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Please do something about permanent stealth


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It's completely unfun to play against, There is almost no counterplay with to it and still allows thieves to deal huge damage bursts and almost instantly go back to stealth. Even stealth traps aren't good enough because deadeye can cleanse revealed. Either completely change the way stacking stealth works or give us a lot more access to the revealed debuff. I mean every class, And atleast 1 skill/utility.


Edit: Just going to add that this isn't limited to deadeye only. Both daredevil (especially with bound + BP) and base thief can effectively keep up stealth permanently. Its not fun.

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Reroll a warrior, double endure pain, on my mark has reveal, greatsword 5 to run away.


Because stealth is broken in this game, it will forever be broken in this game, I'm sure there's an anet dev laughing with glee playing their deadeye ghost sniper recon wars 2.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Reroll a warrior, double endure pain, on my mark has reveal, greatsword 5 to run away.


> Because stealth is broken in this game, it will forever be broken in this game, I'm sure there's an anet dev laughing with glee playing their deadeye ghost sniper recon wars 2.


Yeah, I don't get why any damage caused by a player doesn't cancel stealth. Running around dropping traps from perma-stealth, players tripping the traps should reveal the trapper since they are causing damage. That said, spellbreaker is a lot more broken than permastealth. We won't even start another scourge discussion.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Last night a deadeye kept marking and attacking me in stealth and never got revealed.




Go spellbreaker, sword/board and rifle. Laugh at their corpse.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Last night a deadeye kept marking and attacking me in stealth and never got revealed.

> >



> Go spellbreaker, sword/board and rifle. Laugh at their corpse.


My problem is not thieves, its the stealth. Hard to fight something you cant see, regardless of what class you are on. Especially since they can just camp stealth and attack you at range.

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Slightly increase the duration of super short duration stealth abilities and effects (like leaping & blasting smoke fields), remove the ability to stack stealth duration by any means, (with the singular exception of Shadow Refuge,) by tacking 3 seconds of revealed onto the end of any given application of stealth.


That would actually _buff_ some thief builds -- the kind that use stealth strategically but don't invest in stupid levels of uptime. It wouldn't really affect druid or engineer, and I _-think-_ it might help to knock down stealth spamming mesmers a peg? (Though that profession has other issues that need to be addressed more.)


I agree that camping stealth is dumb.


~ Kovu

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the moment you get attacked your opponent is longer stealthed, if he then is stealthed for a long time you can easily heal back up and get your cds back.

stealth is not strong.

high bursts without tells are an issue, instant bursts and bursting from out of stealth without tells. the new backstab is pretty nasty i was able to deal now some over 30k hits without might - but to be able to do that without being visible till the hit you need to stalk your marked target for a long time - takes a while to build 7 malice with mark + heal.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > Stealth shouldnt stack. Ever.


> Can't upvote this enough.


> Stealth disable traps in WvW should also not be removable via Meld. Any other player-reveal skill and self-reveal, whatever. But not reveal traps.


Stealth not stacking actually would be a good change IMO, but that would require more deeper changes to the stealth mechanics itself.


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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > Stealth shouldnt stack. Ever.


> Can't upvote this enough.


> Stealth disable traps in WvW should also not be removable via Meld. Any other player-reveal skill and self-reveal, whatever. But not reveal traps.


stealth disable traps shouldnt exist to begin with. if instead we had a trick like disablers that you throw and can be evaded maybe cost just 1-3 supplies and 20-30 sec cooldown with a 6-10 second reveal. then they would be more useful to the attackers and a deadeye wouldnt have such a major advantage over others stealth users.

most of the traps i trigger i see them being placed in that 4 sec animation and i trigger alot of them, just wait till they leave that area or move into it with precasted shadow meld. if they instead would be projectiles revealing an area like siege disablers, then if there are enoug people they can probably get me out of stealth and keep me out , while i am not totally screwed fighting a single opponent using it.

before DE i used to play DD also with SA, my only condi cleanse was SE but there were some, mostly condi mesmer or condi thieves that would plant open field traps when they know i am on the map and then try get me into them, once triggered as DD a full traitline of mine is gone and i am pretty much game over as i also wasnt running UC -> cant kite over superior mobility. DE doesnt have this problem and it was the reason i started playing DE. because i dont think those traps were made to hunt single thieves. i mean i dont see an anti shade trap yet, altho people complain about scourges at least as much as about thieves .

