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Some content in the game makes me really sad, for example the revenant - the only paid class in the game is the most problematic and the most ignored.


Why does content have to die?


One of the most important systems in the game is the achievement system, a system that gives you something to aim for and the only way to enjoy it's rewards is to play old and new content.


I'm playing for a couple of months now but the most frustrating thing I encountered yet is the ongoing dilemma - which race am I gonna play.

For a couple of reasons:



Every time I hear the might gain voiceline for the female norn("MigHt mAKes mE RiGhT") I feel like blood comes out of my ears.

Or the female asura screaming... Damn.

etc etc etc


2. **Player animations**:

Some animations are just unbearable to watch, can't this be reworked? Why can't I enjoy the hand crafted world with some hand crafted long thought of animations?(mounts are the perfect example for beautiful animations).

And not only the way these animations are made but there are so little amount of them, can't Anet give us a bit more variety - give the races more animations per skill for example so it won't get boring(as a cosmetic I would spend tons of money on this). PoF elite animations are a big disappointment.


3.**core abilities**:

I'm probably not the first one that feels like the core profession is not effective or unfinished but it's worth it just to bring more ideas for a slight chance of redemption.

Revenant - why can't Anet add more legends?, Why can't I channel Zhaitan or Mordremoth?(don't know if it's possible lore wise but you get the point), It's a great opportunity to give more lore and bring more content in the future(I'm pissed off mostly because of that but Im sure there are more examples).

The profession is exclusive after all but without constant updates it's not even worth playing...

Some professions will probably have more viability if abilities will be added or reworked.


I would pass any new race or new weapons idea just to get a bit of what was written here.


And the biggest part is that it is all DOABLE and seems logical for the game to stay healthy.


What do you guys think? Will this ever get implemented?


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I think I have a different perspective as a 6-year veteran. I'm sure I paid more for my Professions than the 'only paid class'. I believe there are options for player chatter. I'm ambivalent about animations; I rather enjoy my Asura. Future expansions may provide more Elites; almost assuredly so. For me, every Profession is viable; it's just a matter of preference when choosing which to play.


I'm of the mindset that the Devs have the ability and knowledge to determine what's most healthy for the game. But, that's just me.


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While I agree with you that dead content in the game creates a problem.. I dont think any of the things you listed apply to dead content.

Animation and voiceovers are purely subjective. They cant be called dead... It costs far far to much to add additional voiceovers and its not worth adding different animations as they dont bring revenue to anet.


Revenant profession does need a rework, but not in the form of more legends (these will come with elite specs). It needs a rework of its energy costs.

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Revenant has 4 core legends which is perfect for a core class given it covers survival, healing, condition and power across them. Elementalists have access to 4 elements, so this entirely makes sense. It does get updates via elites though, so this is the same as the rest of the professions.


I do think they should have had an extra long range core weapon and not left their underwater stuff undeveloped though.

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:


> One of the most important systems in the game is the achievement system, a system that gives you something to aim for and the only way to enjoy it's rewards is to play old and new content.


> I'm playing for a couple of months now but the most frustrating thing I encountered yet is the ongoing dilemma - which race am I gonna play.

> For a couple of reasons:


> 1.**voicelines(combat)**:

> Every time I hear the might gain voiceline for the female norn("MigHt mAKes mE RiGhT") I feel like blood comes out of my ears.




The whole point of the achievement point system is to give you something to aim for, whether it's old or new content. That's your choice not to do them.


As for your #1 point - you can turn those "voicelines" off in the settings. I did that long ago.

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I agree with another poster, I don't think any of this is really dead content


1 - Voicelines. I happen to enjoy them, but I understand that some people don't. Its probably not worth Anet's time, but if they introduced an option to greatly reduce the chance of voicelines being used by your character it would be cool for some.


2 - Animations. From a purely PvE perspective, having animation skin sets would be an amazing feature for the gem store, and I'm sure it would get Anet a TON of money in the long run. From a PvP/WvW perspective, there are already tons of animations to have to learn in the game, needing to learn more, especially if you would be allowed to customize the color scheme, would be an absolute nightmare. I cannot ever see this being a good thing for PvP/WvW, period. And I don't know if Anet wants to release something that would require so much work only for it to not be allowed in 2 out of 3 gamemodes

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I like the voice work, even when it's laughably bad. It's just so...GW2! But I will grant you that some of the voice work for player skill use crosses the line into obnoxious territory. I've always loved the chatty Asuran female voice in combat, but I agree that Norn female (especially ranger!) is about the most annoying thing ever. If I have to hear "We heal as one!" just once more...


I guess there's no setting to turn off player voice work, huh?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I like the voice work, even when it's laughably bad. It's just so...GW2! But I will grant you that some of the voice work for player skill use crosses the line into obnoxious territory. I've always loved the chatty Asuran female voice in combat, but I agree that Norn female (especially ranger!) is about the most annoying thing ever. If I have to hear "We heal as one!" just once more...


