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How do you feel about Renown Hearts?

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I dislike the activity hearts. Killing mobs or quick interaction with a single object are fine, but I don't enjoy repeating tedious, 'entry level' type tasks.


While it _is_ pretty satisfying to watch the progress bar fill up, I'd rather complete map events than hearts at level 80. They belong in starter zones and nowhere else.

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They're just quests, tasks, and odd jobs; they are also a source of revenue, to include their own form of coinage. Not everyone wants to bot to make gold or teleport between resource nodes or play the market. Some folks just want to play the game.

In opening up vendors, they also give access to some collectibles.

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I voted a silly joke option but...

Yeah, most of the tasks are menial, but at least a few of them are conceptually interesting. Oddly enough, those usually involve Asura.


But overall, hearts really need to fill faster. Or there needs to be a boost of some kind of having map completion, something tagged to an account that increases reputation progress 50%, because a lot of these hearts are *slooow*.

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None of the poll options fit me. I like hearts and I like (or at worst don't mind) repeating them, but I do wish the vendor stayed available after you complete it for the first time. (Also people who like hearts are unlikely to consider completing them grinding, which is generally a negative term.)

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I remember the first time I entered Orr and just feeling excited about there not being any hearts at all. It felt like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders, and gave me a sense of freedom to explore in any direction, and to search out and participate in things as they are dynamically happening and see where they would lead me, and not have this interrupted by hearts. A map led by just events felt very fresh and innovative, and has a sense of flow that I don't feel when playing in a more heart-filled map.

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> @"Vynull.9512" said:

> I remember the first time I entered Orr and just feeling excited about there not being any hearts at all. It felt like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders, and gave me a sense of freedom to explore in any direction, and to search out and participate in things as they are dynamically happening and see where they would lead me, and not have this interrupted by hearts. A map led by just events felt very fresh and innovative, and has a sense of flow that I don't feel when playing in a more heart-filled map.


It's kinda funny, in a way, that I almost feel the exact opposite. It literally took me 2 and a half hours to get to a personal story quest yesterday, even though I had unlocked a waypoint reasonably close. None of them were available, because they were all contested by events, that trigger all at the same time, and if nobody's doing them, they lock out the whole purpose of waypoints, fast travel. So, instead of popping into the game, knocking out a personal quest, and going on to do other things, I spent 2.5 hours fighting my way through Orr to get to the quest. It's a good thing I had the time, eh?


Lock the currencies, where applicable, behind repeating the heart, otherwise, one and done for the merchants. I don't even really care about the merchants about 90% of the time, but, once you've done the side activity associated with the unlock, it should keep the base items available. If one wants the currency, then one should do the side job required by the NPC to get paid.


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The hearts are boring. After 3 world completions in core Tyria, I am not able to do any more, because I cannot stand doing these stupid heart quests over again.


The hearts in the LS areas are a bit better, because they unlock a not-totally-useless vendor at the end, but the downside is the vendor is available only for the rest of the day. They are not fun, they don't contribute to my gaming experience. It doesn't help that often some grindy collection is connected with the hearts - grinding them over and over again doesn't provide value to me. It becomes a chore where you simply try to find the fastest way to do them, ignoring the story behind the NPCs why they are there in the first place.

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > Basically I agree with you: Hearts are a bad design, but it would have been ok to have them in level 1-25 areas. And removed them afterwards. Preferable change them, so the heart gives just lets you trigger the relevant event.

> >

> > The problem right now, is that it would be too much work (for too little gain) for ANet to change this (backward) now. They might make changes forward, but what we got, we got.

> >

> > Regarding repeatable hearts in general, and all the old hearts in core Tyria while at it, I think a good solution would be to let you continue to do the tasks if you wanted to. Atm most of the hearts shuts off the tasks once you've finished them, so once you've completed the Charr garden once, you can't go back and play at being gardener again etc.

> >

> > A lot of the Hearts do have some unique and interesting ideas and mechanics (I for one love the Charr Ash legion stealth one, one of the few I want to do over again). So, finishing them also shuts off trying the mechanics of that heart (most of the time).

> >

> > When a buddy told me they where adding "repeatable hearts" to the game, I seriously though it was 1st april, had to double check the date 2 times. Ah well, I'll just ignore them as always. Haven't bothered doing a heart since my guardian did world completion first time.


> I feel the tawny ridge heart needs to be changed. I was just doing world completion on an alt because I need more gifts of exploration and there was a cluster of people I guess doing the same thing. and if you are good at the stealth minigame and enjoy it, that's fine but what bothers me about that heart is that there is no other option, the stealth minigame is it. So what happens for people who don't enjoy that is that they just have to repeat the first 1-3 flags over and over until the heart completes. That's not fun at all. Some other option for completion should be available.


