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Test in EotM and vote for implementation to WvW


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people still play in EotM ? (aside from some guilds to fight each other without being in the same tier)

i do prefer short weekends of events as many people i know play WvW but not in EotM.


btw that now your 3rd thread after the announcement of the no downstate weekend - you that afraid of an event for one weekend?

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> There are a lot of crazy and cool ideas we could test in EotM to see if they will work out well, and would be fun, for WvW. I suggest running monthly sets of changes and then have a community vote on said changes for WvW.

I don't think a self-selecting test group should decide for everyone else what changes come to WvW.


Unless part of the test involved putting the same rewards in EotM, I wouldn't step foot there. The maps are fantastic from a "how they look" point of view, but I've never seen anyone do anything there except Karma train; it's stupefyingly dull to me.


I'm not against ANet experimenting in EotM _also_, but I'd rather see the experiments take place in traditional WvW zones, where the vast majority of people will be.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > There are a lot of crazy and cool ideas we could test in EotM to see if they will work out well, and would be fun, for WvW. I suggest running monthly sets of changes and then have a community vote on said changes for WvW.

> I don't think a self-selecting test group should decide for everyone else what changes come to WvW.


> Unless part of the test involved putting the same rewards in EotM, I wouldn't step foot there. The maps are fantastic from a "how they look" point of view, but I've never seen anyone do anything there except Karma train; it's stupefyingly dull to me.


> I'm not against ANet experimenting in EotM _also_, but I'd rather see the experiments take place in traditional WvW zones, where the vast majority of people will be.


In addition to a WvW waiting area and play zone, EotM was also intended as an area to test features before releasing them to the other wvw zones.



“ArenaNet is working on ways to make World vs. World more compelling and rewarding, but the WvW team is faced with a challenge: The more popular WvW becomes, the more likely it is that high queue times will prevent players from being able to jump in and enjoy the improvements. In order to relieve some of that pressure, Edge of the Mists will always have an overflow copy available and will be accessible from the main WvW drop-down menu so that players can always head in to scratch the WvW itch. Far from being just a place to kick around while waiting for a place on the main maps, though, Edge of the Mists will provide unique gameplay objectives and an opportunity for ArenaNet to gauge the popularity of potential future additions to Eternal Battlegrounds and the Borderlands. Peters described the map as "foundational," as it was necessary for ArenaNet to ease the queue issue before moving forward with more sweeping changes.”



“Edge of the Mists sometimes serves as a testing ground for new WvW features.”


The testing group would consist of any players venturing into EotM to check out the proposed "devs testing stuff on live in eotm so go try it!", as opposed to the super secret group of play testers we currently have. We have had a number of "test on live" previously, but this makes use of EotM as the intended "test bed".


Voting would consist of... What McKenna said below.. Also, WvW participants also received an in-game mail directing them to the poll.



“Hey guys, since I’m seeing this topic pop up a lot, I wanted to step in and clear up some misconceptions.

1. Nearly every player that voted, plays WvW at least somewhat regularly.

2. Whether they play 1 hour a week, or dozens of hours a week, the breakdown between people who voted ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ remains very constant around the 65/35 split.

3. The in-game poll notification mail is only sent to players who are actively playing WvW. They must be at least rank 10, and have ranked up while the poll was running.”


We have had a number of wvw polls already...






The goal of this suggestion was to have a live test platform so any player could test and vote for future wvw features, without disrupting the wvw zones.


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The last time I went into EOTM was because something got fouled up during weekly reset and none of the normal maps were opening up. Other than that...yeah, I dunno. If during one of these tests, EOTM provided the same rewards(pips, etc) as the regular WvW maps, I MIGHT participate in testing. I suspect many other players would feel the same way. Although they really ought to enable gliding in EOTM during tests, too. Otherwise people who never play the map will be frequently killing themselves.


Gravity OP, plz nerf!



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> The goal of this suggestion was to have a live test platform so any player could test and vote for future wvw features, without disrupting the wvw zones.



And my point is that it won't be a realistic live platform because very few people will decide to "test" if it means they don't get pips. And if there are enough people testing, then it will disrupt traditional WvW by removing people from the borderlands.


(I'm more interested in what might actually happen than what ANet might have intended four years ago.)

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Honest question, what exactly was tested in there? because everything that was being tested was done in wvw instead like mobile cannons, repair hammers, ppk, no white swords, etc.


There are a lot of things in EoTM which are similar to what we have in Desert Borderlands. EoTM itself is very different in almost every way than the original maps.


-Each section has its own theme, each keep lord is unique, each section has its own unique shrine effects

-The map has is vastly different in design and layout, it has verticality, more chokepoints, and areas to fall.

-The matches are divided into 3 or 4 hour matches, I don't remember how long, but this is similar to what we have with skirmishes.

-Structures have automatic upgrades


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I don't consider those as "test" features, they were new designs on a new map just like desert shrines were. When this is done on new pve maps is it called testing?


Keep in mind eotm was designed for much shorter and faster gameplay than regular maps because you weren't suppose to be in there for very long, there was no point to designing them as such. Sure some things were improved and maybe they would be considered for the regular maps in the future but it wasn't a testing ground otherwise the other stuff would have been done in there too, as they were all suggested before eotm became barren due to exp and pip changes.



