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Whats your main


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This was a hard one for me. I am going to say thief since it was my first toon and probably the one I’ve spent the most time on. Second most played is probably ranger. Though I go between all the professions often. There may be a couple months that I don’t even touch the thief and play my rev and engi instead. Or sometimes I’m really into necro and guardian.


Last couple weeks I’ve been really into my soulbeast and weaver. A few weeks before that it was my Deadeye and herald.

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Bit of a difficult question for me as I play different professions at different intervals. In Core I played necromancer, guardian. HoT was more necromancer, ranger, revenant, mesmer. PoF its necromancer, thief, warrior. Only professions I dont enjoy in one way or another is engineer and elementalist. But I chose necromancer through its iterations since the elite specs keep it fresh (even made a second necro so one can be power reaper and the other condi scourge without changing out gear all the time). That aside, Deadeye, spellbreaker and mirage have been fun to learn.

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> @"Gilgamesh.5167" said:

> I have 4 engineers, norn, human, asura and sylvari. I find the proff very fun to play and i really like the whole blowing up theme behind it.


No Charr? I too have 1 of each as I just love the Engi class but still struggle as to which to make my "main". Norn atm just cuz... ;)

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> @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> I have 5 warriors and they have their own designated weapon set. I designed my own characters, from their outfit to weapon choice. Warrior is the only class that provided enough weapon choices to have multiple toons without feeling duplicated to each other.


> All my warriors are viable in wvw.


> My Norn spellbreaker as a hammer user, briing shoutheal to aid his group. Usually bring greatsword or sword warhorn for mobility.


> My Asura Berserker is a shooter, build around gunflame, bring greatsword or sword shield as 2nd set.


> My Sylvari berserker is a magical fighter, she use burn magic to fight, mostly with sword torch and longbow.


> My Charr warrior is a pride and stubborn fighter, he use dual axe to chop through foes, greatsword as 2nd set for mobility. Somethings bring a shield for more defenses.


> My human spellbreaker is an elite swordsman, bring greatsword, sword dagger into fights with high mobility and precision.




I love your RP breakdown and look at each of your toons! I have sorta the same thing with my Engis. ;)

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My ranger feels like my main, but I like my thief and guardian equally well behind her. Ranger is just lazy mode for me, so lazy ole me goes with that.

I do have all professions, but the others just sort of got delegated for crafting and flax farm parkers due to my disinterest.

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Although I "main" guardian I'll gladly switch out to a different class as needed. Sticking purely to one class all the time seems kind of boring to tell the truth, and having knowledge on the other classes and how they can be played seems somewhat advantageous, right?

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Currently, Ranger. I enjoy the large variety of builds available to it, and the fact that it's the only class to grow more versatile at its core with each expansion thanks to the pets, regardless of whether you take the elite specializations or not. I also like the fact that it has the most range of any class, and almost all of its utilities can be useful in one way or another.


I used to main Engineer, because I adore versatility. But it's-... Actually not as versatile as it's made out to be, in my eyes. Plus, the tremendous effort required to put out adequate damage could get frustrating.


I'd like to get into Mesmer, but it's hard to lose Ranger's high ranged damage, and I've not yet gotten inventory slot expansions for the Mesmer, which is a substantial deterrent.

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While I actively play and enjoy all professions, with two characters of almost all of them, I will always identify most with ranger. It was my first profession and I enjoy pretty much all aspects of the class (except perhaps sword mainhand because greatsword is my baby :P). I love both elite specs, playing healing and boon druid when partied with friends and both condi and power soulbeast (mainly in open world ofc) very often.

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Ranger has the most versatility I've seen of any of the classes. It's effective in any situation and all of their skills and abilities are relevant and useful to me. I love how they were designed to be a nature/spirit class. There's nothing I don't love about this profession.


GW has the best version of this type of class of any game IMO.

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lol you made a big typo you say thier not thief lol. its ok but i do like thief but man they realy need to give thief its quirk like the other classes. it feels a little low on dps and we almost alway get out dpsed by the ele its sad. I do like rouges though so that is why i like thief. if you do not know what a rouge is its a scout/assion/thief typ of class.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> lol you made a big typo you say thier not thief lol. its ok but i do like thief but man they realy need to give thief its quirk like the other classes. it feels a little low on dps and we almost alway get out dpsed by the ele its sad. I do like rouges though so that is why i like thief. if you do not know what a rouge is its a scout/assion/thief typ of class.


And your typo was ironic? It's rogue, rouge is a bit different.

Mind you I suppose there is nothing stopping you from liking rouge

Must admit though I don't really have a "main", tend to flit around quite a bit depending on mood

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Started as a guardian main, but after a while swap to ranger. Then I became an an altoholic and made one of each.

Now I main a ranger followed by mesmer , guardian and engi. Ranger, mesmer and guardian are swapping for fractals and pvp with 3 sets of asc armor each, while all others serves the role of bank

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