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A-Net where are the rest of the HoT currency nodes?

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> If you're asking about Noxious Pods, a lot of people have been asking for the same thing, including me.


No I am asking about the airship parts, and layline crystals. But yes the noxious pods would be nice too. I would like to know why A-Net did not make nodes for them?

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:


> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > If you're asking about Noxious Pods, a lot of people have been asking for the same thing, including me.


> No I am asking about the airship parts, and layline crystals. But yes the noxious pods would be nice too. I would like to know why A-Net did not make nodes for them?


they do have nodes.

only crystaline ore has no home node

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yes to this so much, I'm not a huge fan of many of the later map metas but seem to find myself needing this or that which require some of these currencies. Such nodes wouldn't diminish the merit to doing said metas, but for those of us who don't like them we would have a way to passively gather them at a slower rate after an initial investment of time/money.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> No I am asking about the airship parts, and layline crystals. But yes the noxious pods would be nice too. I would like to know why A-Net did not make nodes for them?


My question is: why is there an aurillium node? if there wasn't, people wouldn't expect to see an airship part or leyline crystal node.

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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> >

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > If you're asking about Noxious Pods, a lot of people have been asking for the same thing, including me.

> >

> > No I am asking about the airship parts, and layline crystals. But yes the noxious pods would be nice too. I would like to know why A-Net did not make nodes for them?


> they do have nodes.

> only crystaline ore has no home node


No there is no Layline crystal node or airship parts node. Only the Aurillium node.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > >

> > > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > > If you're asking about Noxious Pods, a lot of people have been asking for the same thing, including me.

> > >

> > > No I am asking about the airship parts, and layline crystals. But yes the noxious pods would be nice too. I would like to know why A-Net did not make nodes for them?

> >

> > they do have nodes.

> > only crystaline ore has no home node


> No there is no Layline crystal node or airship parts node. Only the Aurillium node.


The airship cargo gives airship parts and can be purchased in verdant brink, the leyline crystals can be gathered from the Crystalized Supply Cache, Which you can purchase in tangled depths.


I have both of these nodes, I can send you a screen shot of them if it’s necissary, they’re also on the wiki on thishttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_instance page under Vendor Upgrades.


The only HoTs node that isn’t in the game yet is the Noxious Pods, which I feel like should be remedied.

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I'm just thinking about the forum threads...


"Well, I just planted my NP node and by the Six it's expensive to use it. Nerf the price of machetes!"


(That said, compared to the keys for the other HoT vendor node types(1), machetes *are* expensive.)


(1) The Aurillium node is not a vendor node. The AB vendor node is the Exalted Chest.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:


> The airship cargo gives airship parts and can be purchased in verdant brink, the leyline crystals can be gathered from the Crystalized Supply Cache, Which you can purchase in tangled depths.


> I have both of these nodes, I can send you a screen shot of them if it’s necissary, they’re also on the wiki on thishttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_instance page under Vendor Upgrades.


> The only HoTs node that isn’t in the game yet is the Noxious Pods, which I feel like should be remedied.

The OP is aking for missing NODES wich require a TOOL to gather some HoT map currencies, like the Difluorite Crystals Nodes or the Orrian Oysters, you are talking about CHEST wich require a KEY or a CONSUMABLES to be opened (and wich have a chance to give randomly amounts of the relative map currency, and also different goods and equipments) likes the silverwastes' Bandit Chests or the Dry Top's Buried Locked Chests. Different things. He wants something like an "Aiship Wreckage" and a "Ley-Line Crystal node" to mining for only Airship parts and Ley Line Crystals. He wants some coherence. In fact in your home instance u can have both the Aurillium NODE and the Exalted CHEST related to Auric Basin, but only the Crystallized Supply Caches (CHEST) for Tangled Depths, and the Airship Cargo (CHEST) for Verdant Brink. Clear now?

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > > >

> > > > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > > > If you're asking about Noxious Pods, a lot of people have been asking for the same thing, including me.

> > > >

> > > > No I am asking about the airship parts, and layline crystals. But yes the noxious pods would be nice too. I would like to know why A-Net did not make nodes for them?

> > >

> > > they do have nodes.

> > > only crystaline ore has no home node

> >

> > No there is no Layline crystal node or airship parts node. Only the Aurillium node.


