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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"QLi.3742" said:

> > There is more : crafting, hero stats. Original Gw2 had more team based gameplay.


> No, and no it didn't, it was just as solo friendly then as it is now...unless you're doing PvP, matter of fact WvW was more solo friendly back then.


At least they didn't get to "but at least it was hard, unlike this easy content now" yet. Because, y'know, I sure didn't learn anything in all those years playing the game. ;)

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"QLi.3742" said:

> > > There is more : crafting, hero stats. Original Gw2 had more team based gameplay.

> >

> > No, and no it didn't, it was just as solo friendly then as it is now...unless you're doing PvP, matter of fact WvW was more solo friendly back then.



I am talking about pve.

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I do miss a couple of things, most particularly the balancing before 2015 summer/hot patch. (Which would have been impossible in the current system).


Over all, I do find that the game has improved. But I do miss a couple of things like old Trogdor (Champion enraged troll in queensdale, though the other champions can stay away so we don't get a train), the old trait system where you could split across different trait lines (and the balancing before summer 2015 as said).


Also wouldn't miss getting rid of the powercreep (expansion specializations, runes, stat sets etc), but I realize that would never work, because people paid for it etc. Though hoping we one day can get a WvW map or something that disables these (1 out of 4 maps, disallow elite spez for example). But pipe dream, not going to happen.


Launch was magical for what it was, even if ANet reset the entire game back to launch, I'd still know every single bit of the world map, and wouldn't have fun exploring it again. Unfortunately.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i never liked tier systems and the skill system got worse since launch, i want the system from the first beta where we could choose the skills we want with skill points without limits.

I'm not understanding. I'm level 80 and can choose my character's skills and even change them around pretty much at will.


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> @"QLi.3742" said:

> Gliders, mounts, expansions, wardrobe can stay. But a game play with old skills and guild leveling could be back. BLTC could work as it works now. Fractals could still be there. Old maps could be there. The 9.28.2012 ver. of a game could have all tings that latest has.


My dude, to avoid further confusion, why not just list the specific changes you are interesting in having reversed?

As most people have already mentioned, "resetting" just _some_ aspects would inevitably end up with a broken mess, after all there was a good reason why some of the changes were implemented.

From your post I'm guessing you don't like elite specs predominantly (correct me if I'm wrong) but IMO, so many people would leave if we went back to basic core only builds. Not to say core was not fun, it's just once you've experienced more, you are unlikely to want to have less.

I believe another poster has also pointed out that your view of "the old gw2" might be just through rose-tinted glasses. Of course it was a great game at launch, but had it not developed further it would have declined even more by now.


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Ferocity: out from equipment, let it stay as a pasive stat.

Return old skills.

Specialisation: The 9th traits option off.

A chance to see all versions of cities.


And game would not decline. It would just have the same game play. Now it has diferent game play than on a release date.



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So you want to return to a time with very little team play in pve, very little rewards (no champ bags, laurels, map rewards etc), no ai mechanics except the dire defiance one, and so forth...


Rose tinted glasses are a wonderful thing, but you would lose a considerable more than you would ever gain

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > i never liked tier systems and the skill system got worse since launch, i want the system from the first beta where we could choose the skills we want with skill points without limits.

> I'm not understanding. I'm level 80 and can choose my character's skills and even change them around pretty much at will.



that's lvl 80, not lvl 30........

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> @"QLi.3742" said:

> Im sorry to hear this Malafaia. The changes in game prove that people never liked GW2 in the first place. They did not like the art the gameplay, skills...


If (according to you) the changes in game prove that people never liked GW2 in the first place (they didn’t like the way it was at launch: the art, the gameplay, the skills, etc,) then that means that your request to roll back to launch setup is going from what people now like back to what people never liked.


In other words, you just argued against your own suggestion.



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Yes, so that they can get off the game, and not me who liked the game before the changes. Becouse there are many people who already left becouse of those changes.

And that means that I would get what I payed for.

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> We encourage our children to learn, grow, develop; does that mean we don't like them when they are born?


That has nothing to do with a GW2.

And If it does: Learning skills was shown in GW2 much better than now. It involved buying books to learn.

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The vanilla game was not that great. I got bored in less than 2 months. I'm normally an altoholic and I already had trouble leveling my second toon. 80 levels were a chore and though there were many different zones the activities were more or less the same. I did enjoy the jumping puzzles though.


Sadly the game's solution to the boring leveling is giving you means of skipping levels. I only really play when a new expansion is out and on sale and then I last 1-2 months tops before it's back to the same old boredom for me.


And can I just say how incredibly childish the vanilla story was and how horrible the voice acting? It's the only game I've played where I turned off the sound during conversation sequences. The story has definitely improved after vanilla.

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