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/GG in fractals needs to be nerfed

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I think /gg in fractals should only be able to be used if at least 2 or 3 people in your party are already dead. It should not be able to be used as a quick way to reset your cooldowns or even skip parts of the instances.

It also feels completly immersion breaking if your party commits mass suicide about every 2-3 minutes, sometimes even twice in succession to remove the cooldown on white mantle portal device... I also know I am not forced to take part in such activities, but any half decent group pretty much takes abusing /gg for granted now.

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You should make your own fractal party and put "no gging ever" in the description. And then you can have 4 people who think the same way like you do and wait for everyone's cool downs before every single important encounter. This will enhance your fractal experience positively, i am sure of it.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I think /gg in fractals should only be able to be used if at least 2 or 3 people in your party are already dead. It should not be able to be used as a quick way to reset your cooldowns or even skip parts of the instances.

> It also feels completly immersion breaking if your party commits mass suicide about every 2-3 minutes, sometimes even twice in succession to remove the cooldown on white mantle portal device... I also know I am not forced to take part in such activities, but any half decent group pretty much takes abusing /gg for granted now.


This is a really "good" idea. If 2 or 3 people are already dead? That just means people will go find an npc and just stand there until dead. Most places people use /gg to get around cooldowns have npcs that can kill you really quickly anyway. If you want to force people to play the way you want, just say "I think /gg in fractals (and raids) should be removed." Also, why not say "I think that waypointing while dead in all game modes should not be allowed, you must wait for someone to come revive you." :)

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I won't have a problem if ANet nerfs our ability to use `/gg`; I just don't think it's a good use of developer resources.


Like any mechanic, `/gg` can get abused beyond the point of its intended purpose. But so what? if it saves people from a 20 second wait for cooldowns to expire, what's the big deal? If "death" were permanent in this game, then yeah, this could break immersion. But dying in GW2 simply means you have to wait (even) longer before being able to use your skills again. For me, being immersed in the game means accepting its mechanics as part of Tyrian physics.


I also don't see anything special about the WM Portal Device versus using a mesmer portal. It's possible to swap to a spare mesmer, port, swap back. With an SSD, there wouldn't be all that much waiting; it would just be boring. I'm not bothered by people using `/gg` to reduce tedium.


Incidentally, there are other things that ANet could do to cripple abuse of the tool: add a global cooldown, reset all skill/trait CDs when using a Singularity while out-of-combat (and disable /gg), and so on. I don't know that making the game track how many dead there are is the simplest to implement.


tl;dr I'd rather see people abusing `/gg` than have ANet worry about trying to "fix" it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I won't have a problem if ANet nerfs our ability to use `/gg`; I just don't think it's a good use of developer resources.


> Like any mechanic, `/gg` can get abused beyond the point of its intended purpose. But so what? if it saves people from a 20 second wait for cooldowns to expire, what's the big deal? If "death" were permanent in this game, then yeah, this could break immersion. But dying in GW2 simply means you have to wait (even) longer before being able to use your skills again. For me, being immersed in the game means accepting its mechanics as part of Tyrian physics.


> I also don't see anything special about the WM Portal Device versus using a mesmer portal. It's possible to swap to a spare mesmer, port, swap back. With an SSD, there wouldn't be all that much waiting; it would just be boring. I'm not bothered by people using `/gg` to reduce tedium.


> Incidentally, there are other things that ANet could do to cripple abuse of the tool: add a global cooldown, reset all skill/trait CDs when using a Singularity while out-of-combat (and disable /gg), and so on. I don't know that making the game track how many dead there are is the simplest to implement.


> tl;dr I'd rather see people abusing `/gg` than have ANet worry about trying to "fix" it.


People usually use /gg when they pop an elite or skills that have long cooldowns, like some of the ones that take ~1-2 minutes to be ready again. But players can die and have their cooldowns reset usually really quickly by just standing there, or actively seeking out high damage aoes, etc. Either way, the party ends up saving minutes of waiting in some cases. Even if they add a global cooldown on /gg, what are they gonna do, add a global cooldown on dying? Perhaps make it so players have to wait until all skills are off of cooldown before the party can respawn to punish players who die? Or I guess they could make dying not reset cooldowns on skills. <--They should totally do that in PvP, would be hilarious. :)

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I think /gg in fractals should only be able to be used if at least 2 or 3 people in your party are already dead.


Then you end up in a situation where people intentionally let themselves be killed. Everything remains exactly the same, except you waste some time and you promote terrible gameplay practice.

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> @"Zlater.6789" said:

> The contrary actually, I wish they would add it everywhere. It's so annoying to die in open world with like 1hr of poison on you, the ONLY thing to do is go make a coffee and come back.


An HOUR? Where do you get an hour of poison you can't cleanse in open world???

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What?? I will leave the group if I ask ppl to gg so I get my skill cd and that one guy try to argue and refuse to do so. Won't argue with him but bb gl n hf.. sayonara


but from exp.. pug in my group does it each time I requested and id thank them after. U kno the skill is important to not just me but the team. :) Tyvm


And yes agree that /gg should cd skill individually.. without entire group to gg.. it'd be nice \o/

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OMG, people using gg to reset stupidly long cooldown between fights. What will they think of next, to make some annoying fractals faster?!


Weapon changes between fights? Disable!

Re-traiting while not in combat? Bannable offense!

Using white mantle portal device on any class other than mesmer? Auto-delete the character right that moment!


Just make your own group and do what you want. Nobody forces _you_ to /GG.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I think /gg in fractals should only be able to be used if at least 2 or 3 people in your party are already dead.


> Then you end up in a situation where people intentionally let themselves be killed. Everything remains exactly the same, except you waste some time and you promote terrible gameplay practice.

