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Level of Difficulty for Story Instances

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Story dungeons are all very easy solo. How would they introduce story characters like balthasar if a 4 year old pressing 1 could kill it? Also the "i'm old and don't have reaction time anymore" argument just doesn't work since all of the deadly attacks have multiple seconds long tells.

If your reaction time is above 1 second you really have to give up your drivers license aswell but nobody does that probably.

Struggling with story instances has lots of origins:

* Not moving during attacks

* Using builds without any synergy

* Not moving at all

* Not using hard or soft cc at all like blinds. Blinded mob can't hurt you.

* Trying to rely on ranged weapons to ignore all mechanics

* Using wrong weapons like ranger longbow on a condi build or when lots of small adds need to be killed.

* Not doing the intended boss mechanic

* Never changing utility skills for reflects, cc or stunbreaks

The gw story bosses are all very easy compared to real single player games. If people die a lot in monster hunter they watch a guide for the monster or how a weapon works. In GW2 they just want the content to get nerfed so they don't have to adapt.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

>If people die a lot in monster hunter they watch a guide for the monster or how a weapon works. In GW2 they just want the content to get nerfed so they don't have to adapt.


On the other hand, in the early days, it was frowned upon to look at guides in advance, and now you are get flamed for not doing so . It's not as black and white as one might believe.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"GimReaper.4786" said:

> > op, if i can do it, so can you, too.

> This is not always true. Some of us simply do not have the time to dedicate to getting raid-level good.



hog wash, my nephews are casual players. they are married, have jobs, and kids. they made time when their game hating, selfish, unfair, non-compromising wives are at work or sleeping, kids are napping or sleeping and my nephews became raiders.


note - my nephews gives their wives plenty of time together. but the wives don't gives them downtime for 1-2 hrs of gaming. fts. they can gftsia,

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I think the HP of bosses in stories should be cut in half regardless. Some people find them too hard and have their reasons. I personally find the fights too long and tedious and already get bored with the fights before getting the boss to 50%. It's just unnecessary to make the fights as long as they are simply because of the huge HP on them.


> Dodging 27 circles at a time in every fight gets old. Having to do that 132 times in each fight gets really boring. Yes the numbers are made up but it feels like that a lot. I think it's really unnecessary and it breaks the story telling as well. Let the world, dungeon, raid bosses etc. be the challenging ones and the story ones a bit more fun for the more casual players because that part is about the story and there's plenty of challenge already I'd say.



I agree. Either way it helps. If I am struggling with mechanics then the additional slog is a bit much. But when I have the mechanics down it is fun to be competent at that for awhile but then it just gets boring doing the same dodge-circle to position-hit f-attack or whatever if it goes on too long. Too many HP bosses stop feeling epic and start feeling tedious.

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> @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > I think the HP of bosses in stories should be cut in half regardless. Some people find them too hard and have their reasons. I personally find the fights too long and tedious and already get bored with the fights before getting the boss to 50%. It's just unnecessary to make the fights as long as they are simply because of the huge HP on them.

> >

> > Dodging 27 circles at a time in every fight gets old. Having to do that 132 times in each fight gets really boring. Yes the numbers are made up but it feels like that a lot. I think it's really unnecessary and it breaks the story telling as well. Let the world, dungeon, raid bosses etc. be the challenging ones and the story ones a bit more fun for the more casual players because that part is about the story and there's plenty of challenge already I'd say.

> >


> I agree. Either way it helps. If I am struggling with mechanics then the additional slog is a bit much. But when I have the mechanics down it is fun to be competent at that for awhile but then it just gets boring doing the same dodge-circle to position-hit f-attack or whatever if it goes on too long. Too many HP bosses stop feeling epic and start feeling tedious.


Yeah that's exactly my point. I see no advantage to extending these fights artificially with HP bloat on the bosses. Some bosses I had to figure out how to handle during the fight as I go in blind and that can take longer also but in the end, even the straightforward ones that had little difficulty or mechanics were just a snooze fest. I guess some people feel it's more epic if they have to rinse and repeat the same thing 20 times instead of 10 times? I dunno. I guess I just don't see that.

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> @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> Are they _really_ though?


Considering they changed Arah to be done solo, id say yes. Among all the other changes and nerfs to the story missions to make them solo friendly id say yes. Though..the missions these days are..snooze fest easy, even on my ele :/


Run full damage gear everything melts outside of a few select missions which take a little bit of effort.

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  • 2 months later...

Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.


