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Ambrite Weapons Collection

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Okay,let me start with the fact that i love doing collections. In most cases i find them interesting and engaging, and overall a fun side thing to do in the game. However, this particular collection is beyond reason from a PvE point of view. You need thousands of geodes which you only get from Dry Top, and in such small quantities that it requires a huge amount of time to gather. But the main issue for me is the way to acquire them. You are forced to do the same few events over and over and over and over, until your are bereft of the will to live. I tried to force myself to farm 100-200 a day, witch takes about an hour of play time (provided you get into a active map ofc) and even then i couldn't manage to do more than 5 days before i got really sick of the same 5 events that you do in that zone. So, for a player like me, who doesn't play PvP or WvW, and don't have the option of getting the Maguma reward tracks, what is left to do? Please, i beg You Anet, do something about this extra tedious collection. You could increase the quantity of geodes that drop, or just give us a geode home node to buy for 50g like the ones from LS vendors (this option would make a lot of players really happy i believe). Again, this is not a complain that the collection is hard to do in a sense of game difficulty, but it is really, REALLY soul crushing to gather the geodes from the few events for days and weeks and months even. Thank You.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> I would strongly suggest you do wvw/pvp reward tracks, cause it is a rarity for a DT map to reach T6 every time. One reward track equals one weapon, plus an ambrite fossil of your choosing, so...


I thought that was the case but nope. Even with boosters a reward track takes around twice as long as running DT. The reward track is good if you want to avoid the RNG for the fossilized insects. Without knowing the drop rate for that it is difficult to factor things in. Between getting geodes for legendary crafting and the occassional SW as well as a few completions of the reward track I already had all the fossilized insects that I needed(with some spares somehow ...) so that wasn't a consideration for me.


One reward track does not give enough geode for a weapon even if you manage to find a t6 map. The reward track is only 300 geodes and a few more from the silky sand. Recipes require at least 340.

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> @"freeman.7315" said:

> Because i want to complete it, and i like the skins. I just don't want to lose the will to live in the process.


Not every collection is going to be easy or non-grindy.


If you intend to use the skins, then each one you get is a reward for the time you spent to earn it. If you want the collection completed and skins obtained just for the sake of doing so then I’d just pass on them. The effort required to obtain them should not be nerfed as we all and to do the same years ago.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"freeman.7315" said:

> > Because i want to complete it, and i like the skins. I just don't want to lose the will to live in the process.


> Not every collection is going to be easy or non-grindy.


> If you intend to use the skins, then each one you get is a reward for the time you spent to earn it. If you want the collection completed and skins obtained just for the sake of doing so then I’d just pass on them. The effort required to obtain them should not be nerfed as we all and to do the same years ago.


Many things got "nerfed" over the past years. Just because someone did something years ago one way, doesn't mean it wont get changed some day. I did all the HoT mini games pre nerf. They nerfed the hell out of those recently. Do you see me complaining about that? No,you don't. I'm only suggesting to make it a little bit less soul crushing,that's all.

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Yeah im working on it, but have spread mine over 3 years so far. Sure thats an extreme examole, but id advise not ploughing through it at once. It is designed the way it is deliberately, so if you want the collection and dont wish the reward track option, chip away at it over time.

You will have more fun doing it and the events wont feel so samey

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Tendril by the entrance(maybe) -> tendril at the vine bridge -> clear oasis for the shaman -> skritt thieves & rustbucket & beetles -> light infused golem(maybe)->clear cavern->repeat until sandstorm, dust mites->haze->devourer queen & rare creature-> dust mites -> haze & champion dust mite->skritt & chickenado


2 rounds of that should be enough to buy a recipe, an active map isn't necessarily better since that can make it harder to get to some of the events

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Guys, let me be clear about this.People tend to confuse when something is being difficult to achieve,and when something is extremely boring and tedious to do. I don't mind the number of geodes that has to go in to this collection. I don't even mind the Rng on the insects. The only thing i have a gripe with is that the ONLY way for us PvE players to get geodes is by doing the same 5 events over and over. Even if Dry Top events were among the best events ever designed in the game (which they are very far from) it would get extremely boring for every person that has any sense at all after a while due to the amount of geodes required. I don't think asking for a home instance geode node for 50g is unreasonable. Heck, i would be more than happy to mine 10-15 geodes each day from my home, than to do those god awful events that i did countless times again.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> Oh great another person that wants to pay Anet for achievements because they don't like to play the game. This is getting way too frequent.


You do the same event for thousands of times,and then tell me you still wanna play the game after that.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> There’s something like 40 events on the map. If the same 5 that you keep doing are getting boring then switch it up.


Yes,there are. However,most of those are boss and/or group events that spawn once or twice in an hour and require a lot of people to do. And like the rest of them,give only a hand full of geodes and are often considered to be a waste of time by squads doing the map due to their rarity in spawn. So again,not much choice left if you want to do this by PvE.

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> @"freeman.7315" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > There’s something like 40 events on the map. If the same 5 that you keep doing are getting boring then switch it up.


> Yes,there are. However,most of those are boss and/or group events that spawn once or twice in an hour and require a lot of people to do. And like the rest of them,give only a hand full of geodes and are often considered to be a waste of time by squads doing the map due to their rarity in spawn. So again,not much choice left if you want to do this by PvE.


Only 6 of the 22 events before the sandstorm are group events. The Sandstorm has 11 events that are group events out of the 18 events. So that’s like 23 events that you can do solo which is substantially more than 5. For those group events, you don’t need more than five players.


Geodes are rewarded based on the tier. All events within the tier yield the same number of geodes.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > I would strongly suggest you do wvw/pvp reward tracks, cause it is a rarity for a DT map to reach T6 every time. One reward track equals one weapon, plus an ambrite fossil of your choosing, so...


> I thought that was the case but nope. Even with boosters a reward track takes around twice as long as running DT. The reward track is good if you want to avoid the RNG for the fossilized insects. Without knowing the drop rate for that it is difficult to factor things in. Between getting geodes for legendary crafting and the occassional SW as well as a few completions of the reward track I already had all the fossilized insects that I needed(with some spares somehow ...) so that wasn't a consideration for me.


> One reward track does not give enough geode for a weapon even if you manage to find a t6 map. The reward track is only 300 geodes and a few more from the silky sand. Recipes require at least 340.


I did 16 reward tracks and had leftover geodes. Maybe i was lucky, dunno. I do enough wvw to get 3-4 tracks/week,so this collection was a breeze to get. I can understand that this is probably impossible for a pve player, so all i can say is grind grind grind.

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