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Wvw Events


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Don't know why anet would close the original thread..... there's even a dev response in there... :confused:



But anyways would like to see if we can get some discussion about the events and maybe some suggestions for future ones.

My original post from that thread:


> Will be interesting to see what happens.

> Are there going to be more one shot mesmers and thieves around?

> Are zergs especially guild zergs, going to be even more afraid to bother pushing first now through all the pirate ship crap on the ground?

> Are there going to be more bunkers around?


> In any case I would like to thank Anet for trying out weekend events for wvw, THANK YOU!


> Although really wasn't expecting all the bonus given in one event but separate over several events lol, although although they could use the bonus in all the events (maybe a little more toned down if going to run events often) but just change the wvw play condition (like I didn't know downed state could be disabled separately in there, what else can? hmmm)

> So..

> Event 1: No downed state, double wxp, bonus magic find, bonus reward track progress.

> Event 2: No white swords(remember that one?), double wxp, bonus magic find, bonus reward track progress.

> Event 3: Golem event(ok the first one sucked cause they didn't fix the exploits, but I have more confidence in the current team to do it better), double wxp, bonus magic find, bonus reward track progress.

> Event 4: Catapult only event(only catas available to use), double wxp, bonus magic find, bonus reward track progress.


What else could we come up with fam?


Edit: added what's been gathered from ideas so far plus added a few more.


* No repairs usable.

* Smc always in base state, no upgrades.

* Bloodlust buff effects doubled.

* Player supply carried doubled.

* Player base run speed raised to 35%.

* Player jump height doubled.

* Watchtower and sentry detection doubled in radius.

* PPT disabled, PPK doubled.


I know these are kinda jokes, but no elite specs or no scourge events would not seem doable and might require more effort than it's worth considering the duration of events, not to mention excluding an entire class that's currently popular from wvw would generate a lot of rage post.


Now that I look at it... a lot of stuff will just turn wvw into a super one shot k-train....

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I might be in the minority, but I like the downstate mechanic. Sure, I'll be playing when its disabled, but I appreciate that managing the downed is part of the strategy.


As for something new: Maybe have a weekend when you take out the walls or gate of a T3 keep, all the walls/gates fall (outer then the same for inner), but a safety waypoint stays active (so people can spawn in without landing on red circles of death). Attackers can come from anywhere and defenders can pop back in to try and stop them without having to run back. Have a timer so this condition last 15 minutes and has an hour cool down (attack normally).

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This sounds interesting, and I have been hoping for this for a long time. The only downside is when you combine with terrible balance, siege and cc spam and well...if you thought pirateshipping was bad already then ALL ABOARD!


On the bright side, the players wearing zerk gear and using magic find food are gonna find it harder to get carried. This would also make several skills and traits unusable, so I dont know if they factored that in. Although it is about time they started looking at rezzing in WvW and gave it a good nerf.

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Well at least if they keep it on a weekend 3 day event it would only be for a few days, so if it turns out it sucks it'll be gone soon enough. Like the golem event turned bad after a couple days but we had to suffer the rest of the week before it was taken off. But in any case I'm up for anything new to try, something to change the usual norm and maybe get some new people interested in wvw.

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A close down wvw and eotm weekend would be great!


Ok joking aside... I, personally, have an issue with any gimmick "remove X" weekends like these... WvW was designed around various elements, and taking things out only makes it fun for 1 side of the equation...


While certain things may seem "fun", you must ask yourself "Is this fun when it happens to me?" first... Ok, so devs remove downstate... And you constantly get "1 shot" or blown up in seconds... over and over and over.... This will certainly not be fun for newer players, or anyone getting farmed or anyone already outnumbered.


"No AC..." or other no siege weekend... So when your side is outnumbered, and your team can't defend a structure properly (because, ya know, it's that gimmick weekend), chances are players will log out and not bother...


I'm not going to go on and on, but I'd much rather have the devs focus their efforts to work on profession, and other vital areas, instead of gimmicks that can easily backfire, and create more negativity than needed.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

We certainly welcome any ideas for future WvW events!


Here are some guidelines we've been using in our brainstorming.


Change the way WvW is played in some way. Doesn't have to be a big change, but should be a change.


Using events as test beds for permanent changes can be nice, but isn't necessary. There are many things we probably would be willing to do for the length of a matchup, but wouldn't want it to be forever.


Events shouldn't require large art changes. We want to be able to implement these events quickly and not rely on getting a lot of art that may never be used again.


Events shouldn't exclude large sections of the player base. No restricting events to specific classes, expansions, etc.


Looking forward to hearing more ideas!

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some of my picks would be

-mounts enabled weekend (in own captured zones, kicked of mount if entering different teams zone)

- fractal instability social awkwardness (take damage every second when next to allies while in combat) be fun see zergs spread out when entering combat

- random portal weekend (bunch of strange random two way portals opening around the map on 10-15 minute rotating timers) ( like mist rifts)

- some kind of bounty hunt ( throw a bunch of random bounty targets into maps that pop up every hour ,3 per hour each with a team colour first to find and kill their target gets some bonus points)


wvw does get a bit stale I find it hard play for more than an hour of it because it just zerging back and fourth taking stuff and avoiding other zergs. I welcome any fun event to spice stuff up.

