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will there be a gw3 or are they working on another expansion

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I personally doubt there will be a gw3. The reason they made gw2 is because they wanted an mmo rather than a lobby game (gw1). In order to make gw2 they had to essentially abandon gw while they made a new game, taking on debt and the loss of income from new expansions in the old game. As long as they earn money in this game and can do the updates they want there’s no reason to drop a profitable game in hopes of (in a few years of development time) getting another game that brings in more (after paying off years worth of debts).

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I don't think they'll do another game for a long time (if ever). They made GW2 because they wanted to do things the GW1 engine was not capable of doing, and apparently made sure GW2 was more adaptable so they wouldn't need to start over again. Maybe one day something will come along which they want to include and can't, but I think we can expect GW2 to keep going for a long time yet.


But they will almost certainly release another expansion. I doubt it will be this year, because we've only had 2 Living Story releases so far, so there's a while to go yet before the end of the season. But maybe next year.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> they haven't finished releasing the last four 2nd gen legendary weapons... if they release gw3 before that i will be so mad. i want 2 or 3 more expansions at least.


Can almost certainly guarantee there won't be a gw3 release, and if there is it won't be within the decade. Gw1 is still up in maintenance mode and there still some people playing.


They released this game because gw1 was instance based and people couldn't play together if they weren't in the same party. This game is doing well, and still has room for tons of content. Releasing another gw game (while this one is running) would be a mistake, and they are well aware of that I am sure.

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Does anyone know what it was they wanted to do with GW1 and found wasn't possible, so they decided to make a new game instead? I've heard lots of different claims about what that content was but all 2nd/3rd/4th hand, I've never seen anything where someone from Anet said what it was.


Apparently they tried to include something like dynamic events in the scrapped Utopia campaign, so it could be that. I've also heard that it was specifically the idea of 'quests' making long-lasting changes to the world, something they did sort-of introduce with GW:Beyond so again that seems likely, but that doesn't seem like enough to me to justify making a whole new game.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Does anyone know what it was they wanted to do with GW1 and found wasn't possible, so they decided to make a new game instead? I've heard lots of different claims about what that content was but all 2nd/3rd/4th hand, I've never seen anything where someone from Anet said what it was.


> Apparently they tried to include something like dynamic events in the scrapped Utopia campaign, so it could be that. I've also heard that it was specifically the idea of 'quests' making long-lasting changes to the world, something they did sort-of introduce with GW:Beyond so again that seems likely, but that doesn't seem like enough to me to justify making a whole new game.


I honestly don't think it was any one specfic thing they could point out. I read it was things the current game engine would not allow. Gw2 was announced in 2007 and didn't release till 2012. The announce date wasn't too far from the first game but it didn't come out till much later, leaving a lot of development time.


They likely wanted a more standardized style of MMO, something the design of the first game completely opposed. The first game was really more of in the style of diablo or path of exile where you as a lone adventurer go into the world and only the allies you bring along can join you. There was no real sense of competition or needed cooperation. They had npc allies and later heros which you could customize for certain builds and play styles, and even the base henchmen were pretty good.


Gw2 was a total overhaul in game mechanics and format from gw1 where if you compare the two they just aren't anywhere close to being the same game.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> gw2 is planned to run for A WHILE still


> There will be another expansion in 2 or 3 years for sure.


3 years? A bit pessimistic there, since we got Path of Fire after 2. And that was with Anet re-organizing themselves yet again, which they don't need to do for expansion 3.


But yeah, they plan to run GW2 as long as they can. They'll only move to GW3 after GW2 becomes too dated and they cannot do what they want with it, which was the main reason why they moved from GW1 to GW2, unfortunately.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Does anyone know what it was they wanted to do with GW1 and found wasn't possible, so they decided to make a new game instead? I've heard lots of different claims about what that content was but all 2nd/3rd/4th hand, I've never seen anything where someone from Anet said what it was.


> Apparently they tried to include something like dynamic events in the scrapped Utopia campaign, so it could be that. I've also heard that it was specifically the idea of 'quests' making long-lasting changes to the world, something they did sort-of introduce with GW:Beyond so again that seems likely, but that doesn't seem like enough to me to justify making a whole new game.


