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Please no gimmick "remove X" weekends.


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> @"Swagger.1459" said:


> "No AC..." or other "no X siege" weekend... So when your side is outnumbered, and your team can't defend a structure properly (because, ya know, it's that gimmick weekend), chances are players will log out and not bother...


You lose all credibility with this statement alone. PPT means nothing! Only thing that players play for are fights and not getting ac'd down. That's why a lot of players quit. A no AC weekend would be amazing. You sound like a guy that sits in a tower all day using siege. You have to be a zombie to play like this.


No downstate weekend is a dope Idea. It's just a weekend and I hope they do more weekends like this since this game is boring atm.


No AC weekend = FUN


EU/NA merge weekend = DOPE


No AOE cap weekend = LETS GO


All the while getting more WXP/Magicfind with new players playing? How can you not want that? Jesus!


There should be a special weekend events more often. This game needs spice


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Some players will always be resistant to any changes. Even for small, limited time events. WvW zerglings are probably the worst offender in that regard. If Anet is ever going to start implementing the planned features I really hope they don't take all feedback too seriously since it will be at least 50% whining.

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> @"beatthedown.2651" said:

> Some players will always be resistant to any changes. Even for small, limited time events. WvW zerglings are probably the worst offender in that regard. If Anet is ever going to start implementing the upcoming features I really hope they don't take all feedback too seriously since it will be at least 50% whining.


Removing a core gameplay mechanic isnt a small change. Thats like saying delete guardians from the game for a weekend, people will be resistant to such a small change, all this whine.


Either way if the datamined no downstate weekend is real, I suppose it could be interesting... for a weekend. Otherwise, I think its part of what makes GW2 just GW2 and should never be removed. *Changed*? Why yes, of course. Even the *small* changes over the years have improved the way downstate works 10 fold.


All it will lead to is more extremes anyway. Only viable builds will be 1-shot cheese or super bunkers (or your average spellbreaker).


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If this is real I can't wait for the all Deadeye zerg. I'm sure it's been thought of for this. The whole zerg just waits in stealth and shoots the other zerg as it passes. Instant 40+ dead on the other side. I'm sure it will be fun for all(Sarcasm intended).


No downstate is a tremendous advantage/incentive for large/huge zergs. The larger servers will win the week by even more. I'm pretty sure many players will quit playing for that weekend after a few one shot loses. Having a good fight is always the best.


A better gimmick would be once you die you are automatically ported to spawn and can't exit for 2 minutes. As a consolation all bags that dropped while you were in transit are given to you, but you are stuck at spawn. Zombie mode would be slowed down for sure.

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> If this is real I can't wait for the all Deadeye zerg. I'm sure it's been thought of for this. The whole zerg just waits in stealth and shoots the other zerg as it passes. Instant 40+ dead on the other side. I'm sure it will be fun for all(Sarcasm intended).

no worries that is not realistic, coordinating the targets in such a large group and shooting them in the right order without bodyblock is pretty much impossible on a moving zerg. better try it with some AoE like a 50/50 holo + scourge zerg, prestack stealth etc.


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> @"Justine.6351" said:



> Because instead we should continue to see large groups of subpar players running down enemy players with zero threat of death because downed state is their second 3xhp health bar defense.


> WvW lacks good players with good play because bottom line downed state carries far harder than it should.


The downed state isn't the problem, its the generousness of Rally triggers that cause the whole thing to snow ball. Its designed for small scale PvP, and has collateral benefits in PvE, and exists to encourage players to cover downed team mates. But like a LOT of things about this game's combat systems, they weren't designed to naturally diminish on scale.... so what we have is a mechanic with a very high force multiplication, and no upper limit on how it performs.


The previous change to prevent res from dead while in combat was meant to address the backline power rezing dead players caught in the AOE bombs. What I can foresee already is an even bigger shift toward AOE stun locks, and a possible return of some pirate ship, as there isn't going to be enough confidence in smaller groups to charge and tackle a larger group. And I'm 100% positive that there are going to be a huge uptick in attempts at driver sniping. If anything, this is going to be a major game changer for Roamers, and front liners to take more minstrels.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> This is what EotM should be for not wvw bls. Fix EotM to have grinding maybe even mounts and do the x weekend effects. Throwing rng into wvw week to week is going to realty throw things off.


What's it going to throw off? It's for one weekend. lol give me a break bud. wvw isn't even serious so who cares.

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I agree with the OP. If there's a need to test a serious proposal that the devs would hope to add permanently then fine but if it's not good enough to be made permanent then we shouldn't have to put up with it temporarily.


I appreciate a lot of people who post here are bored with WvW and probably don't play it much (or at all). To those people a funny gimmick may seem like a reason to pop back into WvW for an hour or two. For the people who already enjoy the gameplay and care about the result - which on all three servers I have accounts on would appear to be the majority in the time zone I play - gimmicks like this are at best an annoyance and quite likely a complete turn-off.


I also agree that if you want to try comedy routines that might attract a lot of interest from people who aren't invested in WvW, or who don't care about the match results or their personal statistics, EOTM is the perfect place to run such events.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:


> And if you don’t know, down state mechanics also help smaller groups survive too, and give an extra chance at recovering... as opposed to being obliterated by superior numbers.


> Be more objective.


You lost all credibility right there. The poster you quoted was quite correct with his comment regarding bads being carried and no amount of being offended will change that. Stop confusing truth with elitism please, it's unhealthy and toxic.

