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What's a new mount mastery/skill you would like to see?

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So it was stated that per design, mounts will not have combat skills, but I think there are many QoL/utility skills and masteries that could be great if implemented with them.

What's your take?

1. Elite skill: Endurance is not depleted for 10 seconds. Get dismounted for 5 seconds at the end of this period.

2. Utility skill: Your pet loses all endurance. Reset all of your skill's cooldowns.

3. Mastery: You can mount while in combat. If you mount this way, you can only use the mobility skill of your mount.




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As I've said elsewhere, I think the current mastery line will have us merging with the mount, taking direct control and leaving an empty saddle for someone else to sit in. We'll fight using some new skills (I can't really see more than a few each), and the player on the back can try to fight at range.

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For the first i would like it if we could turn the mounts into a mini when not in use.

For the second once an hour or so you can make the mini pop with a blinding flash spell

And last I'd like it we could turn our mini into a pack mule with up to 3 of its own inventory slots. Not connected to ours, click on him to drag them across. Start it with 1 but allow us to buy 2 more and make them shared slots across all your minis so you can move stuff between alts


I dont think any of those would or could happen, only a fun wishlist. :)

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I'd still quite like a mount wide mastery to reduce endurance (for example it'd lower it enough to get 3 jumps out for the raptor rather than 2), or quicker endurance recharge rate, to fill up the endurance bar 25-33% quicker than currently.


Or a mastery that auto transitions to the skimmer on approach to water (probably of a min depth, and poss if you approach at a certain angle, to make it work properly and not activate over just crossing a river), so for example if you glide or griffon from a high vantage point out over a large body of water, then as you glide near the surface the skimmer would deploy before you hit the surface, so it'd just be more seamless. Rather than having to splashdown into the water first, then pop back up on the skimmer. Wouldn't be overly useful, it would just be a nicer transition.

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I'd love an underwater mount with some kind of associated masteries. A giant eel, octopus, turtle, sea spray dragon, or dolphin.


Of course ANet would have to invest in underwater levels/environments again. They've really phased out underwater areas in new maps since release.

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> Of course ANet would have to invest in underwater levels/environments again. They've really phased out underwater areas in new maps since release.


Because they cannot be bothered to overhaul underwater combat, that’s why.


That being said, a diving mode for the Skimmer would be lovely.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > Of course ANet would have to invest in underwater levels/environments again. They've really phased out underwater areas in new maps since release.


> Because they cannot be bothered to overhaul underwater combat, that’s why.

That goes without saying.



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It would probably be a game-breaking mess but I'm still a little disappointed the spider mount was cut. Just imagine if it had the Oakheart's reach ability and someway of walking up walls! (Again, probably too game-breaking to implement but sounds fun.)


And the mount skins they could make for it would probably be pretty amazing.


Still holding out hope for more kinds of mounts but they may just be sticking to improving the ones we have.


If they keep the ones we currently have and don't add anymore I hope we get some really crazy skins in the future, or just things that really branch out from the existing model. I.e. Dragon for griffon, tiger for jackal, golem with jetpack for springer, butterfly for skimmer. Things that make you forget what they were originally. I would say that might be too immersion breaking but seeing as we have mounts made of stars that may not be much of an issue. :-P


As for specific abilities, definitely dismount midair on griffon or at least the ability to use updrafts. (Maybe even the ability to create an updraft or a mastery that boosts flap height gain?) If they added a dragon skin or even a dragon mount at some point it would be interesting to have a combat ability that just breathes fire on everything but that may be coming eventually as a living story episode boss battle with Aurene or something.


Skimmer - definitely swim underwater. (Which would kind of ruin my dream of a butterfly skimmer skin for my Mesmer but we have wind riders which look like oceanic creatures so its whatev.) As far as abilities the heal ability on dismount is interesting but kind of useless in its current implementation outside of potentially quickly saving players they ride by assuming the heal actually lands which can be somewhat tricky and relies on positioning. Having somekind of channeled aoe heal ability could be interesting or just more healing abilities in general. (But unless implemented very carefully could lead to potential abuse.)


Springer - can't really think of a unique ability for them outside of even more height gain but kind of unnecessary. Maybe somekind of revenant style bouncing ability that selects 5 enemies and bounces on them knocking them down or stunning them before dismounting? (But the animation creation for this sounds like it could be a potential nightmare.)


