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Underwater changes+ E3 = New expansion?

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Depends on the revamp and patch. Personally, I wouldn't mind an underwater expansion . . . if they do it right.


> Here's to hoping they let me use my druid staff underwater. ☺


I'd be really surprised if the new underwater combat is copy paste land combat for the seas. I mean you'd be using spears , tridents and harpoons for your weapons anyways not a staff. Maybe they'll do something new with weapons, but i'd assume they are tweaking the utilities, so you can use them all. Maybe the utilities have new skills for underwater so they're not just locked from being used because anet didn't work stuff out properly the first time.



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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> Why revamp Under Water Combat if they don't have Future Under Water Content planned?


> I think there's probably going to be an Under Water Raid and Fractal this Summer to get everyone used to the new Combat and to test out new Under Water mechanics.


> Next Expansion will be Water based, every expansion has focused on a Mastery Feature and Map Type.


> Heart of Thorns was vertical and focused on Gliding. Path of Fire was more horizontal with maps but had unique terrains for mounts. Water expansion will be vertical again but will focus on water currents and different types of water mounts depending on the ocean depth?


I somehow dont think raids and fractals are a nice way of introducing underwater content. If anything those could come after or maybe during.


Definitely think that the mastery system could improve underwater movement and travel alot. Like substreams (like leylines), bubbles working as elevators (like updrafts) or whirlpools for downdrafts. And ofcourse underwater mounts with various abilities. Navigation is definitely one of those things that needs improvement. Anet does seem to have a plethora of ways on land how they did that. And with underwater being one of those areas that basically a deserted waste of waterbody for the most part. Traversing that more easier would make the experience better. Maybe even fun.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > > > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > > > > > please @anet... no underwater expansion!! unless it's like atlantis or something... we all hate underwater combat

> > > > >

> > > > > I actually feel like that but then I thought it might be something different than we think..

> > > > > Will be nice with flying/air combat..

> > > > > I'd be happy with any new content .. I'm very easily pleased ??

> > > >

> > > > yeah i'd rather have a sky-themed expansion... and airship battles (sort of like zhaitan episode but more epic, more combat-engaged and more open-worlded).

> > > > but if it has to be underwater, i hope they make like beautiful atlantis cities with ruins, and runes and all that mythology junk. and that we can at least walk inside the cities or something instead of swimming all the time.

> > >

> > > Canopy in HoT says remember me?

> >

> > well the patriarch fight was epic in VB... but i imagine the sky-themed expansion to be less tentacle-japanese-horror-fiction-play... and more like these scenes in this FFXIV trailer at 3:35 minutes... not saying Anet should copypaste the aesthetics of FF... but something similar would be nice...

> >

> >


> What about the Mouth of Mordremoth fight, that involved a lot of gliding, let's not forget the gliding mechanics used in Bloodstone Fen.


well ok that too was amazing... but i just want an expansion dedicated to sky so i can show off my griffon skins ok!

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Underwater movement needs to become a bit easier. Things like you suddenly changing directions or you going forward instead of up with looking up and pressing W even though you don't press anything else is annoying.


Underwater speed needs to be a little faster imo to make it feel smoother and more enjoyable. If the upcoming balance changes for underwater combat make it so you actually deal decent damage could just make it feel alright.

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now thats an unique thought, underwater mounts!? Would definitely make an interesting expansion feature if they manage to make them unique enough to stand out.

Mounts in pof was done far better than imagined, the old world becomes so much easier to navigate with them.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Can you guys slow down in bulk buying underwater precursor pls ???


Funny enough, I bought one just a couple of days ago to start working on Frenzy. And that was _before_ the announcement. =) Frenzy is extremely colorful, but somewhat cool. The other two, unfortunately, are rather undesireable - Kraitkin is boring (although I _love_ its precursor) and Kamohoali'i Kotaki (whose precursor is very nice as well) has that silly fisher net and the super cheesy pink colored effect.


> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> now thats an unique thought, underwater mounts!?


Oh yeah, baby! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Definitely would have some more realistic ones (dolphins, for instance?) than we have on land. (Where is my horse mount, ANet?)

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Just had a new thought.


Many people dislike underwater combat. Knowing this Anet reworks it and allow people to experience the changes in a new lw episode. After that, they announce that they are working on expansion with that theme on E3 to create a hype. This way they can combat the negative views of older players who won't be too excited about underwater stuff.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Both expansions chased away players hot was due too it was simply to hard for alot of people. Pof was partly due too mounts


I was under the impression PoF brought a lot of people back to the game. I suspect mounts helped that. Certainly mounts have in no way hurt the success of the game

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> please @anet... no underwater expansion!! unless it's like atlantis or something... we all hate underwater combat


Extravagant statement. I *don't* hate underwater combat. I'm a little frustrated at how my characters feel weaker than normal when fighting underwater compared to on land, with the same grades of gear in both cases, but the combat system itself is reasonable. (But then again, I've felt that way about it ever since the first time I tried it, during BWE2 when the lake by the apple orchard in QD had red-name actively hostile drakes in it.)