I just Alt+F4'd the game after spending 45 minutes in an endless loop where the boss is a statue, lays down AOE chill, restricting movement WITH 3-4 active ranged mobs knock back and burn me down, WHILE a one shot sphere that cannot be destroyed/damaged prior to impacting my avatar (seeking me) follows me around, resulting in needing a revive, WHILE a single mending mob (spawning every 60 secs) walks calmly towards the boss resetting it 30% after taking 12 minutes to burn that same boss it down 25%... seeing as the "allied" AI characters are barely effectual........ I like a challenge the same as the next guy, but...W T F... this is a STORY, it stopped being enjoyable when LS2 commenced and became a grind with average reward at best. I can see why players are skipping this content. RE TUNE the difficulty, especially post Rune and class nerfs. STORY is story, raids are altogether different. Also PVP tuning should have ZERO to do with PVE/Story TUNING for content and yet I see "inspired re-balancing" in all classes due to PVP in every game I play.


As a newer player coming from titles like WoW and SWTOR, I understand the need to have group content balanced for grouping and solo balanced for enjoyable story progression (with potential hard modes to follow up full clears of content)... I know how mechs work, I am also not naive to how to build and refine professions and classes for multiple roles, having come from many support role group activities in the past... What I am seeing is poor level/content design for a solo player simply wanting to advance in the story, not wasting near to an hour mashing buttons for FA reward, or sense of accomplishment. I do not want to hold myself back from content I have already purchased simply because my story path this first time around has not been experienced.


Recently I saw the vids of Devs saying they wanted players to be captured and enticed by Living world content and be a part of that world.. well... smarten it up... make it reachable in SCALE... I should not need 1. Raid guides/content guides. 2. Groups of other active players.. 3. Another profession... to complete or simply get THROUGH the story content laid out that has been paid for through Gem store.


I just spent 45 mins watching the boss burn down slow, while dodging the adds, One shot death mob only to have 1 maybe 2 consecutive Heal mobs reset the boss no less that 6 times during my session, allllllll the way back to 100%..... It is not fun and it is not in any way enjoyable.


Second attempt, now 30 minutes and running...

"Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

"Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

"Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

"Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

"Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

"Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

"Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"


.....every minute... gets old and is not good story, not good game while dealing with AOE, KB, slow movement, one shot ADDS, and ranged adds all at once, the segment is futile, had I known how poorly this was made I would never have paid for it. Might as well have saved on the mechs and simply made the boss "Invulnerable" and be done with it, same effect.


This mission is soul crushing... and I am not one to normally give in after even 15 raid wipes...


By the way, the filter is lame...

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> @"Deija.9084" said:

> Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.


> I just Alt+F4'd the game after spending 45 minutes in an endless loop where the boss is a statue, lays down AOE chill, restricting movement WITH 3-4 active ranged mobs knock back and burn me down, WHILE a one shot sphere that cannot be destroyed/damaged prior to impacting my avatar (seeking me) follows me around, resulting in needing a revive, WHILE a single mending mob (spawning every 60 secs) walks calmly towards the boss resetting it 30% after taking 12 minutes to burn that same boss it down 25%... seeing as the "allied" AI characters are barely effectual........ I like a challenge the same as the next guy, but...W T F... this is a STORY, it stopped being enjoyable when LS2 commenced and became a grind with average reward at best. I can see why players are skipping this content. RE TUNE the difficulty, especially post Rune and class nerfs. STORY is story, raids are altogether different. Also PVP tuning should have ZERO to do with PVE/Story TUNING for content and yet I see "inspired re-balancing" in all classes due to PVP in every game I play.


> As a newer player coming from titles like WoW and SWTOR, I understand the need to have group content balanced for grouping and solo balanced for enjoyable story progression (with potential hard modes to follow up full clears of content)... I know how mechs work, I am also not naive to how to build and refine professions and classes for multiple roles, having come from many support role group activities in the past... What I am seeing is poor level/content design for a solo player simply wanting to advance in the story, not wasting near to an hour mashing buttons for FA reward, or sense of accomplishment. I do not want to hold myself back from content I have already purchased simply because my story path this first time around has not been experienced.


> Recently I saw the vids of Devs saying they wanted players to be captured and enticed by Living world content and be a part of that world.. well... smarten it up... make it reachable in SCALE... I should not need 1. Raid guides/content guides. 2. Groups of other active players.. 3. Another profession... to complete or simply get THROUGH the story content laid out that has been paid for through Gem store.


