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The next expansion should not be more expensive

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> @"NEOTHEGAMER.9824" said:

> I Know that A.net is right now developing the 3rd expansion , but i just want to say that it should at least cost little less for players who bought the both expansions


I do not agree with this. The price should be based on content. If they release a larger expansion pack then they have a right to charge more.


Offering a discount out of loyalty is hardly the way to go in my opinion.

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I am one of the quite vocal people who rejects the 60$ price for HoT, and I would say that is expensive. 60$ was silly when it launched.


But now I think 40$ is very cheap, a bit too cheap in my opinion. I think the next expansion should be 45-50$. But 40$ is still gucci. Asking a lower price point, reduces the quality and resource they could hire to produce content. Remember, they have LS to produce too. This is no ffxiv, there is no subs, and the cash shop can be converted gold-gem, if you wish so. Hell, other games would put you up on that paywall for DLC, or money sink like armor repair or teleport. That is a lot of flexibility on spending money for convenience/fashion on how GW2 is designed, in my opinion.


40$-50$. Its a good price point for an expac.

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AANET already are giving us the cheapest top tier MMO xpac costs. I don't mind paying $30 every 2 years or so. I don't think people understand how much we get for paying so little. WoWs next xpac for me is nearly 3x the cost. AANET has extremely low pricing.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > But I don't understand this thinking that if you can't afford to pay full price for an expansion pack/new game you shouldn't be playing ones you already own.

> > That's not what I posted ...


> That is almost exactly what you posted:

> > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > They should and will price it as they see fit. Not to be mean, but if you can't afford 30 bucks to play a game you shouldn't waste time gaming at all.


The wasting time bit is relevant.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > >

> > > Ok, I'll bite. I couldn't currently afford to buy an expansion for a game. My husband lost his job in January so we've been living on just my salary and conservation doesn't pay well. We can afford what we need to get by but not a lot else, and already had a few holidays booked which are going to use up any spare cash we do have. Does that mean I shouldn't play GW2 - a game I already owned and which costs me absolutely nothing extra to keep playing? What am I supposed to do when I get home from work? Sit and stare at the wall and feel sad that I'm poor? Or am I supposed to try and get a second job (which I'd then quit as soon as he gets one again) and never see my family at all?

> > >

> > > I understand saying that people shouldn't expect to get an expansion for less than retail price just because they can't afford what the developers want to charge for it. (Although there's a fine line between complaining that it's more than you can afford right now and stating that it's too expensive for what it is. I thought HoT was overpriced and said so at the time, even though I could easily afford it - and actually bought the Ultimate Edition because in my head that meant I could subtract £40 from the cost price for the cost of the gems, and end up paying what I'd expected for the Deluxe Edition.)

> > >

> > > But I don't understand this thinking that if you can't afford to pay full price for an expansion pack/new game you shouldn't be playing ones you already own.

> >

> > Well, if you read OP's posts, it's pretty obvious he/she is a teenager, still in school and living with their family/parents, who are apparently not a big a fan of computer games (to put it mildly). Hardly a similar situation. I'm guessing he/she is living off an allowance which is usually nowhere near a full paycheck. Coupled with the fact that parents don't like them playing games, it makes for a difficult but completely different situation compared to yours.. And no, it doesn't mean you shouldn't play GW2. But asking for expansions to be cheaper because you can't afford them at the moment is taking it a bit too far. ANet's first priority is to pay their employees and keep the game and company running, not cater to everyone's personal financial situation.


> Ok, so in your opinion it's less about how much money you have and more about where it comes from and whether other people think that restricts your right to decide what you spend it on? So because I'm earning my money I can spend it how I like, but if the OP is getting money from their parents they need permission to spend it? So if the OP says they have a job, but it's part-time 1 day a week and doesn't pay much then they're allowed to spend it on GW2 even if they can't afford a full price expansion?


Well, you can theorize what my words mean on a grander scale, but I really was just talking between the actual (not theoretical) differences between you and OP. You can extrapolate some general theory out of it, that doesn't mean it holds true or that I would actually apply such logic to an entire community. But someone earning their money through their job or someone earning their money because parents give them a periodic allowance are 2 entirely different things. And yes, parents have the right to exert some influence on what their children spend their money on. Do I think it's always fair? No, because not all people are fair. But they do have every right to. Other than parents or an executor, nobody can restrict your right to spend your money as you will. That doesn't mean people spend it wisely, though. I'm all for OP spending his/her money on GW2 expansions, or anything for that matter. But I'm not their parent, so it doesn't matter what I think they can do. I was once 16 too. I wanted to spend my allowance on certain things to, but it wasn't always allowed. Yeah, that sucks. But it passes. There's nothing inherently right or wrong about it. It just is. A teenager's allowance is not something ANet needs to take into account when deciding what price to sell their product at, nor parents (un)fairly restricting their teenager's spending habits. It sucks for OP, I'll give you that. But like everything else in this world, nothing lasts forever.

