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Necro power builds for fractal / raids

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Haven't been active in awhile, just getting back into the swing of things.


I plan on getting into t4 fractals and start raiding I'm full ascended in berserkers gear so I'm looking for advice on power builds.


Looking like I have two options. Reaper w/GS or core with dagger. Which is going to pull more weight for t4 fractals / raids?

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Yeah as mentioned above. Power reaper. But it's pretty bad and does less dmg while played perfectly than any other power class build.


And you will be kicked a lot of the times.


Better play condi scourge for more group support and same dmg as condi reaper

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In fractals you'll be fine. Raids are a different story. I've run an axe power base necro then scourge in T4 fractals for _years_, and it has never been an issue. Even in the challenge modes nobody has an issue if you dump your target in say the second fight of the nightmare fractal. I think someone said something about it once and even then they didn't care enough to do anything about it.


I don't expect to raid with it, so I don't. I can finish daily T4 fractals before a raid squad typically even gets organized enough to start, so that's good enough for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry to bring you negative "news" here, cause I also still consider the Necro as my main, and I know how it feels, but it would only be fair to warn you: If you want to save yourself the hassle, **don't** run power Necro/Reaper in T4 fractals and raids (PvE endgame). Not only are they literally _the_ single worst dps class out there (backed up by proper benchmarks), they also are a reason for PUGs to kick you on the spot, only because you _are_ a Reaper! So, to save yourself a lot of grief, don't bother (yet).


Once ArenaNet has 'fixed' the Power Reaper, either by buffing it significantly or by redesigning its major trademarks (like GS 2, or the Shroud in general) properly, it would be another story entirely!

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> **don't** run power Necro/Reaper in T4 fractals and raids (PvE endgame). Not only are they literally _the_ single worst dps class out there (backed up by proper benchmarks),


i haven't seen any new power soulbeast benchmarks but its safe to assume its worse than power reaper. (though it has a decent burst)

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > **don't** run power Necro/Reaper in T4 fractals and raids (PvE endgame). Not only are they literally _the_ single worst dps class out there (backed up by proper benchmarks),


> i haven't seen any new power soulbeast benchmarks but its safe to assume its worse than power reaper. (though it has a decent burst)


Hmm, wouldn't be too far off:

Also, considering the stance share the Power Soulbeast is definitely more interesting for the group!


Again, I really wish the Reaper was better (or Necro in general), but as we all know it has not really been one of the favourite professions of ANet, so far ....

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> Hmm, wouldn't be too far off: [redacted]

> Also, considering the stance share the Power Soulbeast is definitely more interesting for the group!


> Again, I really wish the Reaper was better (or Necro in general), but as we all know it has not really been one of the favourite professions of ANet, so far ....


I stand corrected :) reaper is the worst dps class out there.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Its a better dps dont listen to the haters. Arcdps just lies for it hatevpower reaper its better than all others at its job


Sadly the numbers we've seen in benchmark videos came from the game's own DPS meter. So your baseless claims are just as helpful as any other "hater" that parrots meta-builds.

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> @"Warcry.1596" said:

> I love power necro in raiding and Fractals. Its quite fun. I personally haven't experienced being kicked but I do hear it happens a lot.

> Play what you enjoy, provided you are helping team composition enough.


Even though I'm necro main. I would kick such people as well, if they are bad at what they do.


And power reaper is bad right now. He offers nothing to the group that other classes/ elites can't do better.


You need a pull? Take mesmer

You need heavy cc? Take mesmer

You want blocks? Take guard

You want are dmg + barriers? Take scourge

You want healing? Take a healer

You want dmg? Take spellbreaker or ele or holo

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Its a better dps dont listen to the haters. Arcdps just lies for it hatevpower reaper its better than all others at its job


I'm a main necro and necro fanboy, however, why do you lie here? do you want people to have mistakes on purpose? people like you demotivate people from playing cuz they listen to "hate" excuse. program that tells numbers don't lie, you're a liar.


for the OP, i suggest to play weaver in power favor bosses and fractals and scourge at vg, sab, matt, xera, sh. this is the only way as a dps if you actually want to enjoy necro. fractal people run power builds because most of 'em are phases so it's mostly weavers, power warr, chrono, and power/healer druid there.


don't force your main into anything cuz it won't work. power reaper doesn't work except escorts in raids. i like reaper but i can't play it anywhere except escort of W3 and W5.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Warcry.1596" said:

> > I love power necro in raiding and Fractals. Its quite fun. I personally haven't experienced being kicked but I do hear it happens a lot.

> > Play what you enjoy, provided you are helping team composition enough.


> Even though I'm necro main. I would kick such people as well, if they are bad at what they do.


> And power reaper is bad right now. He offers nothing to the group that other classes/ elites can't do better.


