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Destiny Edge on freeze.


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It seems that the Destiny Edge has been totally in the refrigerator, with the exception of _Rytlock Brimstone_.

* Aurene turned in our pet, so where's _Caithe_?

* Despite Inquest's strong participation in the last chapter, no sign of _Zojja_ yet.

* _Logan_ retired as burocrat, "Pact Marshall."

* _Eir_ dead.

* _Snaff_ dead.


Braham who tried to form his own Destiny's Edge, in the development of the last chapter, apparently hes will join commander again.

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You forgot:


* *Garm* is "retired."


ArenaNet has said they have plans for Zojja "in the future", so we should be seeing her return. We know that ArenaNet's not adverse to changing voice actors, so even if it isn't Felicia Day (some folks have suggested the reason of no Zojja is due to Felicia Day, idk myself), Zojja should return one day. I suspect that once she does, she'll be joining Dragon's Watch (since the idea of a Destiny's Edge (Rox, Braham, Zojja) versus Dragon's Watch (Kas, Jory, Canach, Rytlock, Taimi) seems to be turning out null given Braham during the last episode).


I suspect that once Kralkatorrik returns to the forefront, Logan will as well.


Caithe though... yeah, where *is* she?


But overall, ArenaNet has learned that they apparently cannot handle a main cast larger than 3 + the Commander, so they have been interchanging their main cast of Destiny's Edge + Dragon's Watch.

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Caithe is my favourite character and apparently her wyld hunt has something to do with protecting Aurene, so where is she? I generally like the original heroes more. Can't wait for some of Dragon's Watch to be killed off to make place for Caithe/Zojja. Especially Canach-Caithe interaction would be great to have. Logan and the pact is also missing, a lot of time passed since Bloodstone explosion, they should be all back in the story by now.


ANet keeps creating new characters and heroes and abandoning the old ones, just like their unfinished plots. Why do they have this tendency? Our current format is similar to TV series, and people watch TV series for prolonged character development.


It's worth mentioning they introduce Kudu's daughter, a considerable inquest plot and they still leave Zojja out of the story! This is really annoying and disappointing.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> Caithe is my favourite character and apparently her wyld hunt has something to do with protecting Aurene, so where is she? I generally like the original heroes more. Can't > wait for some of Dragon's Watch to be killed off to make place for Caithe/Zojja.


In a ranking of more in-depth characters(i dont know how say this properly in english) in GW2, Caithe would easily appear among the top 10, if not the first, due to the chapters dedicated to her in LS2 where we immerse ourselves in her memories, emotions and motivations. Many people hate theses episodes, because the skill mechanics and very annoying bosses, but in matters of lore writing and screen play, I would have nothing to complain about. i also find it very creative, something different of "we are good in smashing things".


> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> Caithe is my favourite character and apparently her wyld hunt has something to do with protecting Aurene,


im not sure , as far as I remember her wyld hunt it would be to bring the egg to Tarir. About take care of Aurene, it would be part of her reconciliation with the comander. But I can not check at the moment if this is confirmed by the dialogues in HoT / LS3, i can be wrong.


EDIT: in her wiki section, its explains that she have "new wyld hunt".

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> ArenaNet has said they have plans for Zojja "in the future", so we should be seeing her return. We know that ArenaNet's not adverse to changing voice actors, so even if it isn't Felicia Day (some folks have suggested the reason of no Zojja is due to Felicia Day, idk myself),


It was commonly hypothesised that Zojja was put on a bus because of Felicia's availability, but Felicia herself has apparently stated otherwise.


Incidentally, I'd be inclined to say that only Eir, and possibly Snaff, were put in the fridge. The others were just put on a bus. Know your tropes! :p

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> Incidentally, I'd be inclined to say that only Eir, and possibly Snaff, were put in the fridge. The others were just put on a bus. Know your tropes! :p


Pfft, those were put on the bus too. Season 4's finale will have Eir's ghost return to us and become part of Braham's new elite specialization that is guardians focusing more on their ritualist roots. Meanwhile we'll learn Snaff's mind survived in Kralkatorrik's and with Kralkatorrik's new domain of mind (because hiveminds didn't exist in dragons outside of Mordremoth according to Taimi), Kralky will transfer it into a new branded body which will betray its master just like Glint and fight beside us, Dragon's Edge!