> I guess there's no setting to turn off player voice work, huh?


Have you tried this option in the 'Options - Sound' menu?

_Disable Player Chatter

Disables the random chatter and player character shouts, like those from when a boon is acquired._

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > I like the voice work, even when it's laughably bad. It's just so...GW2! But I will grant you that some of the voice work for player skill use crosses the line into obnoxious territory. I've always loved the chatty Asuran female voice in combat, but I agree that Norn female (especially ranger!) is about the most annoying thing ever. If I have to hear "We heal as one!" just once more...

> >

> > I guess there's no setting to turn off player voice work, huh?


> Have you tried this option in the 'Options - Sound' menu?

> _Disable Player Chatter

> Disables the random chatter and player character shouts, like those from when a boon is acquired._


Nope. Never bothered me enough to try. But if I ever pick up ranger for real, I'll be sure to check it out! Thanks!

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> Revenant - why can't Anet add more legends?, Why can't I channel Zhaitan or Mordremoth?(don't know if it's possible lore wise but you get the point), It's a great opportunity to give more lore and bring more content in the future(I'm pissed off mostly because of that but Im sure there are more examples).


because the elder dragons do not go to the Mist when they die?



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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> While I agree with you that dead content in the game creates a problem.. I dont think any of the things you listed apply to dead content.

> Animation and voiceovers are purely subjective. They cant be called dead... It costs far far to much to add additional voiceovers and its not worth adding different animations as they dont bring revenue to anet.


> Revenant profession does need a rework, but not in the form of more legends (these will come with elite specs). It needs a rework of its energy costs.


When I say dead I mean not touched in a long while, making it inferior in comparison to other assets quality wise.

If Anet will give a small refresh to some of the old content that would certainly give a better experience.


As for the revenant, Anet doesn't seem to care about the current state of balancing and won't give the revenant a rework(at least like how I see it) - but they can give the revenant a new legend from some time to time, like it actually progresses from the living story and refreshes the profession (with no connection to elite specs).



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> @"Galaa.8475" said:

> so choosing a race is your big dilemma? race is nothing but a body to carry the class. do you want to look at a tree thing all day, a rat, a big hulk or a human all day. that's all there is to it, nothing more. don't make it complicated.


But the animations are so cringeworthy so it's really hard to pick a race that has some good looking animations, especially if I grinded every video on YouTube just to find 1 good looking animation?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > I like the voice work, even when it's laughably bad. It's just so...GW2! But I will grant you that some of the voice work for player skill use crosses the line into obnoxious territory. I've always loved the chatty Asuran female voice in combat, but I agree that Norn female (especially ranger!) is about the most annoying thing ever. If I have to hear "We heal as one!" just once more...

> >

> > I guess there's no setting to turn off player voice work, huh?


> Have you tried this option in the 'Options - Sound' menu?

> _Disable Player Chatter

> Disables the random chatter and player character shouts, like those from when a boon is acquired._


Thank you so much??

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Revenant has 4 core legends which is perfect for a core class given it covers survival, healing, condition and power across them. Elementalists have access to 4 elements, so this entirely makes sense. It does get updates via elites though, so this is the same as the rest of the professions.


> I do think they should have had an extra long range core weapon and not left their underwater stuff undeveloped though.


I guess I can dream too?

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > Revenant - why can't Anet add more legends?, Why can't I channel Zhaitan or Mordremoth?(don't know if it's possible lore wise but you get the point), It's a great opportunity to give more lore and bring more content in the future(I'm pissed off mostly because of that but Im sure there are more examples).


> because the elder dragons do not go to the Mist when they die?




I thought about glint when I wrote that and it sounded pretty damn worthwhile

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there a META Glint Ventari Healing Build, and a Renegade META DPS build, I also thought there were META PVP and WVW builds that use Glint and Dwarf?


As far as the Legends every trait line has a Legend except Invocation I think it's called which is basically just a utility trait line so they can only add one with each new Elite Spec.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Revenant has 4 core legends which is perfect for a core class given it covers survival, healing, condition and power across them. Elementalists have access to 4 elements, so this entirely makes sense. It does get updates via elites though, so this is the same as the rest of the professions.


> I do think they should have had an extra long range core weapon and not left their underwater stuff undeveloped though.


I believe all classes have 5 core and 2 elite specializations (including the revenant).



The revenant has five core specializations, and two elite specializations:


_Devastation, Corruption, Retribution, Salvation, Invocation_


_Herald, Renegade_


Elementalists do have access to the 4 elemental trait lines but also _Arcane_ is a core spec. I guess people sometimes overlook the less utilized specs.

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> While I agree with you that dead content in the game creates a problem.. I dont think any of the things you listed apply to dead content.

