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WvW Commanders rule: no Ranger, Druid, Dragonhunter, Scrapper, etc

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Some of you are just not getting it. You dont have to be in a squad or follow a commander to function. You can still play wvw whether you follow or not follow the commander in or outside of squad. I play ranger, mes all the time and if I'm in a squad great if not I still follow the zerg and do what I think I should be doing.

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May as well ask for some clarification on mechanics here since it's tangentially related. When *not* in a squad and performing a support type role (eg. giving boons to 5 nearby allies), is it just based on the 5 nearest or does it take any other factors into consideration, eg. the targets' squadedness or lack thereof, or prioritising people without boons over people with them? I had always assumed healing prioritised those who were damaged for example but never thought to check how (like does amount of damage taken get factored in when deciding targets, or only a binary damaged/undamaged state, or not even that?).

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> @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> May as well ask for some clarification on mechanics here since it's tangentially related. When *not* in a squad and performing a support type role (eg. giving boons to 5 nearby allies), is it just based on the 5 nearest or does it take any other factors into consideration, eg. the targets' squadedness or lack thereof, or prioritising people without boons over people with them? I had always assumed healing prioritised those who were damaged for example but never thought to check how (like does amount of damage taken get factored in when deciding targets, or only a binary damaged/undamaged state, or not even that?).


Boon distribution priority

Boons that are given to other players are distributed in the following order based on proximity:




Allied players (Players not within your party/squad)

Your kennel (Pets, minions, illusions)

Allied players’ kennels

All other allies (such as NPCs)


per the wiki,


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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I wouldn't want to join a group that regimented. There must be groups for people who want to enjoy the game. If not, drop wvw. We don't buy a video game to grimly execute commands. We do it to have fun.


For some people synergistic structured group play is fun. If that isnt what one is looking for then one should not join that group.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> > May as well ask for some clarification on mechanics here since it's tangentially related. When *not* in a squad and performing a support type role (eg. giving boons to 5 nearby allies), is it just based on the 5 nearest or does it take any other factors into consideration, eg. the targets' squadedness or lack thereof, or prioritising people without boons over people with them? I had always assumed healing prioritised those who were damaged for example but never thought to check how (like does amount of damage taken get factored in when deciding targets, or only a binary damaged/undamaged state, or not even that?).


> Boon distribution priority

> Boons that are given to other players are distributed in the following order based on proximity:


> Party/Subgroup

> Squad

> Allied players (Players not within your party/squad)

> Your kennel (Pets, minions, illusions)

> Allied players’ kennels

> All other allies (such as NPCs)


> per the wiki,

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Boon


So is it only when proximity is equal that this priority list comes into play then? It never skips over one closer target in favour of a higher priority target further away? I can't figure out how to phrase the specific question, when it says "based on proximity", to what extent is proximity factored in?

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> @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> > > May as well ask for some clarification on mechanics here since it's tangentially related. When *not* in a squad and performing a support type role (eg. giving boons to 5 nearby allies), is it just based on the 5 nearest or does it take any other factors into consideration, eg. the targets' squadedness or lack thereof, or prioritising people without boons over people with them? I had always assumed healing prioritised those who were damaged for example but never thought to check how (like does amount of damage taken get factored in when deciding targets, or only a binary damaged/undamaged state, or not even that?).

> >

> > Boon distribution priority

> > Boons that are given to other players are distributed in the following order based on proximity:

> >

> > Party/Subgroup

> > Squad

> > Allied players (Players not within your party/squad)

> > Your kennel (Pets, minions, illusions)

> > Allied players’ kennels

> > All other allies (such as NPCs)

> >

> > per the wiki,

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Boon


> So is it only when proximity is equal that this priority list comes into play then? It never skips over one closer target in favour of a higher priority target further away? I can't figure out how to phrase the specific question, when it says "based on proximity", to what extent is proximity factored in?


I believe the above order applies as long as the targets are in range of the skill, etc. which applies the boon. Thus, if 5 party members are all in range, they get the boon even if an allied player, say, is closer. If there are not enough of the highest priority targets in range, then the game checks for the next priority, and so on, until the maximum number of targets benefits.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > > @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> > > > May as well ask for some clarification on mechanics here since it's tangentially related. When *not* in a squad and performing a support type role (eg. giving boons to 5 nearby allies), is it just based on the 5 nearest or does it take any other factors into consideration, eg. the targets' squadedness or lack thereof, or prioritising people without boons over people with them? I had always assumed healing prioritised those who were damaged for example but never thought to check how (like does amount of damage taken get factored in when deciding targets, or only a binary damaged/undamaged state, or not even that?).