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> @"NEOTHEGAMER.9824" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"NEOTHEGAMER.9824" said:

> > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > > How about, if you can't afford $40 for a game expansion, you have bigger priorities in your life that need to be taken care of besides gaming.

> > >

> > > whats wrong in asking for lower price , im not asking 50 or 40% discount , but something minor like 5 or 10%, its not like im blackmailing them, im just giving them a possibility, its their choice , and do u want to spend 30 bucks when it could when less. and i mean ppl who bought both expansions.

> >

> > I'll tell you something else. I bought the Ultimate edition of both expansions, the moment they were available for pre-purchase. So not only did I want to spend 30 bucks on GW2 expansions, I actually spent more for additional benefits. I realize not everyone's able to do this. Of course I wouldn't mind things costing less, but we have to be realistic as well. If ANet goes down because they don't make enough money, this game we love to play so much will be gone too.

> > But so far I have not seen unreasonable prices from ANet. Well, for their expansions, at least; some gemstores items, however...coughuniquemountskinscough...

> > And these are personal standards, of course. What's reasonable to me might be unreasonable to others. But it's impossible to please/cater to everyone's standards.

> so everyone will be angry if the next expansion is for less money



You'd have to explain your train of thought that made you come to the conclusion everyone would be angry if the next expansion is cheaper. I don't know where you got it from, but it's far removed from anything I said here. Unless you mean everyone will be angry if ANet goes bankrupt because they sell their products at too low a price. Sure, but that would be ANet's own fault then.

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > But I don't understand this thinking that if you can't afford to pay full price for an expansion pack/new game you shouldn't be playing ones you already own.

> > > That's not what I posted ...

> >

> > That is almost exactly what you posted:

> > > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > > They should and will price it as they see fit. Not to be mean, but if you can't afford 30 bucks to play a game you shouldn't waste time gaming at all.

> >

> The wasting time bit is relevant.


Only if you believe that you get to decide for other people how they should spend their time.

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I doubt I will ever get my monies worth out of HoT. IMO GW2 release was worth it and PoF was worth it. If they stick with PoF pricing and content style they will be fine. Like PoF I would still wait before upgrading though. The things we never got with Release and HoT makes me cautious with Anet.

And of course if any new game with a WvW or RvR style comes out and it's any good,...

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> @"NEOTHEGAMER.9824" said:

> I Know that A.net is right now developing the 3rd expansion , but i just want to say that it should at least cost little less for players who bought the both expansions


Anet is working on Guild Wars 3, so get your credit card ready :)

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If anyone thinks that veterans should get the next expansion cheaper than new players then they can just wait until it goes on sale. If the waiting is unacceptable then you really need to think about what it is that you’re really complaining about.


Expansions cost money and most tend to be $30 or more. Considering we’re averaging an expansion every two years, it’s not asking much to save money for it. That’s no more than a couple dollars a month. If you cannot afford that then you have larger issues to worry about rather than the cost.


A developer’s primary customer for an expansion is the existing player base. Asking to receive an expansion at a discount is essentially asking for the expansion to simply just be cheaper. It’s one thing to desire to have an expansion be cheaper but for existing players but to expect/demand it is just entitlement. The same goes for anyone using words such as “should” as well.


The pricing model is entirely up to Anet to decide. If you don’t like it, whether it be because you find it unfair for existing players or simply it isn’t worth it, then just wait until it goes on sale or don’t buy it at all. Not everything in the world is going to be priced how you like it. Now is a good time to start accepting that.

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> @"NEOTHEGAMER.9824" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > Let's see, I could whine for a $25 expansion pack, or I could give up one large pizza and easily afford $40. Wow, that's a tough one.... not.


> i don't like pizzas is general so the latter


And... completely misses the point.