Raptor - A dash in addition to the leap would be pretty nice. Something that just gives a large burst of speed without having to use your leap to gain large distances over already flat terrain. Another idea for raptor would be a roar that fears foes and could be a shared ability among all mounts.


Jackal - maybe the ability to create sand portals similar to Mesmer? Or some ability like the rewind device that can teleport them back to their previous location. Actually I think my main desire for them would be a second blink that actually works like Mesmer blinks or thief shadowsteps. Something that works at a longer range that you can actually place instead of relying solely on guess work for distance. I think it would really add a lot to Jackal in general as the current blink works great for crossing distances and going through sand portals, but then if you want to get up a ramp you either have to run up the ramp on the jackal or switch to springer. Having the ability to shadowstep would give it a nice convenience without really diminishing the value of the springer.


So other than the aforementioned mount-specific abilities, the list of shared abilities I could see being implemented without being solely combat abilities would be:


A dash that increases general movement speed for a certain period of time.

A fear ability that causes enemies to scramble in case you're being overwhelmed my mobs close by.

Increased values or effectiveness of current special abilities, such as longer leaps, higher jumps, longer or higher floating, greater flap altitudes or increased endurance for more flaps, and (hopefully because I'm really set on this now that I took the time to think about it) additional abilities similar to already existing abilities such as a jackal getting a targetable blink. Am I alone in thinking this would be amazing and not at all impactful of the way its currently designed?


I'm not really sure what combat abilities they could add to mounts that would make them worthwhile. Having a multiseater mount with another person able to use abilities would be interesting, but wouldn't be very effective for a melee profession that has to stay within range. (Perhaps a more siege style mount with cannons that the second player can use but that would be highly niche for all of the work that would go into implementing it.)


I suppose if they had a higher health pool they could eventually become more like a siege golem but they would need other attack abilities that don't cause dismount, and the heal mastery we got with this release would be kind of obsolete if this were to happen so I can't see the health pool changing. (Not sure they want players running around killing mobs on mounts anyway.)


I just hope our next mastery is a new kind of mount, or at least something a little more exciting than a heal I rarely use that will potentially down me. :(


Also hoping, and this is probably unlikely due to how expensive the griffon is to a large portion of the community, that we get some crazy griffon-focused map at some point. Something lush and green with lots of waterfalls and high cliffs, and old ruins. Something kind of like the Heart of the Mists lobby. (Only clarifying my vision because although it's a very neat map I'm not sure I could handle another bloodstone fen with probably-harpies one-shotting me out of the sky and dazing me. >_<)






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Also would be too much to ask for a "normal", simpler mounts? Like a frikkin horse? My Reaper needs an undead horse. How else daddy starts the apocalypse? And a giant wolf or a bear for my norn warrior? I have ZERO interest on the giant rabbit and the land fish. I don't wan't to ride a pokemon into a battle!

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> @"Aitojumala.7264" said:

> Also would be too much to ask for a "normal", simpler mounts? Like a frikkin horse? My Reaper needs an undead horse. How else daddy starts the apocalypse? And a giant wolf or a bear for my norn warrior? I have ZERO interest on the giant rabbit and the land fish. I don't wan't to ride a pokemon into a battle!


There are no horses in Tyria.


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Aitojumala.7264" said:

> > Also would be too much to ask for a "normal", simpler mounts? Like a frikkin horse? My Reaper needs an undead horse. How else daddy starts the apocalypse? And a giant wolf or a bear for my norn warrior? I have ZERO interest on the giant rabbit and the land fish. I don't wan't to ride a pokemon into a battle!


> There are no horses in Tyria.



But there should be - there's literally everything else but horses. Of all the species that went extinct, why did it had to be horses? I'd do fine without lots of races, but horses have had a huge influence on human cultures across the (real) world - but in Tyria? We worship rabbits and pokemons. Makes me sad.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Aitojumala.7264" said:

> > Also would be too much to ask for a "normal", simpler mounts? Like a frikkin horse? My Reaper needs an undead horse. How else daddy starts the apocalypse? And a giant wolf or a bear for my norn warrior? I have ZERO interest on the giant rabbit and the land fish. I don't wan't to ride a pokemon into a battle!


> There are no horses in Tyria.



No horses, but we DO have centaurs.......




nope, not riding a centaur as a mount

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Only 1 I need to see: Allow the player to dismount in the air to glide.


This. Would be very helpful. Or a wing-propel mastery that surges you forward instead of having to swoop on gryphon. Give all the mounts some kind temporary or extra speed/leap boost.

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