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> Caithes disappearance is both concerning.... and fitting for caithe though, so I’m not too worried about it.


not really fitting, her wyld hunt is with Aurene. we are seeing Aurene every episode now. She should be with us.


and while im at it, would be good if Aurene finally learned how to talk. being sentient, showing eerie visions, understanding speech and intentions but talking is too difficult for a dragon? she's not a baby anymore

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Technically her Wyld Hunt was getting the egg to Tarir, and nothing more. That's why she became clear headed after the fact - with the Wyld Hunt no longer calling her, Mordremoth couldn't use that to confused her and convince her to betray the Pact Commander (or at least that's my understanding of what's happened based on A Shadow's Deeds dialogue in S3).


Caithe protecting Aurene was her way to make amends with the Commander, not her Wyld Hunt. Though it is weird that she's not been heard about since PoF all the same.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > Incidentally, I'd be inclined to say that only Eir, and possibly Snaff, were put in the fridge. The others were just put on a bus. Know your tropes! :p


> Pfft, those were put on the bus too. Season 4's finale will have Eir's ghost return to us and become part of Braham's new elite specialization that is guardians focusing more on their ritualist roots. Meanwhile we'll learn Snaff's mind survived in Kralkatorrik's and with Kralkatorrik's new domain of mind (because hiveminds didn't exist in dragons outside of Mordremoth according to Taimi), Kralky will transfer it into a new branded body which will betray its master just like Glint and fight beside us, Dragon's Edge!


Eh, I'd say that being killed and then coming back somehow is still being fridged rather than put on the bus. And I do maintain a suspicion that some part of Snaff's mind might yet remain in Kralkatorrik.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Technically her Wyld Hunt was getting the egg to Tarir, and nothing more. That's why she became clear headed after the fact - with the Wyld Hunt no longer calling her, Mordremoth couldn't use that to confused her and convince her to betray the Pact Commander (or at least that's my understanding of what's happened based on A Shadow's Deeds dialogue in S3).


> Caithe protecting Aurene was her way to make amends with the Commander, not her Wyld Hunt. Though it is weird that she's not been heard about since PoF all the same.


She's probably a 'not important right now', like Marjory and Kasmeer.

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If Zojja doesn't appear by next chapter, no matter how small, we'll have to legally declare her deceased.

As for the commander. They never made the most minute, basic attempt to visit their friend.

We had ages to waste on a funeral for some random Norn.. i think their name was Aer.. Air.. something like that (not important) but we never even bothered visiting Zojja. How quaggan'd up is that??

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> If Zojja doesn't appear by next chapter, no matter how small, we'll have to legally declare her deceased.

> As for the commander. They never made the most minute, basic attempt to visit their friend.

> We had ages to waste on a funeral for some random Norn.. i think their name was Aer.. Air.. something like that (not important) but we never even bothered visiting Zojja. How quaggan'd up is that??


She's not dead unless Anet flat out says she's dead. Granted, their handling of her condition has been poor (relying on just hearsay is horrible) but they haven't said that she's dead and the story hasn't said or even hinted that she's dead. Just that she's still out of commission.


> @"Underdark.3726" said:

> If the mountain won't come to Muhammad... why doesn't Zojja send us a mail telling us how is she.

> I think lots of loose ends could have some sort of ending by just sending us a mail.


Just having a Current Event with her in it would be good enough for me. There was one for the Pale Tree when we were reforging Caladbolg and we got to see her condition without having to fudge around with a voice actor. I think Anet could do the same for Zojja. For example, maybe she needs help recovering from a specific aspect of whatever dragon corruption she suffered at the hands of Mordremoth so we need to collect ingredients that will purge this from her system.


