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What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Make the gem harvesting tools somehow be available across all characters, instead of unequip to bank or shared inventory slot to transfer to next character.


Easy fix mate just buy 1 set of permanent tools for each character no need to unequip to bank or shared slot anymore.


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I've recently decided to take a break from the game and the main reason is ANet just has a horrible design philosophy. They can't see past their own release schedule and it's a chore. I invited my roommate to play the game after PoF and the release of the Hall of Chains raid...well, that was a mistake. Go back through old content and it's dead. Just totally dead. Luckily he's not an achievement hoarder or anything. Dead set on mounts, I've just assured him he'll want the gliding masteries.


But it's just totally ridiculous. Old maps are barely worth playing. Even PoF is hemorrhaging. Despite how fun the new map is...it's basically the only fun map that currently exists. I've ridiculed this before and it's just more apparent as I tried to play with a friend through it - content is designed to be played at release, not after.


I'd like to see them work on their scaling algorithm more to help cull enemies and group enemies when populations drop. I don't blame anyone for not playing, for a lot of us it's crusty old content not worth going back to. But it's been frustrating and I can't see it doing any good for future marketing endeavors.

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Hands down, player housing, something that all of my gathering nodes and home instance stuff would be in, I’d have a selection of “plots” for to set up, and most importantly, that I’d be able to decorate with scribe.


I love the idea of being able to make decorations and stuff via scribe, but unless you have your own guild hall atm, or are your guilds designated scribe it’s effectively pointless.


Also, LWS1 coming back in some way, shape or form.

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Something I've never seen suggested that I would love to see is a much better preview window.


Allowing you to preview main and off hands, and allow you to preview dyes without going to the trading post and searching to preview with only 4 slots that dye the whole armor set.


Also a wider window for larger characters.

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* add missing core profession skills,

* improve the balance of underwater weapons so we could finally get some meaningful underwater content on the new maps.


**Guild Content**

* **rare guild mission rewards** - unique account bound skins which can only be obtained via Guild Missions; that's the way to get people interested and invested into this content and if it's account bound you can't simply buy it,

* new core tyria bounties, challenges, races & treks; no puzzles since it requires a lot of work and everything else can be just placed onto existing maps,

* new PoF & HoT specific missions,

* sink for resonating slivers,







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Make minis moving simultaneously as you are moving... It's anoying to wait for minis coming to you 1 year after. Don't know, increase their speed and erase the delay of detection! Also, add missing important ones: Professor Gorr, Kudu, more Hydras, more awakened, Wyverns, golem mark II from Inquest but with the new skin, golem mark I , Golem mark II WorldBoss (mark Y).... And of course, Blish and Gorrik!

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* Henchmen for dungeons

* Small guild halls that can be gained solo

* Quests to fill up the HUGE holes in the game

* A "hide other players effects" option so i can play without ppl slowing down the already horrible performing game.

* GW1 armors and i mean all of them

* GW1 dance animations

* Mini pets picking up only the gold/silver/copper

* A new race (i designed one) that has a story that starts after morth died and the gods left.

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I'd really appreciate more improvements to Scribe.


1) Making the lattice available sooner, preferably at lvl 25 since recipes require it that low but it can't be bought until your guild level is TWENTY-THREE and your Market level is Three! That's ridiculous. Given that 1) small member guilds may NEVER get to 23 and 2) mats you don't need until level 300 are available on the scribe shop vendor immediately. It's not right to have to join a huge guild to get a few items to use in your small guild. Just make lattice and glue available sooner. It's not that hard.


2) I'd like more decor to be able to be placed in one area. Taking out a wall, a chair and a table only to be told I can't put a single candle in their place is kind of absurd. I tried to place a plush sofa, 2 plush chairs and 2 end tables in a spot then thought, oh hey, a rug would be cool but no. Too much decor in this area. 5 pieces of decor is max? Why? Because the 'walls' of the room count as... decor. Really? So block off a small space with walls and try to make a 'sitting' area and get told no. That... is ridiculous too.

Please, just add the lattice to Cullen so I can make larger better walls that only count as 1 decor instead of having to make several panels.


3) I'd like 'areas' to be defined by a line shape on the floor or something while working in that area so that people know where the borders of the 'area' are. Then I can just build walls on the outside edge of the 'area' and have more room inside it for actual decoration.

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Removing 'global' cooldown on instrument notes and make the cooldown 'local' instead where each note has its own cooldown instead of each note sharing the same cooldown on each octave.


