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Are you excited for LW 4 Ep 2 Today!!!?

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What are you looking forward to? Not looking forward to? Hoping for? Expecting?


I'm interested to learn more about this scarab plague plan that Joko is working on and finally having some time with Rox. I'm hoping Braham sacrifices himself in this episode and does something to actually help the Commander before he goes.

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Honestly, I'm kinda "bleh" towards it.


More human-centric garbage that my Norn is just along for the ride for.


EDIT: I'm kinda excited about previewing the Legendary dagger though.


Hope it isn't as disappointing as the trailer paints it as.

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Not actually excited.

The writing has been very hit or miss, mostly miss, since Season 2.

The maps are a coin toss of quality. I didn't even finish all I wanted to in Istan because it was so irritating to fight in, and I openly resent how the Brandstone thing was handled. I didn't find anything worth even grabbing the home instance node for, so I didn't bother.

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Pretty excited, going to be a long day of work, but at least there will be some patches notes to brood over while waiting on the clock to tick on by. New map means Wild West syndrome and there is always other discover-able goodies since a lot of things don't hit the patch notes. Changes keep things fresh, even if some are unexpected.

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No, I'm not excited and I'm not looking forward to anything. I've learned a long time ago that hyping myself up for something is pretty much equivalent to setting myself up for disappointment. Not having any expectations at all seems to be the best way to approach this kind of stuff, this way you can't be disappointed by the outcome but are still able to find pleasant surprises if they do end up adding something good to the game.

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I'm way more excited than other times. I don't know if its because the story seems to involve a lot of Asura stuff, or just because the trailer was great. I always look for new maps to explore (always hoping there's a JP out there waiting for me), but just having something new to do seems to be enough to get me anxious this time.


I'm also quite sure I'll be disappointed at some point, but I'll manage that when it arrives. (Yes, I can be pessimistic and hyped about something, loving and hating things at the same time. Its like a superpower).

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I'm excited enough I pushed to get to the computer much earlier than usual. Sadly, the patch hasn't yet arrived (35 minutes past usual time at this point), so excitement is turning into time-pressure worry since Tuesdays I have to stop playing around 2:30 Pacific and if I don't get through the story before I have to leave for the evening I'm vulnerable to spoilers.

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