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Kyhlo Treb Changes - Do you want this for WvW?

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Wouldn't this just make it easier for auto trebbers? Just have mouse pointer at location on screen and have their button clicks at interval between +0.0-0.x random second off cooldown? Then they could just automate it to change mouse cursor position every few mins. At least this is what I imagine they'll be doing.


I think for me, keep trebs as it is, I think it is at a good place with really skilled trebbers able to use it and guestimate with little time to kill other sieges or hit walls etc. After using trebs a lot, people should be able to "feel" out distances and what power needs to be used - it is actually quite fun when you just crap on the enemy countering their trebs/siege and cowing them all the time when they build it in new places and they wonder how come you can get them so fast when it's all just having good experience knowing your treb. This is also like mortar, being able to quickly disperse enemies by being able to quickly judge distance and power needed. Once you have used these things in specific locations over time, it comes naturally being able to judge distance/power and knowing when to turn the siege.


Like some others have stated, keep it like it is so it requires skill and experience in knowing placement of treb & power needed for shots.

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The Treb in Kyhlo is only for a small map, that most time you have LoS to target, in WvW the Trebs are used for greater distance, imagine trying to hit SMC from North Keep, with LoS most people probably wont have settings that high to see that far, also you wont beable to treb over mountains etc, you may need to trial this for a week to see how this works.


For now I personally would say keep them how they are for WvW.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Lets just do best of both worlds keep the stander treb shot a charged attk with no ground targeting but make the cow shot and water shot into a ground targeting skill with there own cd with no need to swap ammo. Mostly the water shot all thought the cow shot has the same problem is long cd on a high skill shot with different travel time then the normal treb shot. This will let ppl have there skilled treb shots and get more out of the treb then the auto clicker shot players.


This actually sounds like a great idea to me, as the cow and water shot are mostly used over shorter distances anyway.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Yes, make it ground targetted. While you're at it, move the red keep wall in EBG further back so it can't be trebbed from SMC.


Only if they make it so red keep can't treb SMC anymore. It's a little ridiculous that the biggest objective in the game mode only has the inner gates protecting the fort from being capped because the walls are down 90% of the time.

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> @"hemmer.9784" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Lets just do best of both worlds keep the stander treb shot a charged attk with no ground targeting but make the cow shot and water shot into a ground targeting skill with there own cd with no need to swap ammo. Mostly the water shot all thought the cow shot has the same problem is long cd on a high skill shot with different travel time then the normal treb shot. This will let ppl have there skilled treb shots and get more out of the treb then the auto clicker shot players.


> This actually sounds like a great idea to me, as the cow and water shot are mostly used over shorter distances anyway.

This sounds good as well.

OR give us a switch that changes charge mechanic to ground-target mechanic (if engine even allows such thing?). There are some places treb shot needs to go over a mountain/through a small gap.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We recently changed trebuchets in Battle of Kyhlo. We made the treb ground targeted and pulled the camera way up high.


> We're curious if WvW players would want the WvW trebs changed in the same manner.


Would this stop trebs at Hills stop being able to hit the tower below it? If so, then yes! I think that Treb needs a range reduction over all, towers hitting keeps, keeps hitting towers all while having siege spam around it stopping the treb from being destroyed :/

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I think the new treb changes in pvp are pretty cool. makes for some very interesting play, and also enables a player to shoot the treb where they need to quickly, so they can return to the fight faster. However, I noticed there is an issue when using it while using the action camera mode. Functionality while using action camera mode is a little odd, as if you try to shoot the treb somewhere far away, the camera angle will try and lower back down to behind the player. I think the action camera in itself needs some looking into, but the treb is real nice with the current changes.

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Keep in mind something I don't think I saw mentioned is that with big camera angles changing, being able to see into keeps and towers is a big thing, from stacking for a surprise push or portal bomb, would not work very well if the person on the treb could call out their actions and placement, as well as siege placement inside structures which is hard enough to place to defend vs someone who knows what they are doing. This would allow easy and total siege clearing with a treb.


Some slight changes to camera might be nice without going to far, however mortars would be far better to get camera changes as it is now you have a massive reduction in viewing when getting on them, and they are fixed, I mean it's a mortar and you cant even use #5 to hit close placements on walls, add onto that, how about when using #5 close, it actually shoots up and back down like a real mortar and not just more or less roll out of the tube and hitting the wall doing absolutely nothing. in other words the flight time of the shell should always be the same, but the arch adjusts, so close shots it would shoot really high straight up and then come back straight down, why they work like trebs right now, I have no idea.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > I'd have to go check this out before commenting. Do the trebs in the PvP lobby work the same?


> Not yet... I need to change those at some point.


I'm not going to say no right away without trying it at some point, but others have expressed the same concern I have regarding sight. It depends upon the camera change. As was pointed out, trebs can hit farther if they are placed higher up. Sometimes that means they hit out of range of your camera, you see numbers, but don't see exactly where it hits. Examples: treb at alpine hills placed to hit southeast tower, treb at EBG red keep placed to hit Anzalias, treb at Alpine northeast camp placed to hit north hills wall. Additionally, there are some treb spots that don't use LoS at all and usually someone has to spot the shot for it to get aimed correctly: treb in Klovan to hit south SMC wall, treb at Desert southwest camp to hit air keep south outer wall.


I'm concerned that the change would affect the viability of these siege locations.

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Although it may help with easier targeting, it can cause more problems.


For example it is very common to have a treb in Red EB keep to defend and reopen Orgrewatch.

Or you have trebs at the cliff near Anza to treb the inner of Red EB keep.

Or the treb at the back or orge camp to treb orgre watch.

Or one of the many SM to almost every tower in EM treb spots.


These and many more have distances that the original devs probably didnt take into account, and so these trebs can fire a lot further than what was originally thought possible.


So if you want to make this change and still allow players to use the above treb positions, the map would have to zoom out quiet far!

Or the range of the trebs would have to be fixed like arrow carts.


I on the other hand always thought you should add a follow treb feature.

I think it was on the big EOTM canon, if you fired a shot your camera would follow the shot, and you can see where it hits.


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As long as the attack frequency isn't increased, and overall damage stays the same regardless of distance to the target considering projectile flight time, I'm all for it.


This method of controlling trebuchet is way more friendly towards new players and way easier to understand and use on the first try, and since WvW is a mode where we can't control that much who's in our team, the better off the worse players are, the better off everyone is.


At the very least it should be put on a trial basis, and if it works, consider this method too for catapults and/or mortars.

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Well, for the most part a lot of siege is really poor to use.

I mean AC users either have to glitch their camera or have to guess where they're aiming to be effective. So maybe a revamp in **all** siege wouldn't be a bad idea.

If its demonstrated to become too powerful with new camera and aim modes you can always just increase cooldowns or tone down the damage.

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