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Bug: The Charge [merged]

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I finally beat her encounter just now by switching to weapons armor and trinkets with healing stats and just slowly brought her HP bar down while staying alive and destroying the dark star thingies. It took a long time and she was at 1% HP when she brought out the last shade so I almost had to restart again. Definitely one of the least fun boss fights I've experienced that's for sure.

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Same problem, I had to log out to leave. Couldn't even die or leave instance. Ugh. The entire instance was 15mins of running around, 2 mins of interesting fight. Not looking forward to repeating that. Looks like arena should've fixed a couple more bugs in their systems before release.

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> @"LCFitz.3529" said:

> > @"Chatta.6380" said:

> > I'm stuck at the third section. No more shades, no more stars and commander lonai is dead...


> Same.


Same. How do you even send the signal if you have stars and lonai is dead? I had a set and nothing to do with the stars.


Edit: I'm not getting a third signal to pop up to throw the star at before Lonai dies

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You have to barely hit her and let Braham do most of the damage. Also helps to not use zerker gear. Took me 3-4 tries. Literally the last attempt she was at 1% and thought she wouldn't make it, yet again, but she popped a shade just in time to make it work and get signal to Blish to 100%.

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> @"Stunzeed.4918" said:

> You have to barely hit her and let Braham do most of the damage. Also helps to not use zerker gear. Took me 3-4 tries. Literally the last attempt she was at 1% and thought she wouldn't make it, yet again, but she popped a shade just in time to make it work and get signal to Blish to 100%.


I'll second this if you're having the Lonai full dying bug. When I logged back in to the instance she was at 30%. I did full damage to 20% where she spawned a shade, then again to 10%, at which I got another shade. When she got to 3% I stopped all damage except auto-attacks and just kited around for the last few %. A little after she hit 1% she went invuln and spawned a shade and I was able to finish it.

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Just a little head's up here; F12 is not guaranteed to put you back at the start of the fight. I got to the end like a lot of other people, Lonai dead, no stars, no shades, etc. Hit F12, logged back in immediately and now find myself back on the island under the airship waiting to start from the very beginning. So I'm done playing for the night. But yeah, something you might want to think about - see if you can find another way first.

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> @"vixro.3410" said:

> If Lonai dies, or you get stuck at 24%, it's the same thing. Just leave the map with character select (f12) and then rejoin. You will start at the phase of the fight you are on. Make sure to focus popping the shades, then killing the shades, and avoiding damage on Lonai as much as possible.


I just tried this solution and it work for me. Thanks!

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> @"Caelia Nythis.4980" said:

> Just a little head's up here; F12 is not guaranteed to put you back at the start of the fight. I got to the end like a lot of other people, Lonai dead, no stars, no shades, etc. Hit F12, logged back in immediately and now find myself back on the island under the airship waiting to start from the very beginning. So I'm done playing for the night. But yeah, something you might want to think about - see if you can find another way first.


If you start the story again, it won't take you all the way back to the beginning. It should put you back at the last checkpoint with Lonai and Jormag's Claw.

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> @"Ikoshin.2430" said:

> Same thing Happened to me, I will try letting Brambalam do more damage next time. I was burning her down too fast it seems.


I suppose that's what happened to me, too. Suddenly I realized she was lying there dead, the Claw of Jormag was standing around bellowing and being useless, as was Braham. The special action items were spawning but I couldn't do anything with them.

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> @"Monimon.6710" said:

> same here.... 5mins ago . Problem is not resolved .


Yep, still not resolved, currently standing in the tundra listening to the dragon roar. Lonai very dead no way of sending a signal. Bah.


Edit: After several attempts I managed to get her down, she only spawns the shades if you keep attacking her but you need to go fairly easy on her so you don't kill her before she spawns three shades. Make sure you only auto-attack.


Annoying, it would be better if she went invulnerable at say 20, 10 and 5% and always spawned her shades then. I found it kinda difficult to keep alive while not damaging her too much on my Deadeye as my build relies heavily on damage to heal. Oh well, done now.

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They have absolutely not fixed this.


I finished it yesterday on my soulbeast, no problem. I finished it yesterday on my scourge, finished it after it bugged out twice. I tried it today on my mirage, and I lost track of how many times I've tried to do it; at _least_ 5. It bugs out **EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.**

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I have this bug this story time on my thirf. Lonai was a t 1% for ages and then died when I was downed. Tried logging out and back in got sent back to the starting mote renetered with Lonai back at 10% and somehow got it finished. Claw bit seems pointelss when it was bugged took all amror off and Claw still dod not kill or down me.

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I had the same problem, she kept dieing before the third shade. On my next attempt I did not target her at all to avoid any extra damage. I only cast the special attack on her to trigger the shades and on the last one, even though her health bar said she should be dead, it didn't kill her. She summoned the last shade and I was able to finish.

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So after reading through the patch notes, it seems the problem was _"resolved"_, but it seems not. I reported it in-game through bugs, but posting it here as well.


I am in The Charge instance, specifically the ??? part of it; I am at the part where we face Commander Lonai and fight her. I had no issues up until the Jormag scene with her fight, and it seems I was able to fully kill her and complete that part of the quest. However, it is saying that there is progress still needed on "Send an energy signal to Blish." This was, apparently, addressed in a recent bug patch to correct from us being able to fully kill Commander Lonai past 1%; this was not the case here.

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There might be a bug. In the system.

I got stuck here. I did not know how to continue from here so i asked some [help](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/31705/a-bug-in-the-system-the-charge-i-need-some-directions-from-here#latest "help"). But players tell me it got bugged and that I killed the enemy Lonai too quickly. However, the game did not give me any feedback that I should not defeat her quickly, so I went on defeating her.


Even my always helpful Catmander was unable to give directions from here. ;)

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