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Legendary crafting mastery track should be hidden like the raid one.

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> @"Astraea.6075" said:

> I'm in a similar situation to the OP, as I'm not sure how I'll get the last few mastery points I need to complete the core mastery tracks, however I can't understand how not earning spirit shards is a major disincentive to play on core maps.

> Does the OP need the spirit shards as they use them frequently, or is it just FOMO about the lost xp?

> If it's due to needing spirit shards, then there are alternative ways to get them (dailies, drops, tomes), but if you don't need them, how does the lost xp really matter?


This!! So what if XP doesn't give anything?! Most other games XP becomes completely useless at max level, and what we do get once masteries are done is really as close to nothing they could give us! (Rightly so - it *should* be insignificant!)

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> This game has been on for how long...five years? I suspect that many of those saying that there are plenty of mastery points lying around in Tyria have long ago completed those masteries and moved on. They have forgotten that grind and prefer to keep it the way it is because of a sense of achievement.



It is still the same effort now as it was when released. Many players did the achievements for the sake of the achievements, before Mastery points were even talked about, let alone implemented. Just because they now have MP attached to them doesn’t make them harder. Many also finished all Core Tyria masteries before the insights were introduced.

Time does not change the effort required.



> I myself said that mastery points are hard to acquire and that was a big mistake. How easy or hard they are to get is irrelevant.




>What is relevant is that if you craft legendaries you need that track and if you don't you are handicapped until you finish it by any means necessary.


You can craft Legendaries without the mastery. You can’t craft *precursors* without the mastery.

Not gaining 1 spiritshard every 250k XP is not a handicap, since the time spent earning that XP could net you more than 1 Shard just from drops.



> Let me ask you something: Why do you think the griffon mastery was hidden? I'll tell you why, because the devs realized that not everyone has 250 gold ready or willing to spend on this.


It was hidden because the Griffon is an **optional Mount that isn’t necessary for the game to be played**. Which is why the raid mastery was also hidden.




I digress though. I think the idea of hiding the Fractal mastery until a fractal has been completed, and hiding Legendary Crafting until you speak to Grandmaster Hobbs and specifically *choose* a dialogue of “I wish to train the Art of Legendary Crafting” > “Are you Sure?”, is a good idea. Fractals and Legendary crafting isn’t for everyone, just like Raids or the Griffon.

Hiding the real reason of wanting these tracks hidden behind “MPs are too hard to obtain” was the downfall of your argument.

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> This game has been on for how long...five years? I suspect that many of those saying that there are plenty of mastery points lying around in Tyria have long ago completed those masteries and moved on. They have forgotten that grind and prefer to keep it the way it is because of a sense of achievement.


We all had to do the same stuff to earn the masteries. Even before ANET introduced the 9 tyrian mastery insights , which they did cause people complained (they are FREE masteries). We are by no means special, or elite or whatever. We just play the SAME content.


> I myself said that mastery points are hard to acquire and that was a big mistake. How easy or hard they are to get is irrelevant. What is relevant is that if you craft legendaries you need that track and if you don't you are handicapped until you finish it by any means necessary.


Uuuuhhhh... So which is it? Are mastery points hard to get, or is it irrevelant "how easy or hard they are to get"? I have trouble understanding this.


> Let me ask you something: Why do you think the griffon mastery was hidden? I'll tell you why, because the devs realized that not everyone has 250 gold ready or willing to spend on this. They also realized that people will be less likely to earn xp and generally play in PoF when all the xp earned there goes to waste. A smart decision, wouldn't you say? Don't use, don't grind. And PoF mastery points are so easy acquire that they did not even needed to do it. Yet they did, because it was a good decision from a gameplay point of view.



> _Now compare what is 250 gold for the griffon compared to the gold and time investment to craft a legendary? _That is why this track should be hidden. The legendary mastery track was introduced at a time when the game needed the people to strive for something, to give them a goal to focus their efforts on since the "achiever" type of gamers were unsatisfied. The game has moved on from that time and has only gotten better for it.



Tyrian mastery points cost no gold, however. You have to get 49 out of 82 in total, I mean, how is that even remotely hard...


> I saw some people claiming that it is the fractal track that should be hidden and I disagree. You see, fractals are the "end game content" that MOST people do to acquire ascended gear and eventually raid if they want to. In order to start fractals you need only a set of exotics and you are done. There is no need to hide that track because there is no barrier to begin doing them.


> In order to craft legendaries however, you need a lot of time and hundreds, maybe thousands of gold. This IS a barrier and not the fun kind of one. Also, unlike other tracks, each of its levels adds nothing for the player, but unlock the next level of grind. It is horribly boring, unexciting to level and it is useless unless you are in for the shinies.


I am not getting this. You do NOT have to make legendaries even if you unlock the track. You do NOT have to spend one gold on legendary crafting. How is that a barrier on anything? I like making leggies, you dont. i like to grind, you dont. I make a precursor, you dont. Legendary ctafting is a huge goild sink, always has been (G1 leggies are cheaper than ever, btw). How does that affect YOU?

