttimes.

> I see firebrands, druids, prot holos and chronos running around, facetanking everything but being alive.


> Once upon a time you had to evade skills like mirrorblade, pindown, necro fear mark, eviscerate, phoenix and even sigill proccs on a 9s cd. If you failed to dodge it, it was your safe death. You are just not used to proper and accurate gameplay anymore. Spoiled by easy and extremly forgiving speccs.


Instant cast stun mantra

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/LSolezx.png "")

> > well i did get rekt by a oneshot mesmer with 21k hp. i just died in 1 sec...they should put 1/2 cast time on f skills of any mesmer., or even better 3/4. or put restrictions.

> >


> Or maybe you learn to dodge mirrorblade.

> You got hit by mirrorblade twice, meaning you had enough time to react even after the first hit. If you would have pressed dodge after the first mirrorblade hit neither the shatters nor the bouncing second hit would have dealed dmg to you.

> Considering now that mirrorblade itself has a huge animation it's absoulty your fault to not react in time. Even when the burst is out of stealth, torch 4 got an animation as well.


> You guys are just extremly spoiled by PoF and even by HoT where you can play super inaccurately without getting punished.

> You just aren't used anymore to play properly, to mindgame and to react and dodge important skills with short casttimes.

> I see firebrands, druids, prot holos and chronos running around, facetanking everything but being alive.


> Once upon a time you had to evade skills like mirrorblade, pindown, necro fear mark, eviscerate, phoenix and even sigill proccs on a 9s cd. If you failed to dodge it, it was your safe death. You are just not used to proper and accurate gameplay anymore. Spoiled by easy and extremly forgiving speccs.


Monsters in pve don't even have the ability to kill you this quickly. Imagine if a raid boss could go invisible and randomly choose a player to one shot in a second. Everyone would be on the forums complaining. Guaranteed.


Here are flaws in your argument:


* Your advice is based upon as if its a 1v1. Meaning that the player expects the Mesmer is coming at some point since they do not see them. Also meaning they have all cds available and are specifically focused on getting one shot.


* You don't take into consideration the other four enemies he had to deal with, who could of made him use up endurance and use stun breaker. In other words, no one is exclusively saving endurance and stun breakers just for the Mesmer.


* The Mesmer is one team mate out of five and can 100-0 a opponent. Think about that for a second. This type of phenomenon doesn't even exist in pve. A Mesmer hits harder than a raid boss without the long telegraph abilities. You know like....a boss charging for 5 seconds before everyone has to run out. Or a specific phase when the entire environment changes and players know they have to do this to survive. Nope, Mesmer is doing what a raid boss does near instantly and coming out of stealth.


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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/LSolezx.png "")

> > well i did get rekt by a oneshot mesmer with 21k hp. i just died in 1 sec...they should put 1/2 cast time on f skills of any mesmer., or even better 3/4. or put restrictions.

> >


> Or maybe you learn to dodge mirrorblade.

> You got hit by mirrorblade twice, meaning you had enough time to react even after the first hit. If you would have pressed dodge after the first mirrorblade hit neither the shatters nor the bouncing second hit would have dealed dmg to you.

> Considering now that mirrorblade itself has a huge animation it's absoulty your fault to not react in time. Even when the burst is out of stealth, torch 4 got an animation as well.


> You guys are just extremly spoiled by PoF and even by HoT where you can play super inaccurately without getting punished.

> You just aren't used anymore to play properly, to mindgame and to react and dodge important skills with short casttimes.

> I see firebrands, druids, prot holos and chronos running around, facetanking everything but being alive.


> Once upon a time you had to evade skills like mirrorblade, pindown, necro fear mark, eviscerate, phoenix and even sigill proccs on a 9s cd. If you failed to dodge it, it was your safe death. You are just not used to proper and accurate gameplay anymore. Spoiled by easy and extremly forgiving speccs.


I wouldn’t say you were dead unless you stayed in the fight a lot of the time but yes you were forced to run if you didn’t dodge an important skill like that. Man I remember when pin down was 1/4s cast and hard to dodge and if you got hit with it, you were toast as cleanses weren’t everywhere and GL cleansing the bleed and immob.


Still I think the shatter combo does hit too hard, it was balanced back then because Mesmer sustained damage was so pitiful, defences were a few but essentially run away for half the fight and traits did so so much less. Now I can’t say it’s healthy for the game but it would need a lot of work to sort out as Mesmer damage is like the class, weird.


Edit: Ryan the damage log as far as I can tell shows no mantra was used, that the mind wrack was 100% crits and mirror blades/ jaunt were 2/5 crits tells me it was likely zerk amulet, duelling, illusions, mirage. There was no stun just a FB standing there eating it and let’s not talk about the 5 skills used to do this combo as well as the timing needed for prestige to hit at the same time. 3s stealth on prestige is usually not enough to get to a node and detonate it on someone who cannot see that there was a Mesmer around.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/LSolezx.png "")

> > > well i did get rekt by a oneshot mesmer with 21k hp. i just died in 1 sec...they should put 1/2 cast time on f skills of any mesmer., or even better 3/4. or put restrictions.