> You need a pull? Take mesmer

> You need heavy cc? Take mesmer

> You want blocks? Take guard

> You want are dmg + barriers? Take scourge

> You want healing? Take a healer

> You want dmg? Take spellbreaker or ele or holo


Well that's the difference between you and I :)


I could never kick someone for playing something they enjoy. People can always improve. Besides, the content isn't hard, someone being "bad at what they do" doesn't really make sense, at least to me. Unless someone just can't evade and are going down a lot. But even then, that can always be remedied with practice.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > Its a better dps dont listen to the haters. Arcdps just lies for it hatevpower reaper its better than all others at its job


> I'm a main necro and necro fanboy, however, why do you lie here? do you want people to have mistakes on purpose? people like you demotivate people from playing cuz they listen to "hate" excuse. program that tells numbers don't lie, you're a liar.


> for the OP, i suggest to play weaver in power favor bosses and fractals and scourge at vg, sab, matt, xera, sh. this is the only way as a dps if you actually want to enjoy necro. fractal people run power builds because most of 'em are phases so it's mostly weavers, power warr, chrono, and power/healer druid there.


> don't force your main into anything cuz it won't work. power reaper doesn't work except escorts in raids. i like reaper but i can't play it anywhere except escort of W3 and W5.


well it did work for me. i made my fractal god title exclusively playing power reaper, 90% of it by pugging.

i only gave up on raids because i was never really fond of raids anyway and the hostility is greater there. also i made over 1000LI and all achievements so i was kinda done with my #goals.

point is, you can make it work if you're dedicated and if you have the "**i dont give a fuck**" factor.

and if you can take being kicked a lot, of course.

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I love playing power reaper in fractals because it has the best AoE pulls and CC and amazing cleave damage. Very fun to play before the boss, then against the boss it contributes very little. I can’t rely on others pugs to do boss dps though so I just play Firebrand so I can dps, pull, and support.


Though I get depressed when I see necromancer in fractal and the player doesn’t play to the necromancers strengths. If you are not pulling, CCing, and cleaving there’s a high chance you are going to get kicked.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > Its a better dps dont listen to the haters. Arcdps just lies for it hatevpower reaper its better than all others at its job

> >

> > I'm a main necro and necro fanboy, however, why do you lie here? do you want people to have mistakes on purpose? people like you demotivate people from playing cuz they listen to "hate" excuse. program that tells numbers don't lie, you're a liar.

> >

> > for the OP, i suggest to play weaver in power favor bosses and fractals and scourge at vg, sab, matt, xera, sh. this is the only way as a dps if you actually want to enjoy necro. fractal people run power builds because most of 'em are phases so it's mostly weavers, power warr, chrono, and power/healer druid there.

> >

> > don't force your main into anything cuz it won't work. power reaper doesn't work except escorts in raids. i like reaper but i can't play it anywhere except escort of W3 and W5.


> well it did work for me. i made my fractal god title exclusively playing power reaper, 90% of it by pugging.

> i only gave up on raids because i was never really fond of raids anyway and the hostility is greater there. also i made over 1000LI and all achievements so i was kinda done with my #goals.

> point is, you can make it work if you're dedicated and if you have the "**i dont give a kitten**" factor.

> and if you can take being kicked a lot, of course.


well not all people are like you or me with their necros that can compensate with it. most of the players i encounter doing half of my necro when they play necro or even worse. people have no idea what they're doing with necros in raids/fracs.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Warcry.1596" said:

> > I love power necro in raiding and Fractals. Its quite fun. I personally haven't experienced being kicked but I do hear it happens a lot.

> > Play what you enjoy, provided you are helping team composition enough.


> Even though I'm necro main. I would kick such people as well, if they are bad at what they do.


> And power reaper is bad right now. He offers nothing to the group that other classes/ elites can't do better.


> You need a pull? Take mesmer

> You need heavy cc? Take mesmer

> You want blocks? Take guard

> You want are dmg + barriers? Take scourge

> You want healing? Take a healer

> You want dmg? Take spellbreaker or ele or holo


mesmer provides more aegis. vg,sab,xera,matt(at least 2 mirages is must in matt),sh are scourges, everything else are 4-5 weavers with 1 holo at least for vul except for kc. that's all the dps. heal you need only 1 druid, you take 1 warr for banners, 2 chrono to support both parties and that's it. 0 diversity

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OP, I've been playing reaper lately in T4 with no issues and enjoying it.


As long the build is decent enough and you are enjoying it, you could even perform better then thoses who are just following the meta religion careless and isnt enjoying the gameplay.... as not all meta builds carries players. I've seen enough bad meta players in all modes to know this.


Not really tried Raids with reaper but dont think there will be any welcome mat for them... is where the religion started from lol.



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