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Memory of Battle

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Hi guys, I was just wondering, how difficult is it to get Memories of Battle in WvW? I'm trying to make some legendaries, and I did a 4h run in WvW with a zerg (without boosters, because I'm a noob and forgot) and only got ~30 of them. Is this considered a 'normal' rate? Or are there faster ways of getting them in WvW? I'm not looking to buy them off TP.

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You can get Memorys of Battle via Skirmish reward chests (pip rewards) and WvW reward tracks.


The Guild Wars 2 Wiki has the exact details. Your quickest option is to actively play PvP for some time to keep both the pips ticking and the reward track progress going. Usually the best way to achieve this is by following one of the commanders and capture locations for your server.




When you're going for WvW legendaries, you'll probably getting bottlenecked by [WvW Skirmish Tickets](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Skirmish_Claim_Ticket "WvW Skirmish Tickets") rather than memories of battle, but you will get skirmish tickets via the same pip reward system.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> You can get Memorys of Battle via Skirmish reward chests (pip rewards) and WvW reward tracks.


> The Guild Wars 2 Wiki has the exact details. Your quickest option is to actively play PvP for some time to keep both the pips ticking and the reward track progress going. Usually the best way to achieve this is by following one of the commanders and capture locations for your server.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Memory_of_Battle


> When you're going for WvW legendaries, you'll probably getting bottlenecked by [WvW Skirmish Tickets](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Skirmish_Claim_Ticket "WvW Skirmish Tickets") rather than memories of battle, but you will get skirmish tickets via the same pip reward system.


Tickets are only a bottleneck for armor. Weapons also need Memory of Battle

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You can buy Memories of Battle (and the PvP ones...Shards of Glory I think they're called) on the Trading Post, so you don't need to play WvW for them at all if you don't want to.


However if you're making legendary weapons you will also need the Gift of Battle, which comes from a reward track. So my advice would be to play WvW until you've got that and then buy any Memories of Battle you're still missing. Unless of course you're enjoying WvW and want to keep going.


I have to admit because I know you can buy them I've never really worried about how quickly I can get Memories of Battle, but I've done the Gift of Battle reward track twice and both times I was short of Memories when I finished (starting from 0 each time), so it's likely to be more than 8-10 hours to get enough.

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@"TheQuickFox.3826" I'm going for regular legendaries, but that's good to know. Thanks!


@"Danikat.8537" Yeah, I'm working on my second GoB now. I'm more worried about how fast you get Memories of Battle, since they don't drop _that_ often from reward tracks and you need to be playing for a while to get them from the skirmish chests. But I just found out that the skirmish chests don't reset till Saturday so I've got a few more days to try and get as many as possible :>

I must have played a long time on Friday and then everything reset on Saturday, which was confusing and frustrating, but now I know how to get them!

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> You can buy Memories of Battle (and the PvP ones...Shards of Glory I think they're called) on the Trading Post, so you don't need to play WvW for them at all if you don't want to.


This. And they are dirt cheap, too, both of them.


> However if you're making legendary weapons you will also need the Gift of Battle, which comes from a reward track. So my advice would be to play WvW until you've got that and then buy any Memories of Battle you're still missing. Unless of course you're enjoying WvW and want to keep going.


Yeah, the GoB is annoying. The reward track to do is the [Gift of Battle Item Reward Track](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Battle_Item_Reward_Track "Gift of Battle Item Reward Track"). I've done it once so far, and I have to say that it left me with an aversion to WvW, which is why although I got Howl from a drop, I'm having trouble summoning the will to get out there and finish off Howler. (I made Rodgort from scratch - very easy and without gobs of fractals - but the downside is that it's a *Torch*).

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:



> This. And they are dirt cheap, too, both of them.


I wouldn't really call 20g for a stack dirt cheap, especially since you need entire stacks for EVERYthing...even the stupid mist things you need to change the stats on the accessories....c'mon Anet, 250 to change the stats on ONE trinket?!? Ridiculous. I may as well just buy a whole new set, since you need 250 for one piece anyway, in which case, what's the sense in even having the stats changeable?