> I just spent 45 mins watching the boss burn down slow, while dodging the adds, One shot death mob only to have 1 maybe 2 consecutive Heal mobs reset the boss no less that 6 times during my session, allllllll the way back to 100%..... It is not fun and it is not in any way enjoyable.


> Second attempt, now 30 minutes and running...

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"


> .....every minute... gets old and is not good story, not good game while dealing with AOE, KB, slow movement, one shot ADDS, and ranged adds all at once, the segment is futile, had I known how poorly this was made I would never have paid for it. Might as well have saved on the mechs and simply made the boss "Invulnerable" and be done with it, same effect.


> This mission is soul crushing... and I am not one to normally give in after even 15 raid wipes...


> By the way, the filter is lame...


Get some movement impairing skills to stop/slow the mender. Any skills that can do either of knockdown, pull, push, cripple, immobilize, chill, fear, daze, stun.

Have a swiftness skill. you can run from the ball and it will go away after a few seconds.

Have a condition cleanse to remove chill

Attack from range, don't stand still, focus on mender followed by the statue. Only deal with the adds if they cause too much problem, otherwise leave the npc on them. Make sure your build can do damage.

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> @"Deija.9084" said:

> Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.


I despise this boss fight.

There is just WAY too much to worry about for me.

And tho I can fight him alright. There are two achieves, I fail at every time.


What I do now is I try a boss. If I'm finding it too difficult, I ask guildies to join or lfg the boss.

Tho, I haven't the nerve to go back and try foe fire achieves agaim...just no.


Partying up makes boss fights soooo much better and more fun.


> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> The story missions are hard? Guess you have to put more effort into getting better.


That's not helpful. and it adds nothing to the discussion. Did it make you feel superior?

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Deija.9084" said:

> > Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.


> I despise this boss fight.

> There is just WAY too much to worry about for me.

> And tho I can fight him alright. There are two achieves, I fail at every time.


> What I do now is I try a boss. If I'm finding it too difficult, I ask guildies to join or lfg the boss.

> Tho, I haven't the nerve to go back and try foe fire achieves agaim...just no.


> Partying up makes boss fights soooo much better and more fun.


> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > The story missions are hard? Guess you have to put more effort into getting better.


> That's not helpful. and it adds nothing to the discussion. Did it make you feel superior?


It did actually, and I will stand by it when legless and armless people play games like pubg and league of legends at a challenger level. Sorry that I have higher standards for people.

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> @"Deija.9084" said:

> Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.


> I just Alt+F4'd the game after spending 45 minutes in an endless loop where the boss is a statue, lays down AOE chill, restricting movement WITH 3-4 active ranged mobs knock back and burn me down, WHILE a one shot sphere that cannot be destroyed/damaged prior to impacting my avatar (seeking me) follows me around, resulting in needing a revive, WHILE a single mending mob (spawning every 60 secs) walks calmly towards the boss resetting it 30% after taking 12 minutes to burn that same boss it down 25%... seeing as the "allied" AI characters are barely effectual........ I like a challenge the same as the next guy, but...W T F... this is a STORY, it stopped being enjoyable when LS2 commenced and became a grind with average reward at best. I can see why players are skipping this content. RE TUNE the difficulty, especially post Rune and class nerfs. STORY is story, raids are altogether different. Also PVP tuning should have ZERO to do with PVE/Story TUNING for content and yet I see "inspired re-balancing" in all classes due to PVP in every game I play.


> As a newer player coming from titles like WoW and SWTOR, I understand the need to have group content balanced for grouping and solo balanced for enjoyable story progression (with potential hard modes to follow up full clears of content)... I know how mechs work, I am also not naive to how to build and refine professions and classes for multiple roles, having come from many support role group activities in the past... What I am seeing is poor level/content design for a solo player simply wanting to advance in the story, not wasting near to an hour mashing buttons for FA reward, or sense of accomplishment. I do not want to hold myself back from content I have already purchased simply because my story path this first time around has not been experienced.


> Recently I saw the vids of Devs saying they wanted players to be captured and enticed by Living world content and be a part of that world.. well... smarten it up... make it reachable in SCALE... I should not need 1. Raid guides/content guides. 2. Groups of other active players.. 3. Another profession... to complete or simply get THROUGH the story content laid out that has been paid for through Gem store.


> I just spent 45 mins watching the boss burn down slow, while dodging the adds, One shot death mob only to have 1 maybe 2 consecutive Heal mobs reset the boss no less that 6 times during my session, allllllll the way back to 100%..... It is not fun and it is not in any way enjoyable.


> Second attempt, now 30 minutes and running...

