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Can we have an honest conversation about "Outfits?"

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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> this 6-pieces-connected-to -stats system won't allow *actual* creative freedom.

> >


> GW2 is actually probably *the* game I've come across with the best system allowing you to customize your look without "outfits" or "layered armor skins".


Well let me tell you about this game with HUGE creative freedom. For one, it doesn't restrict you to 6 (technically 7) parts that you could customize, rather any part of a character, from its face, to its eyes and ears, to its neck and size/type of head, could be customized. Ignoring the specific aspects that could be related to character creation, the amount of options for clothing type, texture and color could never be touched by a 7-piece armor system when considering clothes alone. But it doesn't end there. On top of the clothes options, you could customize the body of the character to an extend you could effectively create a unique race. Further still, customizing aspects like how the character stands, walks and runs, the choosing of animations for skills, dying the skill effects like you would armor...all that within multiple templates so that you could swap to alternate highly customized cosmetic creations with but a choice in a menu.


GW2 is far and away from being the best customization systems, even when *not* compared to the *actual* bests. It's rife with restrictions and pitfalls (why does my outfits not keep their unique dying? why does cultural skin ascended bar you from putting it on another race rather than just not show up when equipped? why must I have swaths of my inventory used to have multiple looks?). I'm not saying with all of that, that this is all a lost cause, just that it is not the best and it can be better...never the best tho.


My perspective is, GW2 may not do custom armor as well as some of its competition, but what it does do best (or nearly the best) is its races. You could almost fit Tera in there for race variety but the fact they lock most of their new classes by race is the point they are rocket propelled to the worst. I heard ESO is quite good with its races too, lore-wise, but IMO, they still look like reskinned humans with tails, ears and tusks. Not only are GW2's races distinct with fleshed out world building around them, but they're varied visually as well as their speech, tone and attitude. If you want to back something that GW2 does great, why not its races?


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> @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> It's probably the most frustrating item in every Gem Store purchase. I was about to purchase the Primeval Dervish Armor because of my GW1 Nostalgia, then, I stopped myself. It's an outfit. Again...


> Why I think Outfits are bad for the game;

> 1. They allow no level of customization, with the exception of dyes.

> 2. The purchase in the Gem Store is never worth it financially compared to Weapon Skins or Armor Skins, heck... even Glider and Mount Skins.

> 3. Some of the outfits are tailored towards some races better than others, it's intuitive that Sylvari, Norn and Human get more aesthetic appeal than Asura or Charr.


> Why I think Outfits are good for the game;

> 1. They help bring some Nostalgia and tie in Lore to customers like myself.

> 2. They can bring in looks that are "out of world"

> 3. They are purely cosmetic and offer no functional in-game differences.


> I would propose that the GW2 Team heavily consider changing all outfits to individual armor pieces, and discontinue outfits how they are currently made. I know personally I would purchase more items from the Gem Store if they were individualistic armor pieces.


While Im happy to see you have a valid points on both sides of the debate, I don't think outfits should be converted to armor. The only change actually I see that I would like to make to outfits as a whole are to toggle the shoulders on/off as most of them are too big especially for female characters/races.


There are tons of armor sets:

1. gemstore purchases

2. 8 dungeons

3. WVW /Pve skins

4. Hall of monuments from GW1 players

5. Cultural sets for all races

6. Expansions (multiple sets)

7. LWS Maps (multiple pieces)

8. Legendary armor

Am I forgetting any???


If you have acquired all of these, then I can see you wanting more. If you haven't then you can go after more skins in this way. Outfits should always stay outfits. Its easy to purchase and easy to wear. Looks great on lower level toons who have crappy looking armor unless they use transmutes and helps fund the gem-store. Such a popular topic yet with tall of the armor available I can never quite understand why people want the change?