> The airship cargo gives airship parts and can be purchased in verdant brink, the leyline crystals can be gathered from the Crystalized Supply Cache, Which you can purchase in tangled depths.


> I have both of these nodes, I can send you a screen shot of them if it’s necissary, they’re also on the wiki on thishttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_instance page under Vendor Upgrades.


> The only HoTs node that isn’t in the game yet is the Noxious Pods, which I feel like should be remedied.


Those are chests not mining nodes.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Aurillium makes sense as a node while the other two don’t.


I don't see how they don't make sense when we all ready have things like a sprocket node and a quartz crystal node. The airship parts could be like the sprocket node and the layline crystals......well that is just a crystal why not mine it with a pick.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Aurillium makes sense as a node while the other two don’t.


> I don't see how they don't make sense when we all ready have things like a sprocket node and a quartz crystal node. The airship parts could be like the sprocket node and the layline crystals......well that is just a crystal why not mine it with a pick.


Sprockets and Quartz are materials, not currency. They go into material storage.


However, Aurillium goes directly into the wallet. What makes that currency sensible for a node while airship parts and leyline crystals aren't? And why isn't there a crystalline ore node, since that, like quartz & and sprockets, is a material that goes into the mat tab?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Aurillium makes sense as a node while the other two don’t.

> >

> > I don't see how they don't make sense when we all ready have things like a sprocket node and a quartz crystal node. The airship parts could be like the sprocket node and the layline crystals......well that is just a crystal why not mine it with a pick.


> Sprockets and Quartz are materials, not currency. They go into material storage.


> However, Aurillium goes directly into the wallet. What makes that currency sensible for a node while airship parts and leyline crystals aren't? And why isn't there a crystalline ore node, since that, like quartz & and sprockets, is a material that goes into the mat tab?


You could consider the bauble node a currency of you think about it. That node makes as much since as the others.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Aurillium makes sense as a node while the other two don’t.


> I have a candy corn node in my home instance so I don't think its required to make sense.


You mean that you don’t get your candy corn from nodes in real life? ;)


As was touched upon by Ill-Conceived, I saw a difference between currency and materials. My fault on not being more descriptive in the most.


Aurillium only made sense as a node, despite being a currency, simply because of what it actually is.


Anet has certainly taken substantial liberties in realism elsewhere in the game so I could see realism not being a concrete defense. It’s just what I was using to form my opinion on why there isn’t nodes for the other two. The actual reason could simply be just a design thing.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > Aurillium makes sense as a node while the other two don’t.

> > >

> > > I don't see how they don't make sense when we all ready have things like a sprocket node and a quartz crystal node. The airship parts could be like the sprocket node and the layline crystals......well that is just a crystal why not mine it with a pick.

> >

> > Sprockets and Quartz are materials, not currency. They go into material storage.

> >

> > However, Aurillium goes directly into the wallet. What makes that currency sensible for a node while airship parts and leyline crystals aren't? And why isn't there a crystalline ore node, since that, like quartz & and sprockets, is a material that goes into the mat tab?


> You could consider the bauble node a currency of you think about it. That node makes as much since as the others.


I thought about it and no, I don't consider it anything close to the same. It's an oddball regardless of any other considerations, because it's the only time when anything from outside SAB has an impact inside SAB.


Regardless, it still doesn't explain the _previous_ inconsistency: aurillium is a currency; it goes directly into the wallet. Why aren't leyline crystals and airship parts treated the same? Why is the auric basin currency treated differently?

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Whatever the heck they were thinking with the custom gardening nodes.


There's a huge technical difference with those nodes over others. For other nodes, the game only needs to know if you've farmed or haven't farmed them. For the custom veggie gardens, it also has to keep track of what was last planted **and** allow for something new to take it's place for the next reset. It turns out that the game's current mechanics don't allow that. So the options ANet had were: don't offer the node(s) at all, delay the offering indefinitely until they can invent the new mechanics (and probably charge substantially more for the nodes), or offer them "as is." They went with the latter, and I am glad that they did so.


> inconsistency hit the whole system hard

Not really. ANet's never been very consistent about all sorts of things; the home instance nodes aren't substantially worse than anything else.

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