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* Golem week (that was fun last time). If you do it when shark week is you could even do a Jaws like promo for it. **Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the mist war.** But seriously events like this to bring people back into wvw. Maybe tie it with my flux idea below.

* You could do something similar to the Flux effect in Guild Wars.


* Add tactivators near (not on top of) all supply depots that way if your keep is being hit you have several supply depots to use the EWP at. Keep the one that is near the lords room though.

* Poison dolyak trap that when the poisoned dolyak that tripped the trap reaches the structure it removes supply instead of adding supply.

* Enemies are marked if they are in range of any player character (sentry radius).

* Remove SMC waypoint, let it upgrade and everything else just remove the waypoint.


Unrelated to all of this but for guilds I think it would be kinda nice if chefs could add food trays to the guild storage panel that can be summoned like a guild banner.

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> @"Nightmare.1234" said:

> some of my picks would be

> -mounts enabled weekend (in own captured zones, kicked of mount if entering different teams zone)

> - fractal instability social awkwardness (take damage every second when next to allies while in combat) be fun see zergs spread out when entering combat

> - random portal weekend (bunch of strange random two way portals opening around the map on 10-15 minute rotating timers) ( like mist rifts)

> - some kind of bounty hunt ( throw a bunch of random bounty targets into maps that pop up every hour ,3 per hour each with a team colour first to find and kill their target gets some bonus points)


> wvw does get a bit stale I find it hard play for more than an hour of it because it just zerging back and fourth taking stuff and avoiding other zergs. I welcome any fun event to spice stuff up.


Nothing of this is *changes* that could be done on the existing WvW gameplay mode. It's new features that may requires many months of programming (remember that gliding is still **broken** in the WvW netcode after how many months since they where introduced? How do you think mounts would fair?). The devs wanted simple changes.


Examples of simple changes:

- Disable out of combat health regen globally, people have to heal up themselves.

- All wall and door hp cut by 50%

- Balloon tactivators disabled

- Yellow swords now show when 10 people fight instead of 25

- Trebs do 100% more damage

- Arrowcarts do 50% damage

- etc and so on

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well here's a dumb idea i threw together


make all structures invulnerable except the main one in each map - SMC in EB, and the garrisons in each borderlands, would be the only vulnerable structures


while you're inside one of those contested structures that your team owns, you get drip-fed WXP and reward track progress. the goal is to capture those structures so you get the gradual rewards, and defend them so you don't lose those rewards.


i haven't thought it through any more than this, if you like it then great

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Got a few Ideas, some might not be viable but just wanted to throw some things out.

1. Invert Event : Healing/boons hurt while damage/condis heal, corrupts turn to boons and boon turn on condis - no damaging effects remain (immob still stops you and resistance makes condis not work).

2. Color Shift: Randomly, maybe an hour or day or something your bl and colors change ( dont need to respawn anyone as they just become enemies inside).

3. Same Side: Just drop a Random raid or Event boss somewhere on map and within radius of mob ( 3k?) everyone on same side).

4. Tower/keep Food buff: each tower has a extra benefit ( can be small or large , and as simple as more mf or dps).

5. Portals : Connect to points on map ( could be inside towers/keeps or not but can act like shortcuts and another point on map that can be exciting).

6. Free Guards: Guards of all kinds now patrol the map, roamers beware.

7. New Map : not sure if possible but imagine you drop the constructs of a bl on a random map in tyria (probably tons of issues but dont need to fix since for a limit time for fun).

8. Siege Only : all damage reduced by 99% except for Siege i.e. Siege Wars

9. King of the Hill: an area , maybe ruins, is now a place to get extra wxp exp or loot or something but only 20 ppl from each side allowed inside at a time and whose every holds point gets the benefit.

10. Zombies: Everyone ( or just each server) fights like normal but everyone that dies comes back as an enemy to everyone/every server including their own. Can last one skirmish or another finite amount of time but basically your job is to survive.

11. Pretty Sure There are Spies : Allow people to choose server upon clicking on a bl. Limited time but would be freeing for a bit. Finally commanders will have a reason to suspect spies.

12. Rave : Add random glows to everyone - any color and random to everyone each time they enter a bl ( could be for the day ) could have bonuses attached or not but would be cool.

13. System Break : Random times or once a day , the skirmish points and total point in general shifts randomly to others ( so like blue points now red and red to green , random or always like that)/ Not sure how it would be but maybe at least bg not on top for once - break the cycle lol)

14. Nudes Only : all stats dont work, everyone just have to survive with base stats.

15. Full Squad: being in a squad gets extra wxp, mf,karma, or something or all of the mentioned. The more filled the squad is the better the bonuses. No damage buffs or the like cause might be unfair.

Im stop for now, got plenty of more ideas but just threw some out there. Again probably not viable but fun thoughts.


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> @"Dreggon.6598" said:

> well here's a dumb idea i threw together


> make all structures invulnerable except the main one in each map - SMC in EB, and the garrisons in each borderlands, would be the only vulnerable structures


> while you're inside one of those contested structures that your team owns, you get drip-fed WXP and reward track progress. the goal is to capture those structures so you get the gradual rewards, and defend them so you don't lose those rewards.


> i haven't thought it through any more than this, if you like it then great


A de facto King of the Hill

I dig it

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