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Testing things in EoTM would simply mean that they do not get tested as much as they would in regular wvw maps. Many people rarely go to EoTM for various reasons, hatred of the map itself and complete disdain for the overpowered pve environmental crap being my own reasons. Others prefer to play on maps that will reward them with pips.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > The goal of this suggestion was to have a live test platform so any player could test and vote for future wvw features, without disrupting the wvw zones.

> >


> And my point is that it won't be a realistic live platform because very few people will decide to "test" if it means they don't get pips. And if there are enough people testing, then it will disrupt traditional WvW by removing people from the borderlands.


> (I'm more interested in what might actually happen than what ANet might have intended four years ago.)


How do you know very few people would be interested in testing potential changes that could be implemented in wvw? The devs can also incentivize this “testing”, and even incentivize participating in voting. The “test” can run a few weeks, or the month, so players can take part on their time.


Testing in EotM only potentially breaks EotM, it doesn’t break the 4 other wvw maps. WvW has a ranking system, pips, tickets for WvW legendary armor, planned out linking for competitive balance... it’s not really the best place to try out wacky and crazy stuff. Especially when we have a mode that was intended to be testing bed as well... EotM testing also limits possible “collateral damage”, and allows a player to still have a “normal” RvR experience in WvW.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > The goal of this suggestion was to have a live test platform so any player could test and vote for future wvw features, without disrupting the wvw zones.

> > >

> >

> > And my point is that it won't be a realistic live platform because very few people will decide to "test" if it means they don't get pips. And if there are enough people testing, then it will disrupt traditional WvW by removing people from the borderlands.

> >

> > (I'm more interested in what might actually happen than what ANet might have intended four years ago.)


> The devs can also incentivize this “testing”, and even incentivize participating in voting. The “test” can run a few weeks, or the month, so players can take part on their time.


You just described how not to test something: change it so it's nothing like how it usually is.



> Testing in EotM only potentially breaks EotM, it doesn’t break the 4 other wvw maps.

Two possibilities:

* It doesn't bring people to EotM in droves, making it a self-selecting test group and thus not useful for gauging the impact on traditional WvW

* It does bring people in droves, in which case it breaks WvW during the testing.


Either way, why not cut out the middleman and do as they are doing now: experiment in traditional WvW?


Regardless, I don't think you & I are going to agree on this. I'll leave it to ANet to break the tie.


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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Eotm needs to be deleted is all that needs to be done


Im quoting this so when/if Anet do that, and all them K-Train players then flood the WvW maps, to see if you come back complaining that you cant get past the Queues as "non" WvW players are taking your valuable slot on the server,


Seriously why are people so against mode that other players enjoy, if you don't like EotM don't go into it, Anet have already stripped nearly everything from it already due to the excessive QQing on the forums, is it any wonder people that haven't played WvW don't want to play WvW.



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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Eotm needs to be deleted is all that needs to be done


> Im quoting this so when/if Anet do that, and all them K-Train players then flood the WvW maps, to see if you come back complaining that you cant get past the Queues as "non" WvW players are taking your valuable slot on the server,


> Anet have already stripped nearly everything from it already due to the excessive QQing on the forums




For my knowledge: what has been removed from EOTM that it had that hasn't been removed from WvW?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > The goal of this suggestion was to have a live test platform so any player could test and vote for future wvw features, without disrupting the wvw zones.

> > > >

> > >

> > > And my point is that it won't be a realistic live platform because very few people will decide to "test" if it means they don't get pips. And if there are enough people testing, then it will disrupt traditional WvW by removing people from the borderlands.

> > >

> > > (I'm more interested in what might actually happen than what ANet might have intended four years ago.)

> >

> > The devs can also incentivize this “testing”, and even incentivize participating in voting. The “test” can run a few weeks, or the month, so players can take part on their time.


> You just described how not to test something: change it so it's nothing like how it usually is.


> >

> > Testing in EotM only potentially breaks EotM, it doesn’t break the 4 other wvw maps.

> Two possibilities:

> * It doesn't bring people to EotM in droves, making it a self-selecting test group and thus not useful for gauging the impact on traditional WvW

> * It does bring people in droves, in which case it breaks WvW during the testing.


> Either way, why not cut out the middleman and do as they are doing now: experiment in traditional WvW?


> Regardless, I don't think you & I are going to agree on this. I'll leave it to ANet to break the tie.



How should testing be done properly then?


I’m asking for Anet to be more aggressive with testing stuff for WvW, in an area that was designed as a test bed. EotM is less used now due to not having updated rewards, and doesn’t have a connection to wvw zones, so hosting a long term set of changes allows more players to test things and provide their feedback... because it’s not limited to 1 select weekend. Also, there is zero negative impact to any wvw weekend if what is being tested in EotM is completely broken.


I want you to consider the pace of wvw and profession development, and testing, here, and realize that Camelot Unchained (with its 300v300v300 capable game engine, awesome maps and map mechanics, 30 unique and highly customizable classes, RvR dungeon, higher TTK, stealth mechanics that won’t be designed for 1 shot stealth burst gank play... and a ton more awesome RvR stuff...) is coming around the corner. It is the most anticipated true RvR game coming to a computer near you, and unless Anet is not concerned about the health of our RvR mode and players, there needs to be more consistent testing done here, and a good structure to make that happen.

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