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Anet is going to nerf firebrand healing next


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I can already see it. Anet is going to specifically target the guardian ability to heal next they want us die to scourges and power revs more than we already get 3 shotted. They want the pink people to replace us in supporting. They've given us the worst boon currupt and it's immobilization in trade for resistance; immobilization, a cc apparently that is not a cc and us guardians have to waste a good condi cleanse in order to stay alive in a fight. Why is resistance corruptable? Why are they going to nerf our healing? Why not target scourges for being broken with their ability to deal over 220k dps in a fight? @_@

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Uhm... You probably have not already read the upcoming wvw skill changes, or you would know that scourge is getting a big nerf. Also, FB healing is over the top, as it is now. I believe, however, that they should make resistance convert to another condi when corrupted, immob is really really bad

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> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.


Support scourge! I mean, it was meant to be a support class...

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Initially, This makes me **So Happy** =) to hear. Now, Just gotta see it. So Good Job @Anet for thinking in the right direction.

I mean the game no offence, was kinda turning into Grandma Wars 2. It was getting old and very sadly, developing dementia. Instead of getting wiser with age.

But with this, she might just be healthy enough again.

> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Was pretty dumb to shove so many important roles on like two classes, instead of spreading it out, now those two classes have to be nerfed to be brought in line.

^ This was the biggest problem I had. Thank You for stating that.


> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.

^ More or less, This. Thank You

I need not say more.

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> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.


Oh yeah, lets nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support, might as well delete the spec lol...if anything, condi and power damage must be nerfed, damage is way to high.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> > I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.


> Oh yeah, lets nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support, might as well delete the spec lol...if anything, condi and power damage must be nerfed, damage is way to high.


Lol, I'm sorry, but that's not what I got out of @Kiroshima.8497's comment.

- "firebrand **healing**". Firebrand would still have **a lot** going for it, I feel. Boons, for example. Guardian is still one of the biggest sources of [stability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability"). Depending how Scourge is nerfed, assuming it's in fact "**big**". I definitely don't see the problem here. The main thing I took away from his comment was "**The more support variety there is, the better**". Which I agree, no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted. Especially for a similar role. In this case, **Support**.


Now talking basic's. If they were to "nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support" to where you feel "might as well delete the spec lol". That should speak volumes right there, between the 2. Which for the record. I agree, that would be "lol".


Condi and power damage though. Definitely agree.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> I can already see it. Anet is going to specifically target the guardian ability to heal next they want us die to scourges and power revs more than we already get 3 shotted. They want the pink people to replace us in supporting. They've given us the worst boon currupt and it's immobilization in trade for resistance; immobilization, a cc apparently that is not a cc and us guardians have to waste a good condi cleanse in order to stay alive in a fight. Why is resistance corruptable? Why are they going to nerf our healing? Why not target scourges for being broken with their ability to deal over 220k dps in a fight? @_@


i hope so, firebrand and scourge both need to be changed heavily..

u either heal like a idiot or u deal dmg not both

same with scourge

you either corrupt or deal dmg not both.


these 2 classes are so easy mode, dont tell me they are not cus i have both didnt touch em for long time untill last week to just try it

firebrand just walks in solo into full zone blob and i can run out of it again like nothing happened.

scourge huehue i drop a sand(??? or w/e) here and one here then ill put some more red circles here and there and then if people get close ill press my f4? f5? skill and ill just keep dropping sands all over the place i get tons of barriers and crap i cleanse pretty much everything with my sands aswell i corrupt boons and i give condi to my enemies plus i get barrier all this crap just by facerolling on my keyboard..



fucking hell im so glad im a roamer i piss on scourge/firebrands but these 2 toons are so broken...

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> @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> > > I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.

> >

> > Oh yeah, lets nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support, might as well delete the spec lol...if anything, condi and power damage must be nerfed, damage is way to high.


> Lol, I'm sorry, but that's not what I got out of @Kiroshima.8497's comment.

