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Revert Meteor shower nerf in wvw at least...


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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> This post is pretty much my last resort before quitting gw2.

> I will not play this game on any other class except my staff Ele.

> I can survive without playing pve anymore. But I would like to at least log in for 2-3 hours in the evenings to play some wvw.

> Please consider reverting this massive nerf for the wvw mode at least.


> There is no reason why a class that is running full zerker gear, has max 13k hp and 1967 armor, would hit other players for 1k's with their strongest ability.


> This change is absurd I cannot understand why you would nerf this ability so hard in wvw as well....

> So please at least consider making this nerf not affect wvw at least.


Can I has your stuff?

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > So... better for Zerg busting but not for ganking lol. (Not that I would bank on a staff Ele...)


> Precisely.


If that is what the change does, it is an improvement, it is kinda now players need to know when and why use it than expect press buton for damage.


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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> Im done here.


Can @"X T D.6458" have your stuff?


More seriously: if you don't like playing the class anymore, you don't like playing it. If you're feeling burned out, then taking a break is a good thing to do.


But the way the original post is phrased, it sounds more like cutting off a nose to spite a face. The skill was incredibly overpowered before and now it's just somewhat OP; that seems overall better for the game (even if sure, there are other profs/skills that need a tune down).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > Im done here.

> >

> Can @"X T D.6458" have your stuff?


> More seriously: if you don't like playing the class anymore, you don't like playing it. If you're feeling burned out, then taking a break is a good thing to do.


> But the way the original post is phrased, it sounds more like cutting off a nose to spite a face. The skill was incredibly overpowered before and now it's just somewhat OP; that seems overall better for the game (even if sure, there are other profs/skills that need a tune down).


For Zergs, in WvW it's actually more effective than it was. For PvE, it's a nerf.


Unless it hits the same 3 players 8 times, it's a quite significant buff.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> I agree this change make it unusable in wvw in zerg fights I'm not a fan of too many aoe's in wvw but this one of the very raw uses of this skill that you can do damage into a zerg from the sideline I know some weaver skills became bigger aoe's but I'm playing Tempest and Meteor shower nerfs aren't welcome with Eles because of the history of it.


My reading of the change is that its worse if used against 1 enemy but a buff against multiple enemies so why is it unusable?

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > I agree this change make it unusable in wvw in zerg fights I'm not a fan of too many aoe's in wvw but this one of the very raw uses of this skill that you can do damage into a zerg from the sideline I know some weaver skills became bigger aoe's but I'm playing Tempest and Meteor shower nerfs aren't welcome with Eles because of the history of it.


> My reading of the change is that its worse if used against 1 enemy but a buff against multiple enemies so why is it unusable?


No it isn't I already said I'm wrong at least partial I have to rethink it but you are right in someway against single target you make initial more damage later on it became near zero so you have to channel it after the first few hits. Its suffer from the same problem which does ideas in wvw let only one make condition dmg / aoe dmg. In zerg fights this mitigate the dmg output and increased the length of the fight but when the numbers are low it breaks everything. It is not as hard like this because you have still the 23% extra damage so it still do damage also Meteor shower isn't part of a PvE boss rota.



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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> How on earth is this a buff!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

> You do more dmg on the first two hits, ok.

> After 5 hits you already lose dmg, you do 492% of the dmg, instead of the old 500%.

> After 6 hits it already 553.5% instead of the old 600%

> And it only goes downhills from there.



Per target. You'll rarely hit the same target more than 5 times in WvW. It's a heavy nerf to large hitbox single target damage, but in WvW you actually should end up doing more damage.

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Please test it next time before complaining. While I don't see what's the point changing it this way, it's both a buff and a nerf, but for WvW use, is mostly a slight buff, since the first few hits are the main danger vs. players; after being hit by ~10k damage most players leave the area (though it's already late doing so, but still, could be a 2nd meteor shower inc same area from a 2nd ele, so better be safe than sorry).


Still, if ArenaNet want to reduce high damage skills (that would be desirable for WvW, but I don't see that happening), then give something back when taking away (reduce cooldown, cast time, resources needed if any, and so on)


Staff DPS Elementalist is a low health, full glass class, must be in order to be effective in WvW, and such is vital that while damage output may need tweaked across all classes, be done in a way that remains a viable option. Already needs a very high skill ceiling, movement and timing of proper skills at least, nerfing it's damage would instantly kill the class.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> This post is pretty much my last resort before quitting gw2.

> I will not play this game on any other class except my staff Ele.

> I can survive without playing pve anymore. But I would like to at least log in for 2-3 hours in the evenings to play some wvw.

> Please consider reverting this massive nerf for the wvw mode at least.


> There is no reason why a class that is running full zerker gear, has max 13k hp and 1967 armor, would hit other players for 1k's with their strongest ability.


> This change is absurd I cannot understand why you would nerf this ability so hard in wvw as well....

> So please at least consider making this nerf not affect wvw at least.


No, don't revert it. It's a great buff for WvW.


> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> dont revert the buff. eles is more than viavle now. my team wipes or downs tons from it. dunno.how op does it.but we ge 17k 20k 25k one hit


Have you bothered asking what build these Eles are using to get a minimum crit of 17k to 25k max on a zerg? I am quite curious here because I've tried running full zerk staff with it in WvW but I've never reached those numbers even with 25 might... surely you're not exaggerating just to passively ask for nerfs, right?






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> @"MagicBoi.4160" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > This post is pretty much my last resort before quitting gw2.

> > I will not play this game on any other class except my staff Ele.

> > I can survive without playing pve anymore. But I would like to at least log in for 2-3 hours in the evenings to play some wvw.

> > Please consider reverting this massive nerf for the wvw mode at least.

> >

> > There is no reason why a class that is running full zerker gear, has max 13k hp and 1967 armor, would hit other players for 1k's with their strongest ability.

> >

> > This change is absurd I cannot understand why you would nerf this ability so hard in wvw as well....

> > So please at least consider making this nerf not affect wvw at least.


> No, don't revert it. It's a great buff for WvW.


> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > dont revert the buff. eles is more than viavle now. my team wipes or downs tons from it. dunno.how op does it.but we ge 17k 20k 25k one hit


> Have you bothered asking what build these Eles are using to get a minimum crit of 17k to 25k max on a zerg? I am quite curious here because I've tried running full zerk staff with it in WvW but I've never reached those numbers even with 25 might... surely you're not exaggerating just to passively ask for nerfs, right?







=) not asking for nerf.

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Its nice to land big hits but more then likely your going to see them more on the lines of 6k to 8k on the first hit vs mid builds or cele builds but after that the dmg will drop. The thing is about meteor shower is you need it to hit some one more then once and with the way support is working out in this game heals and barriers you may need a meteor shower hit some one 5+ times to down them. So this is only a buff in the most superficial way it dose not fix meteor shower it dose not fix ele losing its places as dmg in wvw (and its comply lost its places as support because of eng buffs).


Its a dead skill for downed players in a lot of ways ele going to do a lot less dmg because of this. Still beyond me why a control aoe class like ele skills become weaker the longer ppl stand in them when it should be the other way.


What i do not get is why is meteor shower being balanced like this they are going though so many hoops to "fix" a pure dmg skill that all it dose no other effect just dmg. Yet they are making meteor shower a very complex skill. Its pointless and realty a waist of time of the ele dev (if they are any) K.I.S.S. please if you must nerf / buff it for size of mobs in pve (no ideal why that must bleed over to wvw and over all them killing a split they did a few months ago anet cant make a chose and stay with it for the life of them) by simply changing the number of rocks uping the size of the aoe of each rock and number of targets as well as dmg. That would fix the skill for pve big mobs and keep it very strong in wvw / spvp.


This is just silly what anet is doing and just show you that anet has NO leader ship at all.

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The first hit deal the hardest while subsequent hit is pretty bad. However, if you stay in meteor long enough to be hit subsequently, I think you already be dead from other aoes.


So in a way, this "nerf" is actually meant to to balance WvW to make paper weaver really deadly glass canon and like a canon, one big shot.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Ok... so you still feel that way despite it being a buff if it doesn't hit any one player more than 3 times?


> It's a nerf for single target, but a clear buff vs Zergs.


Its not sadly as you down ppl in zergs and then you do less dmg over time to that downed player. Ele is a finner class and this makes MS worthless for it. Its a nerf for single targets and zergs.

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Meteor Shower got a 23% overall buff, and goes down 10% if it hits the same 3 targets.. if it does hit the same 3 targets then they are probably down, it's not likely though and will be incredibly painful for the zerg since they will all be getting hit for the high end of MS.. if you do stay in that circle.. then you are probably dead anyway since WvW has so much AoE anyway

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Ok... so you still feel that way despite it being a buff if it doesn't hit any one player more than 3 times?

> >

> > It's a nerf for single target, but a clear buff vs Zergs.


> Its not sadly as you down ppl in zergs and then you do less dmg over time to that downed player. Ele is a finner class and this makes MS worthless for it. Its a nerf for single targets and zergs.


Have you tried it in the PvP lobby on the multi target area? I really see this as a buff for anything other than boss fights for PvE.


If you are running it in a ganking squad, then good luck with that.


But for groups of 10 or more, if you are waiting for additional hits on downed toons, well, that may be the only aspect of a nerf.


I really don't see this as a nerf at all. Not for WvW.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Why should a meteor shower get weaker over time?

> Same reason an arrow gains kinetic energy as it travels through the air.


> Tyria is bassawkwards land and we're all nutters \o/


Well, can't argue that I am a nutter..


But will argue about the meteor getting weaker in this case. If someone is downed by this and continues to get hit, AND they are the only toon hit, then they will still die. If others come in to res as soon as their down, those people will also take full damage with the first hit (+23% of what is was) and likely with the two subsequent hits at 13% and 3% over the previous, they will likely be downed as well,


It's a win win. Unless you are hitting one player only, or a lord/raid boss.

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