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> @"dragontree.8092" said:

> . Being able to be rezzed by team mates or pugs when you're outnumbered or the enemy is siege humping can turn a fight around.


If this was a thing, I and everyone I know who has ever played havok groups or roamed, wouldn't have been complaining since the start of the game that the downed state vastly benefited the larger side. Zerglings thinking they know what playing is outnumbered is lol, are you on BG?


If no down state bothers people, they may need to consider have they been too dependent on it. It's only a weekend, I look forward to a change.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> I'll enjoy no downstate for a weekend, especially against those Elementalists who hug structures so they can escape into them.

> Long term, I'd like to see downstate nerfed for outnumbering groups and buffed for outnumbered groups.


It will also take away the stomp interrupt skills and the Necro carry downstate. So yeah.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:


> > And if you don’t know, down state mechanics also help smaller groups survive too, and give an extra chance at recovering... as opposed to being obliterated by superior numbers.

> >

> > Be more objective.


> You lost all credibility right there. The poster you quoted was quite correct with his comment regarding bads being carried and no amount of being offended will change that. Stop confusing truth with elitism please, it's unhealthy and toxic.


I lost nothing... Think a bit deeper about down state mechanics, why they exist for the game and how combat unfolds.


The only things unhealthy and toxic are posters who don’t think things through.

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Downstate is OP these days especially when transfusion, MI and illusion of life are in play. Don't forget about mist form. Don't die and you'll be fine. You cry about these one shot classes yet, they're glassy and also can get popped ez pz so people crying about one shot builds can give it a rest.

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I think this is a great feature. As a player who's been almost solely wvw for gw2s existence, it can be stale at times if people don't join in. These weekends will bring numbers in as long as they are rotated sufficiently and stay weekend only. Golem week was awesome for the first 2 days, then it sucked for the next 5 days, so it looks like anet learnt their lesson in regards to time frame. Moving these weekend events to eotm is useless, those people don't fight they just want to cap empty objectives.


Maybe a three week rotation is in order with a random gimmick for each:

Wxp bonus weekend

Reward track bonus weekend

Karma bonus weekend


It's not about the viability of making something a permanent change, it's about changing things up for a couple days. Take off your mercy runes and enjoy it with the other people who aren't drivers being sniped. As a glass player, I'll be definatly upping my vitality a bit for this as it means i can't coordinate a Rez when I overextend to generate downs


Gimmicks could be:


No downstate

No fortified objectives

Perma quickness

Quaggan keep lords that shoot baby quaggan projectiles

Bloodlust buff scaling character models.

Aftershock (damages all gates and walls 15% every 30 min)

Double playerkill rewards

Champion sentries

No superior or guild siege

No shield gens


Ruination (triple xp killing people in ruin areas)

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Just a prediction of what will happen. The pin snipes and cheese builds come out to play and then after the commanders die a few times they say F this and tag down. No zergs. Since there is a lot of those that only zerg for various reasons and they make up a large portion of players, a lot will not play for the weekend, so basically you will end up with just pugs k training empty towers. The roamers will have a little more action but it wont be quite as satisfying. The downstate offers for smaller groups a chance to turn the tide in a fight since most have a cc in there downstate arsenal. So tossing out that crutch CC to turn the tide instead they just lose that player and the group wipes = unhappy players. I'm not a big fan of the downstate in its current state. I like how it can offer a chance to help yourself or your team out but it just last to long. Somebody sitting in downstate for 30 secs while doing damage and tossing out CCs because you busy with those that are alive is to long. There needs to be a time limit to it, i'm not sure how long it should be but there should be one. So my prediction is there will be a lot of dissatisfied players, but hey there already is so.... guess ill dust off my ranger and put together something for fun :)

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Firstly, I'm OK with downstate in PVE. But I'm not a fan of downstate in any PVP mode. It helps the bigger group far more than the smaller group in PVP.


Going down should be a penalty, not a boon. In some cases, a bad player going down helps their group more than being alive. For example, a low-damage-dealing Ele goes down, you try to stomp bc he gives splash heals, does CCs/buffs if left alone, the Ele mist forms, you chase to stomp, taking lots of damage or go down yourself, but you chase bc you want to make the enemy group have 1 less player and less boons. So you take more damage while trying to stomp instead of the damage that downed enemy normally dealt you/your group.




If downstate has to exist, I'd like to see these changes:


1) Rezzing downed players should be 2x-3x slower. Does it make sense that the stomp animation cannot finish off a downed player so long as 2 or more enemies are rezzing him? Make rezzing slower, bc there should be a penalty in attempting to rez, i.e. take more damage. Rezzing slower will make rezzing a real 'choice', not a no-brainer. Even I abuse rezzing my allies bc I'm very tanky, but I don't mind if it becomes harder.


2) Downstate should be an equal penalty for all. All classes should have the same 4 skills in downstate, no excpetions. It's downstate, a penalty, so NO class should have better downstate skills than another. Ele's mist-form downstate#2 is especially annoying, probably the best downstate utility skill. They go down, but they are guaranteed safety bc they can enter structures, or run back to be rezzed... and you can do nothing about it save a few lucky immobs. And even if immobbed, they take no damage in mist form. Really Anet? Ele's downstate mist-form used to be downstate-skill#3 at launch, why change it to #2?


3) As many suggested, downstate should not last ~30seconds, it should last 5-10seconds, if no rez or rally, then dead. Again, downstate is supposed to be a penalty, not a boon.

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