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Bonus wvw xp weekends

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > Can we get weekends with double WXP?


> We can already triple our WXP gain:

> * New enrichment: 10%

> * Celebration Boost: 100%

> * XP Booster: 50%

> * WXP Booster (if you can find them): 50%


With wxp booster you cant count... its too rare :) but celebration 100% +50% xp booster +10ˇ% infusion +10% guildhall bonus :)


For sure nothing like bonus... i play mostly in weekend... but this is bad idea.... it will be like playing in work days is punishing... :D

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> A bonus on the weekend doesn't make much sense. Giving a bonus on the last couple weekdays before reset would make more sense. Population tends to be much lower on those days.




That would be ok to me.




> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > Can we get weekends with double WXP?


> We can already triple our WXP gain:

> * New enrichment: 10%

> * Celebration Boost: 100%

> * XP Booster: 50%

> * WXP Booster (if you can find them): 50%


This is the right answer.

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I've made this suggestion multiple times before. The use of the boosters is something to help attract players to wvw for a period of time. It's like in wow they use to have battleground weekends for a certain map that would earn you double honor and exp. Do the same for wvw with a wxp booster, reward track booster, magic find booster etc, a different one every week.


The suggestion for using it in the last days of a match winding down(basically wed-reset) to help get some numbers in there is a good one.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Most people don't have those boosters,


* New enrichment: 10% — available to everyone

* Celebration Boost: 100% — passed out to everyone via login rewards (1x/month), and birthdays

* XP Booster: 50%, drops from achievement chests, level up rewards, and (a variation of it) from Box of Educational Supplies

* WXP Booster (if you can find them): 50%, drops and is applied automatically from Box of WvW Supplies, and rank up chests


In other words, anyone who wants them, can have them.


> double wxp weekend would be free

I get that all humans wants something-for-nothing. I just don't see how this materially improves the game.


> and in the spirit of gw1.

Not really. GW1 had them because they didn't have any other way of helping folks progress all the incredibly-grindy reputation tracks: kurz|luxon, dwarf|norn|asura|ebon, sunspear|lightbringer. GW2 already has all sorts of boosters.


> Also, wvw is fairly dead lately

How would this help? WvW is played by diehards, tryhards, and the occasional person looking for a gift of battle. Diehards aren't going to play any more than they do, the gift of battle people aren't largely going to wait just for one reward track that is barely affected by this, and the tryhards are simply going to hold back for bonus weekends.


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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Most people don't have those boosters, double wxp weekend would be free and in the spirit of gw1. Also, wvw is fairly dead lately


um...most do. And lol @ wvw being dead. Sorry there isn't que on every map for you but generally that is a good thing for people who prefer to actually pvp in wvw.

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We have already enough boosters, as it is. Celebration boosters, etc, as Illconceived mentioned. I distinctly remember OP suggesting ANET should include WXP obtainable via the gemstore, as well...


Guild hall bonus - 10% for free

New enrichment: 10% 5 laurels

Celebration Boost: 100% — login, birthdays

XP Booster: 50%, easily to come by (also via candy corn gobbler)

That is an 170% increase. I am pretty sure it is a LOT.


If we were to add an additional 25% outnumbered buff and 10% guild aura, it is 200%ish. We can all agree extra XP weekends may a bit exaggerated...

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> I've made this suggestion multiple times before. The use of the boosters is something to help attract players to wvw for a period of time. It's like in wow they use to have battleground weekends for a certain map that would earn you double honor and exp. Do the same for wvw with a wxp booster, reward track booster, magic find booster etc, a different one every week.


> The suggestion for using it in the last days of a match winding down(basically wed-reset) to help get some numbers in there is a good one.


As a special week event, I'd be on board. I just don't like the idea of permanent.


Like maybe the last weekend or last couple of days every link period. That way people would know it's coming.,

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I think that people who arent for wxp increases or encouraging new players, just simply enjoy having high ranks and want nobody else to attain them. Thats what I think..


Or those new players could work towards the shinies they want to get and earn them like everyone else, instead of constantly asking for free or p2w stuff?

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I think that people who arent for wxp increases or encouraging new players, just simply enjoy having high ranks and want nobody else to attain them. Thats what I think..


I certainly don't have a high rank. I just don't think it's needed in the game, because, again, we can already triple the amount of WXP we earn without it.

I'm not "against" it; I'm in favor of ANet spending its resources on other things.

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My two cents:

• More wxp for killing enemy players.

• More wxp and better drops for papering T3 structures, or base it off the number of successful defend events the enemy team has before you're able to take the structure. i.e. more rewards for more time investment, kill the karma training.

• A return of that wxp-oriented booster for people who _really_ need the extra kick.

• Lower wxp requirements for rank 1->1,000.


~ Kovu

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I think that people who arent for wxp increases or encouraging new players, just simply enjoy having high ranks and want nobody else to attain them. Thats what I think..


How do you think people with high ranks got there? Do you believe that everyone had it easy, ktrained eotm or bought wxp with laurels and gained 100 ranks a day? Because not everyone did, but one way or another everyone that is above whatever the sacred "low" rank is, spent sometimes years farming their rank and most of that time with little to none of the boosters that are available today. I fail to see how in-ability or unwillingless of new players to do the same is the fault of players that have already been there.

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