> > >

> > > Boon distribution priority

> > > Boons that are given to other players are distributed in the following order based on proximity:

> > >

> > > Party/Subgroup

> > > Squad

> > > Allied players (Players not within your party/squad)

> > > Your kennel (Pets, minions, illusions)

> > > Allied players’ kennels

> > > All other allies (such as NPCs)

> > >

> > > per the wiki,

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Boon

> >

> > So is it only when proximity is equal that this priority list comes into play then? It never skips over one closer target in favour of a higher priority target further away? I can't figure out how to phrase the specific question, when it says "based on proximity", to what extent is proximity factored in?


> I believe the above order applies as long as the targets are in range of the skill, etc. which applies the boon. Thus, if 5 party members are all in range, they get the boon even if an allied player, say, is closer. If there are not enough of the highest priority targets in range, then the game checks for the next priority, and so on, until the maximum number of targets benefits.


Ah ok, thanks for the clarification then. =)

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> @"Avelione.6075" said:

> It's been bugging me for a while now. GW2 is a social game but do commanders have right to tell people which profession should they play?? I'm a semi-casual player though many times I get pretty good in WvW and PvP.

> And in WvW some of the commanders just straightforward tell you that they don't want this and that class. Which I think is unfair because from my point of view is like... **I paid for/chose this game and I play as I please.** I'd rather look for a different commander than play with someone who tells me which character I should play. I'm "lucky" enough that I have all the professions playable (but 4-5 of them are my mains). What about people who have no such profession?? It sucks!


> If a commander wishes to have only certain professions in his/hers squad, he/she should organize a squad from their guild/friends, etc that would go for their rules.



> (Or commanders stop being so picky ;p)


1. **They also paid for the game, and they can play as they please**. It's not a one way street here, players are not here just to serve you.

2. They paid for the commander tag which allows them to run the squad open or closed, tag or tagless.

3. They can call the shots on who they would like in that squad, just like players have the option on who they want to allow or disallow for their groups and guilds and raids. What gives you the right to force yourself into their squad or for that matter any group?

4. You also have the option to get your own tag and run your squad however you want.

5. Wvw has a meta of classes to run in group play as deemed by the wvw community and created by anet. Some classes are good for support, some are good for aoe damage, some are good for utility, some are good for loner roaming, not every class will fit in every area of the game. The classes you listed ranger, druid, dragonhunter, scrapper are mostly loner specs, they barely contribute to group play and in the case of druid they are outdone by the other support specs, namely firebrand which is the current top support spec to run. Find a group friendly class and play that when you want to zerg.

6. You don't need a squad to follow a commander, you don't need shared boons unless you're running on top of the commander all times, like a melee class.

7. Play whatever you want to play, find the commanders who are more accommodating and move on, people play the game however they want with whomever they want, there's no technical solution around that.

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For the newer players that may only have one character; utilize the social aspect of the game to your advantage. Join and be active in coms, whatever that may be. Develop a repoire with a commander or group. The main intent is still to have fun and if you're actively participating, asking questions, joking around, scouting, making calls w/e it is more likely to be able to get a squad invite as well as potentially learning some things, making new friends and/or finding a new guild which makes the whole experience more enjoyable for everyone.

It is a lot easier to squad kick a random that you have no idea who they are, and that never says anything, then the guy that truly wants to learn and improve asking questions.

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I have run a Ranger since the beginning of my time in GW2 almost. Started with Mesmer. Over the years I've become a damn nasty Ranger/Soulbeast while roaming etc.


I will run this class when I feel like sniping along behind a zerg or roaming, but after actually running WITH an organized well built fight group for a while it's very obvious that my Ranger, regardless of how good I think I am, has no place in our WvW raids when we're fighting other groups. You can bring 50 Rangers against our fight group of 20-30 and you will all die fast. That's how it is when you have a fight group that's organized and trained well.


As many people have noted here, if you want to run Ranger, Thief, etc that provides no real support to a zerg then go ahead and follow along and don't expect to be invited in most of the time. If it's a pug-commander (like I am at times) then everyone is welcome to the disorganized fun.


Until you have actually played a number of different support classes in an organized group and understand truly how they work you will never understand what the people are saying here. I will never invite myself into a squad that's running when I'm on my Soulbeast but I will accept an invite if it's sent. I will snipe and scout etc. but if I want to JOIN the group and help then I get on my Spellbreaker, Firebrand, or Scourge and GIVE support as well as damage!

