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Do we really need 9 new elite specs each expansion?

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Discovering new ways to play your favourite profession is a key factor of GW2 expanions. However the pace in which new elite specs are being added seems very fast. We can already experience that Balance Team has a hard time keeping both core professions & elite specs in check.


I personally don't think that we need an entire elite spec: traits, utilities, weapons and new mechanic to have fun with the game. **What if future expansion would unlock only new weapon but for core professions?** Let's say mainhand torch for guardian. Firebrand, Dragonhunter and Core Guardian could use this weapon in main hand.

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I remember devs talking about the original Guild Wars and the problems it faced. There were so many skills that at some point new skills were just better versions of old ones. New elite specs every 2 years may cause the same issues.

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> @"Assic.2746" said:

> I remember devs talking about the original Guild Wars and the problems it faced. There were so many skills that at some point new skills were just better versions of old ones. New elite specs every 2 years may cause the same issues.


That's why they designed the current system the way they did and why they put the restrictions they did on elite specs (that's the reason you can't use two elite specs at once, for example) .

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They need to give us more ways to play classes. As much as we would like to see the addition of whole new classes, it may be easier and provide more variation to provide us with new was to expand on the classes we already have.


I would love to see new classes added, but honestly, would love to be given new and interesting ways to play existing classes, like giving us a Engineer elite spec that gives us a proper Golemancer.

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Amazing. This is the first time I see someone wanting LESS for what he is paying. This is like going to the shop, buying a cheese then slicing it in half and giving the rest back because "it is too much."


This game was released in 2012. For 6 years it had two expansions. So new elite specs come every three years. Do you honestly think this is such a frequent occurrence? Really?


I bought both expansions because they allowed me unique and fun gameplay options. Introducing a new weapon for a core spec which you have already played for years without adding new and interesting mechanics does not justify the cost of an entire expansion. Gliding and mounts are cool, but not enough.


Elite specs are not balanced because:

1)They require months of tuning AFTER release just to see the real impact actually made upon every aspect of the game

2)The balance team seems to be either understaffed or not really playing their own game because some of the changes they make are pointless or just bad.

3) Some of the elite specs are very fun and creative...but many of the core skill trees aren't. Since core profession trees are rarely, if ever, updated to match the new changes, they cannot compete with the new and improved designs. It is a powercreep problem which can be seen in many modern games.








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The problem with this thread/topic is that it is a rare gamer that says no to more. Most gamers just considers "more is better", and doesn't care about the details.


I personally could do well without, but ANet would have trouble keeping parts of their player-base if they got no new shinies for builds (and power creep).


I think that other variants might work well though, like making a new/alternative traitline to an existing spez that recycle the same skills, weapon, and class mechanic for example. But I know the net effect would be the forums taking out hte pitchforks and torches, screaming bloody murder for giving them "less". At that point they could sell the expansion 10$ cheaper and people would still complain. :)

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Really, absolutely, *need*, perhaps not.

But there needs to be new content that adds new ways to play the game that differ from expansion to expansion AND player to player.

Various ways are

- branching story lines

- new races

- elite specs or new classes

- story/PvE content that changes depending on class or allegiances


Of these options, elite specs are probably the most realistic choice.


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I am torn.


On the one hand, I really like the elite specs.


On the other: we have issues with power creep where the old classes and elite specs get outshined by the new ones (Anyone running herald anymore? Herald was a ton of fun, I wish it were relevant.)


On the other other hand (Doesn't everyone have three hands?): Creativity. With each expansion we get nine new classes essentially. That's gotta be really hard on the creative department. Eventually, one would think, there would be crossover in mechanics between classes, blurring the lines of what does what even more than its done now.


And then balancing essentially 36 classes (base, HoT, PoF, and new expac) would be a nightmare. Just look at Eve Online with its 200 ships. The game is severely unbalanced, and most ships actually do the same thing with little differences between them like what weapons they can use. Adding more classes is essentially going to end up the same way, I think.


I may be wrong though, maybe the creative team will surprise me, maybe the devs will be great at balancing, maybe the power creep won't be there. Maybe old classes and builds will one day be relevant again (I really do miss my boon bot...).

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I'd certainly want at least one more. 3 per class is a nice number for elite specs - ideally means 3 distinct playstyles and roles across all game modes.


Beyond that I'm not fussed.


Edit - actually beyond that I'd love it if say the elite specs per class were capped at 3, then each major expansion there was a general enhancement to all specs, for example branching skill evolutions/upgrades, trait upgrades and so on - providing more depth to both skill and trait customisation. Things like a choice of two different auto attacks for each weapon, choices between at least two different enhancements/upgrades to each weapon skill etc...

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> @"Gomes.5643" said:

> While I voted Yes, I also think that first all core classes should be made more equal for the number of usable weapons. Currently there is a huge cap between them.


That would be hard since warrior can use every weapon except shortbow and staff.

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Technically an expansion doesn't need anything. It has to contain some stuff, but there's no individual features it absolutely must have, even now Anet have kind of established a pattern for them.


The problem, as other people have said, is players expectations. If it doesn't include an elite specialisation for each profession it will have to include something else that will appeal to the same type of players and appear to be equally worthwhile. If they'd just added new weapons (either brand new ones or new to each profession) with HoT and PoF they could maybe get away with that, although I suspect it would still feel a bit lacking. Now releasing just a weapon would definitely feel like a step down.

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> @"Assic.2746" said:

> > @"Gomes.5643" said:

> > While I voted Yes, I also think that first all core classes should be made more equal for the number of usable weapons. Currently there is a huge cap between them.


> That would be hard since warrior can use every weapon except shortbow and staff.


Actually warrior can't wield pistols, scepters, foci, short bows, staves, or tridents.


Also, why would you want to duel wield torches? There's a reason why torches are considered improvised weapons in both real life and games like DnD. wielding one in your off hand is one thing, but duel wielding them is just asking for trouble. Same goes for the other three off hand only weapons.


Going to the main topic, if Anet gave us an expansion without elite specs, or just gave the core classes new weapons, things won't end well.

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> @"Assic.2746" said:

> > @"Gomes.5643" said:

> > While I voted Yes, I also think that first all core classes should be made more equal for the number of usable weapons. Currently there is a huge cap between them.


> That would be hard since warrior can use every weapon except shortbow and staff.


Thats why I said more equal. Even if we exclude eles and warriors for example the revenant has 10 weaponsskills less than the guardian and the mesmer 6. Thats more then a full 2 handed weapon.

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> @"Assic.2746" said:

> Discovering new ways to play your favourite profession is a key factor of GW2 expanions. However the pace in which new elite specs are being added seems very fast. We can already experience that Balance Team has a hard time keeping both core professions & elite specs in check.


> I personally don't think that we need an entire elite spec: traits, utilities, weapons and new mechanic to have fun with the game. **What if future expansion would unlock only new weapon but for core professions?** Let's say mainhand torch for guardian. Firebrand, Dragonhunter and Core Guardian could use this weapon in main hand.


Why argue for less options?


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