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"

> "Another Mendor, Stop it from reaching the statue"


> .....every minute... gets old and is not good story, not good game while dealing with AOE, KB, slow movement, one shot ADDS, and ranged adds all at once, the segment is futile, had I known how poorly this was made I would never have paid for it. Might as well have saved on the mechs and simply made the boss "Invulnerable" and be done with it, same effect.


> This mission is soul crushing... and I am not one to normally give in after even 15 raid wipes...


> By the way, the filter is lame...


This may, or may not, be helpful: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Plan_of_Attack#Walkthrough

Or, ask someone to help; a guildie, friend, even a stranger.


Good luck.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Deija.9084" said:

> > > Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.

> >

> > I despise this boss fight.

> > There is just WAY too much to worry about for me.

> > And tho I can fight him alright. There are two achieves, I fail at every time.

> >

> > What I do now is I try a boss. If I'm finding it too difficult, I ask guildies to join or lfg the boss.

> > Tho, I haven't the nerve to go back and try foe fire achieves agaim...just no.

> >

> > Partying up makes boss fights soooo much better and more fun.

> >

> > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > The story missions are hard? Guess you have to put more effort into getting better.

> >

> > That's not helpful. and it adds nothing to the discussion. Did it make you feel superior?


> It did actually,



> and I will stand by it when legless and armless people play games like pubg and league of legends at a challenger level. Sorry that I have higher standards for people.


eh ok, sure


How about respect? Understanding? Supporting?


No? But some phantom armless person plays a different game at some hardcore level, everyone should be able to play to your level in this one...ok


You do realise people are different and have different capabilities?


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Deija.9084" said:

> > > > Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.

> > >

> > > I despise this boss fight.

> > > There is just WAY too much to worry about for me.

> > > And tho I can fight him alright. There are two achieves, I fail at every time.

> > >

> > > What I do now is I try a boss. If I'm finding it too difficult, I ask guildies to join or lfg the boss.

> > > Tho, I haven't the nerve to go back and try foe fire achieves agaim...just no.

> > >

> > > Partying up makes boss fights soooo much better and more fun.

> > >

> > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > The story missions are hard? Guess you have to put more effort into getting better.

> > >

> > > That's not helpful. and it adds nothing to the discussion. Did it make you feel superior?

> >

> > It did actually,

> wow


> > and I will stand by it when legless and armless people play games like pubg and league of legends at a challenger level. Sorry that I have higher standards for people.


> eh ok, sure


> How about respect? Understanding? Supporting?


> No? But some phantom armless person plays a different game at some hardcore level, everyone should be able to play to your level in this one...ok


> You do realise people are different and have different capabilities?



You are correct they do. But, ill say this, my mother who has plenty of physical issues is one of the best players ive seen in this game simply because of how patient she is, and her willingness to keep trying something till she gets it. Shes done everything in this game with the exception of raids, and has nearly everything unlocked thats not raid related, ive helped her with one story, the eater of souls episode, and all i did was tell her when to dodge, so i guess my standards are pretty high.


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Deija.9084" said:

> > > > > Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.

> > > >

> > > > I despise this boss fight.

> > > > There is just WAY too much to worry about for me.

> > > > And tho I can fight him alright. There are two achieves, I fail at every time.

> > > >

> > > > What I do now is I try a boss. If I'm finding it too difficult, I ask guildies to join or lfg the boss.

> > > > Tho, I haven't the nerve to go back and try foe fire achieves agaim...just no.

> > > >

> > > > Partying up makes boss fights soooo much better and more fun.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > The story missions are hard? Guess you have to put more effort into getting better.

> > > >

> > > > That's not helpful. and it adds nothing to the discussion. Did it make you feel superior?

> > >

> > > It did actually,

> > wow

> >

> > > and I will stand by it when legless and armless people play games like pubg and league of legends at a challenger level. Sorry that I have higher standards for people.

> >

> > eh ok, sure

> >

> > How about respect? Understanding? Supporting?

> >

> > No? But some phantom armless person plays a different game at some hardcore level, everyone should be able to play to your level in this one...ok

> >

> > You do realise people are different and have different capabilities?

> >


> You are correct they do. But, ill say this, my mother who has plenty of physical issues is one of the best players ive seen in this game simply because of how patient she is, and her willingness to keep trying something till she gets it. Shes done everything in this game with the exception of raids, and has nearly everything unlocked thats not raid related, ive helped her with one story, the eater of souls episode, and all i did was tell her when to dodge, so i guess my standards are pretty high.



good for her? Again..doesn't mean everyone can. Maybe they have learning disability? Maybe they don't have much time? Maybe the struggle with memorization and patterns? Maybd they get severe brain fog etc etc.