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> @"No One.3716" said:

> For the newer players that may only have one character; utilize the social aspect of the game to your advantage. Join and be active in coms, whatever that may be. Develop a repoire with a commander or group. The main intent is still to have fun and if you're actively participating, asking questions, joking around, scouting, making calls w/e it is more likely to be able to get a squad invite as well as potentially learning some things, making new friends and/or finding a new guild which makes the whole experience more enjoyable for everyone.

> It is a lot easier to squad kick a random that you have no idea who they are, and that never says anything, then the guy that truly wants to learn and improve asking questions.


Bang on! Totally agree with all you've said above... as well...A scout is super valuable.. you can even get shared participation regardless of your class if you volunteer to scout.

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As someone who doesn't join or pay attention to the tag the majority of the time, life seems so much simpler.


If you want to be a zergling, and join a zergling tag, then why the kitten wouldn't you play a zergling class? Rangers, scrappers etc. aren't good for zerging. Never have been.


If you're going to play those classes in WvW, build a bridge, get over it, and learn to roam. It turns out they're pretty good at that.

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> @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > If a Commander is running a squad, they do have the right to tell people to switch to a different class; it's their tag and their squad, so they get to make the rules, as long as they're not verbally harassing anyone. However, that player also has a right to not play in that Commander's squad and either join a new squad or just run along with the squad, without actually being IN the squad. No "technical solution" is needed here.


> Ok.. what about commanders that don't run a squad and just tell you they don't want you in whatever group is following them? I've seen this happening many times too.


> And about verbal harassing. They way some of them tell you not to play this or that class sound quite often like semi- harassment. I mean, what kind of atmosphere and message it sends to you if your fav profession is unwanted? I think it's a bigger problem than just "your squad, your rules", especially if commanders make these rules when not having any squad.

> And many commanders somehow is able to run in the game with whatever people follow the tag and they have no problem with commanding. So what does this say about some commanders?


They have the right to define their squad any way they please. Outside of that, you get to choose your style of play, no one can tell you different. If they are indeed harassing you, as Anet defines it, then you should report it to Anet.

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> @"Midnight.7526" said:

> > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > If a Commander is running a squad, they do have the right to tell people to switch to a different class; it's their tag and their squad, so they get to make the rules, as long as they're not verbally harassing anyone. However, that player also has a right to not play in that Commander's squad and either join a new squad or just run along with the squad, without actually being IN the squad. No "technical solution" is needed here.

> >

> > Ok.. what about commanders that don't run a squad and just tell you they don't want you in whatever group is following them? I've seen this happening many times too.

> >

> > And about verbal harassing. They way some of them tell you not to play this or that class sound quite often like semi- harassment. I mean, what kind of atmosphere and message it sends to you if your fav profession is unwanted? I think it's a bigger problem than just "your squad, your rules", especially if commanders make these rules when not having any squad.

> > And many commanders somehow is able to run in the game with whatever people follow the tag and they have no problem with commanding. So what does this say about some commanders?


> They have the right to define their squad any way they please. Outside of that, you get to choose your style of play, no one can tell you different. If they are indeed harassing you, as Anet defines it, then you should report it to Anet.


Getting kicked from squad for playing a non blob clas, is harassment now?

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Midnight.7526" said:

> > > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > If a Commander is running a squad, they do have the right to tell people to switch to a different class; it's their tag and their squad, so they get to make the rules, as long as they're not verbally harassing anyone. However, that player also has a right to not play in that Commander's squad and either join a new squad or just run along with the squad, without actually being IN the squad. No "technical solution" is needed here.

> > >

> > > Ok.. what about commanders that don't run a squad and just tell you they don't want you in whatever group is following them? I've seen this happening many times too.

> > >

> > > And about verbal harassing. They way some of them tell you not to play this or that class sound quite often like semi- harassment. I mean, what kind of atmosphere and message it sends to you if your fav profession is unwanted? I think it's a bigger problem than just "your squad, your rules", especially if commanders make these rules when not having any squad.

> > > And many commanders somehow is able to run in the game with whatever people follow the tag and they have no problem with commanding. So what does this say about some commanders?

> >

> > They have the right to define their squad any way they please. Outside of that, you get to choose your style of play, no one can tell you different. If they are indeed harassing you, as Anet defines it, then you should report it to Anet.


> Getting kicked from squad for playing a non blob clas, is harassment now?


Midnight didn't say that getting kicked for playing a "non blob class" is harassment. They said that, if the Commander is doing something that qualifies as harassment in Anet's terms, then it should be reported.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Midnight.7526" said:

> > > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > If a Commander is running a squad, they do have the right to tell people to switch to a different class; it's their tag and their squad, so they get to make the rules, as long as they're not verbally harassing anyone. However, that player also has a right to not play in that Commander's squad and either join a new squad or just run along with the squad, without actually being IN the squad. No "technical solution" is needed here.