The event system was one of the major things AFAIK (which is funny since they couldn't seem to get it to where they wanted originally), the combat system changes (jumping and dodging, moving while casting, etc.), but there was also troubles with skill balance (too many skills in GW1, and their system would require adding a bare minimum of 100 skills every expansion/campaign release), and the concept of stand alone campaigns feeling too limiting to them with having to make a new low level zones with every story.

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I'm not bothered about a GW3, although I class myself as a die hard Guildwars fan. I'd write on here every opportunity I have about wanting cantha back and having areas of the map unlocked. I would of loved the dervish class back but beggars and all :)

I'm also not bothered that I have to pay to expand my game and I'm glad for the most part that the in game store just sells skins and the like and certainly not the level of 'play to win' I have seen in other games.

so anyway give me cantha back and I will die happy ;)


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I don't know how could they even hype their next expansion. Their two expansions were pathetic content wise, and the third will be just that. Are you excited for another elite spec that will be broken for 6-12 months? Is spending $30-50 for 1 elite spec per character worth it to you? Cuz that's all you're getting. The rest of the "content" will be Achievements grind (lol that's content in this game...) and Masteries grind, which is as shallow and braindead as the Achievement grind. Unless they add proper Dungeons/Elite dungeons that aren't time gated by 1-7 days and new proper pvp mode(s), i won't even consider buying their next expansion, Mirage is good enough to be my main forever, no need any other elite specs.


GW3 is the only way to go. There's nothing left in gw2. Its not improving with time. Only becoming more and more stale with every few months that passes.



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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> I don't know how could they even hype their next expansion. Their two expansions were pathetic content wise, and the third will be just that. Are you excited for another elite spec that will be broken for 6-12 months? Is spending $30-50 for 1 elite spec per character worth it to you? Cuz that's all you're getting. The rest of the "content" will be Achievements grind (lol that's content in this game...) and Masteries grind, which is as shallow and braindead as the Achievement grind. Unless they add proper Dungeons/Elite dungeons that aren't time gated by 1-7 days and new proper pvp mode(s), i won't even consider buying their next expansion, Mirage is good enough to be my main forever, no need any other elite specs.


> GW3 is the only way to go. There's nothing left in gw2. Its not improving with time. Only becoming more and more stale with every few months that passes.




If you think that new content for gw2 is stale and not improving then what makes you think the same people who are producing this content will make a gw3 with content you will like?

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Rather than making a GW3 I'd rather see them either migrate existing content to a better game engine (like Unreal) or develop a new game engine that offloaded more of the game onto the GPU rather than being so CPU heavy. The current engine is way to CPU taxing. Gfx cards; even the bargain ones are better at doing the work they dump on the CPU.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > I don't know how could they even hype their next expansion. Their two expansions were pathetic content wise, and the third will be just that. Are you excited for another elite spec that will be broken for 6-12 months? Is spending $30-50 for 1 elite spec per character worth it to you? Cuz that's all you're getting. The rest of the "content" will be Achievements grind (lol that's content in this game...) and Masteries grind, which is as shallow and braindead as the Achievement grind. Unless they add proper Dungeons/Elite dungeons that aren't time gated by 1-7 days and new proper pvp mode(s), i won't even consider buying their next expansion, Mirage is good enough to be my main forever, no need any other elite specs.

> >

> > GW3 is the only way to go. There's nothing left in gw2. Its not improving with time. Only becoming more and more stale with every few months that passes.

> >

> >


> If you think that new content for gw2 is stale and not improving then what makes you think the same people who are producing this content will make a gw3 with content you will like?


Nothing. Chances of it happening is slim to none. But that is still better than continuing this gw2, a game with no meaningful pve, forgotten wvw (which is still fun from time to time) and the same tired ass spvp 17 people still enjoy.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> I don't know how could they even hype their next expansion. Their two expansions were pathetic content wise, and the third will be just that. Are you excited for another elite spec that will be broken for 6-12 months? Is spending $30-50 for 1 elite spec per character worth it to you? Cuz that's all you're getting. The rest of the "content" will be Achievements grind (lol that's content in this game...) and Masteries grind, which is as shallow and braindead as the Achievement grind. Unless they add proper Dungeons/Elite dungeons that aren't time gated by 1-7 days and new proper pvp mode(s), i won't even consider buying their next expansion, Mirage is good enough to be my main forever, no need any other elite specs.