> I don't think there is anything more to be said. I rest my case.


All I see here is a self-imposed barrier. Literally. The "I dont like this, remove it, because I have to actually play some content" mentality. OW is easy, You can do stuff with a million other people. You can do EVERY world boss in organized, very low percent failrate groups. EVERY boss. Triple Trouble as well. Story is easier than 1-1-1-1-1 Teq. Hard OW content is one thing (Serpents Ire CC, for instance, and I partly agree with those who complain) but... Masteries???

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> @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

> Legendary track is a trap and waste of already scarce mastery points.


Scarce mastery points? Is that why you can unlock without ever touching a mastery point in the maps of core tyria?



And the "you unlock it by crafting a precursor" are you aware that the mastery track is what allows you to craft them in the first place?

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just because you like to grind for grueling mastery points, doesn't mean others want to be masochists, too. anyone can complete all POF masteries in a week. contrary, Tyria masteries would take months. all points are time gated + luck (bosses), tedious (story, collections), not fitting one's style (fractals). At least fractals pay for themselves, but the legendary track is pointless sink of time and still a trap to unwary novice. The process of crafting legendaries is already time consuming and tedious, so what is the point of mastery track?




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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> The solution isn't to hide 1 or more tracks. If the goal is just to watch the XP bar fill, reset, and get a spirit shard.


> They could either enable us to "temp disable" masteries, so you don't work/progress toward any mastery, but gain spirit shard like normal.


> or, just make a own special mastery called "Spirit Shards", that doesn't take mastery points, and just restarts, and gives 1 spirit shard at the end...


That's the solution to the "wasted XP problem" which appears to be the real issue here. Just give all regions a repeatable Spirit Shard mastery track or allow us to "deselect" mastery tracks and have our XP go into Spirit Shards.

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The OP wants to compare Griffon that costs 250g before you can progress its mastery, with Legendary Crafting, which can be maxed without spending a copper. They equally want to distinguish Fractal Mastery from Legendary Crafting by declaring that one is end-game and the other isn't, even though the OP admits that their idea of end-game differs from others.


Further, the OP seems to think that spirit shards are somehow hard to obtain. They might have forgotten (or not known) that excess XP granted nothing for about a year (from the introduction of specializations, ~6 months before HoT, to the Great HoT Revamping of 2016, ~6 months after HoT). Spirit shards drop from all sorts of things.


And finally, the OP seems to think that maxing masteries is a right, not an achievement (however minor). Sure, some veterans had plenty of Mastery Points when HoT launched from being veterans. That doesn't mean we "forgot" how much effort we put in to obtain them.


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I don't think ANet needs to protect us from ourselves by hiding mastery tracks. If we spend MP unwisely, that's on us to go earn more and spend them correctly the next time. It's really not that difficult to obtain them. I mostly play solo and I have everything other than raids(because I don't care about that particular content) maxed. Get out there, explore Tyria, and get some achievements done.


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> @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> The thing with Teq is you have to show up early in order to get a successful map. If you show up literally a spawn time your map will fail. Yes it means some standing around and waiting, or even running around and gathering hard wood and platinum to kill time but its a lot more useful towards your goal of capping core tyria mastery points to arrive early than coming here and complaining that TEQ JUST ISNT DONE ANYMORE. And worst case scenario it's done every night successfully at reset by SEVERAL MAPS and there's even a map that arrives as early as 1 hour prior to reset and stands around for that time and just talks crap- I would know coz I did it for several months with several other of that map's regulars. So yes, Teq is done. Now go get it.


I did Teq last night. I did not use lfg to find an instance (unusual for me). Not only that, but it was an unorganized map with no perimeter groups (boats or hills). I showed up about 3 minutes before spawn. I mentioned organising in map chat with no reply. I even said something about not seeing a failed map in a long time. Bone wall hit. Everything was pointing to a fail map. We succeeded....with time to spare. If you have tried multiple times and still have not gotten Teq, I don't know what to say...other then your either not being completely honest, or your the most unlucky Teq player ever.


Edit: quoted wrong person....but it was on this subtopic in the thread. Stupid phone. :)


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Hiding Legendary Crafting Mastery Track(s) seems no more sensible (because one doesn't care for it) than hiding Fractals Mastery Track(s) (as some players don't like Fractals). Same with any other Mastery Track, whether in Core, HoT or PoF.


OP doesn't mean really hiding. what he meant is as long as you didn't put a point in it, it won't lock you from earning shards. which I think should be the case for every single mastery not only track.


If I haven't selected any mastery to queue XP in it, it shouldn't stop me from using my XP to earn shards. I haven't been able to earn shards in HoT maps until recently because it wasn't completed and I didn't have enough points to complete them.

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> @"bobsort.4097" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Hiding Legendary Crafting Mastery Track(s) seems no more sensible (because one doesn't care for it) than hiding Fractals Mastery Track(s) (as some players don't like Fractals). Same with any other Mastery Track, whether in Core, HoT or PoF.


> OP doesn't mean really hiding. what he meant is as long as you didn't put a point in it, it won't lock you from earning shards. which I think should be the case for every single mastery not only track.


