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Anyone else feel that we have stunning new environments but NOTHING to do in them?


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Funny thing is these events give far better rewards than any hot stuff. I was doing bounties after reset last night and some other events and ive got 64 rare unidentified items to open. 300 of the blue ones. And thats without the huge amount of materials that u get from sand piles and bleached skulls etc and just rewards in general.


People seem to be far underestimating rewards.


Why do u think all the prices are tumbling on trading post its like rewards are dialed to 11

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> @mazut.4296 said:

> They need to make a balance. Map wide meta was boring. But maps still can have 2-3 more local big meta events. Think of world bosses+ few additional pre events. Also not necessary ending with big boss...


Local metas are already in the expansion, there are a few dynamic events, they just don't affect the entire map. The very definition of metas is that they were changing the entire map, and making it unusable for any other purpose, that's why it's not there anymore. Not everyone feels like raiding to level up.

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I haven't finished the story. I haven't completed any of the maps. I'm already wondering what I'm here for.


I usually come across a random boss or I start a bounty and call out my position on the map chat. Nobody comes to help (or at least, not in time) and I fail the boss. I guess they're all too busy collecting scrap metal for other events or something. I did find 10+ people doing that boss in Augury Rock once. I went back there the next day at around the same time and there were only three of us.


I don't really need a complete meta event. I just need to know a specific time when I can log in to do a specific thing with a reasonable number of people. Just a world boss type thing a couple times a day would keep me interested in these maps. I know there are those people who don't like and don't need direction but without it I'm pretty much going to just wait around for people, hours on end, to do a three minute boss with a couple of random passers-by. I really doubt just one or two big things on a timer would, 'Ruin the integrity' of the maps for those who think it's a terrible idea.


Has anyone completed every inch of the maps? Is there no huge fight with Balthazar/Joko/Branded boss for open world? Just one of these and I'd take everything I said right back. It doesn't even have to make sense; I'll take it.

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Because for god knows what reason, they decided to not include world boss meta event chains in any of these maps. So you are stuck just doing boring hearts and stuff. Where are my big boss event chains Anet? So disappointing. I was looking forward to doing massive scale boss events with my guild. I understand not going the Dragon Stand route, but they could have found a middle ground.

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Large metas that require multiple groups simply do not work. They're not sustainable, nor is open world group content in general as the majority moves on. HoT died out within the first month and quickly became LFG-only content, though a big problem with that is how the megaservers absolutely fail to reasonably fill maps and people hopping them only makes it worse. AB was the only truly active map in HoT. These events were designed based on season 1, but those only worked because they were temporary and thus always flooded with people. If they want to continue making events like these, they would be far better off splitting them from the maps and treating them like an activity where you have to queue in and are automatically placed in the required teams. That way the maps are always filled, it can be scaled to exact numbers, everyone is always there with the intention of participating, no commands are required and they can occur at any time.


PoF may have less content to grind, but from the average player's perspective that is just going to play through the game solo, PoF offers far more and for those coming later, they'll still be able to play it whereas HoT is mostly skipped content.

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> @Ashley.3408 said:

> Funny thing is these events give far better rewards than any hot stuff. I was doing bounties after reset last night and some other events and ive got 64 rare unidentified items to open. 300 of the blue ones. And thats without the huge amount of materials that u get from sand piles and bleached skulls etc and just rewards in general.


> People seem to be far underestimating rewards.


> Why do u think all the prices are tumbling on trading post its like rewards are dialed to 11


See, this is the issue. MMo's have gone from fun, engaging content to content that involves grinding as much mats/gold as possible, then rinse and repeating.

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I think Anet is trying to introduce some variety. We had HoT -everyone knows how that went- and now we have PoF, five maps with wide-open terrain and little area-gating. I've explored most of the maps so far (not in depth, just running through) and I've amazed at how many cool areas and nooks they've created. The maps are huge, and a perfect throwback to GW1, especially The Desolation. I even saw the Junundu wurms (remember that shit? That shit was awesome). It's only been three days, it's impossible to know what might happen with the maps, or what farms might become popular.

I'm the type of player who really doesn't enjoy large events or boss fights because they just feel boring and unrewarding; spamming skills for ten minutes into a shitstorm of weapon animations and fps drop. I think what they've done so far is great, with smaller-scale events and plenty of breathing room. Obviously I can't gauge the replayability of the maps so far, but there's just so much area there I'd be surprised if people didn't go back.

I'd take these maps over HoT any day.

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> @IseeU.4519 said:

> The expansion LOOKS gorgeous, but where is the actual content?