> > >

> >

> > Or maybe you learn to dodge mirrorblade.

> > You got hit by mirrorblade twice, meaning you had enough time to react even after the first hit. If you would have pressed dodge after the first mirrorblade hit neither the shatters nor the bouncing second hit would have dealed dmg to you.

> > Considering now that mirrorblade itself has a huge animation it's absoulty your fault to not react in time. Even when the burst is out of stealth, torch 4 got an animation as well.

> >

> > You guys are just extremly spoiled by PoF and even by HoT where you can play super inaccurately without getting punished.

> > You just aren't used anymore to play properly, to mindgame and to react and dodge important skills with short casttimes.

> > I see firebrands, druids, prot holos and chronos running around, facetanking everything but being alive.

> >

> > Once upon a time you had to evade skills like mirrorblade, pindown, necro fear mark, eviscerate, phoenix and even sigill proccs on a 9s cd. If you failed to dodge it, it was your safe death. You are just not used to proper and accurate gameplay anymore. Spoiled by easy and extremly forgiving speccs.


> Monsters in pve don't even have the ability to kill you this quickly. Imagine if a raid boss could go invisible and randomly choose a player to one shot in a second. Everyone would be on the forums complaining. Guaranteed.


> Here are flaws in your argument:


> * Your advice is based upon as if its a 1v1. Meaning that the player expects the Mesmer is coming at some point since they do not see them. Also meaning they have all cds available and are specifically focused on getting one shot.


> * You don't take into consideration the other four enemies he had to deal with, who could of made him use up endurance and use stun breaker. In other words, no one is exclusively saving endurance and stun breakers just for the Mesmer.


> * The Mesmer is one team mate out of five and is 100-0 a opponent. Think about that for a second. This type of phenomenon doesn't even exist in pve. A Mesmer hits harder than a raid boss without the long telegraph abilities. You know like....a boss charging for 5 seconds before everyone has to run out. Or a specific phase when the entire environment changes and players know they have to do this to survive. Nope, Mesmer is doing what a raid boss does near instantly and coming out of stealth.



Actually a lot of raid bosses have attacks that will either one shot or kill not only a single player but the entire raid group if they don’t take care of whatever they have to do. There are however open world champions who can one shot players via a teleport and attack and certainly when you get a Zerg of people doing something and scaling it up 1 hit can be a dirt nap whether you see it coming or not. Don’t make out that PvE doesn’t have one shots, it has plenty of one shots (and they are true one shots, 1 attack doing 20k+) it’s just they can be avoided or are telegraphed by script or you have so many people that even if you go down someone will usually scrape you up off the floor before a 2nd attack kills you.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Actually a lot of raid bosses have attacks that will either one shot or kill not only a single player but the entire raid group if they don’t take care of whatever they have to do.


That is generally called a enrage timer.


>There are however open world champions who can one shot players via a teleport and attack and certainly when you get a Zerg of people doing something and scaling it up 1 hit can be a dirt nap whether you see it coming or not.


So what you are saying is Mesmer hits for around the same amount of damaged as a upscaled monster in pve which is meant to deal with a zerg of 20+ people?


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> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I saw a Mesmer instagib a Ranger then I saw a Thief instagib a Mesmer... It's almost like a game of "Rock, Paper and Scissors".....

> >

> > So all I can think of now is:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/W2xIWTA.jpg "")

> >


> This is just stupid. This game has 9 professions and there is only 5 spots on a team. For this to be a workable strategy basically every player would be competent on every class and build so they could see what the other side was playing and switch to counters.. And this game was not suppossed to be rock, paper scissors. Show me any kind of quote from A-net that shows they believed this was supposed to be a hard counter type game? It was a ridiculous claim but the way they sold this was basically play what you want almost every profession will be able to fill multiple roles. The idea that a build should just faceroll because the other team doesn't have anyone playing what counters it is ludicrous.


That is not even an hard counter, that's just plain bad class design, and placebo design to enforce gimmicks rotations into casuals so they can feel good about what they are doing, like for example, i am an awfull player with range classes yet i just 111 or 333 from afar while keep distance and mobility(this actually happens), it is not my self being a skilled player using somewhat mechanic over targets gameplay, but i am just using a damage gimmick design to win, pressing 1 buton several times knowing im gona win is not a hard counter xD....

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> 1)use isntant stunbreak, press instant dodge

> 2) use stab

> 3) use blink

> 4) use invuln


> there is not a single class that does not have anything of those in their meta build


> I mean GS shatter mesmer isn't even meta, like 90% of all the dps oneshots builds. Guess why.


1. GS shatter mesmer is actually meta on metabattle, who knew? It's actually the only one shot build that is viable among all classes. \o/


2. 20k worth of instant damage is not counterable lol. Not every stunbreak mitigates damage, so you break stun and eat damage anyway in that instant. We don't all play Mirage you know.


If Deadeye had daze (STUN) mantra and could line up perfect one shot DJs without a sweat, would mesmers be saying the same shit? Imagine the mesmer minds being lost if they removed DJ reveal, blah blah blah thief OP 25k one shot DJ from stealth!



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