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I've only bought 2 Outfits so far. I wear them on my lowbie PvP characters and on my leveling alts to hide the ugly low lvl armor. But GW2's true endgame is Fashion Wars so lvl80 is about mix-n-matching, hands down. ;)

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I'd welcome it if outfits were abandoned completely. A single armor set adds more customization options than 20 outfits could and it would need only one great part for me to want it, unlike with outfits which need to be outright perfect.

I made the mistake of buying one once because I thought an aspect I didn't like wouldn't bother me that much. I was terribly wrong. After a few days I couldn't stand the buttcape anymore and never used the outfit again. As a result I'll probabloy never buy one again.

As for the "need" to make single sets for every weight class. It doesn't really matter anymore whether they look distinct. Specific looks for weight classes have already been thrown out of the window with outfits, so they could look all the same for all I care. In fact, it would be welcome, since that would probably add more variety, which is still severly lacking with still no real pants for light armor or the overwhelming amount of trenchcoats for medium armor.

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> @"Thar.9465" said:

> I'd welcome it if outfits were abandoned completely. A single armor set adds more customization options than 20 outfits could and it would need only one great part for me to want it, unlike with outfits which need to be outright perfect.

> I made the mistake of buying one once because I thought an aspect I didn't like wouldn't bother me that much. I was terribly wrong. After a few days I couldn't stand the buttcape anymore and never used the outfit again. As a result I'll probabloy never buy one again.

> As for the "need" to make single sets for every weight class. It doesn't really matter anymore whether they look distinct. Specific looks for weight classes have already been thrown out of the window with outfits, so they could look all the same for all I care. In fact, it would be welcome, since that would probably add more variety, which is still severly lacking with still no real pants for light armor or the overwhelming amount of trenchcoats for medium armor.


Well good news! 70% of your armor sets will be buttcapes too so you can hate 70% of the skins that take 1600% longer to make XD

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Thar.9465" said:

> > I'd welcome it if outfits were abandoned completely. A single armor set adds more customization options than 20 outfits could and it would need only one great part for me to want it, unlike with outfits which need to be outright perfect.

> > I made the mistake of buying one once because I thought an aspect I didn't like wouldn't bother me that much. I was terribly wrong. After a few days I couldn't stand the buttcape anymore and never used the outfit again. As a result I'll probabloy never buy one again.

> > As for the "need" to make single sets for every weight class. It doesn't really matter anymore whether they look distinct. Specific looks for weight classes have already been thrown out of the window with outfits, so they could look all the same for all I care. In fact, it would be welcome, since that would probably add more variety, which is still severly lacking with still no real pants for light armor or the overwhelming amount of trenchcoats for medium armor.


> Well good news! 70% of your armor sets will be buttcapes too so you can hate 70% of the skins that take 1600% longer to make XD


Frankly, I'd still prefer that. At least there's a chance the other parts are usable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Thar.9465" said:

> > I'd welcome it if outfits were abandoned completely. A single armor set adds more customization options than 20 outfits could and it would need only one great part for me to want it, unlike with outfits which need to be outright perfect.

> > I made the mistake of buying one once because I thought an aspect I didn't like wouldn't bother me that much. I was terribly wrong. After a few days I couldn't stand the buttcape anymore and never used the outfit again. As a result I'll probabloy never buy one again.

> > As for the "need" to make single sets for every weight class. It doesn't really matter anymore whether they look distinct. Specific looks for weight classes have already been thrown out of the window with outfits, so they could look all the same for all I care. In fact, it would be welcome, since that would probably add more variety, which is still severly lacking with still no real pants for light armor or the overwhelming amount of trenchcoats for medium armor.


> Well good news! 70% of your armor sets will be buttcapes too so you can hate 70% of the skins that take 1600% longer to make XD


Bad news! They can make 1 million outfits, and I will still own ZERO outfits.



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> @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> Can we get a dev response? This seems to be a topic worth discussion.


No it really doesn't.

It's mainly just the usual self-martyring consumers hyperbolizing choices they don't agree with as "bad for the game".

There isn't much actual discussion going on.

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