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do u want a love interest for ur hero?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Needs an option for:


> "No. They'd probably bring Trahearne back and make him your only option!"


Oh, come on, think of all his poor fangirls, they've been through a lot! Add the option to keep interactions with him to a minimum or completely remove them for those who can't stand him and everyone should be happy.


However, a romance with an NPC will inevitably feel contrived, not to mention the writers will be tempted to milk it for the "feels". I wouldn't mind being able to choose a friend to accompany my character, e.g. go for a stroll through the Shiverpeaks with Braham, then run some errands for the Olmakhan with Rox, but when I think how glorious the AI makes our companions look in action...

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I feel that the OP is interested in playing some other game than GW2. Besides a love interest for the player character, the game also lacks a vegetarian option, a pacifist story line, travel to other solar systems, open world PvP, trade routes, and any of number of other features that make other games interesting. The PC without a romantic partner is like a choya without a bicycle, i.e. not really all that interesting in the context of Guild Wars 2.


I'm a simple man.


I see a quality Illconceived Was Na post like this, I upvote.

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I'm a HUGE romance fan in video games (heck, I love playing Visual Novels outside of the 18+ scenes, believe it or not :wink: ), BUT I don't think a "forced" romance would work in GW2. People cry already flood waves of tears about how the Commander isn't acting how they want (which is actually somewhat understandble, to be fair) or how >insert NPC< gets more attention than the attentionn-seeking player themselves >coughtreaharnecaladblogcough<. And given how the story shifts from serious "doom and gloom" event A to B, even I would be hesistant to see how a (proper) romance could work. SWTOR's companion romance was okay in that regard, but that worked because, well, the companions had been a core part of the player character gameplay.

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This would be a mess on a bunch of different levels, and they'd also inevitably offend someone. If your male norn falls in love with a male charr, some fundamentalist in a RL religion will say the game encourages bestiality and homosexuality...


So with that in mind, I actually now fully support interspecies homosexual relationships being forced on my character. :p

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> No. It's bad enough having to sit through the drivel of npc's love interests with each other. And it might also mess with people's stories who roleplay.


No. I agree. I can't find love in WvW already. I don't think a false fabrication of love (y'know, the cringey cutscenese with fade to blacks) in PvE would peek my interest either in the ERP department.


I'm so lonely.



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So many seem to assume that if romance is introduced for the player character, it means you HAVE to choose it. I am sure it can be optional. A bit like the SWTOR chat options. Or even the original charm, ferocity, noble chats options that we had at launch. I am sure the system is still in place so that could be amended. A neutral options can always be added for the players not interested in this.

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Honestly, I wouldn't mind a deeper dialogue system where you could interact with and develop better relationships with various characters as a whole, but it doesn't necessarily have to be about romantic relationships, just something to get to know all the characters better and establish more of a bond with the people you're trying to save the world with. I feel like many character stories are left unexplored, or you get the sense you only scratched the surface, so having some dialogue interactions purely for learning/bonding purposes could help flesh them out a bit.

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Having thought about it, I thought something along the lines of the Persona Social Links would be nice: It's structured, it can branch off but still maintain a nice cadence, and, in the case of Persona 4, the MC gave zero nose noses about gender role/ gender/dressing in drag (<3) or anything else. It would still be some programming, but it wouldn't be as heavy as the Skyrim marriage system.

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I feel like the answers should just be just yes or no.

I voted no, because I feel like it's not the point of GW2 and it requires a lot of work for very little returns.

The devs can't make a proper personaliy system, most of our choices have no impact on our experience of the game, even chosing the race of our character have little to no impact. A love interest that we could choose and play with is the last thing we need or we can hope for.

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> @"Martnor.1746" said:

> So many seem to assume that if romance is introduced for the player character, it means you HAVE to choose it. I am sure it can be optional. A bit like the SWTOR chat options. Or even the original charm, ferocity, noble chats options that we had at launch. I am sure the system is still in place so that could be amended. A neutral options can always be added for the players not interested in this.


yeah basically... u have the option to not go for the romance option. a few people mentioned Dragon Age, that was my inspiration for this thread. i wanted something like Dragon age where u can flirt with other NPC's... and go into a relationship with them and have some steamy kissing scenes (ok that sounded really weird and creepy when i typed it out lol).


and like the npc can also say no to your hero as well lol (again taken from DA, i tried to flirt with the captain and he said, "I"M TOO BUSY TO BE DATING RIGHT NOW, the world is falling apart")... basically a few ppl got it correct, this thread was inspired by Dragon Age I, II and III.


> @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> If you want a companion, play a ranger...


my hero not into bestiality, but if it works for others, whatever rock ur boat peeps

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