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Please Finish Super Adventure Box

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This or similar topic is posted every year, multiple times some years, prepare to be either ignored, or even hated on, by a certain part of the community for even posting it.


I would like them to finish it too some day, but just as with every other festival content, they won't actually get any new substantial content outside of rewards (and races this year because mounts). It is just a fact you have to accept. For SAB specifically the content is far too polarizing to warrant it anyhow. They took a risk with world 2 back in the day and got burned for it, because it was too long and too difficult in parts (plus few latency issues and bugs back then to compound on this).


Now I said all that, but every year I have a speck of hope for something new inside the box, but so far I haven't been positively surprised and I don't think I ever will. Same for Halloween, I'd love for them to continue the Mad Kings story like they used to way back when, but that is not going to happen either sadly, like I said it is the current status quo and they don't have the resources or incentive to change it when it comes to festivals.


Edit: obviously I don't think they should fogo Living Story episodes for festival content, back in the days of Scarlet I would have been all for it but now that the story and maps are actually great quality content I think this is just how it will have to be going forward. They should bring back Queen's Jubilee and Bazaar of the Four Winds too in some form though.

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They actually can't afford the devtime needed to create Worlds 3 and 4, as they would be taking away people from teams working on the regular game content. I think it was Josh who said this in an interview back when SAB was reintroduced. Problems with World 2 were fixed when they brought SAB back in 2016, and I seriously doubt complaints about it being too long would stop them from continuing development. In that case, they might as well stop releasing new Fractals and Raid wings as well, because they are consistently complained about by a certain part of the community too.

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I completely agree and just made a similar comment in another thread. SAB is a work of genius and I know they have limited resources, but I would prefer they focus a team on W3 at least (because I think, it is partially started already) over a new set of legendaries or BL goods or current events. I can live without another fractal or set of current events if it means that a really great piece of the game actually sees completion.


Often we say we cannot dedicate the resources to something but the truth is, we simply do not want to. In the end, it is a matter of Anet making the decision to finish it and assigning the resources to complete it. So I really do not believe that they do not have the manpower, I just think they refuse to dedicate/allocate the human resources to the project.

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They should absolutely finish this content. It is really cool for those that enjoy it. OP you have my vote. Just like they continue to add Raids (which I do not play at all) they should add the remaining worlds to SAB. I support all game modes being developed to completion since there is a percentage of the player base that enjoys and hates each mode. Spread the love as evenly as possible.

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Many friends of mine come back every year just to play SAB and run the tribulation zones over and over... There are definitely people who absolutely love this festival and I would be delighted to see worlds 3 and 4 as well as a final boss some day, even if it's not this year or the next, just to get a sense of completion.

We have seen the entrances to these worlds on the hub for years and the loading screen gave us so much hope. I totally understand that the dev teams already have so much to do with other aspects of the main game and I am totally willing to wait as long as necessary... as long as SAB gets finished and gets closure some day :).

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> if i remember correctly anet said SAB had some nightmarish coding which is the reason development for it halted.


I can definitely feel the nightmarish coding as I'm playing through it trying to get enough baubles for the new home instance node. :x


I mean, SAB ain't my thing. Still, while it would be nice if they could finish it one day, 1) I can understand why it got halted and 2) I'd rather see development and resources used for more Living World and Expansion stuff.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> They actually can't afford the devtime needed to create Worlds 3 and 4, as they would be taking away people from teams working on the regular game content.


Like manually placing hundreds of sittable furniture for this week update?


Sorry but this argument of "lack of resources" is now dead. If Anet has time to waste on chairs, they have time to finish SAB. Or create other important things like build templates. The way I must consider their approach to SAB from now on is not a case of resources, but lack of will to finish this content.


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I know this sounds a little tacky, but has a big MMO company ever considered launching a Kickstarter campaign?


I mean, I get why they don't finish SAB, it would take a LOT of work on their part, and SAB is something they mostly do in their spare time as a labor of love, when they're mostly focused on the major work of the game. Reallocating primary resources to its completion would be seen as a waste of resources that could be spent on whatever it is each person normally does.


But if there really is a market for completing SAB, and there seems to be, why not make it a semi-separate product? Budget it out, figure out what it would cost to hire support members that would free up the time needed to do *both* primary game development and also continue SAB, set that budget in a Kickstarter, and then launch a campaign. If the public wants the feature enough, they'll support it's production, perhaps without even requiring any direct personal benefits beyond that the game mode will finally be playable.

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I would like to see a complete adventure box too, but mostly I would like not to see them wasting resources on benches and sitting animations.


Also they were able to make sitting animations and different kind of chairs/benches, but they weren't able to fix Mount Maelstrom mastery spot.

Instead they had to move it.


