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Changes to UNDERWATER combat [merged]

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You know what? What I want is a real floating mechanic: Floaters, floating bases, floating things on water, moving platforms! Agree with Ardid.

And more anti-gravitational systems like the magnetons lab! Why not switch to control gravity! Walk on the right wall, running on the ceiling...... Sorry >.< I gone too far.

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> @"Nyel.1843" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > @"Nyel.1843" said:

> > > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > > Oh brilliant, they can finally fix this total abomination of game design. Here's hoping that they delete underwater combat entirely along with the Quaggans.

> > >

> > > I don't want miss underwater content, it's awesome. It just needs better tweaking and balancing, which hopefully is done today. Underwater content is super rare in MMORPGs nowadays and GW2 is outstanding in that regard.

> >

> > There's a good reason it's super rare...


> Yeah most devs are too lazy or not capable of creating it. Look at SWTOR or ESO, devs didn't even implement diving or swimming.


> I am very pleased that GW2 has a lot of amazing underwater stuff.


Yes, that's right. All those other developers just didn't know what they were doing. 6 degrees of freedom is a super great idea in a game that fixes its camera to prevent gimble lock. What could go wrong? Oh wait, Vashj'ir.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> Just nerfs and buffs to current UW-usable abilities. Not sure why they needed a newsletter about it in advance. But this is just the beginning. First steps toward UW development.


As expected really. Certainly doesn't herald any new UW content, it's just bringing the skills up to par, nothing more

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I'm hungry for new content. SOMETHING truly new. A different experience in GW 2. That last LW ep felt so formulaic and predictable. UW is untapped potential. As another poster mentioned, "a whole world" of content. That is something to be excited about. I can't wait till that day.

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If you’re only go do some minor damage multiplier updates to underwater skills,

there’s really no need to announce it ahead of time, and getting us all hyped up.

Everyone was hoping to changes to how skills worked underwater, enabling some skills that were disabled, or maybe adding new skills exclusive for underwater.

Heck, the revenant could’ve really used an underwater legend.

But if this is all, its really just a minor patch that will hardly affect underwater combat at all.

But I suppose we cant look a gift horse.. or a dolyak? In the mouth, can we?

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They specifically said "change to underwater skills" and "We’re enhancing underwater skills and utilities ".


They did exactly that. Anything else was players hoping, imagining or expecting something else. Understandable, but not really Anet's fault since they implemented as advertised without incorrect hype.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> They specifically said "change to underwater skills" and "We’re enhancing underwater skills and utilities ".


> They did exactly that. Anything else was players hoping, imagining or expecting something else. Understandable, but not really Anet's fault since they implemented as advertised without incorrect hype.


But they didn't even really enhance them. They changed some numbers, but that won't make underwater combat more fun...


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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > They specifically said "change to underwater skills" and "We’re enhancing underwater skills and utilities ".

> >

> > They did exactly that. Anything else was players hoping, imagining or expecting something else. Understandable, but not really Anet's fault since they implemented as advertised without incorrect hype.


> But they didn't even really enhance them. They changed some numbers, but that won't make underwater combat more fun...



They enhanced them by making by bringing their numbers up (which is pretty much what enhancing is).


I'd have preferred a more in depth change too, but what they gave us today is pretty much what was expected based on what they said they'd be doing.

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> @"FOX.3582" said:

> So Arenanet, you just changed some underwater skills and added some stuff, good. Just don't hype people by calling it a "change for underwater combat".


> What a waste...


I couldn't disagree more. I think they made an announcement and did exactly what they said. It would be unreasonable to think that there would be anything new as they specifically said they were re-working existing underwater combat not adding underwater combat zones etc. In addition, they added new breathers, new speed infusions and re-worked how skills function underwater. I think what they have done is going to make underwater a fair bit more fun but also a fair bit more tolerable for those who really didn't care for it.


Personally, I send a huge thank you to the team for the changes to the Rev especially the addition of the Trident and the extra Legend.

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > They specifically said "change to underwater skills" and "We’re enhancing underwater skills and utilities ".

> >

> > They did exactly that. Anything else was players hoping, imagining or expecting something else. Understandable, but not really Anet's fault since they implemented as advertised without incorrect hype.


> But they didn't even really enhance them. They changed some numbers, but that won't make underwater combat more fun...



Uhm.. the biggest problem of underwater was lackluster damage. By increasing damage across the board combat won't be such a slog = more fun. Also faster swim speed to fix the second issue the entire system had. Very successful and definitely NOT overhyped.

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