> Animation and voiceovers are purely subjective. They cant be called dead... It costs far far to much to add additional voiceovers and **its not worth adding different animations as they dont bring revenue to anet.**


> Revenant profession does need a rework, but not in the form of more legends (these will come with elite specs). It needs a rework of its energy costs.


It could actually be possible to make money from adding new animations. Elder Scrolls Online sells "personalities" in their cash shop which change the animations your character uses, and even how they stand, walk and perform emotes. For example the thief personality changes the standing position to a defensive pose and changes walking to sneaking (even if you're not using the sneak mechanic), the assassin personality gives your character a dagger to play with when standing idle and makes a lot of emotes look more aggressive, and the drunk personality means you have a drink in your hand whenever you're standing still and changes the walk animation to stumbling around etc. (I can't really describe how they change the emotes, but if you're interested I'm sure there's videos on youtube.)


I don't think it's their best selling item but some people really enjoy them and selling it as an optional extra means they get some money back from the people who want it to cover the time taken to make them.


Personally the animations in GW2 rarely bother me. I guess I don't spend that much time looking at my own characters. I was disappointed when they changed the ranger's sword fighting, because now it just looks like they're waving the sword around randomly, but it fixed the problem of being locked into an animation and unable to dodge or move except at a few specific points, so overall it's better.


Of course the problem is if they sold new animations in the gem store the people who can't stand the current ones would probably complain that it's too expensive for something they absolutely cannot play without and it must be added to the base game as a free update instead.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I like the voice work, even when it's laughably bad. It's just so...GW2! But I will grant you that some of the voice work for player skill use crosses the line into obnoxious territory. I've always loved the chatty Asuran female voice in combat, but I agree that Norn female (especially ranger!) is about the most annoying thing ever. If I have to hear "We heal as one!" just once more...


Or the one a female Norn says when she gets swiftness: "Quickly!"(1) I don't mind "We heal as one!" because I control when *my* ranger says it.


"Suffer!" on a (female human) Reaper just gives me ... chills. It fights with a female human warrior shouting "Shake it off!" and any human female saying "Oh, it's *on* now!" for top place.


Oh, and on the subject of *good* animations, these are the ones I like best, in no particular order:

* Sword/Dagger Weaver in Fire/Lightning, 1/2/3 especially 2.

* Daredevil autoattack chain

* Revenant Sword 3 "Unrelenting Assault"

* Revenant Hammer 3 "Phase Smash", especially if your character is showing the Black Feather Wings back item skin.

* Reaper GS 2 "Gravedigger"

* Fire Elementalist Dagger 2 "Drake's Breath", real dragon breath there

* Guardian Torch 5 "Cleansing Flame", *blue* dragon breath

* Guardian GS, more or less the whole set.


(1) Particularly grating if you have the passive mode of Signet of Illusion running, where it gives you a random boon every ten seconds, since it the list includes swiftness and you'll hear your character say it a couple of times a minute the whole time you are logged in.

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I don't play guild wars 2 with voice anymore, but I respect the amount of work it takes to implement. I think they can fix a lot of what you call 'obnoxious' by significantly lowering the chance that a boon will trigger a voice line. That would solve most voice related complaints pretty easily. A lot of those lines don't seem to be meant to be repeated often.



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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Revenant has 4 core legends which is perfect for a core class given it covers survival, healing, condition and power across them. Elementalists have access to 4 elements, so this entirely makes sense. It does get updates via elites though, so this is the same as the rest of the professions.

> >

> > I do think they should have had an extra long range core weapon and not left their underwater stuff undeveloped though.


> I believe all classes have 5 core and 2 elite specializations (including the revenant).

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revenant

> Specializations

> The revenant has five core specializations, and two elite specializations:

> **Core**

> _Devastation, Corruption, Retribution, Salvation, Invocation_

> **Elite**

> _Herald, Renegade_


> Elementalists do have access to the 4 elemental trait lines but also _Arcane_ is a core spec. I guess people sometimes overlook the less utilized specs.


Legends not specialisations. Both myself and the op specified those not the traitlines which are completely different

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> @"bigchunk.3875" said:

> I don't play guild wars 2 with voice anymore, but I respect the amount of work it takes to implement. I think they can fix a lot of what you call 'obnoxious' by significantly lowering the chance that a boon will trigger a voice line. That would solve most voice related complaints pretty easily. A lot of those lines don't seem to be meant to be repeated often.


Please no. Personally I rely a lot more on those lines to alert me to happening on-screen than I do on watching buff lists, party lists and the like. It's one of the reasons why I love my golem back-pack: it gives me even more audio cues about things going on in-game that I could never take in as easily if they were only visual effects. Not every person is primarily visually focussed.


If you don't like to hear the lines, you can simply turn them off, but don't take them away for those of us that make use of them when playing the game just because you find them inconvenient and useless.

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