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Build Template Request [Merged]

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Even if it's not to share with other people but to keep track for our own usage, a simple "Build Clipboard" would do the trick.


My main issue is to question whether your build has anything to do with your weapon/stats or armor/stats. It could get pretty messy if you needed to keep track of every set of armor and weapon you used with each build.


Start simple and if it works, build on what works.


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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> Just use arcdps build templates, they are pretty good. The time limitations they have for the modes you quoted were added because of a dev request, since they could give and unfair advantage otherwise.


Arcdps is a band-aid solution, it loses its information every patch and causes crashes a lot. It's really not a good solution and more of a hack. We should have build templates by now, it's been consistently requested for 6+ years now, and even before launch. It has never /not/ been a highly desired feature.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I don't understand why ANet doesn't implement this into the game.

> If it's really the case the build templates are 1-3 years out... and that each year when they reevaluate, it's still 1-3 years, then why not implement some "in the meantime" not-build-template work-arounds.

My personal guess is that the code foundation might not have aged well. In worst case it is a poorly documented, monolithic block no active dev is still really familiar with. That could cause adding new functions or optimizing to be quite expensive.

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> @"Plok.5873" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I don't understand why ANet doesn't implement this into the game.

> > If it's really the case the build templates are 1-3 years out... and that each year when they reevaluate, it's still 1-3 years, then why not implement some "in the meantime" not-build-template work-arounds.

> My personal guess is that the code foundation might not have aged well. In worst case it is a poorly documented, monolithic block no active dev is still really familiar with. That could cause adding new functions or optimizing to be quite expensive.


Adding build templates would be new functionality in the way that concerns you. Maybe it's a problem in this case, maybe not.

Regardless, the existing API can already show current builds used on each account and gw2skillsnet has show saving them as a snapshot is just a URL (or chat code-type text) away. Even the ability to record that for use externally later would be useful and requires much less effort than a comprehensive solution to build saving and load outs.

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Sadly it was something completely overlooked in the earlier stages of development that they simply can't add in. I don't know why games like to state you can switch around often, but make it a complete hassle to do so. Even games managed Koreans that have very little variance in character game play customization have easy ways to swap builds.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> It's still on the table. And it seems it will probably remain there till they'll shut the doors.


> (in short: they acknowledge it's something players want, it's something they'd like to do, but they do not have enough manpower to do it, so barring some major changes to game engine, we'll probably never see it)


I doubt manpower is an issue when the third party programmer on arcdps is able to generate similar results on the game. Stress test may show some issues since not many dare use it when looking at whole gw2 population, but the general system is already there for ANet to use.

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> @"shippage.1983" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > Just use arcdps build templates, they are pretty good. The time limitations they have for the modes you quoted were added because of a dev request, since they could give and unfair advantage otherwise.


> Arcdps is a band-aid solution, it loses its information every patch and causes crashes a lot. It's really not a good solution and more of a hack. We should have build templates by now, it's been consistently requested for 6+ years now, and even before launch. It has never /not/ been a highly desired feature.


I have used it since a couple weeks after it got released and have never crashed because of it, I keep it up to date always though.


As for the "It has been requested for X amount of years" typical argument you'd imagine there's something coding wise that hasn't made it possible yet.

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We already have build templates in the game... just move between PVE, PVP and WVW and your skills/traits will change. The game does save three different builds (excluding items) for your characters, for the three different game modes. What we need is an expansion to that system that allows us to save/load multiple templates in all game modes. The code is there, the mechanic is there, it's automatic and really fast. What we need is a UI for it.

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > It's still on the table. And it seems it will probably remain there till they'll shut the doors.

> >

> > (in short: they acknowledge it's something players want, it's something they'd like to do, but they do not have enough manpower to do it, so barring some major changes to game engine, we'll probably never see it)


> I doubt manpower is an issue when the third party programmer on arcdps is able to generate similar results on the game. Stress test may show some issues since not many dare use it when looking at whole gw2 population, but the general system is already there for ANet to use.


There's a big difference between a solid foundation code and duct-tape type solution (and Arc, while still a really good job, is very much in the second category). Delta can afford to ship code with known (and unknown) issues in it, but Anet can't.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> We already have build templates in the game... just move between PVE, PVP and WVW and your skills/traits will change. The game does save three different builds (excluding items) for your characters, for the three different game modes. What we need is an expansion to that system that allows us to save/load multiple templates in all game modes. The code is there, the mechanic is there, it's automatic and really fast. What we need is a UI for it.

From what i remember they said they don't want to ship only half a system (skill/trait loadouts only), and it's the second part (gear) they had major trouble with.


Personally i do not agree (even skill/trait templates would be great), but i do understand their position.


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No idea why people refuse to use ArcBuilds. I've had build templates working really nicely for the better part of a year. Never lost any gear, my templates have always been saved (you don't have to remake them with every patch unlike what someone here said). You don't even have to update every patch, only major patches require it really, and it's as simple as dragging a .dll file.

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This might sound weird ... but your character slots are the build templates ... I'm all for build templates and I want them as much as the next guy but I'm willing to bet that unless Anet can find a way to monetize them, it won't happen (it's probably too much work to offer it as a free feature). I've simply been rolling new characters for built templates; it's just as fast to log into a new character as it is to swap out all my traits/gear.


As for 3rd party build templates or any software ... use at your own risk. It was only within the last year people got stung using 3rd party software ... and SUPRISE ... many of them claim they were only using the 'approved' ones :astonished: . Regardless of what you hear, the risk is YOURS to run these things and it's Anet's prerogative to do what they will with accounts that use them.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> From what i remember they said they don't want to ship only half a system (skill/trait loadouts only), and it's the second part (gear) they had major trouble with.


True but even in Guild Wars 1 items and skills/traits were separate systems, they could do two separate systems and give us skills/traits in one and gear in the other.


This is the most comprehensive build template discussion I've found



edit: it's from... 2014 oh my

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  • 1 month later...

Still no option to save build templates... GW1 has em but yet GW2 doese not. There are 3 roles I can play on my character that are always looked out for and wanted in Raid, Fractals, WvW and PvE, but I lose will to switch builds and on top of all my armor/rune/sigil/infusions on my full legendary armor/trinkets and weapons I grind'ed for and switching it back and forth. I think majority of players have been asking for this for so long now. Please Anet get this going.

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Considering they could be selling it in the form of additional equipment/wardrobe/build tabs, it's probably either too difficult to implement, or not worth it. Build templates alone would have a very low priority, since it's not something most people would really use. GW1 had it because you were expected to regularly change your build, whereas GW2 wanted you to make a hard choice, hence the original cost to change your traits.

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  • 2 months later...

If we get a new elite spec with a new expansions, i cant express how important it would be to save your gear/traits so you dont have to go and select each trait every time. I cant remember this stuff on all my classes ! I think half of my gameplay is switching gear between dps and druid. :( Will they EVER add something like this?

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Do you want PvP amulets in PvE, cause that's how you get PvP amulets in PvE.


Think about it, PvP is the only area where ANet has even put in the barest HINT of a build template system. And people have been asking for 6 years. If it was ever going to happen it would have by now.


But would you like a shiny new griffon skin? They can do that!

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> Do you want PvP amulets in PvE, cause that's how you get PvP amulets in PvE.


> Think about it, PvP is the only area where ANet has even put in the barest HINT of a build template system. And people have been asking for 6 years. If it was ever going to happen it would have by now.


> But would you like a shiny new griffon skin? They can do that!


They are releasing thing we want for a little while, it took some time but at least they released it, now let's pray they hurry up with the pve build templates!!!

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