I don't care how one person over comes their problems, that doesn't mean everyone else can.


Offer help, rather than demean them.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > @"Deija.9084" said:

> > > > > > Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.

> > > > >

> > > > > I despise this boss fight.

> > > > > There is just WAY too much to worry about for me.

> > > > > And tho I can fight him alright. There are two achieves, I fail at every time.

> > > > >

> > > > > What I do now is I try a boss. If I'm finding it too difficult, I ask guildies to join or lfg the boss.

> > > > > Tho, I haven't the nerve to go back and try foe fire achieves agaim...just no.

> > > > >

> > > > > Partying up makes boss fights soooo much better and more fun.

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > > The story missions are hard? Guess you have to put more effort into getting better.

> > > > >

> > > > > That's not helpful. and it adds nothing to the discussion. Did it make you feel superior?

> > > >

> > > > It did actually,

> > > wow

> > >

> > > > and I will stand by it when legless and armless people play games like pubg and league of legends at a challenger level. Sorry that I have higher standards for people.

> > >

> > > eh ok, sure

> > >

> > > How about respect? Understanding? Supporting?

> > >

> > > No? But some phantom armless person plays a different game at some hardcore level, everyone should be able to play to your level in this one...ok

> > >

> > > You do realise people are different and have different capabilities?

> > >

> >

> > You are correct they do. But, ill say this, my mother who has plenty of physical issues is one of the best players ive seen in this game simply because of how patient she is, and her willingness to keep trying something till she gets it. Shes done everything in this game with the exception of raids, and has nearly everything unlocked thats not raid related, ive helped her with one story, the eater of souls episode, and all i did was tell her when to dodge, so i guess my standards are pretty high.

> >


> good for her? Again..doesn't mean everyone can. Maybe they have learning disability? Maybe they don't have much time? Maybe the struggle with memorization and patterns? Maybd they get severe brain fog etc etc.


> I don't care how one person over comes their problems, that doesn't mean everyone else can.


> Offer help, rather than demean them.


people who ask for help or advice to improve themselves deserve help and support.


people who rage how everything sucks and how things have to be changed to meet their expectations and abilities deserve ridicule.

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > @"Deija.9084" said:

> > > > > > > Foefire Cleansing.... LS2.3 Stage 5.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I despise this boss fight.

> > > > > > There is just WAY too much to worry about for me.

> > > > > > And tho I can fight him alright. There are two achieves, I fail at every time.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What I do now is I try a boss. If I'm finding it too difficult, I ask guildies to join or lfg the boss.

> > > > > > Tho, I haven't the nerve to go back and try foe fire achieves agaim...just no.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Partying up makes boss fights soooo much better and more fun.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > > > The story missions are hard? Guess you have to put more effort into getting better.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That's not helpful. and it adds nothing to the discussion. Did it make you feel superior?

> > > > >

> > > > > It did actually,

> > > > wow

> > > >

> > > > > and I will stand by it when legless and armless people play games like pubg and league of legends at a challenger level. Sorry that I have higher standards for people.

> > > >

> > > > eh ok, sure

> > > >

> > > > How about respect? Understanding? Supporting?

> > > >

> > > > No? But some phantom armless person plays a different game at some hardcore level, everyone should be able to play to your level in this one...ok

> > > >

> > > > You do realise people are different and have different capabilities?

> > > >

> > >

> > > You are correct they do. But, ill say this, my mother who has plenty of physical issues is one of the best players ive seen in this game simply because of how patient she is, and her willingness to keep trying something till she gets it. Shes done everything in this game with the exception of raids, and has nearly everything unlocked thats not raid related, ive helped her with one story, the eater of souls episode, and all i did was tell her when to dodge, so i guess my standards are pretty high.

> > >

> >

> > good for her? Again..doesn't mean everyone can. Maybe they have learning disability? Maybe they don't have much time? Maybe the struggle with memorization and patterns? Maybd they get severe brain fog etc etc.

> >

> > I don't care how one person over comes their problems, that doesn't mean everyone else can.

> >

> > Offer help, rather than demean them.


> people who ask for help or advice to improve themselves deserve help and support.


> people who rage how everything sucks and how things have to be changed to meet their expectations and abilities deserve ridicule.


People usually rage after struggling and failing. Be the bigger person. Offer advice anyway.