But this costs time making the point of /gg to save time obsolete.


As for cooldowns they are there for a reason. Either not waste cooldowns on every occassion and use them smart or pay the time penalty.> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > It also feels completly immersion breaking if your party commits mass suicide about every 2-3 minutes


> Create your own LFG describing it "no /gg allowed" for your immersion runs, problem solved, everyone happy, no dev resources wasted

Great idea, then it will take even longer to get a full experienced fractal group (not the anything goes parties that need 2 hours for full daily clear).

This is obviously not the solution to the problem. If the content is only enjoyable to a significant portion of players if they can cheese stuff with /gg it is badly designed and needs to be reworked. If it is enjoyable without /gg abuse, then gg should be removed entirely. Maybe Anet could add an auto cooldown reset at specific checkpoints, but this should not be an on demand cheat.

Currently /gg is obviously too powerful, that is why every good group demands it. And why would they not? It saves a lot of time. So only nerfing it or deleting it entirely (in raids too if you ask me, but for fractals it is a worse problem) is the solution.


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Yeah lets all wait 60 seconds between fights every time a mesmer uses Signet of Humility! That won't break immersion.

> Seriously people complain about the weirdest things these days.

Actually I could totally see a mage or knight taking a rest to restore its abilities. Makes sense that powerful abilities take a toll on its user so they have to take some kind of break after. On the other side I have never read a book or saw a movie where the heroes suicide to restore their abilities.


Also this kind of feature is completly unheared of in other games (that I know off). Even a /stuck command usually has a minute activation time with upto 1 hour cooldown to prevent abuse.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Agreed, it's starting to become annoying.


> It's another symptom of raid mentality. Everyone becomes used to /gging in raids and running builds that don't use bloodlust or corruption.


Bloodlust or corruption weren't even used in dungeon speedruns even before raids exsisted. They stopped being worth as soon as stacks disappeared with weapon switch.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:


> Also this kind of feature is completly unheared of in other games (that I know off). Even a /stuck command usually has a minute activation time with upto 1 hour cooldown to prevent abuse.


No its not. In other games they don't /gg, they simply pull the boss once and die to the first thing that can kill them.


/gg is not too powerful in pre boss scenarios, all it does is make it so if you have a long cooldown ability (like banners) you don't have to wait for it, which contrary to your bullshit about immersion is absolutely fine. /gg is also fine in skip situations, like chaos or uncatagorized, because all it does is not make you hate life if you don't have 1 specific class with you, and some of your pug teammates are bad. And hell, /gg doesnt even do anything in that situation, not really, because if they were bad they were gonna die anyway. The only place in all of fractals I even come close to agreeing with you on is mesmer portals at the capture points on nightmare. There it maybe does too much. Everywhere else is fine.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> /gg should be fixed, as it was recently changed back to old behaviour, where full team needs to wipe in order to reset cooldowns and CA. It worked okay for few weeks where 1 gg = full reset but not anymore.


W8 in the oast the whole team had to die. How does it work now?

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > I think /gg in fractals should only be able to be used if at least 2 or 3 people in your party are already dead.

> >

> > Then you end up in a situation where people intentionally let themselves be killed. Everything remains exactly the same, except you waste some time and you promote terrible gameplay practice.

> But this costs time making the point of /gg to save time obsolete.


> As for cooldowns they are there for a reason. Either not waste cooldowns on every occassion and use them smart or pay the time penalty.> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > It also feels completly immersion breaking if your party commits mass suicide about every 2-3 minutes

> >

> > Create your own LFG describing it "no /gg allowed" for your immersion runs, problem solved, everyone happy, no dev resources wasted

> Great idea, then it will take even longer to get a full experienced fractal group (not the anything goes parties that need 2 hours for full daily clear).

> This is obviously not the solution to the problem. If the content is only enjoyable to a significant portion of players if they can cheese stuff with /gg it is badly designed and needs to be reworked. If it is enjoyable without /gg abuse, then gg should be removed entirely. Maybe Anet could add an auto cooldown reset at specific checkpoints, but this should not be an on demand cheat.

> Currently /gg is obviously too powerful, that is why every good group demands it. And why would they not? It saves a lot of time. So only nerfing it or deleting it entirely (in raids too if you ask me, but for fractals it is a worse problem) is the solution.


> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > Yeah lets all wait 60 seconds between fights every time a mesmer uses Signet of Humility! That won't break immersion.

> > Seriously people complain about the weirdest things these days.

> Actually I could totally see a mage or knight taking a rest to restore its abilities. Makes sense that powerful abilities take a toll on its user so they have to take some kind of break after. On the other side I have never read a book or saw a movie where the heroes suicide to restore their abilities.


> Also this kind of feature is completly unheared of in other games (that I know off). Even a /stuck command usually has a minute activation time with upto 1 hour cooldown to prevent abuse.


The amound of times iv heard the phrase "wipe it" in a wow/ff14 raid/dungeon...

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Kind of hard for me to agree with the removal of a convinient feature simply because it seems immersion breaking to some.

How are any of the other conveniences, the stuff all of us love about this game, any less immersion breaking? How about we remove the instant out of combat healing, account bound items, shared inventory slots, depositing materials, any leveling boosters, some of the endless items, the currency wallet, the account bound dye system, the ability to hide gaunlets, pauldrons and helmets, etc... Not to mention half of the fashion items in the game.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Why always think about removing something...


> Why not add a reward when your team makes it through a fractal without anyone dying?


Because this idea would create a lot of toxicity. Imagine the verbal abuse flying around every time someone makes a simple mistake, or the anxiety new players would feel with the pressure of having to try perform perfectly.

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