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> the moment you get attacked your opponent is longer stealthed, if he then is stealthed for a long time you can easily heal back up and get your cds back.

> stealth is not strong.

> high bursts without tells are an issue, instant bursts and bursting from out of stealth without tells. the new backstab is pretty nasty i was able to deal now some over 30k hits without might - but to be able to do that without being visible till the hit you need to stalk your marked target for a long time - takes a while to build 7 malice with mark + heal.


He attacks, Sees he cant one shot, Uses 2 dodges + shadowstep and back to stealth. Rinse and repeat. And how exactly do you want me to "easily" get my cd's back up? Or heal? Most cooldowns are 30-40 seconds long. He can spend how ever long he'd like in stealth, Whether its 5 seconds or a full 5 min of following me around just waiting for me to get into a fight. Or he could just leave his mark on me and walk away, And i'd stand there for about 20-30 (cant remember exact cooldown of mark) with no idea if theres a thief even near me. There is literally no counterplay, No way to force him to not stalk me forever.


> @"Brother.1504" said:

> Learn to line of sight. Really is a l2 play issue.


Line of sight? Do you know people can actually follow you around? And are you expecting me to spend all my time in WvW kiting around a tree because there _might_ be a thief in perma stealth near me?





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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> This game has the most broken stealth mechanics ever. Will be very hard for another game studio to beat this.


Then you haven't yet see how broken stealth is in swtor with stealth on/stealth off ability, like forever if you not engage.....

Still i agree how broken it is in gw2....

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> @"Velran.1052" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > the moment you get attacked your opponent is longer stealthed, if he then is stealthed for a long time you can easily heal back up and get your cds back.

> > stealth is not strong.

> > high bursts without tells are an issue, instant bursts and bursting from out of stealth without tells. the new backstab is pretty nasty i was able to deal now some over 30k hits without might - but to be able to do that without being visible till the hit you need to stalk your marked target for a long time - takes a while to build 7 malice with mark + heal.


> He attacks, Sees he cant one shot, Uses 2 dodges + shadowstep and back to stealth. Rinse and repeat. And how exactly do you want me to "easily" get my cd's back up? Or heal? Most cooldowns are 30-40 seconds long. He can spend how ever long he'd like in stealth, Whether its 5 seconds or a full 5 min of following me around just waiting for me to get into a fight. Or he could just leave his mark on me and walk away, And i'd stand there for about 20-30 (cant remember exact cooldown of mark) with no idea if theres a thief even near me. There is literally no counterplay, No way to force him to not stalk me forever.


if he camps stealth he will be long in stealth wich means your cooldowns will be up again. if he uses shadowstep every time that is on 50s cd base or reduced 40s so enough time to recover. if he goes in and out of stealth quickly, then you should be able to counter preassure as thieves also do have cooldowns on escape skills.


there is no way to **force** him not to stalk you forver, same as there is no way to force a zerg comming towards you to line up and 1 on 1, one after the other. if the person is doing that all the time you are online and transfers to keep following you tho, then report.


sure it might be annoying, but it is not strong. stealth wont kill you , a oneshot might but those are two seperate things.


the recent patch to DE pushes them not to remain in stealth and stalk but to attack and gives them more safety doing it, while stealthed malice gain was nerfed alot. but it doesnt take stealth away from them, just makes them less of a thread when stealthed. wich is good. now i can play a build that can still infiltrate keeps without worry about anti stealth trap spamm and without the need to go for a oneshot gimmick. i personally havent seen a deadeye even trying to stealth camp since patch, apart from my self. and i run into alot of them , probably people testing stuff. try playing it yourself and see how stupid it is with the new patch to stalk a target you will have a hard time not feeling useless thats far from strong.