Everywhere! How can one not see it? There are events all over the place (not stressful mega metas like in HoT), there are NPCs with actually meaningful collections (story and lore wise) and actually interesting dialogue, there is **so much life** in this expansion, and for the first time in GW2 history exploring is immensely enjoyable and immersive and gives you a sense of true adventure -- nothing any previous content in this game ever did (maybe the core campaign to some extent, but still not even close to this, as it had tons of stuff that simply felt "unfinished").

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I disagree with the OP. I've found a lot to do in the new maps so far in just the first map alone. There are a lot of hidden secrets and challenges dotted around, like hidden grand chests that reward a good chunk of items, recipes and the map currency, as well as some out-of-the-way events that most people don't seem to know about. Not to mention the collectibles, with some of those collectibles being a decent challenge to find and get.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @IseeU.4519 said:

> > The expansion LOOKS gorgeous, but where is the actual content?


> Everywhere! How can one not see it? There are events all over the place (not stressful mega metas like in HoT), there are NPCs with actually meaningful collections (story and lore wise) and actually interesting dialogue, there is **so much life** in this expansion, and for the first time in GW2 history exploring is immensely enjoyable and immersive and gives you a sense of true adventure -- nothing any previous content in this game ever did (maybe the core campaign to some extent, but still not even close to this, as it had tons of stuff that simply felt "unfinished").


I've mapped all 5 maps and honestly, it feels like walking in a beautiful wasteland with only mindless mobs to grind. There are HUGE swathes of the new maps where absolutely NOTHING is happening. How can YOU not see that? The map with the snowy mountains and that valley with the architecture where you contact Taimi. There is nothing going on there at all. Why put all this detail and amazing design and not put anything in it? It's the same with the desolation. The problem with such huge maps is that they obviously didn't have the resources to put actual quests in there. The same with Vabbi. Why design a huge palace and have NOTHING going on there lol. It's absurd.


Apart from anything else, the events are just repeats of everything we have seen before. Fight off waves of mobs, escort someone or run around collecting items and bringing them back to an npc. Infact there are actually quests REPEATED from Queensdale. I couldn't believe one of the new Hearts actually required you to smash Beehives...Where have we seen that before? Oh yes Beetletun, 5 years ago! They really could't have used this opportunity to break away from the stereotypical MMO quest grind? There is nothing like the quest for Trahearns sword for example. Maybe they will flesh it out later. But I've already cleared the story and other than grinding the Griffin collection, I can't see this exp having the repeatability of HOT Metas.

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Many disliked HoT because EVERY MAP was tied around a meta. People had to schedule their life around the game to actually be able to participate in them. Unfortunately, anet thought that because of this, they shouldn't include ANY meta events. I enjoy meta events, just don't make each map have them. And don't make maps designed only for the meta like DS.

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I loved HoT. Sure, there were times when I had to grind for Mastery Points, and I still don't have all the HoT Lines mastered (only Gliding and LS3 ones), yet I felt like I was progressing. The meta events never got in my way either. I blasted through the story fast and was gripped by it. And I had only read a summary of LS2. I still have strongboxes in Dragon's Stand to get, too.


That said, I haven't gotten far in PoF. I'm on "Night on Fire" and I dunno, something just stops me from progressing in general. It could be the extremely annoying mobs with large aggro ranges, and those Hydras, man. o.o;


Of course, the fact I can't complete Draconis Mons, or even start it because Arrival and Survival is bugged is also discouraging. I want to see the entirety of LS3 before really getting into PoF. That's probably my issue.


But, again, with HoT? The only place I hated was TD, and even then, I've done the meta twice. I loved Auric Basin, I grew to love Verdant Brink. While I think the cost of progressing the masteries in HoT was too high I really enjoyed HoT and its maps.


LS3 had some fun maps--I particularly enjoyed Bloodstone Fen. However, once I got my Blood Ruby Backpack, I rarely returned to Bloodstone Fen. In fact, it's probably been a month or two now since I was there. If PoF is anything like the LS3 maps, then I'm going to be returning to the HoT ones eventually.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> People complained about HoT being on timers and needed groups. Anet made changes based on the very loud complaints of a percentage of the playerbase. I know after I get done with the expansion I'll be spending time in HoT again, because that offers a different experience.


> Both experiences are valid. Anet should have made 3 maps without metas and two with metas


Good old anet. In no way would there be 2 diff demographics. PPl who like metas and ppl who dislike them. "should we made abit of both"? "Nahhh

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> @Bloodtau.4672 said:

> See, this is the issue. MMo's have gone from fun, engaging content to content that involves grinding as much mats/gold as possible, then rinse and repeating.


MMOs usually always include grinding, farming, time-gating and loot. That is part of the core of a MMO.

It is up to the player what part of the MMO he/she plays. GW2 is one of the few MMOs that does not force you to grind for BiS gear.


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