> - "firebrand **healing**". Firebrand would still have **a lot** going for it, I feel. Boons, for example. Guardian is still one of the biggest sources of [stability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability"). Depending how Scourge is nerfed, assuming it's in fact "**big**". I definitely don't see the problem here. The main thing I took away from his comment was "**The more support variety there is, the better**". Which I agree, no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted. Especially for a similar role. In this case, **Support**.


> Now talking basic's. If they were to "nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support" to where you feel "might as well delete the spec lol". That should speak volumes right there, between the 2. Which for the record. I agree, that would be "lol".


> Condi and power damage though. Definitely agree.


Well if "no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted" maybe its about time we nerf both Mesmers and Thiefs to the ground, this both specs are miles ahead of any other spec when it comes down to roaming and fighting...Anet can nerf as much as they want FB, they can remove all utilities and weapons, but while guardians still have Stand your ground and traited F3 to give stab, they will still be used on WvW...nerfing FB heal(again) its only gonna harm other FB builds that allready underperforming when compared to the other specs...if nerfs gonna hit FB again, the spec need some compensation buffs, and no, enough of Spirit Weapons, that dont work and never gonna be used.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> > > > I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.

> > >

> > > Oh yeah, lets nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support, might as well delete the spec lol...if anything, condi and power damage must be nerfed, damage is way to high.

> >

> > Lol, I'm sorry, but that's not what I got out of @Kiroshima.8497's comment.

> > - "firebrand **healing**". Firebrand would still have **a lot** going for it, I feel. Boons, for example. Guardian is still one of the biggest sources of [stability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability"). Depending how Scourge is nerfed, assuming it's in fact "**big**". I definitely don't see the problem here. The main thing I took away from his comment was "**The more support variety there is, the better**". Which I agree, no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted. Especially for a similar role. In this case, **Support**.

> >

> > Now talking basic's. If they were to "nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support" to where you feel "might as well delete the spec lol". That should speak volumes right there, between the 2. Which for the record. I agree, that would be "lol".

> >

> > Condi and power damage though. Definitely agree.


> Well if "no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted" maybe its about time we nerf both Mesmers and Thiefs to the ground, this both specs are miles ahead of any other spec when it comes down to roaming and fighting...Anet can nerf as much as they want FB, they can remove all utilities and weapons, but while guardians still have Stand your ground and traited F3 to give stab, they will still be used on WvW...nerfing FB heal(again) its only gonna harm other FB builds that allready underperforming when compared to the other specs...if nerfs gonna hit FB again, the spec need some compensation buffs, and no, enough of Spirit Weapons, that dont work and never gonna be used.


If you start to give thieves tank and support builds, maybe you could also consider a nerf to them.


Currently the class is not needed into WvW squads, and its only purpose is to roam.

Same goes for SPvP ( mobility and + 1 ).


Furthermore, talking about Firebrand, it will remain definitely viable also after some healing nerfs, so no need to worry that much.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> > > > > I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.

> > > >

> > > > Oh yeah, lets nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support, might as well delete the spec lol...if anything, condi and power damage must be nerfed, damage is way to high.

> > >

> > > Lol, I'm sorry, but that's not what I got out of @Kiroshima.8497's comment.

> > > - "firebrand **healing**". Firebrand would still have **a lot** going for it, I feel. Boons, for example. Guardian is still one of the biggest sources of [stability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability"). Depending how Scourge is nerfed, assuming it's in fact "**big**". I definitely don't see the problem here. The main thing I took away from his comment was "**The more support variety there is, the better**". Which I agree, no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted. Especially for a similar role. In this case, **Support**.

> > >

> > > Now talking basic's. If they were to "nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support" to where you feel "might as well delete the spec lol". That should speak volumes right there, between the 2. Which for the record. I agree, that would be "lol".

> > >

> > > Condi and power damage though. Definitely agree.