> I think there's some consensus that repetition of hearts doesn't seem to add anything as far as doing them over goes and that people just do it because they need something off the vendor or extra map currencies., but few people actually enjoy repeating the tasks themselves.


Kind of amused that to you focused and commented entirely on something I put in a parentheses as an off comment, something I honestly could have left out of my post entirely without changing anything. I just mentioned it because it was the first heart that came to my mind when thinking of a heart I actually like.


But if you want to discuss that, instead of general heart design sure...


If they're sticking to hearts as is, then every heart should have at least 3 different ways of completion, one of them should be "kill mobs". In addition to that, every single heart should have a linked Dynamic Event, preferably that can be activated on short timer near the heart (5-10 min).


Unfortunately I don't think they will ever bother going back to change up hearts, simply because it would be huge amount of manhours of work, for next to no gain (for ANet), not to mention they want that gift of exploration to take some effort.

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> Repeatable hearts are ok, as long as you can see those you have already completed. It gets really annoying when you need one heart for map completion, but can't remember which one you haven't done yet. Or is there any way to check that?


If a Repeatable Renown Heart has already been completed, you will see an infinity icon at the bottom. If there is no infinity icon, it has yet to be completed. (I can't remember, but it may give information, as Hero Challenges do, when mousing over, as well.)

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I like repeatable hearts. I just wish that infinity heart vendors weren't locked.


i.e. When you first go to a map the heart vendor should be locked.

Once you fill the heart, the symbol changes to the infinity heart (allowing it to be repeated).

You should then be able to always talk to the vendor, regardless of whether you have repeated the heart or not.

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In the beginning I was happy that they re-introduced hearts. I though they can be a plus. I think they worked well in some LS3 maps, but not all.


The issue however is that they became a lazy approach to map design. I think that most hearts in core maps synergized much better with the maps context and helped immersion. In PoF and LS4 the maps do not add much (if anything) to map design. They do not add value, connect the map or create immersion. They barely tie with the story, as well. These hearts are nothing more than busy work, and they are not fun.


Hearts were supposed to be a side order, not the main dish. They could be in maps, and it is nice for them to be repeatable. What is not okay is that they are becoming the defacto content; nothing more than illusion to hide that the maps are becoming bare bones.


I much rather have new maps not include them at all.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I hate hearts but this poll is badly designed and I can't really vote.


Just look at it in a reworded way:


Option 1 is I like hearts being repeatable, option 2 is I like hearts but want them to be one and done, Option 3 is No more hearts in future content they should have stayed gone starting with Orr, Option 4 is Not liking them but you do them for the rewards , and option 5 is not liking them so much you don't do them regardless of reward, in other words you'd like them removed from the game entirely.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Kind of amused that to you focused and commented entirely on something I put in a parentheses as an off comment, something I honestly could have left out of my post entirely without changing anything. I just mentioned it because it was the first heart that came to my mind when thinking of a heart I actually like.


> But if you want to discuss that, instead of general heart design sure...


> If they're sticking to hearts as is, then every heart should have at least 3 different ways of completion, one of them should be "kill mobs". In addition to that, every single heart should have a linked Dynamic Event, preferably that can be activated on short timer near the heart (5-10 min).


> Unfortunately I don't think they will ever bother going back to change up hearts, simply because it would be huge amount of manhours of work, for next to no gain (for ANet), not to mention they want that gift of exploration to take some effort.


That part stuck out because as I had said, I had just done that heart recently and it stuck out like a sore thumb watching everyone hating on it and only doing the first flag over and over. It stands out as probably the worst heart for most people because there's no alternative options to completing it.



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Hearts were a nice way to introduce you to game mechanics as you leveled up, and the merchant provided you with basic items when completed. Thing is, many players have multiple toons on their accounts (I have 30 myself), so doing hearts to complete a map is a seriously tedious, and boring process. Once your character hits level 80 hearts should disappear altogether. Orr is a perfect example; it doesn't have hearts but still has good challenges.

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They are fine. They are this game's version of daily quests, which are pretty standard for MMO's. The ones in core tyria could use some tweaking and updating, but overall they aren't that bad to do.


Didn't vote because these options are really specific and don't fit how I feel.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> They are fine. They are this game's version of daily quests, which are pretty standard for MMO's. The ones in core tyria could use some tweaking and updating, but overall they aren't that bad to do.


> Didn't vote because these options are really specific and don't fit how I feel.


GW2 isn't supposed to be about static content it's supposed to be more dynamic. We have dailies but they shuffle around (though some zone specific dailies are unfortunately static, Bloodstone Fen, Emery Bay, bitterfrost frontier and lake Doric I'm looking at you.

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