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Don't like deadeye changes

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> @"Mutaatti.2789" said:

> Oh? You loved to snipe ppl from stealth, but runaway when revealed?


> Tell more about how skilled and balanced class deadeye was. Kappa


Sounds like the entire theme of the specialization tho...so yes, yes I do think he enjoyed it.

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most of u guys play meta builds like necros and mesmers and u tell me i played stealth sniper? really? have u ever tried to play de yourself? yes it could kill within 2-3 sec but only those who was too slow to notice mark on them. and now with no kneel stealth and no death jydgement skill it kills almost nothing. it was my fun, it was why i bought this game and several things from gem shop and now i have no fun playing it. looks like they've done it after ppl crying about deadeyes they couldnt kill. thats sad/ very sad/

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I don't think the nerf was bad per se, but it's comical to see Mesmer get off the hook without similar treatment since they are far more cheese than anything by far. All they've done now is expose just how OP Mesmer really is because Mirage will be easily swapped to do the same ridiculousness.


I'm not sure when they will realize that a class with the ability to spec for anything (stealth, AI, condi burst, power burst, bunker, roam, highest mitigation of damage via 100% scaling defense, most mobility, shortest cooldowns, shortest cast times, group utility, AOE, etc) is NOT going to get fixed by tinkering with a few % things here and there. Mesmers are the ones that should have got the re-work and not deadeye thieves.

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useless changings, even lethal, i think.

de was ok, but no- lets kill him, cuz anet wants u to play meta. stealth roll- srsly? when i jumped on pillar and cant burst with deadaim, what actually has still casttime, devs force me doing roll and waste stealth (if u dont shooting, cuz if u are- forget about stealthing, but cd is on), what is mine def ability.

this is a really bunker meta and thats why de was good against, thats why metaplayers had a butthurt, that was so pleasure to penetrate condi skilled necros with a 3-4 sec. de's useless against daredevil or meta thief build, im just not telling about rev, who has tons of mobility, and reveal. gurardian was a problem too, power ranger was a problem, ele could be a problem, mesmer was very good at killing me, de wasnt so brainless and op- if so there were 2 or more de's in every team.

anet done -14% damage from dagger, so its harder confront rangers, i cant fight with a melee weapon. anyway, cuz it too dangerous.

now i must w8 malice spending ini, waste stealth istead of saving it for a problem situations and cast deadaim and spend malice.

they just deleted all of tasty traits, all of them. i dont need malice per healing, i dont need stealthroll, bring back 200 ferocity on tha quickness trait.

i used de as artillery support and actually I decided who to focus in a meta vs meta fights on a mid.

as for me de had top effective damage, every mark is 80% lethal if u focus + catch target correctly, and now my burst isnt so controllable, too many actions and time is needed to start bursting. im feelin' broke with this patch, bring old de back please, he was ok.

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> It hasn't been nerfed. In reality it's been significan't buffed.


> MS now gives you a kitten ton of boons, hits 7 malice stacks faster, and refunds 7 ini...


> I can literally perma unload, and have perma ini, which means i can spec into more defensive traitlines, and still do the same amount, if not more damage.



The DE now requires a different build and mindset

They gave you stealth on evade AND a smoke screen on kneel that combos with your leap finisher that also removes condis

They have made DE more active, and at the same time given it a significant damage boost.

But if you played DE by sitting in stealth for 20s and twiddling your thumbs until you had full malice, yes, this is a nerf for you.

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> @"Xenofly.9321" said:

> I am more sad about p/p. Yes, it was still a brain dead, but viable even in platium. Now it's dead and we have no good counter against cancer mesmer and scourges.


Reroll to Scourge. That's what I did. Lets kill pvp together.

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> @"krokusfs.4982" said:

> Just want to thank devs for nerfing my favourite class. It was weak and now its a piece of kitten. Thank you guys for saving my time 0/


Cheer up, youngster. It's not that bad. It's just that now you have to work to get your kills instead of doing something cheap, like stunning your foes from stealth and almost insta killing them.


Also, have you thought about trying s/d or d/p? If you want to be a manly man who doesn't hide behind his/her allies' butts like a coward, use those sets and not your p/p baby toy set.

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It seems cool to me. I was playing d/d with it and felt like the rogue I have been missing. 10-70 percent damage boost on backstabs, the malice keeps going back up when fighting the same person because the mark stays on them even after I use malice. Dueling seems more fun on deadeye...for me.

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> @"Mutaatti.2789" said:

> Oh? You loved to snipe ppl from stealth, but runaway when revealed?


> Tell more about how skilled and balanced class deadeye was. Kappa


You're right, it was pretty unbalanced in that it was generally a useless pile of shit when used in real pvp.


21 seconds of mark + easily identifiable and avoidable/counterable projectile on a class with 11k hp and no real escapes = trash tier


And no, regardless of how much you whine about "ZOMG I GOT ONESHOTTED THO" that won't change anything I just said in the above two lines.

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