> GW3 is the only way to go. There's nothing left in gw2. Its not improving with time. Only becoming more and more stale with every few months that passes.




Sounds like you just need a new MMO or game to play.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > I don't know how could they even hype their next expansion. Their two expansions were pathetic content wise, and the third will be just that. Are you excited for another elite spec that will be broken for 6-12 months? Is spending $30-50 for 1 elite spec per character worth it to you? Cuz that's all you're getting. The rest of the "content" will be Achievements grind (lol that's content in this game...) and Masteries grind, which is as shallow and braindead as the Achievement grind. Unless they add proper Dungeons/Elite dungeons that aren't time gated by 1-7 days and new proper pvp mode(s), i won't even consider buying their next expansion, Mirage is good enough to be my main forever, no need any other elite specs.

> > >

> > > GW3 is the only way to go. There's nothing left in gw2. Its not improving with time. Only becoming more and more stale with every few months that passes.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > If you think that new content for gw2 is stale and not improving then what makes you think the same people who are producing this content will make a gw3 with content you will like?


> Nothing. Chances of it happening is slim to none. But that is still better than continuing this gw2, a game with no meaningful pve, forgotten wvw (which is still fun from time to time) and the same tired kitten spvp 17 people still enjoy.


Well, hopefully (and you probably are) this is the voice of the minority. I find the pve to be quite engrossing and more rewarding than most other mmos I have played. The PvP can use a lot of work and attention but it isn't that bad, and can is passable by its own standards.


I hope this game stays around for a significant amount of time, as gw3 won't bring anything new to the table. I'd want gw3 when this games graphics are terribly out of date; for reference I still don't think gw1 looks too terrible.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Does anyone know what it was they wanted to do with GW1 and found wasn't possible, so they decided to make a new game instead? I've heard lots of different claims about what that content was but all 2nd/3rd/4th hand, I've never seen anything where someone from Anet said what it was.

It wasn't anything _specific_. It's just (as they said it then), whenever they started throwing at each other new cool ideas for Utopia/next campains in line, a lot of those ended up with them realizing "no, we can't do that in this game, because the game engine will not let us".


It wasn't them wanting That One Thing. It was them realizing that expanding GW1 beyond original design would be too hard.


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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > I don't know how could they even hype their next expansion. Their two expansions were pathetic content wise, and the third will be just that. Are you excited for another elite spec that will be broken for 6-12 months? Is spending $30-50 for 1 elite spec per character worth it to you? Cuz that's all you're getting. The rest of the "content" will be Achievements grind (lol that's content in this game...) and Masteries grind, which is as shallow and braindead as the Achievement grind. Unless they add proper Dungeons/Elite dungeons that aren't time gated by 1-7 days and new proper pvp mode(s), i won't even consider buying their next expansion, Mirage is good enough to be my main forever, no need any other elite specs.

> > >

> > > GW3 is the only way to go. There's nothing left in gw2. Its not improving with time. Only becoming more and more stale with every few months that passes.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > If you think that new content for gw2 is stale and not improving then what makes you think the same people who are producing this content will make a gw3 with content you will like?


> Nothing. Chances of it happening is slim to none. But that is still better than continuing this gw2, a game with no meaningful pve, forgotten wvw (which is still fun from time to time) and the same tired kitten spvp 17 people still enjoy.


If chances of them designing a more engaging game with gw3 is slim to none then you’re asking for what you won’t want for no good reason.



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If they ever make GW3, I seriously hope it'll be a single player triple A RPG instead of an MMO. With co-op, and no pvp elements.

Thing is, I still love GW2, and I genuinely believe it's the best MMO in the market right now, and I hope GW3(should it ever happen) would be a different game that doesn't replace GW2. Rather it would co-exist with it.

That would mean that ANet itself would have to grow from a single game company into a company that has multiple releases out at a time. Don't see that happening in the near future but maybe some day.

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