> >

> > Well if "no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted" maybe its about time we nerf both Mesmers and Thiefs to the ground, this both specs are miles ahead of any other spec when it comes down to roaming and fighting...Anet can nerf as much as they want FB, they can remove all utilities and weapons, but while guardians still have Stand your ground and traited F3 to give stab, they will still be used on WvW...nerfing FB heal(again) its only gonna harm other FB builds that allready underperforming when compared to the other specs...if nerfs gonna hit FB again, the spec need some compensation buffs, and no, enough of Spirit Weapons, that dont work and never gonna be used.


> If you start to give thieves tank and support builds, maybe you could also consider a nerf to them.


> Currently the class is not needed into WvW squads, and its only purpose is to roam.

> Same goes for SPvP ( mobility and + 1 ).


> Furthermore, talking about Firebrand, it will remain definitely viable also after some healing nerfs, so no need to worry that much.


Offcourse FB will remain viable on WvW(zerg) after nerfs, like I said, you can remove all weapons skills and utilities, if he can still be Stability bot, he will be used...i am talking about other FB builds used on other game modes...if they gonna keep nerfing F2 and F3 tomes for FB, they need to buff other aspects of it, rework some traits or Mantras, i dont know, something must be done, otherwise, FB will end up being a complete downgrade when compared to DH or core guard.


Dont think Thieves need to be tankier, they can be quite resistent if you build it right, but Thief was not meant to face tank hits, afterall, the best defence on the game is not being hit, and Thieves are the kings of evade... a Zerker Thief have way more chance to survive the focus fire of a group then a bunker/support Firebrand.


And about sPvP, thieves are meta there since forever, and since S/D didnt get any big nerfs and many other specs got some nice nerfs, Thief will dominate hardcore the gamemode even more.

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The thing you guys fail to understand is that it takes a significant amount of skill to be a good firebrand as it is. Yes they are super effective, but only the skilled ones are; I can tell you right now being the only guard in your party isn't easy, and this is because you can't always throw boons and heal simultaneously as it is. A guardian, as it stands right now, can be blown up in less than 3 seconds while zerging thanks to resistance getting corrupted into immobilization. While alone, it cannot survive a 2v1 wearing a minstrel set because aegis was almost completely stripped from tome 3 in the last patch. If you want to talk about the viability of other classes being brought back into the meta consider how hard things already are for them, ele is incredibly squishy even with toughness and vitality, same goes for mesmer, and ranger, is mostly just a selfish healer.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Well if "no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted" maybe its about time we nerf both Mesmers and Thiefs to the ground, this both specs are miles ahead of any other spec when it comes down to roaming and fighting...Anet can nerf as much as they want FB, they can remove all utilities and weapons, but while guardians still have Stand your ground and traited F3 to give stab, they will still be used on WvW...nerfing FB heal(again) its only gonna harm other FB builds that allready underperforming when compared to the other specs...if nerfs gonna hit FB again, the spec need some compensation buffs, and no, enough of Spirit Weapons, that dont work and never gonna be used.


Well, First off let me say this. I rather not "nerf" (anything (including Firbrand)) "to the ground". I'm looking for balance. Plain and simple.


Now that, that is out of the way. Yes I agree when it come's to roaming very small scale those specs mentioned can be fantastic at it. However, one has to ask themselves how much of WvW is based around roaming? Not to say it's not accepted. Which it is.


**Player Group Classification**

- **Roaming** is basically done for the purpose of fighting small scale (usually from 1 to 5) at the end of the day. **Havocing** on the other hand, also small scale, maybe slightly bigger at times (usually 5-10). Is done for not only fighting, but with ppt in mind. **Zerging or Blobing** is basically any number above the 2 already mention. With mainly PPT in mind generally and 2nd being fighting. Now I'll Stress this; all this is in General.


**Firebrand in WvW**

Regardless of what motive is taking place. **Support Firebrand** is one that **Cater's to the overall environment of WvW as a whole**. **Which favor's Zerging**. **WvW** as it's been said time and time again "**is a numbers game**". Overall at least. However, like Scourge. Firebrand doesn't take much from it's use (which is great) to be seen from even the size of a roaming group not just a zerg size group. So it can be very effective early on. With the overall environment of WvW catering to more number's on top of that fact.