It would give us an actual update on her condition and we would have have a hand in helping her rather than just relying on the nonsense hearsay we got from LWS3 Episode 1 from both Rytlock and the Asura. We won't know what condition she's in until the Commander actually sees/visits her.


However, it's on Anet to actually give us that and they haven't been forthcoming with her condition since the nonsense from HoT. Being the pessimist that I am, I don't expect them to do that any time soon either. :\

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > If Zojja doesn't appear by next chapter, no matter how small, we'll have to legally declare her deceased.

> > As for the commander. They never made the most minute, basic attempt to visit their friend.

> > We had ages to waste on a funeral for some random Norn.. i think their name was Aer.. Air.. something like that (not important) but we never even bothered visiting Zojja. How quaggan'd up is that??


> She's not dead unless Anet flat out says she's dead. Granted, their handling of her condition has been poor (relying on just hearsay is horrible) but they haven't said that she's dead and the story hasn't said or even hinted that she's dead. Just that she's still out of commission.



I often forget that sarcasm is lost on online boards :p

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > If Zojja doesn't appear by next chapter, no matter how small, we'll have to legally declare her deceased.

> > > As for the commander. They never made the most minute, basic attempt to visit their friend.

> > > We had ages to waste on a funeral for some random Norn.. i think their name was Aer.. Air.. something like that (not important) but we never even bothered visiting Zojja. How quaggan'd up is that??

> >

> > She's not dead unless Anet flat out says she's dead. Granted, their handling of her condition has been poor (relying on just hearsay is horrible) but they haven't said that she's dead and the story hasn't said or even hinted that she's dead. Just that she's still out of commission.

> >


> I often forget that sarcasm is lost on online boards :p


My bad. :P

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> @"Underdark.3726" said:

> If the mountain won't come to Muhammad... why doesn't Zojja send us a mail telling us how is she.

> I think lots of loose ends could have some sort of ending by just sending us a mail.


That is actually a sensible option. Zojja might be busy in Rata Sum to raise new heroes and keep an eye on the Inquest's political lobby. This way she can have an important impact on the world, but offscreen. We sure need someone trustworthy in Rata Sum to keep an eye on everything. The only other person to keep an eye on stuff would be Phlunt and I'd rather have someone else as our contact asura.


We could get some mail from Logan, where he tells us how the Pact is doing and wheter he'd like to have a glass of Blood Whisky and a talk about things in general.


Those that chose to leave Vallus Smokemane alive can finally recieve a letter with him explaining, that he's now searching the unsearchable.

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I seem to recall a random asura NPC describing Zojja as "scrambled and drooling", which might explain her long silence. Though at some point we should go back to visit/help her.


For now, though, I'm gonna teach my musically-inclined characters to play "Don't Fear the Reaper". ;)

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> @"Tanith.5264" said:

> I seem to recall a random asura NPC describing Zojja as "scrambled and drooling", which might explain her long silence.


That's considered hearsay. That's not reliable. We won't know if that's her actual condition until we, the Commander, actually visit her, which means we're at the mercy of Anet designing a story/quest/event around that (which I don't see them doing).

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Story-wise it is really weird Caithe is MIA. Because Aurene WAS definitely her thing for a while... I feel like she should've showed up once or twice during PoF and E1 of S4. That being said... I think Caithe is so bland. I like certain aspects of her character, but ultimately... She is the white bread of Destiny's Edge (maybe marginally more interesting than Eir, imo). As for Logan, let him stay retired. I find the second generation of characters more interesting, personally. So much more personality. The only one I'm really missing is Zojja, so... PLEASE BRING HER BACK.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Tanith.5264" said:

> > I seem to recall a random asura NPC describing Zojja as "scrambled and drooling", which might explain her long silence.


> That's considered hearsay. That's not reliable. We won't know if that's her actual condition until we, the Commander, actually visit her, which means we're at the mercy of Anet designing a story/quest/event around that (which I don't see them doing).


It was also pretty early in S3, at a time when Logan was also convalescing. So she could have recovered as much as he did, even if that rumour _was_ correct.

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