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Both expansions chased away players hot was due too it was simply to hard for alot of people. Pof was partly due too mounts


HoT required players to change their build drastically with the first intro of Specializations. My Necro got destroyed several times to the point of me going back to old content to find a way to fit the Elite Spec into the new build. Yes HoT is hard but the same argument could be made that original content was too easy. PoF featured mounts and was the selling point you don't have to purchase the expansion to play PvP or WvW but since you can try everything in HoTM. Getting destoryed by an Axe wielding Mes or a short bow Rev would make me buy the expansion pretty quick.


Moarrrrrr Options!

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I never understood why people hate underwater content in this game


> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > please @anet... no underwater expansion!! unless it's like atlantis or something... we all hate underwater combat


> Extravagant statement. I *don't* hate underwater combat. I'm a little frustrated at how my characters feel weaker than normal when fighting underwater compared to on land, with the same grades of gear in both cases, but the combat system itself is reasonable. (But then again, I've felt that way about it ever since the first time I tried it, during BWE2 when the lake by the apple orchard in QD had red-name actively hostile drakes in it.)


let's hope he used we as pluralis majestatis and not to speak for everyone :D

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Some speculated a brand new game, either Gw3 or a mobile game. I personally hope it's not a mobile game. As much as I'd like to see Gw3 I doubt that is in the works. Also doubt it's an expansion due to the fact the last expansion died out pretty quick and the maps remain largely unpopulated.


Given the big WvW rework coming, i'd say it's most likely linked to that.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Given the big WvW rework coming, i'd say it's most likely linked to that.




WvW has no meaningful underwater so reworking it for Bay specifically or Water Gate Garrison means nothing as no real combat happens in either of those scenarios.


It's more likely tied to the known updates coming to Aquatic Fractal.

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> @"Pimpology.6234" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > Arenanet would only announce new expansion when were on the last ep of living world season 4. So since we do not know how long the season will be, I doubt expac 3 will be this soon tbh. However arenanet has given free features in between expansions. So to say this. (If) ep 3 is last then yes they would announce. But I highly doubt arenanet will end living world season 4 so soon. Living world season 4 has been the best living world season story so far. I haven’t played 1. But compared to the others. 4 is most enjoyable. So I hope it doesn’t yet.

> >

> > If we were given how many episodes for season 4 I could give a estimate. But since we don’t know how many chapters it could vary big time. Living world seasons chapters been from what 8 chapters to like 12? I could be wrong. So we could say after this one chapter it could be 10 to 20 months. Not including breaks, or added festivals that delay time. But I could be very wrong with date. Like I said it matters by how many episodes they will make. And if they will make an expac after. They could make season 5 before the next expac since 1, and 2 came before hot.

> >

> > However there is a rumor that arenanet is going to make a huge announcement at a game festival. (Forgot the name). And a new feature or something is added, Sometime in the summer.

> >

> > So all these updates could be preparing for that type of announcement.


> They are just updating the underwater combat. Long, long awaited like sitting in chairs.

> I'm pretty sure there were rumors PoF being worked on shortly after HoT release. Well not Path of Fire exactly but another Expansion. I'm sure there already working on the next expansion, but i'd assume thats 2years away unless PoF was so easy(for us :D), they're gunna start rolling out new content at a faster pace. (unlikely)

> Everyone is talking about new expansion, but this just seems to me like more PoF content.

> But now im gunna go google the heck out of the rumor u mentioned above :D


> **Now to dream endlessly about the possibilities (that prolly wont happen for a very long. long. long, long. long. long, long. long. long, long. long. long, time.)**

> So they actually gunna work and improve underwater skills? https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/coming-soon-changes-to-underwater-skills/

> Does this mean we gunna get an underwater mount? OH please gives us and underwater mounty. Pretty PAHLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!

> Potentially new underwater maps? I'm not much on the lore bit of gw2 but are there many water areas in the desert regions other then coast lines? I guess they might do a living world map in another area like last last seasons all over the place maps. So it's possible, but idk if its probable.

> Since we dreaming.... YES i'd love and next expansion to have more underwater combat.

> Can we also place decorations underwater in guild halls? I thought i'd be able to originally, what a let down. I had my underwater sea cave all picked out in Gilded Hollow then got permissions and found out nopes can't do that either :(


> AS to the comment above:





So arenanet is attending e3 this year. What they announce during then I have no idea. Have no idea what they will announce but it sounds enticing.



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> @"Pimpology.6234" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > Depends on the revamp and patch. Personally, I wouldn't mind an underwater expansion . . . if they do it right.

> >

> > Here's to hoping they let me use my druid staff underwater. ☺


> I'd be really surprised if the new underwater combat is copy paste land combat for the seas. I mean you'd be using spears , tridents and harpoons for your weapons anyways not a staff. Maybe they'll do something new with weapons, but i'd assume they are tweaking the utilities, so you can use them all. Maybe the utilities have new skills for underwater so they're not just locked from being used because anet didn't work stuff out properly the first time.




I suppose it is possible that they do plan on adding some of the underwater weapon sets as usable on land for upcoming elite specs. Perhaps that's part of the reason for the underwater combat update. Something they needed to recode anyway to make this possible?


I don't think they'll be adding new weapons to use underwater though.

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