- Because Firebrand, is one, that Cater's so well to the environment of WvW. Is the reason it's often sought after. I mean guardian in general. When was the last time guard was not in the meta through out GW2? pretty much never. Not that I mind that it is. It's just that, it's not leaving much room at all. For most other professions/spec's to shine. Which is mine, as other's main issue.

- If WvW catered more to the Roaming classes you metioned. Then you would see people wanting them more. How often does a Commander actually want a Solo or regular Roaming build in their party? A serious Commander? Not just a random tag. Pretty much never. Unless it's a good day and it's gotten to the point where they don't care so much lol.


**The Reality**

> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Anet can nerf as much as they want FB, they can remove all utilities and weapons, but while guardians still have Stand your ground and traited F3 to give stab, they will still be used on WvW...

Lol, I find this to be **Highly Exaggerated**. If @Anet _unrealistically_ nerfed FB to where they did "remove all utilities and weapons". While still keeping "Stand your ground and traited F3". No, they would not be "still be used on WvW". At least seriously, which is where I think it truly matters.

- The reason is because what was once amazing Support is now a small sliver of what it used to be. What is suppose to be (the best) support is/would be what will be needing support the most lol. Point is, is it becomes way to much of a liability at that point. Not to mention. No one would wanna play it. If Stab is all its good for and nothing else; with now weakened stats because the weapons got taken away in this unrealistic scenario.

- I and other's have actually spared against other's like this. As well as each other in turn. Out of sheer boredom before. So not just speaking for guard, but literally anything. In that scenario, where at the very least has the weapons are taken away. Will be a sad day for anyone playing it.


**To End**

Buff Firebrand where it's to be decided it's needed. Nerf it Where it's currently Problematic. To put it Simply, as I already typed enough. I'll leave you with this...

> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> The more support variety there is, the better.



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Guardians have been a core class to the wvw meta since day one, even when they weren't as supportive and had to rely on other other classes to fill that. Anet just made the mistake of making them so self sustaining that you didn't need to run as much old support, same goes with scourge which can dps, corrupt, have access to boons and skills they never had or should have ever had in the first place, shields. Gwen went to Gren to just Gn. Terrible dumb mistake they now have to fix.

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A pure boon support class would fit firebrand well but your still going to get healing effects form the core gurad so i am not sure how you would fix that. Right now the books are to effective in every thing they do for support as well as dmg. This is ok with its cost of use for each book but when you add in cdr or comply reset of cd of them due to other gurds effects then they become op.


Firebrand needs the scourge treatment when your a firebrand your cdr and reset skills for the books should be significantly weaker then core gurd and DH. Keep the firebrands burst support effects but it should not be able to be in the books all the time.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> > > > I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.

> > >

> > > Oh yeah, lets nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support, might as well delete the spec lol...if anything, condi and power damage must be nerfed, damage is way to high.

> >

> > Lol, I'm sorry, but that's not what I got out of @Kiroshima.8497's comment.

> > - "firebrand **healing**". Firebrand would still have **a lot** going for it, I feel. Boons, for example. Guardian is still one of the biggest sources of [stability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability"). Depending how Scourge is nerfed, assuming it's in fact "**big**". I definitely don't see the problem here. The main thing I took away from his comment was "**The more support variety there is, the better**". Which I agree, no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted. Especially for a similar role. In this case, **Support**.

> >

> > Now talking basic's. If they were to "nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support" to where you feel "might as well delete the spec lol". That should speak volumes right there, between the 2. Which for the record. I agree, that would be "lol".

> >

> > Condi and power damage though. Definitely agree.