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You just have to lure them out with some tasty bait... (preferably a tiny Asura so they don't see what's about to happen)



* **ASURA MASTER RACE!** Clad yourself in **FULL COMMITTED BALLS DEEP ASCENDED ZERKERS** but skin over it all with noob gear (_Chainmail_ skins work the best). Hide backpack/gloves/shoulders/helmet. Make yourself look as **NOOB** as possible. Lure Thief by running away in a straight line allowing him to land a few hits until passive _Lesser Endure Pain_ procs or when you feel the time is **just right**... the guy is now _less likely to passively dodge_ your incoming Robert Baratheon train slap to the face because he thinks you're 100% noob thanks to the Chainmail skins + your health is lower than his (for now...)

* _"To The Limit!"_ heal skill -> Swap to Rifle (Intelligence + Force sigils) -> F2 Berserk (will proc _Bloody Roar trait_, bonus brownie points if the thief is within radius) -> **F1 GUN FLAME** -> Look for freshly downed body of thief and/or follow up with Rifle #3 _Volley_ if the _Gun Flame_ didn't one shot them already


Works on most squishy targets (Swap a utility skill to _Might Signet_ against classes with high blocks/aegis up-time like _Dragonhunter/Firebrand_). Does not work if the thief is going full hardcore Acrobatics trait line due to passive invul/stunbreaks but you should make him turn tail due to the big burst of Gun Flame, allowing you to head to safety.



For when the enemy is stalking you and they've encroached past the 1.2k range thresh hold. **Put yourself in combat** with _"On My Mark!"_ (15 _Vulnerability_ stacks + 4 second _Reveal_) -> Follow up with **ABOVE ROTATION** listed.


Had plenty of good moments dropping a thief from 1.5k range away. Yes boys n' girls - **Gun Flame has a range of 1,500 and still hits the target if they're casting stealth.** If the target starts running away after _"On My Mark!"_ they won't make it far without being grazed.


_Happy Duck Hunting!_

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Stealth enables one shot builds heavily. Especially even more now since rifle is a thing and they don't have to go melee. And no, I'm not going to completely change class simply because one horribly broken mechanic that Anet is refusing to address. Besides' at this point if you don't also instantly kill the thief hes just going to stealth, Run out of combat and come back, And I doubt gunflame is enough. And again, Even with on my mark, They just shadowstep away and spam shortbow 5 and no warrior is going to catch up to them at that point.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Slightly increase the duration of super short duration stealth abilities and effects (like leaping & blasting smoke fields), remove the ability to stack stealth duration by any means, (with the singular exception of Shadow Refuge,) by tacking 3 seconds of revealed onto the end of any given application of stealth.


> That would actually _buff_ some thief builds -- the kind that use stealth strategically but don't invest in stupid levels of uptime. It wouldn't really affect druid or engineer, and I _-think-_ it might help to knock down stealth spamming mesmers a peg? (Though that profession has other issues that need to be addressed more.)


> I agree that camping stealth is dumb.


> ~ Kovu


This is a direction I’d like to see stealth going down, making stealth durations a bit longer as compensation would help. Might need to change PU to a flat +1s of stealth rather than 50% duration though as it could get pretty crazy.


Incoming complaints about veil being 4s of stealth and completely OP.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Reroll a warrior, double endure pain, on my mark has reveal, greatsword 5 to run away.

> >

> > Because stealth is broken in this game, it will forever be broken in this game, I'm sure there's an anet dev laughing with glee playing their deadeye ghost sniper recon wars 2.


> Yeah, I don't get why any damage caused by a player doesn't cancel stealth. Running around dropping traps from perma-stealth, players tripping the traps should reveal the trapper since they are causing damage. That said, spellbreaker is a lot more broken than permastealth. We won't even start another scourge discussion.


If only they added direct damage to traps to end the ghost thieves.... oh wait they did over a year ago.....


March 28th 2017

Needle Trap: This skill now delivers a strike.

Tripwire: This skill now delivers a strike.


Damage can’t be meaningfully dealt while maintaining stealth, especially with traps lol.


To deal any meaningful damage from stealth the players are Revealed.

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Personally, I would propose a simple change.


**If someone in stealth is hit by an attack, they become revealed for 10s**.


Doesnt matter if you stepped in 50 necro circles or take a single slice of a sword, taking any power damage reveals you, end of story. Use stealth with caution and learn to be sneaky instead of just spamming it.


Not like Anet are going to do anything now though. No, they are gonna fix the critical 6 year long issue of people getting trapped in walls instead.

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