> > >

> > > Ok.. what about commanders that don't run a squad and just tell you they don't want you in whatever group is following them? I've seen this happening many times too.

> > >

> > > And about verbal harassing. They way some of them tell you not to play this or that class sound quite often like semi- harassment. I mean, what kind of atmosphere and message it sends to you if your fav profession is unwanted? I think it's a bigger problem than just "your squad, your rules", especially if commanders make these rules when not having any squad.

> > > And many commanders somehow is able to run in the game with whatever people follow the tag and they have no problem with commanding. So what does this say about some commanders?

> >

> > They have the right to define their squad any way they please. Outside of that, you get to choose your style of play, no one can tell you different. If they are indeed harassing you, as Anet defines it, then you should report it to Anet.


> Getting kicked from squad for playing a non blob clas, is harassment now?


That is not what he said.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Midnight.7526" said:

> > > > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > > If a Commander is running a squad, they do have the right to tell people to switch to a different class; it's their tag and their squad, so they get to make the rules, as long as they're not verbally harassing anyone. However, that player also has a right to not play in that Commander's squad and either join a new squad or just run along with the squad, without actually being IN the squad. No "technical solution" is needed here.

> > > >

> > > > Ok.. what about commanders that don't run a squad and just tell you they don't want you in whatever group is following them? I've seen this happening many times too.

> > > >

> > > > And about verbal harassing. They way some of them tell you not to play this or that class sound quite often like semi- harassment. I mean, what kind of atmosphere and message it sends to you if your fav profession is unwanted? I think it's a bigger problem than just "your squad, your rules", especially if commanders make these rules when not having any squad.

> > > > And many commanders somehow is able to run in the game with whatever people follow the tag and they have no problem with commanding. So what does this say about some commanders?

> > >

> > > They have the right to define their squad any way they please. Outside of that, you get to choose your style of play, no one can tell you different. If they are indeed harassing you, as Anet defines it, then you should report it to Anet.

> >

> > Getting kicked from squad for playing a non blob clas, is harassment now?


> Midnight didn't say that getting kicked for playing a "non blob class" is harassment. They said that, if the Commander is doing something that qualifies as harassment in Anet's terms, then it should be reported.


OH, my bad, I misread

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Commanders are the owners of the squad. Their squad, their rules. They may be in a situation where what they have access to isn't capable of taking on their opposition. If you want to make the rules, start commanding. The moment you implement a technical solution that strips people the ability to form their groups the way they please or even need, then they can use this exact same argument against you.

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Wvw has become a 2 to 4 class game 2 classes war (spell braker) and mez are not as needed as the core scorge and fire brain. Sadly ele has fallen out of the meta as well it has its moments as a weaver but sadly scorge has come to better over all dmg both power and condi there just no competing.


Wvw dose not seem to be getting any real fixes any time soon the last skill split did next to nothing to fix the major balancing problems.


Forgot about rev though i think even that kind of falling out of the meta to some point scorge is really that dominating.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Wvw has become a 2 to 4 class game 2 classes war (spell braker) and mez are not as needed as the core scorge and fire brain.


Those damned scorges, firebrains, and spellbrakers! So much more OP than relevants, seoulbests and halosmites.


Anyway, its incorrect.


Zerging is still GRN meta with a sentimental touch of warrior (easily replaced by another guardian) and a few circumstantials like a dps ele (easily replaced by another necro). Its not really a 2 to 4 class game, its a 3 class game and randoms. Been so since HoT.

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> @"Famine.7915" said:

> Commanders are the owners of the squad. Their squad, their rules. They may be in a situation where what they have access to isn't capable of taking on their opposition. If you want to make the rules, start commanding. The moment you implement a technical solution that strips people the ability to form their groups the way they please or even need, then they can use this exact same argument against you.


They should just make all squads open, then nobody has any issues. I mean if they are rude in squad, no need to kick just block and report.


What kind of commander can you be if you refuse to lead everyone who wants to be part of the open world content that is wvw while enjoying the benefits of a squad.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Famine.7915" said:

> > Commanders are the owners of the squad. Their squad, their rules. They may be in a situation where what they have access to isn't capable of taking on their opposition. If you want to make the rules, start commanding. The moment you implement a technical solution that strips people the ability to form their groups the way they please or even need, then they can use this exact same argument against you.


> They should just make all squads open, then nobody has any issues. I mean if they are rude in squad, no need to kick just block and report.


> What kind of commander can you be if you refuse to lead everyone who wants to be part of the open world content that is wvw while enjoying the benefits of a squad.


At this point, I (and many others probably) think you are trolling.

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