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Sorry, but it's called real life. In real life, there are things you can afford and things you cannot afford. For things you cannot afford, you can budget for them or accept the fact that it might be outside of your fiscal abilities. That's just how things are. Anet will price any of their products at a point where they believe will get them the maximum return. If that is beyond your ability to pay, then you might have to suck it up and learn how to deal with disappointment. I'm not trying to be a kitten about it; just being realistic.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"NEOTHEGAMER.9824" said:

> > I Know that A.net is right now developing the 3rd expansion , but i just want to say that it should at least cost little less for players who bought the both expansions


> Anet is working on Guild Wars 3, so get your credit card ready :)


No. And they won't be working on it for a long time.

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Honestly, if Anet keeps up the quality of content such as what we have seen recently, I'd happily accept a higher price for the next expansion. I bought the PoF Deluxe, which was definitely worth the price. Hell, I think the base 30€ version is even underpriced, especially when it unlocks the LS4 on top of the expansion.

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> @"Wildman.9641" said:

> I doubt I will ever get my monies worth out of HoT.


Let's be honest here... the HoT expansion didn't just give us five zones. It also gave us TWO YEARS of play time in this game (including six Living World chapters). You weren't just paying for the five jungle zones (some of which I think were brilliant, and they're still being replayed for the metas on a daily basis) -- you were funding ANet for its development time and for the subsequent years of operation until PoF's release.


For that reason, I just think it's incredibly disingenuous for anyone to say they didn't get their money's worth out of HoT. Not attacking you, just making sure that that's something that's understood here. I can't understand why anyone who spent a measly $30-80 for two years of game play with new content would think otherwise... I mean, WoW is in the middle of a ten-month content drought and people still pay a monthly fee. :)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > They should and will price it as they see fit. Not to be mean, but if you can't afford 30 bucks to play a game you shouldn't waste time gaming at all.


> Ok, I'll bite. I couldn't currently afford to buy an expansion for a game. My husband lost his job in January so we've been living on just my salary and conservation doesn't pay well. We can afford what we need to get by but not a lot else, and already had a few holidays booked which are going to use up any spare cash we do have. Does that mean I shouldn't play GW2 - a game I already owned and which costs me absolutely nothing extra to keep playing? What am I supposed to do when I get home from work? Sit and stare at the wall and feel sad that I'm poor? Or am I supposed to try and get a second job (which I'd then quit as soon as he gets one again) and never see my family at all?


Seriously a few holidays booked, I am very ill and leaving the house over the last couple of years is a challange so I couldn't if I wanted to now but with fixing up the house, keeping a car on the road and paying the bill, we've had 1 holiday in the last 20years and that was our honeymoon. Life has thrown you a curve ball and its got a lot harder and I hope you will eventually be ok, but your not poor.



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> @"MattDu.7123" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > > They should and will price it as they see fit. Not to be mean, but if you can't afford 30 bucks to play a game you shouldn't waste time gaming at all.

> >

> > Ok, I'll bite. I couldn't currently afford to buy an expansion for a game. My husband lost his job in January so we've been living on just my salary and conservation doesn't pay well. We can afford what we need to get by but not a lot else, and already had a few holidays booked which are going to use up any spare cash we do have. Does that mean I shouldn't play GW2 - a game I already owned and which costs me absolutely nothing extra to keep playing? What am I supposed to do when I get home from work? Sit and stare at the wall and feel sad that I'm poor? Or am I supposed to try and get a second job (which I'd then quit as soon as he gets one again) and never see my family at all?


> Seriously a few holidays booked, I am very ill and leaving the house over the last couple of years is a challange so I couldn't if I wanted to now but with fixing up the house, keeping a car on the road and paying the bill, we've had 1 holiday in the last 20years and that was our honeymoon. Life has thrown you a curve ball and its got a lot harder and I hope you will eventually be ok, but your not poor.



The holidays in question are 1 week in my in-laws caravan, 3 days camping with my parents and a music festival which we'd already bought non-refundable tickets for before Christmas. I appreciate it's more than some people get but I was mentioning it because I knew someone would say even with bills, food, rent and other living expenses I could afford to save £2 a week or whatever they imagine is reasonable and spend that on GW2, but I'm already doing that to try and pay for transport to and from things we'd already committed ourselves to so even that money is gone.


My original point was simply that people's circumstances change with time: you cannot assume that just because someone could afford to buy a game in the past they can now afford any expansions or other extras that might be released (however reasonable you think the price is), but equally just because they cannot afford to buy an expansion now does not mean they could not afford the game previously and were being irresponsible by buying it, or that they should not "waste time" playing if it's not costing them extra to do so.

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