> Well if "no Specialization should out-step or this case overstep their intended role to the point Other Specs or classes are never really wanted" maybe its about time we nerf both Mesmers and Thiefs to the ground, this both specs are miles ahead of any other spec when it comes down to roaming and fighting...Anet can nerf as much as they want FB, they can remove all utilities and weapons, but while guardians still have Stand your ground and traited F3 to give stab, they will still be used on WvW...nerfing FB heal(again) its only gonna harm other FB builds that allready underperforming when compared to the other specs...if nerfs gonna hit FB again, the spec need some compensation buffs, and no, enough of Spirit Weapons, that dont work and never gonna be used.


but why u need all this stuff?

why cant a ele do the healing job?

why cant a warrior do the dmg job?


why firebrand has to do everything and do it better then when we go actually back to pre hot etc..

yes guardian did heal but not so retarded as they do now neither did guard ever dish out this amount of dmg / condi's while being on fully bunker spec.


i dont even play ele infact all things i enjoy playing are not welcome in these shitty meta squads.


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>Tome of Resolve – Epilogue: Eternal Oasis: Reduced the bonus heal effectiveness from 33% to 20% in PvP and WvW

>Tome of Resolve – Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery: Reduced the healing power coefficient per condition cleansed from 0.77 to 0.5 (-35%) in PvP and WvW

>Tome of Resolve – Chapter 1: Desert Bloom: Reduced the healing power coefficient from 0.96 to 0.8 (-17%) in PvP and WvW

^ This is what are planned nerfs currently


Well in WvW, its true that the healing is bit over top on full support build. Celestial or something is fine because the heals dont feel that high but put the guard on full minstrel with some healing modifiers and you're either full health or caught out behind.


Basically they're nerfing the resolve tomes 5, 2 and 1 skill slightly. The 5 and 2 nerfs are reasonable because they shouldnt heal massively as cleanse is their main purpose, and the 1 nerf isnt that much, instead of healing 2000 + modifiers(with 1400 healing power), you will heal 1800. So it is only like like 10% reduction overall.


The nerfs definitely aren't that bad for WvW where you still keep aegis, dodge and regen heals.


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Ragnarox.9601" said:

> FB dont need nerfs, FB needs to get their tome rewritten into kits so we wont spam tome skills and be spammerish and we should use skills which we want how we want. They should put tome skills regen as intiative regen.


FB would be better designed if utilities were the tomes (more manage able to balance stuff).... issue is they have good utilties with great spam able virtues, it feels like have several utility bars....


Another problem is how ANet is getting the class progression system to work every expantion with the need to create hype, and make players feel the need to must play that spec.

They are getting worse and worse every ecpantion ._.




The main issue arround this is... Anet wont rewritten skills that were initially bad designed, they nerf it into the ground or kept it broken, then kinda try to solve the issue by making players play the next elite spec and ignore older facts/issues.


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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> >Tome of Resolve – Epilogue: Eternal Oasis: Reduced the bonus heal effectiveness from 33% to 20% in PvP and WvW

> >Tome of Resolve – Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery: Reduced the healing power coefficient per condition cleansed from 0.77 to 0.5 (-35%) in PvP and WvW

> >Tome of Resolve – Chapter 1: Desert Bloom: Reduced the healing power coefficient from 0.96 to 0.8 (-17%) in PvP and WvW

> ^ This is what are planned nerfs currently


> Well in WvW, its true that the healing is bit over top on full support build. Celestial or something is fine because the heals dont feel that high but put the guard on full minstrel with some healing modifiers and you're either full health or caught out behind.


> Basically they're nerfing the resolve tomes 5, 2 and 1 skill slightly. The 5 and 2 nerfs are reasonable because they shouldnt heal massively as cleanse is their main purpose, and the 1 nerf isnt that much, instead of healing 2000 + modifiers(with 1400 healing power), you will heal 1800. So it is only like like 10% reduction overall.


> The nerfs definitely aren't that bad for WvW where you still keep aegis, dodge and regen heals.



^ This and especially this...

> they shouldnt heal massively as cleanse is their main purpose

Thank You

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