Memories of Battle do not accumulate nearly as fast as Skirmish Tickets, yet you need a butt-ton of them for everything.



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> Memories of Battle do not accumulate nearly as fast as Skirmish Tickets, yet you need a butt-ton of them for everything.


Ugh, I know, I feel this.

I agree with you, 20g isn't cheap (unless you've been playing a good long time and have gold lying around/you're willing to spend that much). It takes an age to get them, especially because the skirmish chests reset every week. If they did the same on the ranked PvP chests, I would never have gotten past bronze.



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> @"ShadowDove.8329" said:

> Hi guys, I was just wondering, how difficult is it to get Memories of Battle in WvW? I'm trying to make some legendaries, and I did a 4h run in WvW with a zerg (without boosters, because I'm a noob and forgot) and only got ~30 of them. Is this considered a 'normal' rate? Or are there faster ways of getting them in WvW? I'm not looking to buy them off TP.


Boosters don't affect Skirmish Track, only Reward track



Reward Track usually takes bout 6hr and a bit more to complete with full booster, depends on how long it takes you to ramp up to T6 participation to get +195 per tick.

You can boost up to [+390 per tick with modifiers](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track#Reward_track_modifiers "+390 per tick with modifiers")

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@"Eramonster.2718" I see your point about the less time consuming one winning out, but it depends on the player too. I don't have enough ascended gear to even go near t4 fractals, so that's off the table till later. I'll look into Istan tho, thanks!


@"crepuscular.9047" Thanks! I found out about that the hard way last week lmao. I'll check out the modifiers and see what I can do with what I have

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Players earn 15-20g from dailies fractals T4 (30mins with a good group). Istan is also a good choice for gold. A matter of perspective of how one see it; spend time to farm the item or gold for the item. Usually the one less time consuming triumphs.


Unfortunately those are all PvE farms, and you are telling people not to play WvW for something they need IN WvW. Doesn't make much sense, does it.


My game mode of choice is WvW, and that's what all my characters are geared for. That isn't to say I don't do, or like, PvE. But, when I only have 2-3 hours at night, during the week, to play it will 95% of the time be spent in WvW, not farming PvE.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > Players earn 15-20g from dailies fractals T4 (30mins with a good group). Istan is also a good choice for gold. A matter of perspective of how one see it; spend time to farm the item or gold for the item. Usually the one less time consuming triumphs.


> Unfortunately those are all PvE farms, and you are telling people not to play WvW for something they need IN WvW. Doesn't make much sense, does it.


I'm telling people there are alternative aside playing WvW for the item. Not enforcing anything, just logically speaking in most cases, the most efficient way (shortest time) to obtain it, is often the preferred choice. :sweat:

> My game mode of choice is WvW, and that's what all my characters are geared for. That isn't to say I don't do, or like, PvE. But, when I only have 2-3 hours at night, during the week, to play it will 95% of the time be spent in WvW, not farming PvE.


Nothing wrong by making WvW to be the choice. Just stating that there are 2 choices for players to obtain the item; by playing WvW or purchase them from TP. To play an hour or two PvE to obtain enough gold for a stack(250x memory of battle) from TP; or play two to three hours a day for roughly 2 weeks for a stack. The choice is up to the players.


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> @"ShadowDove.8329" said:

> @"Eramonster.2718" I see your point about the less time consuming one winning out, but it depends on the player too. I don't have enough ascended gear to even go near t4 fractals, so that's off the table till later. I'll look into Istan tho, thanks!


> @"crepuscular.9047" Thanks! I found out about that the hard way last week lmao. I'll check out the modifiers and see what I can do with what I have


I just spent 15 minutes doing my usual gathering run in Sparkfly Fen. Got enough hard wood and platinum to buy 50 memories of battle. If I also factor in the leather(via glyph of the leatherworker that was free) then I can get 70. This does not require any ascended gear. As a lv55-65 zone you don't even need a lv80.



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