> If I haven't selected any mastery to queue XP in it, it shouldn't stop me from using my XP to earn shards. I haven't been able to earn shards in HoT maps until recently because it wasn't completed and I didn't have enough points to complete them.


I think the OP did mean hiding, just as the Raid Mastery Track is hidden. (As the title states.)

Regardless, I'm not sure what the attraction is to Spirit Shards. I, and most players, collect several just doing content in-game. Certainly more than the one completing the XP bar affords, in the time it takes to gain that much XP. Now, if there was something else offered as the reward, I might be more interested.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think the OP did mean hiding, just as the Raid Mastery Track is hidden. (As the title states.)

I didn't know it was hidden, I could see it from release of HoT, may be because I had my first and last raid mastery set from start?


> Regardless, I'm not sure what the attraction is to Spirit Shards. I, and most players, collect several just doing content in-game. Certainly more than the one completing the XP bar affords, in the time it takes to gain that much XP. Now, if there was something else offered as the reward, I might be more interested.

You could open Mystic Forge attendant's inventory and in its first page there are a few items that you could buy with shards and they are not cheap either.

Also I'm don't know any other way to gain shards other than some very rare drops from mobs. I appreciate if you could mention them too.

I'm almost certain that I earned about 1500 shard in past month only from XP doing events.


Anyway, back to main topic, I still think it is great if we can have this changed so XP goes to Mastery tracks if we activated one of them, otherwise it earn shards as usual.

I was playing in desert after last LS4 until I suddenly realized I'm not earning XP and no shards for awhile. and it was because the mastery track wasn't active and the XP bar was just sitting there empty.



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> @"bobsort.4097" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I think the OP did mean hiding, just as the Raid Mastery Track is hidden. (As the title states.)

> I didn't know it was hidden, I could see it from release of HoT, may be because I had my first and last raid mastery set from start?


> > Regardless, I'm not sure what the attraction is to Spirit Shards. I, and most players, collect several just doing content in-game. Certainly more than the one completing the XP bar affords, in the time it takes to gain that much XP. Now, if there was something else offered as the reward, I might be more interested.

> You could open Mystic Forge attendant's inventory and in its first page there are a few items that you could buy with shards and they are not cheap either.

> Also I'm don't know any other way to gain shards other than some very rare drops from mobs. I appreciate if you could mention them too.

> I'm almost certain that I earned about 1500 shard in past month only from XP doing events.


> Anyway, back to main topic, I still think it is great if we can have this changed so XP goes to Mastery tracks if we activated one of them, otherwise it earn shards as usual.

> I was playing in desert after last LS4 until I suddenly realized I'm not earning XP and no shards for awhile. and it was because the mastery track wasn't active and the XP bar was just sitting there empty.




They changed it becouse alot of people dont want to raid and shouldent be locked out of gaining spirit shards becouse they cant get 9 other people and down a boss.


Cant say the same about any of the core mastery lines since you can get all of the points solo without having to coordinate anything with other people.

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Just a word of encouragement regarding core mps, you can get it done without lw2 (You will need most if not all of the following:

Story (eww), fracs, SW, 3 World bosses)


I've already gotten all my masteries (except raid), and I was so glad when they made it hidden, but I must say i really wished (same for the ppl I know) that I could get something, anything, while getting wasted experience during all those times that I was still getting mps.


If they hid the raid mastery due to feedback, hopefully they will also modify the mastery system, and I think the simplest way, rather than hiding, would be to make a selectable experiment track for spirit shards.


If spirit shards are worthless, then why give a damn if others can now get spirit shards because unused tracks get hidden.


Doing normal content may or may not give more spirit shards, but from my game experience, that is not true.


Arguing that things have always been a certain way and therefore there is no need to consider improvements because they seem unnecessary to you, and is therefore unnecessary to everyone else, doesn't seem like a good argument.

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> @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

> just because you like to grind for grueling mastery points, doesn't mean others want to be masochists, too. anyone can complete all POF masteries in a week. contrary, Tyria masteries would take months. all points are time gated + luck (bosses), tedious (story, collections), not fitting one's style (fractals). At least fractals pay for themselves, but the legendary track is pointless sink of time and still a trap to unwary novice. The process of crafting legendaries is already time consuming and tedious, so what is the point of mastery track?





Well, nothing is stopping you from collecting the ones on the map. I just said you don't require them at all if you wanted to. Why are you so buttmad about the mastery track? You don't get spirit shards until you unlocked it all? It's a one and done type of deal. If you don't care about the crafting you will never in your life have to interact with any of it again. I've been like that too at some point. What is the point of complaining?


You do the track to unlock crafting, that's what the deal is. Why is that an issue? We've just figured out that mastery points aren't scarce in the slightest. God beware, you actually have to play the game (and youstill have 3 different ways of doing so) to unlock some of them at least. You're trying to speak for people who really limit themselves to only 1 type of content, strictly. The people who do that are so rare, I don't think I've ever met a single one of them in my 5 years.

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