I tend to complain but when I see their priority and how things are solved I can't help but wonder about.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> I know this sounds a little tacky, but has a big MMO company ever considered launching a Kickstarter campaign?


> I mean, I get why they don't finish SAB, it would take a LOT of work on their part, and SAB is something they mostly do in their spare time as a labor of love, when they're mostly focused on the major work of the game. Reallocating primary resources to its completion would be seen as a waste of resources that could be spent on whatever it is each person normally does.


> But if there really is a market for completing SAB, and there seems to be, why not make it a semi-separate product? Budget it out, figure out what it would cost to hire support members that would free up the time needed to do *both* primary game development and also continue SAB, set that budget in a Kickstarter, and then launch a campaign. If the public wants the feature enough, they'll support it's production, perhaps without even requiring any direct personal benefits beyond that the game mode will finally be playable.


the problem is that arenanet don't know the words: Organization-Scheduling-Programming-Communication-Testing

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I also hope they finish SAB someday, a world at a time, not all at once though. They seem like they would be a lot of work to make. I honestly don't expect massive brand new things from every festival every year. But maybe something decently sized and new for one festival a year would be nice, rotating which one gets the new things.


Part of me wonders what will happen when SAB is finally finished. Will people just continue to ask for more? I don't see people being satisfied with it just being like "that's it, that's all folks" Maybe instead of full new worlds they could just occasionally add a new bonus level. Not full level sized but enough that people have something new to jump around in.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > They actually can't afford the devtime needed to create Worlds 3 and 4, as they would be taking away people from teams working on the regular game content.


> Like manually placing hundreds of sittable furniture for this week update?


Those chairs were there since launch, they just updated their functionality.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > They actually can't afford the devtime needed to create Worlds 3 and 4, as they would be taking away people from teams working on the regular game content.

> >

> > Like manually placing hundreds of sittable furniture for this week update?


> Those chairs were there since launch, they just updated their functionality.


many of them were placed manually specificaly for the update, it's in their communications, models are old, it doesn't change the fact they needed to record and code new animations, code sitting into the game and prepare collection for it


if they have time to waste on this, they can do other things that are actually crucial for gameplay experience or content itself

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > > They actually can't afford the devtime needed to create Worlds 3 and 4, as they would be taking away people from teams working on the regular game content.

> > >

> > > Like manually placing hundreds of sittable furniture for this week update?

> >

> > Those chairs were there since launch, they just updated their functionality.


> many of them were placed manually specificaly for the update, it's in their communications, models are old, it doesn't change the fact they needed to record and code new animations, code sitting into the game and prepare collection for it


> if they have time to waste on this, they can do other things that are actually crucial for gameplay experience or content itself


Definitely this.

A waste of resources which could have been put into some extra content.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > They actually can't afford the devtime needed to create Worlds 3 and 4, as they would be taking away people from teams working on the regular game content.

> >

> > Like manually placing hundreds of sittable furniture for this week update?


> Those chairs were there since launch, they just updated their functionality.


They still had to update the models and hook them up to be intractable. If this was something they could do automatically, there is no reason why every chair in Tyria using these models wouldn't now be able to be sat in, yet it is only cities and home instances. So there definitely was manual labor involved, on per map basis because otherwise all their chairs on those maps would have the sit functionality but they don't.


Not to mention they had to QA said sitting interactions to make sure sitting in a chair did not get you stuck in a wall or object when you "dismounted" them or something like that. Now I totally appreciate that they did add this functionality to the game. I think it is awesome, however, as far as the work they had to do for it and its usefuleness is concerned the ROI isn't objectively speaking very high.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > > They actually can't afford the devtime needed to create Worlds 3 and 4, as they would be taking away people from teams working on the regular game content.

> > >

> > > Like manually placing hundreds of sittable furniture for this week update?

> >

> > Those chairs were there since launch, they just updated their functionality.


> many of them were placed manually specificaly for the update, it's in their communications, models are old, it doesn't change the fact they needed to record and code new animations, code sitting into the game and prepare collection for it


> if they have time to waste on this, they can do other things that are actually crucial for gameplay experience or content itself


One man's waste of time is another man's long requested feature.


I'm also not sure how many things that are crucial for gameplay experience or content can be provided by the animators who did the bulk of the work here.


I also can't see where in the notes they said they placed any chairs manually. Can you provide a link please?

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Prepare to not be ignored after all, I guess.


I'd also really love to see them make SAB a full-time part of the game. Doesn't need to 'fit'. It's already got an explanation in the lore. Hide SAB away in some corner of some map and let people who love it play the content. Oh, and by the way, turns out IT IS CONTENT. Clearly there's a popular festival, and its acolytes are legion.

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