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First of all, stop with all the insults and negative since it will help absolutely nobody. Back ontopic guys...


I managed to do this particular story fight both as melee (think it was my core warrior with axe/axe/gun) as well as ranged (core ele fire staff and also berserker geared mesmer (greatsword> clones/pets/minions can be handy..)). All in exotic gears without proper runes, exotic weapons (mesmer had ascended gs) . In the ranged version I stood near the door. In melee version I kinda hugged the statue on the side (nothing really seemed to attack me there when I did it). On both times I did it I had a ranged weapon in 2nd slot (just in case). As soon as menders came I killed it as soon as possible. AOE fields, stay away, floating balls you can't kill so either don't go near or if they chase you, kite them. Random mobs appearing I killed them when they became annoying or too plenty (for the rest them allied npc's kept them busy). I am a casual player, typical glasscanon that dies fast type of player. If you feel you need help, ask around. You shouldn't have to pay people for this (it does't take much time to do and its not annoying like hard jumping puzzles like chalice of tears or not so secret). As for balancing... Living World 2 is content from before expansions and any elite profession is better than what there was back then I hear all the time.

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I did some timing measures on the mechs in this run and after finally completing it ( with assistance from 3 guildies that raised their hands to assist), I stand by my earlier frustration. Heavy heals every (30-45 secs when timed) is excessive... when that Mendor is burned another is spawned. Ridiculous, either lower the heals % to something like say... 10% or lower the spawn rate making taking him down the phase focus while avoiding AOE interruptions. Much more enjoyable.


First and foremost, thank you all to those offering strategic insights and sharing their success stories... this is the very essence of why this community is one of the best and least toxic I have encountered in my gaming years.

@"Haishao.6851" . Thank you for the insights into CC motion slowing and condition overriding abilities, I had my Ele outfitted with the knockback, barrier and electric CC abilities to catch the Mendor, it was the 1 or 2 times out of the 12 walk throughs that **if** he got thru, would undo all the work...

Thank you @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" for the wiki reference, I found it most helpful poste mission wanting a deeper understanding of the strat and mechs.


> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> It did actually, and I will stand by it when legless and armless people play games like pubg and league of legends at a challenger level. Sorry that I have higher standards for people.

While I appreciate standards @"Aridon.8362" and certainly do not devalue yours... The point was Tuning the Story... NOT challenge content... Story content for all player types to enjoy... if you like going back to challenge yourself, wonderful. I do that on occasion when thinking "could this have been done differently?" or "mhmm if this mech does this, would **this** have worked...?" I enjoy testing and discovering. This experience did not fall into any of those categories. Others in this latest thread u[pdate have also claimed the same trouble. Again I refer to your word "challenger level".... I will take all sorts on the chin on hard/challenge mode. I am the sort that solo runs 4 man content on Tom Clancey's The Division Hard/challenge and legendary through grit, knowledge and experience with tactics on 4 separate character role builds and 24 armour sets, so yeah I love experimenting and succeeding. I also know when content should be accessible and tuned well for everyone. I also appreciated @"Dante.1763" sharing the success of your Mother, this is inspiring, thank you for adding to this thread. The reason my post felt like a rant... was frustration. Starting at 4am and finally ending at 7am for something traditionally that ought to be completed quietly by yourself and not dragging others to help, is poor design. I cooled off while typing and reviewing and even made an attempt again while typing the post, with the same result.


@"Kavian.6729" I agree with you, even without harder mechs, the story feel like mob filler at some points and does not truly add any depth to the story component, dragging on and if anything, distracting from said story content. Many of the earlier posts I browsed prior to writing mine felt this way and that I believe was the point for this particular thread. For Devs to see it, understand that a portion of the player base feels this requires re-tuning to make it enjoyable as this is the current mission statement from Anet.




In closing @"Algreg.3629" I draw attention to the fact change is required to balance, the same way nerfs and buffs are applied to other game mechs also for balance as hard as they may seem at times... and @"Taygus.4571" thank you for your understanding that different people have different levels of comfort and having respect for that fact also @"Aaralyna.3104" I am impressed with your grit and tactical determination, I will bear the successful strategies in mind for future runs of this kind.

If I missed out on thanking or mentioning anyone today in response, you have my sincerest apologies. All comments were read and appreciated.


Thank you.




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> @"Kavian.6729" said:

> Unfortunately the story instances are the worst content in the game.

> Since there is no reword for other players helping, you have to pay people to join you in the instance.


You need to find a nicer guild.. /: ...often times players join because they still have achieves they want to try going for.

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