**Note:** The reason Anet will not unlock the instruments 100% is because of players who can use troll scripts to spam 1,000 notes at a time and cause a map to crash. However, even if each note had its own 'local' cooldown instead of a 'global' cooldown, that will _still_ help with playability issues in the musician community.


Furthermore, adding flats and sharps on two separate skill bars, one one top of the other (one additional skill bar for flats, and the other additional skill bar for sharps) where we can map each note to a hotkey will also be nice so we can play the music we want for other players instead of making very odd translations of songs in the wrong key.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> Removing 'global' cooldown on instrument notes and make the cooldown 'local' instead where each note has its own cooldown instead of each note sharing the same cooldown on each octave.


> **Note:** The reason Anet will not unlock the instruments 100% is because of players who can use troll scripts to spam 1,000 notes at a time and cause a map to crash. However, even if each note had its own 'local' cooldown instead of a 'global' cooldown, that will _still_ help with playability issues in the musician community.


> Furthermore, adding flats and sharps on two separate skill bars, one one top of the other (one additional skill bar for flats, and the other additional skill bar for sharps) where we can map each note to a hotkey will also be nice so we can play the music we want for other players instead of making very odd translations of songs in the wrong key.


That'd be cool. It always sorta bugged me when people are like "it's content for musicians!" - I'm just like...what? Last time I checked, I didn't have some arbitrary reasons why I couldn't play a chord on instruments. GW2 instruments are to musicians like decorative font is to typography...not _that_ relevant to each other.

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1. Fully operational Black Lion trading Company app for Android and/or iOS.

2. Direct (uncockable) portals/teleporters from one home instance to another and/or LA.

3. Dungeons new reward system or lets call them "static fractals"(sic) and include them to the fractal system with their unique rewards (Scalon tears, etc.).

4. Underwater mounts.

5. Special bag slot for consumables with hotkey

6. Use all for tonics, fireworks, drinks.... any achievement consumables you can think of.

7. Immortality ;)

8. Free beer :)

9. A functional brain for asura researchers. I mean it! The last 10 story steps I made in the game were started, included or concluded with the "an asura really really kittened it up" plot twist :P

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I'd really like for the inventory to be less of a minigame. We get soo many items and spend most of our time breaking down or selling them. Some apparently can't even be sold so they always take up space in your inventory unless you destroy them or something, which is another minigame altogether.


It'd be nice to be able to either salvage or sell everything for some sort of gain from it, maybe materials give some form of currency when salvaged. And possibly reduce the box within a box factor in terms of rewards. Opening chests isn't exciting when you know you won't get anything that can be of use to you. Early on i can probably justify it but it becomes unnecessary and annoying later.


Also, not necessarily something that the devs can change, but It'd be nice if the community was more helpful and welcoming, and simply took a moment or two to help the newer or less experienced players. Not saying I have a ton of experience myself, but I try to be helpful to others when I can.


I've met some really nice people don't get me wrong, but I see a lot of cruelty piled on top of that. Players turning others away and throwing insults instead of walking them through things. Even just passing tips when they're doing badly would be a nice start, or in the least, keeping non-constructive or hateful comments to themselves. Some don't have the patience to deal with those they believe to be 'bad players' apparently.


But what I don't understand is that if that's true, why do those people 'waste' their time speaking ill of others. If you have the time to insult people, that same amount of time can be used to simply offer a helpful word. I know this is probably an overused statement, but, we were all new at some point.


Finally, I'd like for combos to be more of a focus instead of the passive buffing we seem to have now. The combo system is really fun to me, but it feels overshadowed by the fact that we can stack many buffs passively for far less effort. I'd just like for combos to have more of an impact, as it feels more rewarding when you set up and pull off a combo, rather than simply pressing a button or two to get max might stacks from a passive ability.

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> @"Faowri.4159" said:

> Build templates. I pretty much never change mine because I'm too lazy :) but I'd like to be encouraged to experiment more.



Exactly this, for the same reason. My #1 request would be **build templates** (or even macros idk).


I saw nice suggestions, but this is like a top priority. We need this, pleeeeeeease.



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Interactive environments so I can finally take the trait that negates fall damage.


"Oh no WvW zerg!" *runs up a tree and 5 warriors drop down on the passing zerg interrupting/damage what have you to create a fun ambush experience.


Paladin spec where you get to wield weapons/ attack on/ from your mount.


A new race to play like one of the Ghosts, Orians, Frog people, Quagan, or Centaur's.


Armor for mounts.

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