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Which class along with their respective Elites do you not like fighting?


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As per request:

> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> You should redo this poll. have it something like "which profession do you hate fighting" and then list every profession.

> This poll right now, you could swap mesmer for any profession and "NO" would still always win.


I'm making a poll with all the classes listed. I'm only listing core classes, so the options obviously include their Elite Specs aswell.

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Nothing to do with relative power levels or balance, but I've always found fighting warrior to be pretty boring.


Edit - honestly no offence to any warrior players. Got plenty of respect for them. I'm just a magpie that likes flashy visual effects, animations and fancy gameplay.

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Mesmer is going to dominate this poll, rightfully so. Though as a condi mirage main I'm about the only thing than can reliably 1v1 the Chrono bunker build that's dominating the game right now so I don't really find that match up that bad. Just really annoying.


Thief in general isn't bad but I hate having to play against steal, which is about the worst thing anything in the game can hit you with when you're a mesmer. Most thieves will spam it as soon as they're in range and have line of sight, but when you're out of gold they're generally better than that and there's very little defense against it aside from climbing up on terrain they can't port to. It's even more unfun to play against than it used to be because so many thieves run the trait which recharges the cooldown on steal so there's always a 2nd one you have to dodge in addition to that.


I'd love to see steal have a cast animation similar to revenant's Unrelenting Assault anticipation frame. I wouldn't mind upping the power of steal to compensate. I just dislike instant cast stuff like Steal and Jaunt and feel more skills should try to be like Holosmith and Spellbreaker with obvious tells and anticipation frames.

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Hard time to decide between ranger, guard and warrior. Picked ranger because i don't like them no matter what build they run. Guard on place 2 because as support fb he is only strong with scourge not as himself but all power builds are like for dummies, ez and forgiving to play no matter how usefull they actually are in conquest. Warrior also ez and forgiving.


Ofc scourge is that braindead even good necro mains hate to play it and chrono meta is just stupidly strong and forgiving but mesmer is never one of the easy classes in general when not stupidly op and for necro other builds are not as braindead as scourge, although not the hardest for duels too but you at least need to know how to kite when getting focused, that is why i didn't choose mesmer or necro although both have the most hated metabuilds atm.

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Mesmer can have 5 illusions out at a time, making this game's already poor visual clarity even worse, and then even if you do manage to see through all the visual junk and always quickly target the real mesmer after every single target break and teleport, it's still the strongest fighter. And then on top of that, a well played mesmer you can't really kill, only make them disengage.

Also portal.

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I go with warrior just because I run an interrupt build where my main form of defence is blind and large part of my damage is from interrupts which make them a pain to fight. Not because you can’t win but because a decent one will not have to worry about my damage for long periods of time so it’s better to do something else for a while.


Second would be holo, third would be meta mes but I find most people on meta mes I’ve found don’t have a clue how to play the build and 3 easy interrupts on the phantasms shut it down hard.

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A really good thief is the WORST but there aren't that many of those (and a poorly played thief is free kills) ... so I picked Mesmer. They really have no "downside" when it comes to traditional "game design" theory. Great damage, great mobility, great defense, etc etc etc.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Mesmer is going to dominate this poll, rightfully so. Though as a condi mirage main I'm about the only thing than can reliably 1v1 the Chrono bunker build that's dominating the game right now so I don't really find that match up that bad. Just really annoying.


> Thief in general isn't bad but I hate having to play against steal, which is about the worst thing anything in the game can hit you with when you're a mesmer. Most thieves will spam it as soon as they're in range and have line of sight, but when you're out of gold they're generally better than that and there's very little defense against it aside from climbing up on terrain they can't port to. It's even more unfun to play against than it used to be because so many thieves run the trait which recharges the cooldown on steal so there's always a 2nd one you have to dodge in addition to that.


> I'd love to see steal have a cast animation similar to revenant's Unrelenting Assault anticipation frame. I wouldn't mind upping the power of steal to compensate. I just dislike instant cast stuff like Steal and Jaunt and feel more skills should try to be like Holosmith and Spellbreaker with obvious tells and anticipation frames.


There's a few builds that counter the Mesmer meta atm but not a lot of people wanna invest their time into figuring it out... This is why I can't wait for the nerf though, once that build is gone people will start to realize they dropped one OP build for something even worse to fight against.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> It's obviously going to be overwhelmingly Mesmer, so ignoring the elephant in the room to talk about something less obnoxious...


> Engie. Your double mini elixirs - to - stealth - to - turret - to - reset fight.


> Stop it.


> _Stop._


There's also Overheat to A.E.D.... like wut.

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Warrior. There's a large amount of passive things to deal with when fighting a Warrior that makes it all so very tedious to play against. Having a Warrior just going mental at you the whole of a fight because so much of their sustain is "slot and go" just means it's not a very satisfying encounter, even if you win.

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